Community > Posts By > indianadave4
Liberal or Conservative
The reason behind the conflict with Judge Kavanah
Originalist (conservative) constitutional interpretation: 1. Originalism reduces the likelihood that unelected judges will seize the reigns of power from elected representatives. 2. Originalism in the long run better preserves the authority of the Court. 3. Non-originalism allows too much room for judges to impose their own subjective and elitist values. Judges need neutral, objective criteria to make legitimate decisions. The understanding of the framers and ratifiers of a constitutional clause provide those neutral criteria. 4. Lochner vs. New York (widely considered to be a bad non-originalist decision). 5. Leaving it to the people to amend their Constitution when need be promotes serious public debate about government and its limitations. 6. Originalism better respects the notion of the Constitution as a binding contract. 7. If a constitutional amendment passed today, we would expect a court five years from now to ask what we intended to adopt and not leave it open to personal interpretation. 8. Originalism more often forces legislatures to reconsider and possibly repeal or amend their own bad laws, rather than to leave it to the courts to get rid of them. Non-Originalists (liberals) want judges to be able to stretch constitutional interpretation to fit personal opinion of circumstances. A good example of this was Earl Warren. If some feel the constitution needs revamping it should be performed by the legislative branch and not by the court system. Legislating by the bench (court system) is constitutionally illegal and bypasses the constitution itself. Unfortunately a precedent was set by Earl Warren who presided over the Supreme Court during a period of sweeping changes in U.S. constitutional law. These changes were not generated by the legislature (House of Representatives and the Senate) but by the Supreme Court taking existing laws and stretching them to apply in areas the legislature never intended. The whole purpose of the court system is to apply the law as written by the legislature. When it comes to the writers intent the legistature body has documented the why's and wherefore's for writing any particular law. |
Measuring the economy
Democrats can't run on the welfare vote if people are working and supporting themselves. They are clearing trying to damage our country. It appears media has an agenda.
The Dems love doom and dismal times. Fact is they can not stand prosperity under a republican president
And they spend their days trying to poke holes in opposed to enjoying it Professional..mourners ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The question is why are the news media and democrat's like this??? ![]() WHY? |
Measuring the economy
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Sun 09/30/18 09:44 PM
Don't forget that Nixon got rid of tariffs with China....and most of our cheaper goods now come from China. Plus American businesses have been investing there too. And Nixon was a Republican. Let us remember that President Nixon opened China up to the real world. I don't doubt he did that as an incentive to win over Mao Tse-tung. Opening China up to the world was a huge accomplishment (at the time). He, also, pulled us out of Vietnam. Two big accomplishments but he never received due credit because of Watergate. |
Measuring the economy
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Sun 09/30/18 09:33 PM
In the last month or so the Canadian PM refused to agree with the idea of renegotiating NAFTA. Of course, the media ran constant news articles of how Canada won't and American manufactures and farmers will loose big time. The Canadian government had until midnight, October 1st to respond or face higher import duties.
Well, guess what????? ![]() The news and democrat's would go to any lengths to stop our President from achieving his goal of "Leveling the playing field". So this raises the questions: 1. Why were the democrat's and media so opposed to having even trade tariffs? 2. Why did Clinton, Bush and Obama sign or agree to agreements that placed our farmers and industry at such a disadvantage with Canadian competitors? (as well as European, Mexican and Chinese)? These three presidents were working against our own people!. People keep asking WHY but those that oppose the President never respond! We can only assume they possess the "Anything to bring down President Trump" is okay irregardless of how it effects our nation! |
Liberal or Conservative
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Sat 09/29/18 11:09 PM
strictly speaking liberal: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. also, 'Liberal' shares a root with 'liberty' and can mean anything from "generous" to "loose" to "broad-minded." Politically, it means "“a person who believes that government should be active in supporting social and political change." conservative: a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : TRADITIONAL b : marked by moderation or caution c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners Do you fall in either 'box' or somewhere else? I believe others would think I am liberal. However, I think I fall in between. For instance, I am open to new things but not willing to discard traditional 'family' type values. So am not NEATLY liberal. I also do wish to maintain certain institutions, like marriage, but not others like the current justice system, so I am also not NEATLY conservative. do you put either label on your views? Or do you walk a line of your own that does not neatly fit either? Personally this is a cookie cutter question. I guess I have to ask: 1. Wanting to maintain a reasonable income undermined by the ever increasing tax and spend mentality (socialism). 2. Wanting the federal government to not take away personal rights by the innuendo that if we give them up the federal government will "try" to offer security. 3. Stop encroaching on states rights as stated in the constitution. 4. Stop secretly violating the constitution by illegally monitoring citizens personal communications by top security departments Without due process. 5. Stop government agencies (Ex: IRS, FBI, etc) from discriminating against groups or candidates their employees don't agree with philosophically. 6. Stop making international trade agreements that penalize our own industries. 7. Stop the Globalist (anti patriotic) governance and financial institutionism. 8. Stop international conflict involvement when we have no business being involved. 9.Place an emphasis on why people want to use drugs and become involved in murderous gangs instead of restricting our own rights. I.E. Finding and treating the problem and not attempting to treat the symptom. All supporting America instead of undermining it as the last three administrations have done. So what does this make me? BTW, there seems to be more to this than just politicians (and media). Really big money is in back of many politicians of both parties. The Rothchild's & Rockerfeller's joined forces to run all the private central banks of the world. If they don't somehow the US military becomes involved and then changes take place. These two families/international financiers make Bill Gates and others small potatoes when it comes to money. This is where the real influence is. Follow the money to the source of real political control. This is why President Trump isn't popular. He isn't "One of the Boys" under their influence: at least not yet and this infuriates them. |
A Desperate Agenda
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Sat 09/29/18 09:28 PM
Full Measure (CBS): Sheryl Attkinson
All security agencies (including the FBI) are refusing to release all documents regarding Russiagate. Congressman Mark Meadows spearheads a congressional group called Freedom Caucus. Freedom Caucus is a congressional caucus consisting of conservative and libertarian Republican members of the United States House of Representatives. Jim Jordon (R-Ohio) originally headed the group. Jim Jordon (R-Ohio) was the first to request full disclosure from the FBI and DOJ. Within a week women from Ohio suddenly appeared claiming sexual abuse by Jim Jordon. All members of the Freedom Caucus have been denied special positions in congress and have been labelled as a congressional cult and undermining the GOP. Unfortunately some in the GOP act and vote more like Democrats than Republicans. ------------------ Even President Trump has requested a release of all Russiagate documents but all agencies with this information refuse to give the information to him: and he's their boss. It's obvious the FBI and DOJ don't really want Russiagate information to be released most likely (IMO) because there isn't anything to incriminate the President on. This is Washington's big "Trump" card they have held over the President for the last 18 to 24 months and will continue to do so until after the 2020 election. Which they hope to win. As I've posted time and time again: instead of constant baseless accusations how about some hard, concrete FACTS. The public is getting fed up with boisterous accusations without FACTS. Personally I've turn a deaf ear toward the media and political Russiagate accusations for the above reason. |
A Desperate Agenda
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — As the Senate is divided on President Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick, so too are women across the country.
Female voices have echoed throughout the U.S. Senate this week demanding male senators justify their support for Brett Kavanaugh's U.S. Supreme Court nomination despite an allegation of high school sexual assault. But other women have spent hours calling Senate offices in support of Kavanaugh, condemning what they saw as an anti-Republican ploy that's damaged not only Kavanaugh's reputation and livelihood but also his accuser's. Kevin Bishop, a spokesman for U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham — who gave a fiery defense of Kavanaugh after the judge's testimony Thursday — said Graham's office has received as many women calling in support of Kavanaugh as in opposition. I use yahoo mail. When I exit yahoo mail it forwards me to their national news page. Yahoo News is famous for taking a liberal stance on everything. Typically 4 out of the top 10 stories are always anti-Trump and anti-conservative. It is very surprising that articles like the above and the one about Bill Clinton raping a woman in 1978 would see the light of day. Even CNN has had articles critical of what has happened and how the democrat's have handled it. Maybe they see the light at the end of the tunnel and are afraid of the public loosing all faith in their news reporting. I still don't trust any of them. -------------------------------- Who is Christine Blasey Ford: The Soros connection The lawyer representing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser is a leader in an organization that has been directly funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, reports say. Debra Katz, who is representing Christine Blasey Ford, is vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight. Last month, Katz’s organization, along with several other left-leaning groups, co-signed a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Charles Grassley demanding Kavanaugh records. Katz has also donated thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. George Soros bet big on liberal democracy. Now he fears he is losing. Probably why he is funneling so much money into finding "dirt" on conservatives. |
A Desperate Agenda
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Sat 09/29/18 04:15 PM
[quote}it really doesnt matter though, because Bill Clinton is no longer running for any office, let alone one that will be a LIFETIME job with authority over others.
The #Metoo philosophy is "any man" should be up for social media prosecution as well as literal legal prosecution whether he is running for office or not. To say it doesn't matter is to say he can get away with rape! Not, exactly, a supportive #Metoo philosophy! If Bill Cosby can be held accountable for a sexual crime why can't Bill Clinton? I would assume because Bill and Hillary are huge democratic supporters and will remain immune from being held accountable. His political party supporters are denying justice for the woman he raped. This is hypocritical and denying justice. Again, I would whole heartedly support the FBI and DOJ taking a look into the last 40 years of all House of Representatives, Senators and Federal judges to see what they find and see who is left standing. This may clean house of a lot of high powered elected officials of both parties who don't respond to the people of this country anymore. In fact, IMO both the House and Senate terms and limits should mirror what the limits are on the President: two, four year terms. All could no longer serve in their respective sections of the congress. This may reduce the Washington power seduction process.The shadow government would be deeply upset. |
A Desperate Agenda
WASHINGTON ― In 1999, Juanita Broaddrick said then-President Bill Clinton had raped her 20 years earlier. She received skeptical media attention at that time, and several polls found that the American public didn’t believe her.
Now, with the Me Too movement bringing greater scrutiny to bad men in politics, media and business ― and even ending their careers ― journalists have revisited Broaddrick’s story and found it more credible. Even Democratic voters now say they believe the sexual assault or harassment allegations against Clinton. For that, Broaddrick is glad. Specifically, Broaddrick said Senate Democrats refused to read a deposition she’d given investigators into Clinton’s misconduct. Broaddrick’s allegation had been omitted from the articles of impeachment that passed the House in 1998, however, which focused on his committing perjury while president, and only surfaced after the Senate acquitted Clinton the following year. The fact that nobody said they heard about Blasey’s assault around the time it occurred, Broaddrick said, is why she finds it unbelievable. “You compare that with mine ― data, dates, people I told, injuries,” she said, referring to her claim that Clinton bit her lip. “I think she’s casting a very dark shadow on real victims,” Broaddrick said. The only person other person Blasey said was in the room was Mark Judge, a classmate of Kavanaugh’s who has said he never saw the judge behave in the way Blasey described. But Republicans have shown little interest in getting further testimony from Judge, a conservative writer. ----------------------------------------- So will the democrat's ask that Bill Clinton be investigated by the FBI and DOJ? Anyone holding their breath? |
A Desperate Agenda
Deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect ... The FBI should do a 40 year background check on every member of Congress and every federal judge and see who's left standing! |
A Desperate Agenda
CNN Anchor Skeptical of Kavanaugh ‘Gang Rape’ Accusation: ‘They Don’t Make Sense to Me’
CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota said she was skeptical of Julie Swetnick, the latest woman to come forward against Brett Kavanaugh, telling Swetnick’s attorney Michael Avenatti that she found many of her most salacious allegations hard to believe. ------------------------- I've never known of college students going to high school parties. Especially high school parties where there are only a couple of girls and over a dozen guys and the guys usually gang up on the girls. The demcrat's want a #MeToo trial. |
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers".
- Socrates |
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Wed 09/26/18 10:30 PM
Trump profits from globalization, even though he bashes it "President Trump told the world this week that “we reject the ideology of globalism.” But globalism has been crucial to the success of Trump’s own business, another instance of Trump the politician contradicting Trump the businessman". Doing business internationally is not the same as the global economic system that globalists want. Globalists want a global financial system and government. They want to do away with the concept of individual nations. |
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Wed 09/26/18 05:39 PM
if numbers equal concern, I do wonder why there is more of a push against drugs than a push for responsible gun ownership since, as stated above, gun homicide stands at 11 odd thousand, but drug homicide at only over 100 (if we are to believe the numbers anyway) The most homicides do occur by guns. And if that number is not large enough to be truly concerned, should we be concerned about any other type of homicides? Of the people I know who own weapons all of them are responsible in how they store and use them. At least what I hear on local and national news the majority of homicides are a result of gang and drug dealing. Maybe we should be investing more money and effort into why people want to escape reality (drugs) and find and fill the need to join gangs? |
Gun Deaths Are Mostly Suicides
By Margot Sanger-Katz Oct. 8, 2015 When Americans think about deaths from guns, we tend to focus on homicides. But the problem of gun suicide is inescapable: More than 60 percent of people in this country who die from guns die by suicide. Suicide gets a lot less attention than murders for a few reasons. One big one is that news organizations generally don’t cover suicides the way they do murders. There’s evidence that news attention around suicide can lead to more suicides. Suicide is more stigmatized and less discussed than homicide. ----------------- I posted this, not because the remaining 40% are unimportant, but the whole story is not being stated. From news articles there is a vast difference between the 30,000 statistic that the national news quote and insinuate are murders and the 12,000 actual homicides. They're playing a game to push their agenda. |
Striking a balance in #MeToo
Since the headlines about Bill Cosby, it has troubled me how easily accusations can lead to guilt in the public (and also the official) courts. Women literally have the power with mere words to ruin CERTAIN powerful men(others are still pretty much untouchable) but on the other hand, it is also troubling that men can so easily and acceptably be excused from whorish behavior or even assault while the women they are with are shamed and demeaned instead. So, if we accept that both men and women can behave like 'whores'. And if we accept that both men and women can exaggerate or lie(especially in this very attention driven culture) ... where is the balance? Should we go back to teaching our young men to be gentelemen and our females to be ladies, at least as far as dating and intimate encounters are concerned? Should we remove the spontanaeity of an intimate encounter by expecting some standard of what will or wont pass as 'consent'? Do we just teach males to respect females and themselves, and females to respect males and themselves? Where do we start, with such an anything goes casual encounter type culture, to begin diminishing the propensity for these things to happen? We, as a country, began to abandon these principles you've mentioned in the late 60's. Anyone who opposes the current sex/violence in our media and life style are accused of being NAZI like. "You're trying to take my rights away"! Today's social ills are a product of the morals and ethics of the last 40 years. Most under the age of 30 have learned their conflict resolution abilities from social media and video games. |
Measuring the economy
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Tue 09/25/18 09:08 PM
Debt isn't the only part of measuring the economy though. Trade deficit is also an important factor. If a nation imports more than it exports, then that is money removed from domestic circulation. While some may stay here in the form of jobs, a good chunk of the money is going overseas to bolstering someone else's economy. If we want a healthy economy, we can't have a trade deficit in regards to domestic circulation, i.e. more money going overseas than remaining here at home. Thus one has to look at whether the jobs created -- and the money retained at home through such -- is enough to offset the money spent by purchasing goods from another nation. The less currency circulating at home, the less room there is for economic growth and the greater the risk of inflation. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free-trade zone in North America; it was signed in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took effect on Jan. 1, 1994. NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the signatory nations. It also calls for the gradual elimination, over a period of 15 years, of most remaining barriers to cross-border investment and to the movement of goods and services among the three countries. ------------------------------------------- NAFTA has been great for Canadian industry and government but bad for the citizen. NAFTA is suppose to eliminate tariffs between Canada, USA and Mexico. In reality what's happening is very different. Typically tariffs on USA produced products are from 50 to 300%. American competition is being kept out of Canada so prices will be artificially maintained. This is the BIG reason Canada does not want to renegotiate NAFTA. Canadian industry and the federal government are making huge profits and do not want to give that up. Here are complaints of Canadian consumers: "The biggest discrepancy I have found is 24-hour allergy medication. A 24-dose package is $15 to $20 in Canada. I bought the same medication, 300 doses (a year's supply) for $14.99 in the U.S." - Ryan Harrison, Fort Erie, Ont. "I'm a Canadian who lives in Chicago. I've lived in both B.C. and Nova Scotia, and the average price of milk there is $5 for 4 litres. In Chicago, I can buy 4 litres of milk for $1.89. ... It's not right how much Canadians have to pay for things. It's detrimental to quality of life, and it's harmful to Canadians in so many different ways." - Rebecca, Chicago, IL "I am a graduate student and often order online through Amazon. Books are cheaper by a factor of two sometimes on vs. I feel cheated every time I have to use the Canadian online version of this retailer." - Prashant Dhiman, Toronto "An oxygen sensor for Toyota Sequoia emission control was quoted at $284 from a Toyota dealer here in Victoria. The same part was $156 at a Toyota dealership in Seattle." - Bob, Victoria "I bought winter tires last year. The price difference was outrageous. Made in USA. Bridgestone Blizzaks LM-25 P225/45 R17. The Costco Canada price is $335 each; the Costco USA price is $215 each." - Richard, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que. " I requested pricing by e-mail from a Toyota dealer here in Calgary and another one in the U.S. The disparity is shocking! For example, a switch from the U.S. dealer was quoted at $59.98; the same switch from the Calgary dealer was $160.88." - Peter Wanhill, Calgary Similar disparities have been allowed by the last three administrations between the USA with Europe and China. Funny how the news media doesn't report the entire story. But then they won't. Their intent is to defame President Trump at every turn in the road. |
God never meant scripture to be descriptive of every person who lived. Only the ones who played a specific part in his plan.
There is no "rapture" in the Scriptures. The term rapture is a term assigned to this event in the early 1800's in England.The Apostle Paul used the term "catching away". The term isn't important: being ready is! |
Penetration capacity of a 357 magnum and 44 magnum rounds using 12x12 metal squares. To my surprise the 44 magnum went through 8 and the 357 magnum went through 9. Clint Eastwood would be disappointed.