!~ Free Your Mind People - FREE... YOUR... MIND ~!
The "Nuzzling" Terror Cell
Source: http://www.infowars.net/articles/november2006/151106Nuzzling.htm
(Please go to the main link above to see Images, mainstream news links and images within the Live Article... Thanks!) (IMAGE) The "Nuzzling" Terror Cell Couple face 20 years behind bars for "kissing and cuddling" on a plane as airline insanity flies to new heights Steve Watson Infowars.net Wednesday, November 15, 2006 The Insanity of Homeland Security enforced airline security measures reached a new high today as two American citizens were charged with violating the Patriot Act for "sexual play" on a Southwest Airlines flight from Los Angeles. Just when you thought it was safe to get back on a plane, just when you thought it may be possible to fly without fear of hijacking by liquid explosive baby milk wielding psychopath Islamofascists bent on destroying 400 airliners all at once thus igniting atmospheric gasses and triggering mass armageddon all over the planet, you were wrong. You were wrong because now we must face the threat of the "nuzzling" terrorists. Carl Persing and Dawn Sewell, a couple in their early forties, were observed nuzzling or kissing each other on the neck, and allegedly engaging in more adult sexual acts. "During these actions, Sewell was observed smiling," reads the indictment filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. OH NO NOT "SMILING" AS WELL, HOW COULD THEY? In all seriousness however, this may at first seem like an isolated incident, sadly it is not, it is the latest in an unending series of examples of ludicrous airport and airline incidents that indicate the extent to which freedom of movement is under attack. It is also the latest example in a long history of the use of the Patriot Act against lawful American citizens. Persing and Sewell are facing up to twenty years in prison for violating legislation that, although unlawfully passed, is supposed to be for use against those who commit or intend to commit terrorist acts. Today also saw a 65-year-old Australian man fined S$10,000 ($6,423), under the United Nations anti-terrorism regulations, by a Singapore court for uttering the word "bomb" on a flight to Indonesia. He was lucky he wasn't gunned down like the incident in Miami where Rigoberto Alpizar was shot on board American Airlines Flight 924 for "saying he had a bomb". Previous mind boggling airport and airline incidents include: -- A Wisconsin man who wrote "Kip Hawley is an Idiot" on a plastic bag containing toiletries was detained in September. -- An 83-year-old wheelchair bound breast cancer, broken hip from a fall and stroke victim was manhandled and treated to extra screening at At Denver International Airport, in April -- Harraj Mann was reported to the British airport police for listening to a Clash record in a taxi on the way to the airport. The weasel driver was so frightened by some of the lyrics that he took them as a rallying call for a terrorist attack. -- A man was arrested in Portland airport in december 2002 for becoming angry when security groped his pregnant wife and ordered her to strip in front of hundreds of other passengers. -- Passengers on a flight returning from Malaga Spain complained about two Asian men who they thought were potential suicide hijackers. The evidence? They were Asian! To the astonishment of the students they were marched off the plane at gun point before it took off. -- On August 14th a British Airways flight bound for New York was diverted back to Heathrow Airport because a mobile phone rang at the rear of the plane and its owner was not to be found. In August of this year we saw the mother of all fake terror alerts used to beta test a system of total tyrannical control within airports where mothers carrying baby milk as well as gel bra wearers, lip gloss users, people who wear coats and children who carry dolls were treated as possible terrorists. (IMAGE) Several incidents have occurred where people who rely on medication have become ill or even fallen into comas because airport staff have refused to let them take medicines on board. While a couple of weeks before a tabloid reporter had "planted a bomb" on a nuclear waste train by just walking onto it, the British and American public were being ordered around, background checked, screened and analyzed in any airport they entered. Similarly, test runs where terrorists smuggle dummy nuclear bombs across the US border without being apprehended were successfully conducted by Glenn Spencer's American Border Patrol on three separate occasions. Airports and the general public, however, remain the focus of beefed up security measures. Immediately after the very dubious plot details broke the British Government again attempted to ram though draconian detainee legislation, only to face a fierce backlash from the public who were sick and tired of being treated like mindless fools that believe anything they are told by their leaders. Airline companies too have viscously attacked the government, this week it was revealed that BA's "terror alert" bill has hit 100 million pounds. It is now clear that anything anyone does in an airport or on a plane, including talking and kissing, is being categorized as possible terrorism. This is an excuse to implement the first stage of an agenda to create a two tier caste system whereby only government authorized citizens will be able to travel and everyone will be subject to intense airport style harassment on city streets. Such idiotic excuses are being used everyday to cram our lives with escalating security measures, biometric and body scans, lie detector tests, behavior analysis, facial analysis and spot teams to spy on passengers. We are being acclimatized to these things, first within airports. Technology and measures that you don't even see used in prisons or high security facilities are being passed off as completely normal in airports. Every indication suggests that there are moves afoot to implement these measures and methods into everyday life. A year ago we were told that Federal air marshals were to expand their work beyond airplanes, launching counterterror surveillance at train stations and other mass transit facilities. So called "Visible Intermodal Protection and Response" teams — or VIPER teams, may soon be permanently implemented on everyday transport facilities. (IMAGE) With no real threat to counter such teams will busy themselves busting people selling tokens and herding people around like cattle in 'shock and awe' programs, whatever the hell that term is supposed to mean now, prodding them through transit scanners. We are told that an attack on transit systems with in the US is inevitable, In Canada record levels of funding are now being poured into transit security to develop new surveillance networks, including cameras; develop risk assessments and security plans, and hire staff. Of course this is necessary because despite the moves to totally crank up security on transit systems, Al Qaeda has them as their main targets. The airports are merely a beta test for the exact same measures to be rolled out in major cities, where regular checkpoint officials inspect internal passports and consumers are body scanned to enter a supermarket or any kind of public event as spy drones swoop overhead to catalogue movement and alert authorities to any suspicious body language (remember Poindexter's gait analysis?). The majority of what I outlined is already being implemented at major transport and police hubs in the US and Britain. When the technology to automate these measures is more widely used, its cost will drop and in turn spread like wildfire outside of the major cities and into local communities - unless we scream bloody murder and stop it before it makes it out of the airport terminal and onto our street corners and we all end up being categorized as suspects along with the "nuzzling terrorists". |
Sup mick from Canada... Welcome!
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5432985120114407979&q=john+conner+visits+san+diego&hl=en (Go to main link above to see the Video Clip...Thanks!) Related: http://www.TheResistanceManifesto.com Related: (Free Version Online) - Loose Change 2nd Edition - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&q=loose+change Related: (Free Version) - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=786048453686176230&sourceid=zeitgeist - Terrostorm - The History of Government Sponsored Terror... - ( As sold on Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Terrorstorm-History-Government-Sponsored-Terrorism/dp/B000HRJLM4/sr=8-1/qid=1162237325?ie=UTF8&tag2=infowars-20 ) Note: If online videos don't play at first... Please keep trying. Eventually they will play or check back later for viewing. About Video: John Conner visits San Diego State University (SDSU) and crashes a BIO 100 Lecture to spread some 9/11 truth and gave away free dvds of Loose Change 2nd Edition a Must See!! |
Sooooo... do any of YOU want your own Global ID card?
Most likely to me in the Real World. I call this your own Slave ID/United Nations Global ID Card. I know I'm not going to accept this card for my safety or security. Because in giving up my rights and liberties. I recieve NEITHER but total Privacy lost in a High-Tech Surveilled Society. Our whole world is becoming a Global Prison Grid.... |
A classic ^_^
http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=a93ec036-ff8c-4346-a559-97bc33de72f0&k=45732 Related: Real ID/National ID Card - http://www.prisonplanet.com/archives/realid/ Related: Big Brother Archive - http://www.prisonplanet.com/archive_big_brother.html Controversial ID cards have support of 53 per cent of Canadians: Study Gregory Bonnell Canadian Press Tuesday, November 14, 2006 The controversial idea of Canadians carrying a national identification card that bears their personal information has the support of more than half the country, a new study of public attitudes towards privacy suggests. The cards - strongly opposed by privacy commissioners and civil libertarians despite calls for their use in the wake of the 9-11 terror attacks - are considered a good idea by 53 per cent of Canadians, according to a study released Monday by Queen's University. Still, 48 per cent of the study's 1,001 Canadian respondents expressed concern that post-9-11 laws aimed at protecting national security are too intrusive - exposing a Canadian public "polarized" on issues of privacy, said one of the researchers behind the study. "It's a hotbed topic," said Linda Harling-Stalker, a post-doctoral fellow at Queen's. "The thing that we're really pointing out is the connection to anti-terrorism laws as it relates to your sense of a breach of personal information." The study, which looked at how 9,000 people in eight countries view surveillance and privacy, found Americans even more wary of post-9-11 legislation than Canadians. The margin of error for the Canadian respondents portion of the study was plus or minus 3.1 per cent. While 48 per cent of respondents in Canada felt such laws intrude on their privacy, that number rose to 57 per cent in the United States. Although the United States is working on an ID card, only 44 per cent of Americans agreed with the idea. The global move toward ID cards makes the argument against them moot, said Denis Coderre, the former immigration minister who spearheaded the campaign to bring them to Canada. "You have over 176 countries right now with a national ID card," said Coderre, who called the Conservative government "short-sighted" for suggesting an ID card program would be too expensive. "The government won't have any choice, because at the end of the day it will be imposed by international standards." Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said the ID cards are not an option his government is leaning toward. In 2003, Coderre proposed a plastic card that would contain not only personal data but also biometric information - such as fingerprints or retina scans. "It's more than the technology," said Coderre. "There's a social conscience that should be attached to it. ... We don't want to create a (police state)." The government agency issuing the cards would also become a central repository for the personal information contained on them. That has raised concerns from privacy commissioners and constitutional lawyers. "It's a bad idea because we don't know exactly what will happen to the information that's contained on the card," said lawyer Morris Manning, who made submissions in 2003 to a Commons committee studying the issue. "We have no assurance that the card itself will be used in a limited fashion, and that the information that's stored cannot be accessed by those whom we don't want to have access to it." Some Canadians appear to share that concern. While 53 per cent either "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with the idea of an ID card, only 43 per cent said they were confident Ottawa would be able to safeguard the information from privacy abuses. Overall, less than half of Canadians said they trusted the federal government with their personal information, with the Americans at 38 per cent. Brazilians proved especially suspect, with only 20 per cent saying they trust the government with their information. By contrast, 63 per cent of Chinese respondents said they trusted their government. Earlier this month, a study released by the London-based Privacy International ranked Germany and Canada the best defenders of privacy. The Queen's University study, which asked questions on a number of privacy-related issues, also found that two-thirds of Canadian respondents were worried about providing personal information on websites. Also, 58 per cent of Canadians rejected racial profiling at airports for security purposes while 48 per cent of Americans raised the same objection. |
Source: http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=35682
Your Smart Phone's data belong us, says US Danger from US customs checkpoints Tony Dennis: Inquirer Monday, November 13, 2006 US CITIZENS face the danger of their smartphones being confiscated ad infinitum according to a report in the New York Times. This report revealed that laptop computers are currently seized on a completely ad hoc basis from US citizens on re-entry to the US without "probably cause, reasonable suspicion or warrant." The whole thrust of the article illustrates how members of an industry body, the Association of Corporate Travel Executives, have and potentially can have, their laptops taken without even the remotest excuse by US government agencies. And one female member told the NYT that had she been waiting for at least a year to get her laptop back. One of the problems is that no-one has yet to legally challenge what the US government can or cannot do with the information it acquires as the result of such confiscations. In one instance, the victim in question had been found to be harbouring instances of child pornography. There's a grave danger, however, that US customs officials will soon realise that devices such as wireless PDAs and top end smartphones have the potential to store as much illicit data as a laptop. So US citizens face the prospect of their mobile phones not making it past baggage check. It's a daunting prospect. |
http://www.infowars.com/articles/us/cheney_next_on_chopping_block.htm Cheney Next on the Chopping Block? Wayne Madsen | November 13, 2006 - http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ According to Washington insiders, there are moves afoot to dump Vice President Dick Cheney and replace him with either John McCain or Rudolph Giuliani prior to the 2008 presidential election. Whoever succeeds Cheney will be able to campaign for the presidency with the perks that come with being an incumbent Vice President. Since the increasingly-besieged Cheney has signaled he has no intention of voluntarily stepping down, the strategy by the Bush camp may be to force him out by presenting evidence before Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald that it was Cheney who was responsible for the compromise of CIA non-proliferation covert officer Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates cover firm. Observers note the unusual professional relationship between Fitzgerald and Karl Rove's defense attorney Robert Luskin. Insiders believe that Fitzgerald may be proffered a carefully crafted deal by Luskin whereby Rove will testify to Cheney's primary role in the outing of Mrs. Wilson and her firm. The sealed indictment of Rove will then be retired permanently. If such a deal is worked out, Fitzgerald may then offer a deal to Lewis I. "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's former Chief of Staff, to also testify against Cheney. With such double-barreled testimony, President Bush will then be compelled to ask Cheney for his resignation or face a very nasty and public indictment. The game plan appears to be what DC insider Sally Quinn foresaw in her Washington Post op-ed last month, an article that suggested she has spoken extensively to a Donald Rumsfeld who was aware of his impending firing. The op-ed stated that Rumsfeld would not be the scapegoat for Iraq and planned to resign shortly after the election. Quinn, seemingly channeling Rumsfeld, stated that after Rumsfeld left, there will be only two scapegoats left: Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. The article concluded by asking which person would be served up as the official scapegoat for Iraq. This editor wrote, "based on the arrival of James Baker and a coterie of George H. W. Bush old hands on the scene to bail out Dubya, it is clear that the Bush family does not intend to allow one of its own to be declared scapegoat." With word from White House sources that Cheney was opposed to the sacking of his old mentor Rumsfeld and even more resistant to the naming of Bush family loyalist Robert Gates to take his place, it is clear that Cheney doesnot want to be placed in a position of exposure. However, even Cheney neo-con allies like Richard Perle and Ken Adelman, sensing that Cheney is the designated scapegoat, have bellowed about the Iraq war being a mistake and are now distancing themselves from the Cheney group, once the most powerful operating cell within the Bush administration. |
Source: http://www.infowars.net/articles/november2006/131106RonPaul.htm
(Please go to main link above to see live article with images, documentation and mainstream news source links within article...Thanks!) (IMAGE) Congressman: American Concentration Camps "On The Books" Texas Representative urges repeal of neo-fascist laws in America before it is too late Steve Watson Infowars.net Monday, November 13, 2006 Re-elected Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul joined Alex Jones on air last week to discuss the fallout of the midterm elections and what he sees transpiring over the next two years. He ended by ominously warning that if something is not done soon to overturn legislation such as the Military Commissions act, the law officially allows for citizen concentration camp facilities. Beginning with the positives to come out of the election, Ron Paul stressed that it has provided an important indication to the rest of the world that the people of America are unhappy with the usurpers that have seized control of their government and are trying to initiate change. The Congressman was quick to point out that this may not be carried into policy however: "Not a whole lot will change because the leadership on the Democratic side, even if they had their way, don't have a different foreign policy. They have been supportive of an interventionist foreign policy in the middle east, and they are not about to back away from that... They are willing to criticize the policy but only as a means to get power." As we have seen over the past week, leading Democrats are all towing the party line, unreservedly dismissing any notion of the possibility of impeaching the President over Iraq. The Congressman also stated that monetary policy will stay the same, which can only mean bad news for the American economy. " They all believe in the federal reserve, they are not going to get rid of the IRS and the income tax. I think the dollar is going to keep sliding, which means prices are going to rise, when currencies self destruct, the end goes quickly. There are no signs that there is anything being done in Washington to correct the problem. Spending is going to continue and probably going to get worse, the deficits are going to stay high if foreign policy is not going to change." The Congressman agreed that the elite globalists within the US government may not care about this too much because it means they can blow out the economy and then come back and buy it up very cheaply. These Internationalists care not about preserving and protecting American sovereignty when there is a quick buck to be made. "That's also part of the foreign policy to be in position to hold onto natural resources, that's one of the major reasons why we're in the middle east, so yes if there is a financial crisis, they're going to have the guns, and they have control of the natural resources... It's not a good scenario, because what usually happens when you wipe out a currency is that you wipe out the middle class, and we already see this happening. The standard of living is going down." Paul asserted. (IMAGE) Ron Paul's comments echo those of Former World Bank Vice President, Chief Economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, who two weeks ago predicted a global economic crash within 24 months - unless the current downturn is successfully managed. Asked if the situation was being properly handled Stiglitz emphatically responded "no," and also drew ominous parallels to the development of the NAFTA Superhighway and the North American Union. What real Conservatism there was left in the House, to block such moves, as well as Bush's amnesty program for illegals, is gone. With Pelosi at the helm Ron Paul sees it as a forgone conclusion that such policies will sail through. "I think that's right, although I complain about the two parties being exactly alike, I would say on this amnesty issue and what's happened with the election, there probably was a difference between the two. It is more likely with the Democrats in charge, and Judiciary and the other major committees, and with the President not really fighting for our national borders, he's always argued for some type of worker program, yes I think there's a much greater danger that that is going to be coming in the next session." Commenting on strategies to defeat the North American Union, the Congressman urged a continuance of educating people on the real issues and reaching more and more Americans who care about preserving their national sovereignty: "You have to keep doing what you are doing, you are reaching a lot of people, and they have to get to their members of congress, and in many ways the current House has been pretty good with this. With the new House we don't know exactly what is going to happen, but I had something very encouraging come to my attention just this week. I had a call from a young lady that won in Kansas as a Democrat, and in her literature she put my whole article on the NAFTA super corridor in there... She is not going to vote with Nancy Pelosi." (IMAGE) Finally, and perhaps most importantly, The Congressman spoke on the issue of going about demanding a repeal of freedom crushing legislation such as the Patriot act and the Military Commissions act and the Defense Authorization Act which essentially wipes out Habeas Corpus. "We might have to hope that our Supreme Court helps us out a little. The Court has been better than the executive branch and a heck of a lot better than the Congress, because we've given the President everything he's asked for and the President has been begging for all this authority, so immediately we have to hope that the courts will save us on some of these things. But once again ultimately its only when the people wake up and say they don't like this... sometimes the people wake up to late. Right now we don't have concentration camps, but like you have pointed out, the authority has been given so that concentration camps can come without Habeas Corpus . I have heard the argument that there is nothing else left in the Bill of Rights. If they can lock you up, what good is freedom of speech or what good is a gun? That is now part of the books, part of the law." Take Ron Paul's suggestion up and contact your new or re-elected members and demand a move to repeal legislation paving the way for fascist government control in America today. |
Yeah... This place where all hell can break loose in a split second.
There's drama here everyday and night. Enjoy your stay!! |
tigers.. bummer!
I knew they we're a bunch of PuSSiEs... =^_^= meooowww.... LmAo
Trust me muh dear...
There are MANY of such people here... Patience ^_^ ... And welcome!! |
Woah 0_o I was eating popcorn when I saw this post. Now my popcorn
bucket is on the ground & popcorn everywhere. Who cares what who thinks what about somebody?? If someone understands you and is a good friend or what not. Then that's all there is. Don't think about what others think of you. I for one don't judge and wouldn't give a dam of what others think of me for that matter. I'm going to live my life regardless and my life is mine to live and to adventure. But I'm happy you found your soulmate. Goodluck for the both of you and be happy in life is all that counts ^_^ Always remember that, you don't need the approval of others nor to prove yourself to others. Just be yourself regardless of what others think or say! |
I love bean burritos
I like burritos to. To bad I never had Taco Bell's yet.
Unfortunately, I cannot eat to many tacos for they give me poisonous bum gas and would kill the nose of those close by X_X ha ha ha. |
Just want to know why....
She sounds crazy psycho to me.
Trust me from experience... EMOTIONALLY MOVE ON while you still can and let her be man. Find a woman who will treat you right. Don't stick to an unhealthy scenario such as this. Just Move On man!! There's plenty of lady fish in the sea and soon. ONE you will catch will be that special one who will love ya for life! ^_^ Go out and have a great time it's saturday man. Get those spirits hoppy hop and flirt with some hot looking women in your area and you will forget all about the crap you go threw now. She moved on... NOW YOUUUU... move on with your life and find somebody else who will treat you like gold bra. The Chiz Man!! |
Source: http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52882
Truckers call for boycott of foreign-owned road Union opposes tollway, Trans-Texas Corridor, Mexican drivers ----------------------------------------------------------- Posted: November 10, 2006 By Jerome R. Corsi © 2006 WorldNetDaily.com Truckers are being called on to boycott a decision by Indiana to lease a highway to foreign investment groups. Todd Spencer, executive vice president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, OOIDA, has called for truckers to bypass the Indiana Toll Road, which has been leased to a consortium composed of Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transport, S.A., a Spanish investment consortium with ties to Juan Carlos and the ruling family of Spain, and the Australian investment firm Macquarie Infrastructure Group. In an article on the OOIDA website, Spencer argues, "This is a way to send the message that as more and more roads are converted to toll roads the secondary highways get more and more of the traffic. If that's the life they want to live, they ought to be willing to embrace it right now." Spencer told WND the OOIDA is strongly opposed to converting U.S. freeways to toll roads owned by foreign entities. The group's opposition includes the Trans-Texas Corridor, the four-football-field-wide NAFTA Superhighway parallel to Interstate-35 which Texas Gov. Rick Perry plans to begin next year. "The Bush administration is bending over backwards to accommodate Mexican trucks coming into the United States," Spencer said. "The whole goal is to get the absolute lowest cost of transportation, without worrying about important safety and security issues using Mexican trucks and Mexican truck drivers creates." Spencer believes one of those security issues is terrorism. "Worldwide trucks are the weapons of choice of terrorists," he emphasized. The Bush administration, Spencer contends, is not taking seriously enough the risk of opening the U.S. to Mexican trucks. "Who's going to check to see what's really in that truck? Nobody is going to check. That's the problem," he said. Responding to the Kansas City SmartPort plan to establish a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, Spencer said: "We evidently have a lot of people in the U.S. who have lost their minds." Spencer stressed that once a Mexican truck crosses the border, there is no real way to control where that truck ultimately goes. "Just because you have a Trans-Texas Corridor and a Mexican customs office in Kansas City doesn't mean Mexican trucks have to stay on this route," he explained. "There won't be anything meaningful to stop a Mexican truck from going wherever the driver wants, once the truck is across the border." When asked about enforcing a 20-mile commercial zone limiting where Mexican trucks can go in the U.S., Spencer was dismissive. "There's never been any 20-mile commercial zone in Texas that the Texas Department of Public Safety enforces," he said. "Once a truck clears the Mexican border with Texas, that truck is free to go wherever the driver wants to go in Texas. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Inspector General's office has conducted numerous investigations which show that Mexican trucks go right on from Texas to other states throughout the U.S. Spencer stressed that U.S. law enforcement will have no way to enforce U.S. law for Mexican trucks or drivers. "In Mexico, there's no computer system at all to track commercial drivers," he noted. "If a Mexican commercial driver's license is suspended, there's no way to track it, here or in Mexico." Spencer pointed out Mexico does not have the same medical requirements for getting a commercial driver's license. "There are no hours-in-service regulations for commercial drivers in Mexico," he stressed. "There are no drug-testing regulations in Mexico. The U.S. government says Mexican drivers crossing into the U.S. will have to comply with regulations, but Spencer believes the demand is not practical without a system in place with Mexico to verify enforcement. "Who is going to do a background check on a Mexican driver?" Spencer asked. "All the Bush administration cares about is working with the international business owners who want the cheapest cost of truck drivers possible." Spencer believes the tolls planned for the Trans-Texas Corridor amount to a new tax. "The toll that the Texas Department of Transportation has been suggesting for a truck is 40 cents a mile," Spencer notes. "This is the equivalent of about $2.40 in new fuel taxes. What happened to free-ways? That was the whole point of the interstate highway system. Motorists were to get the benefit of freeways, not new toll roads." The TTC toll for an automobile will be just over one-quarter of the truck tolls. "These are tremendous new costs, and the toll revenue will be going to Spain," Spencer said. "The end result will be a drag on the U.S. economy with further damage done to the middle class." Spencer agrees the Texas Department of Transportation will try to entice trucks to use the TTC by establishing high speed limits, maybe as high as 75 or 80 miles per hour. But he cautioned the state's DOT would force traffic onto the TTC once the highway is built. He points to the "no compete" clause in the Cintra contract, barring the Texas DOT from making significant upgrades to parallel routes. "You better believe that highway users will be forced to use the TTC toll roads even if Texas has to close down lanes on existing highways," Spencer said. He stressed that the only winners to the TTC would be the "investment bankers who get fees up front, just like the politicians get their campaign contributions first, before any toll road is built." Who will be the losers? The U.S. taxpayer, Spencer contends. "The Mexican truck drivers will not be paying U.S. income or Social Security taxes, and Mexican trucks won't generally pay U.S. road taxes that U.S. truck drivers pay," he points out. Spencer said his union sees the TTC as a one-way street. "Don't expect American drivers will ever want to operate south of the border," he said. "Mexican law still currently prohibits American trucks from entering Mexico. No U.S. trucking company has suggested a desire to send U.S. trucks or drivers into Mexico." The OOIDA currently has 145,000 members from all 50 states. Owner-operators in the trucking industry are independent small business people who own, maintain and drive commercial trucks they generally own. OOIDA members are typically small business truckers defined as companies operating six or fewer trucks, a segment that comprises close to 90 percent of the motor carrier industry. |
http://prisonplanet.com/articles/november2006/101106criticalissue.htm (Please go to main source link above to see images, mainstream news article links within actual live article..thanks!) (IMAGE) 9/11 Truth Remains The Critical Issue Democrat leadership treacherously joins forces with Neo-Cons to take wind out of sails, massive effort to keep 9/11 truth at the forefront of public thinking needs to be re-doubled Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Planet Friday, November 10, 2006 9/11 truth is the make or break issue that will define freedom in America for future generations. The steam-valve effect that the election of the co-opted Democratic leadership which has already capitulated to Bush has had on some areas of the 9/11truth movement is extremely dangerous. We need to re-double our efforts to expose the 9/11 inside job! Our previous article, 9/11 Truth Is Dying Inside the Liberal and Progressive Movements While Exploding World-Wide, provoked a firestorm of reaction overnight, most of it positive, some negative, and some that completely missed the crux of what we were trying to say. Unlike the claims of previous 9/11 leaders who declared the movement to be dead and jumped ship, we stress that 9/11 truth remains the central and core issue of our efforts to apply the defibrillator paddles to America and try and shock her back to life. 9/11 is not a dead letter issue, it will never be a dead letter issue and just because the establishment changed its bird cage lining doesn't mean we can switch off, go to sleep, and expect the Democrats to fight our corner for us. It's not going to happen. 9/11 is the issue that will never die but Democrats have already openly announced their intentions to capitulate to Bush and join forces with Bush and the Neo-Cons - out of the gates both Pelosi and Dean have made it clear that no impeachment proceedings will take place. No new 9/11 investigation and no inquiry into Iraq. The majority of Americans want to see impeachment proceedings begin but the Democrat shills have pledged to scupper any efforts to even investigate the high crimes and misdemeanours of the Bush crime syndicate. An MSNBC poll today shows that 86% want impeachment. It's analogous to a fire starting in our home, we call the fire department (the Democrats), they show up and instead of putting out the fire they start barbecuing hot dogs on skewers. They have already sworn to protect the Bush crime family and its associated gaggle of villains from any form of criminal proceedings. How is this in any form a step forward in getting justice for the victims of 9/11? 9/11 truth has just reached critical mass awakening, the vast majority of Americans don't believe the official story, and it cannot be allowed to die as a result of the naive apathy of trusting the treacherous Democrat leadership. We simply cannot allow the movement to lose momentum just because the tires have been changed on the juggernaut of the one party system. The fire of 9/11 truth is dying down, we just need to add more wood to the fire! We cannot let the enemy snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The dictatorial martial law powers that Bush has put in place must immediately be repealed and the criminals responsible for Iraq and 9/11 investigated for treason, otherwise the same gang of crooks will simply orbit back into power in 15 years like the Iran-Contra crowd, and we'll still be left with the architecture of fascism to be exploited by a Hillary Clinton or a John McCain in 2008. To put it bluntly, since Tuesday we have noticed the wind being taken out of the sails of 9/11 truth - and we are pissed off about it. Government sponsored terror is the zeitgeist of how populations are enslaved throughout history and it remains the critical issue. This is a rallying call to the troops, to not let 9/11 truth wither away on the vine and die just because the establishment decided to play Team B. Furthermore, hold the Democrats responsible in equal measure to the Neo-Cons. If you know a murder has been committed and you give safe passage to the perpetrators are you not also committing a crime? Here's a sample of the negative comments we received and our response to them. "I'm sorry, but posting crap NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME is useless. It's the sign of a parasite. No matter what happens it will be torn down. Would they really be happier with a necon win? What would that entail? A bloodbath. Maybe it's time to stop spinning chicken little tales and start looking at reality and what is POSSIBLE. Personally, I've had enough fucking pointing out of the obvious problems and am waiting for some fucking solutions." This individual has settled for the "lesser of two evils" and attacks us for not offering solutions. We have clearly outlined our solutions - lobby the co-opted Democrat leadership for repeal, investigation and impeachment - or hold them responsible as collaborators. This individual calls for solutions yet their solution is seemingly to let Democrats run defense for the Neo-Con crooks. Will Democrats prevent a "bloodbath"? Nancy Pelosi has vehemently expressed her support for the war on terror and John Kerry based his 2004 election campaign around hyping a war with Iran. Hillary Clinton, who is now likely to be the next President, fully supports the war in Iraq. Do these Democrat kingpins have any motivation to prevent further bloodshed? "You should be at least grateful the Dems want to implement the suggestions of the 9-11 commission, something the neocons refused to do. Besides, these people haven't even taken office yet. Added to that, do something productive with your 9-11 paranoia." The 9/11 Commission was staffed by insider apologists Kean, Zelikow, and Hamilton who went to great lengths to cover-up the most important 9/11 issues and refused to include anything in their final report which even hinted at complicity. They also refused to take NORAD to task for lying to them under oath until over a year later. The suggestions of the 9/11 Commission would have beefed up Bush's police state to a whole new level so the fact that "the Dems want to implement the suggestions of the 9-11 commission," is more reason to distance ourselves from the Dems. "OMG, you people... Leave something to be desired. 2 weeks ago it was all about the neocons and 9-11. Now you have it twisted to the Democrats and 9-11. What is it? Who is it? Who should be resposable? It sounds like your confused about your own theory. So basicly, whoever is in charge, you are going to somehow blame them and expect them to be resposable for 911, even if these people we not even in power on 911. Well, that sounds paranoid. You can only have it one way. What the hell is up with you people. The whole time the Bush regime was in power you begged for change. Now you have it, but your still complaining. We have change? Pelosi and Dean have totally capitulated and promised to protect Bush from any investigation and you call that change? Pelosi has painstakingly kissed-up to Bush and agreed to work with him on the mass amnesty program for illegal aliens - is that change? It's not about the Neo-Cons and 9/11, it's not about the Democrats and 9/11 - it's about 9/11 - and any individuals that seek to sabotage bringing the perpetrators of 9/11 to justice, whether they be Republican or Democrat, shall be held responsible. Here are comments from level-headed people who understood the message we were trying to put across. "I don't think the title of the article should be considered premature melancholy, rather, its Alex's way of slapping our faces and keeping us focused in the wake of a small victory in a huge battle. Keep attacking!" "It is true, the challenge is greater, the article is correct to convey a sense of urgency. The danger now is that, as the truth about 9/11 emerges into the mainstream, those that are responsible for it are moving into the distance and using their many disguises to throw off the scent." "You know there is something very, very wrong when the big winners of an election (Pelosi, Dean & the Democrats) are the ones making the promises & concessions!!!" "Pelosi's lost the plot! Her declaration may fit the bill for the Dem's platform of Corporate cowardice, but it won't wash against a tidal storm of 9/11TRIAL! -reminders. Freeway bloggers, let's go! Redoubling our efforts is clearly in order, and that call is resounding throughout the politically savvy web-community." "You just don't seem to get it yet! There is only one party, and it's called the Demopublican Party. They take turns taking the hits and appearing to oppose each other so they can stay in power." "You are absolutely correct. Without investigation and punishment, mark my words, history WILL repeat itself. To forgive corruption is to reward corruption. Pedophilia, bribery and money laundering are pinpricks next to the bloodbath of this illegal war. We have punished the Duke, Ney, Foley, Abramoff and other bit players. The fascist warmongers responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands must be punished proportionately. Now." "The bottom line is that the people that are falling for this latest dog and pony show were never truth movement members. This latest Democratic "win" will only serve to slow things down. The "sleeping giant," as Alex calls it, will continue to awake slowly, just as it always has." "Absolutely dead on target. Today I witnessed many friends who were just beginning to wake up suddenly rolling over and going back to sleep. This latest (brilliant) maneuver by the elite was a direct attack on the truth movement. We should not have been surprised." "Let's not be fooled into into complacency! The same corporate/bank interests are at the helm. This a challenge for 9/11 truth. Let's answer the challenge by re-doubling our efforts!" "There needs to be an organized flood of petitions to our senators and other officials to open a new investigation into 9/11. I have to believe that there are some good people in government who have not yet heard the truth on this subject. I hope that those leaders in the 9/11 truth movement can coordinate their efforts toward a movement like this." "To those who seek truth and justice for America Don't be discouraged. Those who genuinely seek the truth and strive to share it will never be quelled or silenced. The fight to take back our country can be won one small victory at a time. It was a victory for the Democrats to win control of congress, because it shows that the American people have at least recognized that problems in the Bush regime exist and change needs to come to Washington. We are painfully aware that the Democrats are no great saviors. We can not give up the fight, but we can claim victory when we see small steps toward change. For it is with one step at a time that we plod forward toward our goal of a once again free America." This is a rallying cry to those out there who really want justice and freedom for future generations. Are we to allow the Democrats to toady-up to Bush and the Neo-Cons for their own egotistic selfish power hunger and let the criminals walk away, only to return once more, or should we hold their feet to the fire and demand repeal, investigation and impeachment - which is it to be? Long live 9/11 truth! |
Source: http://www.time.com/time/nation/printout/0,8816,1557842,00.html
Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse A lawsuit in Germany will seek a criminal prosecution of the outgoing Defense Secretary and other U.S. officials for their alleged role in abuses at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo By ADAM ZAGORIN Just days after his resignation, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is about to face more repercussions for his involvement in the troubled wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. New legal documents, to be filed next week with Germany's top prosecutor, will seek a criminal investigation and prosecution of Rumsfeld, along with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, former CIA director George Tenet and other senior U.S. civilian and military officers, for their alleged roles in abuses committed at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The plaintiffs in the case include 11 Iraqis who were prisoners at Abu Ghraib, as well as Mohammad al-Qahtani, a Saudi held at Guantanamo, whom the U.S. has identified as the so-called "20th hijacker" and a would-be participant in the 9/11 hijackings. As TIME first reported in June 2005, Qahtani underwent a "special interrogation plan," personally approved by Rumsfeld, which the U.S. says produced valuable intelligence. But to obtain it, according to the log of his interrogation and government reports, Qahtani was subjected to forced nudity, sexual humiliation, religious humiliation, prolonged stress positions, sleep deprivation and other controversial interrogation techniques. Lawyers for the plaintiffs say that one of the witnesses who will testify on their behalf is former Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, the one-time commander of all U.S. military prisons in Iraq. Karpinski — who the lawyers say will be in Germany next week to publicly address her accusations in the case — has issued a written statement to accompany the legal filing, which says, in part: "It was clear the knowledge and responsibility [for what happened at Abu Ghraib] goes all the way to the top of the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld ." A spokesperson for the Pentagon told TIME there would be no comment since the case has not yet been filed. Along with Rumsfeld, Gonzales and Tenet, the other defendants in the case are Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Stephen Cambone; former assistant attorney general Jay Bybee; former deputy assisant attorney general John Yoo; General Counsel for the Department of Defense William James Haynes II; and David S. Addington, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff. Senior military officers named in the filing are General Ricardo Sanchez, the former top Army official in Iraq; Gen. Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of Guantanamo; senior Iraq commander, Major General Walter Wojdakowski; and Col. Thomas Pappas, the one-time head of military intelligence at Abu Ghraib. Germany was chosen for the court filing because German law provides "universal jurisdiction" allowing for the prosecution of war crimes and related offenses that take place anywhere in the world. Indeed, a similar, but narrower, legal action was brought in Germany in 2004, which also sought the prosecution of Rumsfeld. The case provoked an angry response from Pentagon, and Rumsfeld himself was reportedly upset. Rumsfeld's spokesman at the time, Lawrence DiRita, called the case a "a big, big problem." U.S. officials made clear the case could adversely impact U.S.-Germany relations, and Rumsfeld indicated he would not attend a major security conference in Munich, where he was scheduled to be the keynote speaker, unless Germany disposed of the case. The day before the conference, a German prosecutor announced he would not pursue the matter, saying there was no indication that U.S. authorities and courts would not deal with allegations in the complaint. In bringing the new case, however, the plaintiffs argue that circumstances have changed in two important ways. Rumsfeld's resignation, they say, means that the former Defense Secretary will lose the legal immunity usually accorded high government officials. Moreover, the plaintiffs argue that the German prosecutor's reasoning for rejecting the previous case — that U.S. authorities were dealing with the issue — has been proven wrong. "The utter and complete failure of U.S. authorities to take any action to investigate high-level involvement in the torture program could not be clearer," says Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a U.S.-based non-profit helping to bring the legal action in Germany. He also notes that the Military Commissions Act, a law passed by Congress earlier this year, effectively blocks prosecution in the U.S. of those involved in detention and interrogation abuses of foreigners held abroad in American custody going to back to Sept. 11, 2001. As a result, Ratner contends, the legal arguments underlying the German prosecutor's previous inaction no longer hold up. Whatever the legal merits of the case, it is the latest example of efforts in Western Europe by critics of U.S. tactics in the war on terror to call those involved to account in court. In Germany, investigations are underway in parliament concerning cooperation between the CIA and German intelligence on rendition — the kidnapping of suspected terrorists and their removal to third countries for interrogation. Other legal inquiries involving rendition are underway in both Italy and Spain. U.S. officials have long feared that legal proceedings against "war criminals" could be used to settle political scores. In 1998, for example, former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet — whose military coup was supported by the Nixon administration — was arrested in the U.K. and held for 16 months in an extradition battle led by a Spanish magistrate seeking to charge him with war crimes. He was ultimately released and returned to Chile. More recently, a Belgian court tried to bring charges against then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for alleged crimes against Palestinians. For its part, the Bush administration has rejected adherence to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on grounds that it could be used to unjustly prosecute U.S. officials. The ICC is the first permanent tribunal established to prosecute war crimes, genocide and other crimes against humanity. |
Source: http://www.infowars.net/articles/november2006/101106Rotten.htm
(Please go to main source link above to see images, mainstream news article links within actual live article..thanks!) (IMAGE) Conyers Toes Party Line: No Impeachment Something Is Extremely 'Rotten In The State Of Denmark' Steve Watson Infowars.net Friday, November 10, 2006 The latest Democrat "saviour" to flip flop 180 degrees in light of their victory is Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. Presumed to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee in January, Conyers today said that impeachment of President Bush "is off the table." "In this campaign, there was an orchestrated right-wing effort to distort my position on impeachment," Conyers said in a statement released by his Judiciary Committee spokesman. "The incoming speaker (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.) has said that impeachment is off the table. I am in total agreement with her on this issue: Impeachment is off the table." Conyers seems to have forgotten that last December he laid out the grounds for impeachment in a 350 page long report called "The Constitution in Crisis: The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution and Cover-ups in the Iraq War" and later updated to add "illegal domestic surveillance." For a while Conyers was the darling of left leaning bloggers and readers everywhere: At this site, we are especially proud of the new Conyers Report, "The Constitution in Crisis." By purchasing this book, you have the opportunity to own a part of history and help the Congressman hold the Bush Administration accountable. Your assistance in helping Congressman Conyers become the next Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will bring us one step closer to getting the American people the answers from this Administration that they deserve. - www.afterdowningstreet.org Conyers is so admirable. One of the very few in Congress who still has integrity and principles. It is too bad that he does not get more MSM coverage but why would they do that? He might upset the Republican and Corporate plans for total control and could expose their nefarious doings. He is risking much by not following the official DNC program too, in addition to challenging the Bushies. - Huffington Post In december 2005, upon release of the report, Conyers stated: The Report concludes that a number of these actions amount to prima facie evidence (evidence sufficiently strong to presume the allegations are true) that federal criminal laws have been violated. Legal violations span from false statements to Congress to whistleblower laws... The Report also concludes that these charges clearly rise to the level of impeachable conduct... In response to the Report, I have already taken a number of actions. First, I have introduced a resolution (H. Res. 635) creating a Select Committee with subpoena authority to investigate the misconduct of the Bush Administration with regard to the Iraq war and report on possible impeachable offenses. So Conyers was already underway with setting up investigations into impeachable offences, but now he says that impeachment is off the table? Clearly he has been given orders to toe the party line or face the consequences. Despite the fact that 86% want to see the President impeached, leading Democrats have already ruled this out. The same leading Democrats that voted for the war in Afghanistan, for the Patriot Act, for Homeland Security and against a bill that simply condemned torture of prisoners in Iraq. (IMAGE) After Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, Conyers is the latest Democrat to show us their true colours once in power. Conyers and the other Democrats highlight precisely why we need to regroup, consolidate and redouble our efforts in light of the theatrical shift of power in Washington to the left. Because as soon as this happened, overnight, the truth movement lost a great deal of support from those that believe the job is now done. Taking note of many reader comments over the past few days I have noticed a startling uprise in the amount of negative and dismissive feedback from some readers. Evidently those who expected us to be out dancing in the streets at the news of a Democrat landslide in Washington have been bitterly disappointed. We have never once suggested that the solution to a corrupt and fascist Neocon leadership is a passive and capitulating Democrat sideshow leadership, so why is it any surprise that we are continuing on the same course as before? Comments such as the following emphasize my point: "You can only have it one way. What the hell is up with you people. The whole time the Bush regime was in power you begged for change. Now you have it, but your still complaining." Yes we are seeking change, but not a simple change of personnel as we have witnessed this week. As we reported yesterday "There's no doubt about it, to see frothing Neo-Cons who have been strutting around like John Wayne for the past five years finally eat humble pie is a breath of fresh air, but let's not be so deluded as to think that the Neo-Con agenda, which took decades to craft, was simply brushed aside by the victory of a party that has supported Bush every step of the way on major issues." Seeing Bush on TV admitting he'd took a hell of a beating was great, for about five minutes, then he started laughing and joking about it and talking about pushing forward to work closely with a new crowd. (IMAGE) Is rolling over and going back to sleep going to get Bush impeached? Should we shut down the websites now and go save the whales or something else we'd all love to be doing if we didn't have to relentlessly keep fighting to stop our leaders killing our freedoms? Within hours the Democratic elite have shown us that they don't give a damn about holding the Bush administration up to scrutiny. With no effective opposition in the form of a political party it is up to the people to continue to demand justice and to continue to attempt to reign in those who have heinously abused their power. Thomas Jefferson described Congress as "a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything and yield nothing." In light of this how can any representative say something like impeachment is 'off the table? |