That kinda takes the fun out of it now doesn't it??
Let the Flame & Blame ware begin I guess eh?
Happy Feuding... |
And some mostly are fake and phony as well. But then again, we are all
getting our share due's one way or thee other from all differen't aspects & spectrums of differen't people. The world is in a perfect place I guess !! |
Goooooood stuff iam4u. well done man!
Merry Christmas Y'all...
That made me feel all nice inside.
Missing You
Very nice indeed. thank you for sharing this with us wanda.
single mom
Amen and well said kevin!
Anybody ever seen "Children Under The Stairs - The Movie!?" 0_o
Bad wolfie.. you shouldn't spank kitten =^_^=
Kinda makes me wanna sign up for "Hilga's House of Pain!" eh??
You Tube Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Keith Olbermann discusses airport security measures, and the governments rating system used to identify terrorists. (VIDEO) |
Source: (IMAGE) Gingrich Lies To Assault Free Speech Again Unrepentant, arch Neo-Con crafts deceptive Ahmadinejad boogeyman argument to con Americans into First Amendment regulation Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Not content with last week's brazen attack on the First Amendment during a speaking engagement in New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich has swung another right hook in the direction of freedom of speech, by exploiting non-existent statements and Neo-Con propaganda as a reason for shutting down websites and gagging political dissent in America. Unrepentant, the former Speaker of the House returns again to trash the sanctity of the First Amendment, this time in an article for Neo-Con rag Human Events. Last week's diatribe in which Gingrich threatened Americans that if they didn't curtail websites and restrict free speech they would "lose a city," provoked a firestorm of reaction from bloggers and pundits alike. Keith Olbermann devoted a section of his Countdown program to Gingrich's abomination and commented "If you're going to destroy freedom of speech Bub, you've already lost all the cities.", whilst comparing the speech to the rhetoric of Nazi politicians in Germany in the 1930s. (VIDEO) Gingrich's latest attempt to chill dissent in America relies on fraudulent claims and biased sources to present an argument that terrorists are hiding behind the First Amendment in order to recruit for jihad. It echoes similar rhetoric contained in the White House's own strategy document for "winning the war on terror," which identifies conspiracy theorists as terrorist wellsprings. "We should be allowed to close down websites that recruit suicide bombers and provide instructions to indiscriminately kill civilians by suicide or other means, or advocate killing people from the West or the destruction of Western civilization," writes Gingrich. The problem with this superficially reasonable statement is that Gingrich and his Neo-Fascist sympathizers classify any dissent against the Bush administration as "aiding the enemy," "hating America," and thus in effect calling for "the destruction of Western civilization," and won't hesitate to tar everyone with the same brush as we have seen all too may times on Fox News in the past. Indeed, in his own article Gingrich links Hezbollah to leftist and anti-globalization political organizations, making it crystal clear who he thinks should be shut down and shut up. Gingrich cites Iranian President Ahmadinejad's letter last week as another reason for erecting checkpoints around the First Amendment, erroneously claiming he, "threatens to kill Americans in large numbers if we don't submit to his demands." Firstly, Gingrich is exploiting the words of an Iranian national who as a non US citizen doesn't even have a First Amendment right, to attack the foundation of freedom of speech in America. Whatever Ahmadinejad chooses to say has no bearing on any debate about regulating free speech in America. The media decides whether to carry his statements or not, they are not forced into doing so by the terms of the First Amendment. Would George W. Bush have any grounds for complaint under the First Amendment if Iranian state TV refused to broadcast his speeches? No, and yet Gingrich wastes no time in wagging the Ahmadinejad boogeyman stereotype to try and convince Americans that their words should be controlled. Secondly, the claim that Ahmadinejad "threatens to kill Americans in large numbers if we don't submit to his demands," is to be found nowhere in the Iranian leader's letter. Gingrich has carte blanche invented this supposition out of thin air as an excuse to craft his warped argument that the First Amendment should not be a "suicide pact." Go and read the letter for yourselves! At no point does Ahmadinejad in any context "threaten to kill Americans in large numbers." (IMAGE) This fallacy is moored on an even less stable footing that the "wipe Israel off the map" baloney, in which Ahmadinejad merely called for the end of the barbarous political system of Zionism. It's from the same school of lurid Neo-Con propaganda that brought you the wild-eyed crystal ball prophecy that Ahmadinejad would initiate world war three or the apocalypse on August 22nd. The second prong of Gingrich's attack cites a report from the MEMRI website which in turn highlights a supposed terrorist website that promises "to use the Internet for the sake of jihad." Besides the fact that on several occasions so-called terrorist propaganda disseminated via the Internet has led back to the U.S. government, including campaigns to boost profiles of terrorists such as Musab Al-Zarqawi, who was the subject of a Pentagon psy-op aimed at "the American home audience," MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) is a well known Israeli intelligence front. Founded by former Israeli military intelligence officer Yigal Carmon and Meyrav Wurmser, wife of the neo-con David Wurmser, MEMRI is notorious for selectively quoting, taking out of context and distorting Muslim news reports and editorials, having been the source for the vaunted "wipe Israel off the map" lie. A London Guardian investigation into MEMRI further highlighted the fact that this shadowy organization is infested with Israeli military intelligence veterans. "Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence," reported Brian Whitaker. Whitaker details the website's link to Richard Perle and the numerous instances in which MEMRI exercised "selective memory" in falsely attributing statements, using sweeping generalizations and taking information out of context in order to tar Muslim nations and cheerlead for the Neo-Con war machine. Gingrich is simply inflating already hyped Israeli military propaganda to try and justify nixing dissent in America, fearmongering in the all too familiar context of terrorist threats in order to scare Americans into keeping quiet while leftists, anti-globalists, "conspiracy theorists," and anyone who opposes the Neo-Con agenda has their website deleted and their First Amendment right stolen. Freedom to dissent is the lifeblood of any society with a modicum of liberty. Wrapping his argument in a camouflage of fighting the phony war on terror, Gingrich's real targets are those who are wise enough to ignore all the chilling attempts on freedom of speech and exercise their inalienable rights without recourse. Under the terms of reference defined by the Founding Fathers, it is people like Gingrich himself, not ghost terrorists in far-flung caves, that are the real threat to the American way of life, and their creed of tyrants rhetoric should be countered at every turn. |
Source: Leahy: Terror screening oversight a must MICHAEL J. SNIFFEN AP Saturday, December 2, 2006 WASHINGTON - The incoming Senate Judiciary chairman pledged greater scrutiny Friday of computerized government anti-terrorism screening after learning that millions of Americans who travel internationally have been assigned risk assessments over the last four years without their knowledge. "Data banks like this are overdue for oversight," said Sen. Patrick Leahy (news, bio, voting record), D-Vt., who will take over Judiciary in January. "That is going to change in the new Congress." The Associated Press reported Thursday that millions of Americans and foreigners crossing U.S. borders in the past four years have been assessed by the computerized Automated Targeting System, or ATS, designed to help pick out terrorists or criminals. The travelers are not allowed to see or directly challenge these risk assessments, which the government intends to keep on file for 40 years. Under specific circumstances, some or all data in the system can be shared with state, local and foreign governments and even some private contractors. "It is simply incredible that the Bush administration is willing to share this sensitive information with foreign governments and even private employers, while refusing to allow U.S. citizens to see or challenge their own terror scores," Leahy said. This system "highlights the danger of government use of technology to conduct widespread surveillance of our daily lives without proper safeguards for privacy." Sen. Susan Collins (news, bio, voting record), R-Maine, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said that while it is critical for government to have the tools necessary to thwart terrorists, "we must ensure that travelers privacy and civil liberties are appropriately respected." t The Homeland Security Department, which operates ATS, calls the system critical to national security following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But privacy advocates were alarmed by it. "Never before in American history has our government gotten into the business of creating mass `risk assessment' ratings of its own citizens," said Barry Steinhardt, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We are stunned" the program has been undertaken "with virtually no opportunity for the public to evaluate or comment on it." Almost every person entering and leaving the United States by air, sea or land is assessed based on ATS' analysis of their travel records and other data, including items such as where they are from, how they paid for tickets, their motor vehicle records, past one-way travel, seating preference and what kind of meal they ordered. The use of the program on travelers was quietly disclosed earlier this month when the department put a notice detailing ATS in the Federal Register, a fine-print compendium of federal rules. The few civil liberties lawyers who had heard of ATS and even some law enforcement officers said they had thought it was only used to screen cargo. The Homeland Security Department called the program "one of the most advanced targeting systems in the world" and said the nation's ability to spot criminals and other security threats "would be critically impaired without access to this data." But to David Sobel, a lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a group devoted to civil liberties in cyberspace: "It's probably the most invasive system the government has yet deployed in terms of the number of people affected." Government officials could not say whether ATS has apprehended any terrorists. Based on all the information available to them, federal agents turn back about 45 foreign criminals a day at U.S. borders, according to Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection spokesman Bill Anthony. He could not say how many were spotted by ATS. Officials described how the system works: applying rules learned from experience with the activities and characteristics of terrorists and criminals to the traveler data. But they would not describe in detail the format in which border agents see the results or in which the databases store the results of the ATS risk assessments. Acting Assistant Homeland Security Secretary Paul Rosenzweig told reporters Friday they could call it scoring. "It can be reduced to a number," he said, but he clearly preferred the longer descriptions. Steinhardt said the ATS was more far-reaching than the department's trouble-plagued efforts to develop a computerized screening system for domestic air travelers. That data-mining project — now known as Secure Flight — caused a furor two years ago in Congress. Lawmakers barred its implementation until it can pass 10 tests for accuracy and privacy protection. In comments to the government about ATS, Sobel said, "Some individuals will be denied the right to travel and many the right to travel free of unwarranted interference." Sobel said in the interview that the government notice also raises the possibility that faulty risk assessments could cost innocent people jobs in shipping or travel, government contracts, licenses or other benefits. The government notice says some or all of the ATS data about an individual may be shared with state, local and foreign governments for use in hiring decisions and in granting licenses, security clearances, contracts or other benefits. In some cases, the data may be shared with courts, Congress and even private contractors. "Everybody else can see it, but you can't," Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration lawyer who teaches at Cornell Law school, said in an interview. But Jayson P. Ahern, an assistant commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said the ATS ratings simply allow agents at the border to pick out people not previously identified by law enforcement as potential terrorists or criminals and send them for additional searches and interviews. "It does not replace the judgments of officers" in reaching a final decision about a traveler, Ahern said in an interview Thursday. This targeting system goes beyond traditional watch lists, Ahern said. Border agents compare arrival names with watch lists separately from the ATS analysis. In a privacy impact assessment posted on its Web site this week, Homeland Security said ATS is aimed at discovering high-risk individuals who "may not have been previously associated with a law enforcement action or otherwise be noted as a person of concern to law enforcement." Ahern said ATS does this by applying rules derived from the government's knowledge of terrorists and criminals to the passenger's travel records. Ahern declined to disclose any of the rules, but a Homeland Security document on data-mining gave this innocuous example of a risk assessment rule: "If an individual sponsors more than one fiancee for immigration at the same time, there is likelihood of immigration fraud." Ahern said ATS was first used to rate the risk posed by travelers in the late 1990s, using personal information about them voluntarily supplied by air and cruise lines. A post-9/11 law vastly expanded the program, he said. It required airline and cruise companies to begin in 2002 sending the government electronic data in advance on all passengers and crew bound into or out of the country. All these names are put through ATS analysis, Ahern said. In addition, at land border crossings, agents enter license plates and the names of vehicle drivers and passengers, and Amtrak voluntarily supplies passenger data on its trains to and from Canada, he said. |
Related: Also Recommended: Related: Real ID & National ID Cards Archives - Related: Big Brother Archives - Related: Identity Document - Related: Biometrics - Famous Biblical Quote: " He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666 " (Rev. 13:16-18). Related: BUSH CONTEMPLATES NATIONAL ID CARD FOR ALL CITIZENS - Your Papers Please We The People Will Not Be Chipped Friday, December 1, 2006 Video presentation charting the history of how societies that are morphed into being ID-centric eventually turn fascistic, with many comparisons to modern day developments. (VIDEO) |
Related: Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech - Related: Patriot Act - - ( Also see - HR 3162 -- THE POLICE STATE IS HERE! - ) Related: Military Commissions Act - Related: Bill of Rights - - ( See: Amendment I ) (IMAGE) Newt World Order Bush and co paving the way for power mad freaks like Gingrich Steve Watson Thursday, November 30, 2006 Newt Gingrich's latest attack on the First Amendment is a revealing insight into the long term agenda of elite minds in America today. Those who would be successors to the Bush Administration are even more bent on power and dominance and they see absolutely no place for the freedoms America was founded on to continue to exist under their leadership. At a dinner honouring the sanctity of the First Amendment this week, Newt Gingrich stood up and gave a talk about restricting freedom of speech. Gingrich stated: "My Prediction to you is that either before we lose a city or, if we are truly stupid, after we lose a city, we will adopt rules of engagement that use every technology that we can find to break up their capacity to use the internet, to break up their capacity to use free speech, and to go after people who want to kill us to stop them recruiting people before they get to reach out and convince young people to destroy their lives while destroying us." "I want to suggest to you right now that we should empanelling people to look seriously at a level of supervision that we would never dream of if it were not for the scale of this threat. This is a serious long term war and it will lead us to want to know what is said in every suspect place in the country, it will lead to us to learn how to close down every website that is dangerous." “We should propose a Geneva Convention for fighting terrorism, which makes very clear that those who would fight outside the rules of law, those who would use weapons of mass destruction, and those who would target civilians are, in fact, subject to a totally different set of rules that allow us to protect civilization by defeating barbarism before it gains so much strength that it is truly horrendous.” Keith Olbermann devoted a section of his Countdown program to Gingrich's abomination and commented "If you're going to destroy freedom of speech Bub, you've already lost all the cities.", whilst comparing the speech to the rhetoric of Nazi politicians in Germany in the 1930s. (VIDEO) George Washington University Law Professor and Constitutional Law Expert Jonathan Turley joined Olbermann and warned: "This could actually happen, the first Amendment is an abstraction and when you put up against it the idea of incinerating millions of people, there will be millions of citizens that respond, like some Pavlovian response, and deliver up rights, we've already seen that. People don't seem to appreciate that you really can't save a constitution by destroying it." This is not some crackpot peddling a nonsense idea that we should simply laugh off, this is the former speaker of the House who is also gearing up for a 2008 Presidential run. Turley continued: "What you see here I think is the insatiable appetite that has developed amongst certain leaders for controlling American society. We saw that with John Ashcroft not long after 9/11 when he said that critics were aiding and abetting terrorists. There is this insatiable appetite that develops when you feed absolute power to people like Gingrich. And people should not assume that these are going to just be fringe candidates in this will never happen. Fear does amazing things to people and it can cause a sort of self mutilation in a democracy where we give up the very things, the very rights that define us and theoretically the very things that we are defending." Gingrich served as a Member of Congress for 20 years and as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995-1999. His "Contract with America" was sold to the nation as a remedy for big government, committed to shrinking the size and cost of government. But instead the Contract called for the exact opposite: balance the budget with a loophole-filled amendment that would reflect ill of the Constitution instead of Congress; expand NATO; deliver more crime control power to the federal government; federalize a host of laws dealing with children; etc. (IMAGE) In addition Gingrich is a member of the Senior Advisory Board of the United States Commission on National Security/21st Century that has produced a series of reports that document the agenda for national security challenges as far out as 2025. So essentially when he says he "predicts" the evisceration of the First Amendment, he is quoting actual government strategy for the next twenty years. Gingrich, a regular attendee of the annual Summer camp at the Bohemian Grove, and long term CFR member, has previously openly referred to anyone who oppose Bush-Republican Neo-Conservative madness as being part of an "insurgency" Gingrich also stated recently that "It's not an insult[ ]" to compare Bush administration critics "to those who enabled Hitler" Open and truly democratic governments don't view their political opponents as "enemies" whose opposition is looked upon as an "insurgency", and they certainly don't feel a need to be at war with the people they govern. For Gingrich, and the entire Neo-Conservative movement; however, the reality is that the American people are increasingly questioning their "right to rule" and are, therefore, considered enemies or, as Newt Gingrich more aptly said, an "insurgency". Gingrich has also previously said the third world war has already begun and that the United States must do everything in its power to bring about regime change in Iran, even if it means invading that nation. "This is 1935 and [Iranian president] Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is as close to Adolf Hitler as we’ve seen. We now know who they are -- the question is who we are. Are we Baldwin or Churchill?" Gingrich said, noting that Churchill recognized the danger from Nazi Germany and urged that Britain prepare to meet it. No Newt, this is 2006 and YOU are the closest thing to Adolf Hitler we've seen. Gingrich went on to state that Tehran could be planning for a preemptive nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack on America that would turn a third or more of the country "back to a 19th century level of development." He said the "extraordinary challenge that the current regime in Iran poses to the safety of the United States" requires "extraordinary measures to meet it." The idea that Iran has nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapons is utterly ludicrous. In Fact the CIA has concluded that there is absolutely no evidence that Iran has any form of hostile nuclear weapons program. The level to which this traitor is twisting reality to fit his own crazy notion of the way the world operates is indicative of the Straussian global outlook that we have come to see so clearly adopted by the so called neoconservative movement. Like Plato, Strauss taught that within societies, "some are fit to lead, and others to be led", according to Shadia Drury, author of 1999's Leo Strauss and the American Right. But, unlike Plato, who believed that leaders had to be people with such high moral standards that they could resist the temptations of power, Strauss thought that "those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right, the right of the superior to rule over the inferior". We have previously exposed how many major influences on the Bush Administration and leading Neoconservative think tanks are followers of Strauss. In addition to Gingrich himself, former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Weekly Standard chief editor William Kristol, His father Irving, and Gary Schmitt, founder, chairman and director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Leo Strauss was also a strong believer in the "Realism" form of International Relations made prominent by Thomas Hobbes. Like Hobbes, he thought that human nature was intrinsically aggressive and could be restrained only through a State formed via a powerful military industrial complex . "Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed," he once wrote. "Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united - and they can only be united against other people." "Strauss thinks that a political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat," Drury wrote in her book. "Following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no external threat exists, then one has to be manufactured. This is what Henry Kissinger was referring to in that often quoted statement he made about creating external future threats in order to guard the world order he wishes to see become more prevalent and powerful, the system we often refer to as the "New World Order". Thus for the Neocons, when the Soviet Empire weakened and a Unipolar world order was emerging, a new threat had to be there lurking to allow them to further their Straussian vision. (IMAGE) "In Strauss' view, you have to fight all the time [to survive]," said Drury. "In that respect, it's very Spartan. Peace leads to decadence. Perpetual war, not perpetual peace, is what Straussians believe in." Such views naturally lead to an "aggressive, belligerent policy", she added. The Bush administration is paving the way for even more authoritarian minds to take over the higher echelons of leadership in America. They are, whether wittingly or unwittingly, putting into place the tools that would be dictators know they can use to eviscerate freedom and seize power. The Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act and prime examples of such legislation. Whilst Bush's Homeland Security goes after the toy store owners and topless bar managers, a Gingrich Administration would look toward shutting down the entire blogosphere for engaging in critical debate. As Keith Olbermann comments, "When you talk about closing down internet sites, who is the one who is going to decide which those are?" The Neoconservatives currently occupying the White House are puppies compared with the ones that want to occupy it. Bush, Cheney, Rice, Bolton etc are converts to the Neoconservative vision. More than anything they have embraced Neoconservativism because its philosophy fits neatly with their goal for corporate plundering and unquestionable power. It is debatable whether they truly buy into neoconservativism or are simply using it as a tool. The true students of the movement are the Newt Gingrich's of this world. The "Internationalists" that make up the Council On Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. These people truly believe that the American people do not have the capacity to self govern and that they need to be deceived into believing they are free when in actual fact they are ruled over with an iron fist. |
Source: (IMAGE) Dollar Fall Is Catalyst For Predatory Global Government Americans remain ignorant to 35% devaluation of their bank savings as skids are greased for introduction of Amero, North American Union Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Planet Friday, December 1, 2006 As the dollar goes into free fall and the housing market accelerates in sales yet plunges in price, the quickening of an agenda of economic catastrophe allied to the "solution" of predatory globalism and the creation of a North American Union is afoot, and it spells potential disaster for the livelihood of all Americans. Home prices have dropped 24% in the last year and most of that fall has happened in the last six months. The dollar has devalued around 35% against its level six years ago and is being trounced by the Euro and Sterling. A false impression of a rosy economy is being spun with the rise of the stock market. Former fed chief Alan Greenspan's doubling of the money supply and Bernanke's promise that the money supply will be doubled again leads to only one outcome. Common sense tells us that a dollar sink is inevitable and if the housing market isn't the place to put all these devalued dollars then that excess will chase the stock market. Taking into consideration the devalued dollar, the stock market is really at about 6,000 - not 12,000. All the real indices of financial health tell us that the economy is in the toilet. Treasury Secretary Snow and others have publicly stated their desire for a weak dollar, sending the foreign lenders who have been propping up the greenback, particularly Japan and China, heading for the hills and dumping the dollar. The catalyst for this was comments made in November 2004 by Snow, when he told a seminar in London that, "The history of efforts to impose nonmarket valuations on currencies is at best unrewarding and checkered." The Japan Times reported that on the back of this statement, Tokyo traders began dumping the greenback and have continued ever since, leading to a situation today where the dollar recently fell to its lowest value in the world market in 15 years. The excuse that a weak dollar should be privately encouraged to reduce trade and fiscal deficits is continually debunked by the fact that deficits with Japan and China reached all time highs - more than $200 billion with China in 2005 exactly a year after Snow's comments and continue to rise further this year. (IMAGE) Chieftains of industry and government like Dick Cheney, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are trying to creep towards the door in their sell-off of the dollar because they hold so much greenback and wish to quietly cash out. That process is now accelerating and it now appears a mad scramble for the door is about to ensue, to the cost of hundreds of millions of American citizens who remain completely ignorant to the fact that their bank account savings have lost 35% of their value just sitting there since 2001. Talking heads and controlled media continue to assure Americans that the economy is booming and there's little to worry about. No doubt the dollar will rebound a little in a few weeks and they'll show a short-term graph of its steady climb over the past month, failing to display comparison charts going back six years which show the greenback heading straight down. Establishment mouthpieces tell viewers to go back to sleep while former World Bank chief economist and nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz predicts a global crash - caused by the very predatory globalist policies of the IMF and World Bank that are still presented to us as the solution for economic turmoil. A global crash and a totally devalued dollar that can barely rival the peso spells disaster for all Americans who wish to maintain their standard of living and not find themselves barefoot on the street in a bread queue. But fear not, because the very predatory globalism that caused all this calamity in the first place has yet another answer to our prayers! It's the Amero, the North American currency that will unify the States, Mexico and Canada and its latest cheerleader is influential London investment firm VP Steve Previs. The Amero would offer a nice umbrella under which to force through the Free Trade Area of the Americas and a North American Union, an eternal dream of the Rockefeller elite clique that is seeking to erect a one world government system by first aping the European Union in creating a single currency and trading bloc, again to the devastation of middle class America but to the delight of transnational corporations who can exploit cheap labor while putting millions of Americans out of a job. The fed and the plunge protection team are not going to rescue the situation. Gold and silver continue to remain stable and steadily growing assets and we encourage all our readers to build a sizable portfolio in order to offset the coming meltdown that the cavalier and dangerous financial policies of the U.S. government, along with the ceaseless march towards global government, will inevitably engender. |
Source: (IMAGE) Endemic: The Move To Label All Civil Disobedience "Terrorism" Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act makes peaceful protesters terrorists Steve Watson Friday, December 1, 2006 An endemic crackdown on peaceful protest and dissent has continued with President Bush signing the 'Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act,'. Under the guise of protecting researchers, scientists and their staff who conduct experiments and tests on animals, the latest terror bill seeks to class as "terrorists" those who seek to protest against such activities. The bill expands criminal prohibitions against the use of force, violence, and threats involving animal enterprises and increases penalties for violations of these prohibitions. The operative term being "threats", because what an activist may see as protesting may be construed under the law to be threatening. The Senate passed the bill by unanimous consent in September, just prior to the Congressional recess. A similar bill, H.R. 4239, was approved by the House of Representatives this month. "It's depressing to know that, just because of our beliefs involving animals, we are going to be branded terrorists if we protest," said Lori Nitzel, a Madison attorney and executive director of Alliance for Animals, a statewide group that pledges nonviolence. Nitzel wonders if even the kind of leafleting the group did Friday near a Madison fur store could be construed as illegal. The bill can impose punishment if an animal enterprise suffers "economic damage." "We are, in fact, hoping to cause economic damage to the store," Nitzel said. One report states that backers of the bill say opponents are trying to alarm people with wacky what-ifs. Unfortunately with the government's track record, with any piece of legislation like this you have to ask "what if?". (IMAGE) Without getting into a debate about animal testing itself, the real issue of concern here is the term "terrorism". The push to merge crime and terrorism laws can be no clearer than in this case. What happens if down the line terrorism legislation begins to be combined? Suddenly you end up with a number of animal rights "terrorists" who can be labeled as enemy combatants and detained without trial. The more crimes that become "terrorism", the more people you can label as terrorists and treat in the same way. Every time a piece of legislation like this becomes law, the more the Bill of rights is eroded and free speech is restricted. "The frightening thing for me is that it heavily criminalizes civil disobedience, and just for animal rights activists," Lori Nitzel says. Nitzel is right, however, there are plenty more moves afoot to criminalize other forms of civil disobedience. We have previously documented cases where those who attend antiwar demonstrations or Quaker meetings have been monitored and placed on a Pentagon database as possible threats. Think about that for a minute, the military is monitoring peaceful US citizens who do not agree with illegal warfare and placing them on a list of possible enemies. We have previously reported multiple times on how the intelligence and law enforcement agencies have "domestic-terrorism files" into which peaceful protesters have been placed. These are not isolated incidents. The precedent is set, if you protest you go on the subversive list and you'll be first into the forced labor camps when a city or two gets nuked. Of course, we have known for a long time that The renewed and extended Patriot Act will target protesters and allow secret services a wider latitude at public events. Penalties for such violations would increase from six months to a year in prison. The Patriot Act as we have exhaustively documented is the key police state weapon the authorities have in their armory. The party line often heard from Neo-Cons in their attempts to defend the Patriot Act either circulate around the contention that the use of the Patriot Act has never been abused or that it isn't being used against American citizens. The Legislation's reach HAS gone beyond terrorism and it IS actively being used to target American citizens. The most recent example of a U.S. citizen being targeted using terror legislation involved BBC investigative journalist Greg Palast, who was pursued by Homeland Security and charged with unauthorized filming of a “critical national security structure,” (an Exxon Oil refinery that was readily available to anyone with an Internet connection at Google Maps), under PATRIOT Act legislation. The charge was later dropped after an activist outcry. Remember, section 802 is specifically aimed at US citizens and announces any crime as "domestic terrorism". Citizens can be held without a trial as "Enemy Combatants" The Washington Post recently reported "The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects -- U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike -- may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say." (IMAGE) Also under the Patriot Act police are authorized to impose "Free Speech Zones". Top legal experts and scholars are nearly unanimous that the Military Commissions Act, another piece of Constitution shredding terror legislation, also affects American citizens. Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A. Times, "The compromise legislation....authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights." The endemic movement to kill off free speech has spread to Britain too. Free Speech Zones were also introduced in Britain last year, making it illegal to protest outside parliament. The new draconian laws forbid spontaneous free speech within a one-kilometre radius of the House of Commons. Last year the Scotland Sunday Herald reported that the British Government was considering just banning protest altogether after a major terror attack and making it against the law to criticize the government in a State of emergency. Both Britain and Australia also have domestic surveillance databases that gather the information of anyone who criticizes them or who they consider to be subversive Everywhere we look the First Amendment is under attack. It seems that legislation is being passed daily, each bill tearing away at fundamental rights and condemning another form of protest as terrorism. It has got to the point for the government where what is being protested is less of an issue than the act of protest itself which they clearly see as the real threat |
Well.. I would buy "Precious Metals & Gold Currency!" would be a great
start since precious metals have more value over the dollar. |
Related: Railways test anti-terror systems - (X-ray screening and body scanners are among technology being tested to boost security on the UK rail network, Alistair Darling has said.) - Phoenix Airport to Test X-Ray Screening AP Friday, December 1, 2006 Sky Harbor International Airport here will test a new federal screening system that takes X-rays of passenger's bodies to detect concealed explosives and other weapons. The technology, called backscatter, has been around for several years but has not been widely used in the U.S. as an anti-terrorism tool because of privacy concerns. The Transportation Security Administration said it has found a way to refine the machine's images so that the normally graphic pictures can be blurred in certain areas while still being effective in detecting bombs and other threats. The agency is expected to provide more information about the technology later this month but said one machine will be up and running at Sky Harbor's Terminal 4 by Christmas. The security agency's Web site indicates that the technology will be used initially as a secondary screening measure, meaning that only those passengers who first fail the standard screening process will be directed to the X-ray area. Even then, passengers will have the option of choosing the backscatter or a traditional pat-down search. A handful of other U.S. airports will have the X-rays machines in place by early 2007 as part of a nationwide pilot program, TSA officials said. The technology already is being used in prisons and by drug enforcement agents, and has been tested at London's Heathrow Airport. The security agency says the machines will be effective in helping detect plastic or liquid explosives and other non-metallic weapons that can be missed by standard metal detectors. Some say the high-resolution images - which clearly depict the outline of the passenger's body, plus anything attached to it, such as jewelry - are too invasive. But the TSA said the X-rays will be set up so that the image can be viewed only by a security officer in a remote location. Other passengers, and even the agent at the checkpoint, will not have access to the picture. In addition, the system will be configured so that the X-ray will be deleted as soon as the individual steps away from the machine. It will not be stored or available for printing or transmitting, agency spokesman Nico Melendez said. |
They will FAIL if they try to pull this crap. We the people will NOT
stand for this non-sense and bologne. I SAY.... "DOWN WITH INTERNET 2 BABY!!" Power to the people and Power to The Resistance.. |