Community > Posts By > chismah

chismah's photo
Wed 11/29/06 10:18 PM
I hope you are right Ghost. But exposing this and letting you & other
people know about this situation goes a long way.

So when the time does come. You will speak out about it just like I will
won't you??

chismah's photo
Wed 11/29/06 10:06 PM

(Please visit the main source link above for more information,
mainstream news links sources and more... Thanks!)

Related: Internet 2 -

Related: RIAA Sues Internet2 Users -

Related: (Important Audio) -


RIAA Legal Ruling Could Shut Down The Internet
U.S. government supports legal case that would criminalize making any
files available on the world wide web

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A landmark legal case on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of
America and other global trade organizations seeks to criminalize all
Internet file sharing of any kind as copyright infringement, effectively
shutting down the world wide web - and their argument is supported by
the U.S. government.

Ray Beckerman, a lawyer representing clients in cases against the RIAA,
recently took part in a conference call organized by, an organization which opposes DRM Technology,
content restricting programs embedded into software that blocks users
access to music, movies, software and other forms of digital data.

Beckerman describes how Internet users are randomly targeted by the RIAA
for simply having a folder of music on their computer, kept in the dark
about legal details and intimidated into paying thousands of dollars
immediately or facing a federal lawsuit. The RIAA doesn't even attempt
to prove copyright infringement with specific examples, dates or times -
it simply coerces and threatens the victim until they relent into paying
out huge settlement fees.

"They have an investigator pretend to be a user of KAZAA or one of the
other similar file-sharing networks. He finds a shared files folder that
has a goodly number of copyrighted songs in it. He has no idea whether
those song files were obtained legally, whether though payed downloads,
or through making personal copies from one's own CD for backup purposes,
or whether anything illegal was ever done with those files, whether
anyone ever copied one. And what he does: he takes a screen shot of this
shared files folders (He of course does not see the folders, he merely
sees the text in the metadata) and decides that this is a big shared
file folder."


"Then through some secret process which he will not share with us and
has tried to conceal from the courts, he then associates it with a
dynamic ip address. And then, after he has what he believes is the
correct dynamic ip address, for the date and time at which he made that
screen shot, he then brings a proceeding to get the name and address of
the subscriber who paid for the internet access, which of course would
tell us nothing. But once he gets that information he then sues the

In one case, UMG vs. Lindor, a cleaner who has never used or owned a
computer but simply dusted near one was sued as an online distributor in
peer to peer file sharing.

Accusing the RIAA of "conducting a reign of terror" by bringing lawsuits
against defenseless people, Beckerman warned that one case in
particular, Elektra vs. Barker, has the potential to shut down the
Internet completely.

RIAA's argument is that Miss Barker, a poor nursing student who lives in
housing projects, should be prosecuted on the basis that "merely making
files available on the internet is in and of itself a copyright

Beckerman calls the complaint "a shocking argument because if it were
accepted it would probably shut down the entire internet."

One of the UK's biggest technology news websites, the Inquirer also
today highlights the frightening development in an article entitled,
RIAA wants the Internet shut down.

The U.S. government has also filed legal briefs supporting the RIAA's

Deep sixing the entire Internet seems a highly unlikely move in that it
would probably derail the world economy and put thousands of huge
transnational corporations out of business. An outcome more likely to
happen if this ruling is accepted is that it would further pave the way
for government regulation and tracking of the Internet, namely "Internet
2," a completely controlled, surveilled and autocratic cyber police
state similar to the Chinese model, whereby website owners have to
obtain government permission to run a blog, be approved by a biometric
thumb scan just to turn their computer on, and immediately get their
Internet access shut off if they misbehave.

This case is another attack arm of forces in government and the
corporate structure that seek to suffocate the last outpost of true
freedom of speech and dissent and it must be countered at all costs.

chismah's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:23 PM

Related: Cashless Society -

(my comment) Now they are starting to "Announce It!" to us now...

London gets ready for contactless payments

No PIN, no signing, no touch required

By Chip Mulligan: Saturday 25 November 2006, 19:41

DETAILS WERE ANNOUNCED of the initial London roll out of a new wave of
contactless debit cards, credit cards and pre-pay cards for payments
under £10.
An extension to the existing Chip and PIN EMV network, Maestro /
MasterCard’s PayPass and Visa's contactless system will allow users to
pay for small goods such as rail tickets, newspapers and beers by waving
their card in front of an RFID sensor on a point of sale or vending

Watch out for this logo to start appearing around you soon.

While, initially, this might sound open to wide scale abuse, with
robbers able to swipe the card and pay for things without challenge, the
maximum transaction size of £10 will help to minimise the risk, and each
card will come with built-in counters that will only allow a certain
number of contactless payments to be made before a PIN must be entered.

This counter is also reset every time a standard Chip and PIN
transaction (so anything over £10) is made, so the card providers
believe that a PIN will only be required in practice every one out of 20
times the card is used.

Initial trials in Scotland, and elsewhere across the world, have shown
very positive feedback from customers and merchants alike, with
cardholders liking the ease-of-use and speed, and merchants the reduced
hassle, especially having to haul less cash around at the end of the

The London roll out, itself, will be quite an ambitious affair, with
over half a million new cards issued, and 4,000 updated chip and pin
readers with built-in RFID sensor sent to over a thousand shops within
the central city area and Docklands, starting from September 2007.

By the beginning of 2008 it will start to be rolled out across the whole
of the UK, provided any bugs that have been shown up in the initial
launch have been ironed out.

Fortunately, and unusually for a banking standard, cross-compatibility
has been well thought out, and cards should be capable of being used
across the world.

APACS expect that by 2011, 70% of debit cards and 45% of credit cards
will have been converted to support contactless payments.

Of course, security is a rather major concern. Given that RFID enabled
passports have already been compromised to release private data, one
hopes that the credit cards will be slightly more secure. The banks,
credit card companies and acquirers alike are all aware of what the
stakes are, but initial signs are that around 30% of users do not trust
the system, however this is before the marketing bombardment that we
should all expect.

One thing is certain: the government and banks are serious, and see this
as a war on cash. Official figures estimate that handling of physical
cash is a £4 billion drain on the economy. We can only hope that it goes
slightly better than their war on terror.

chismah's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:09 PM

Related: Building A North American Community (American Union) -



Related: North American Union (Search) -


Rep. Tancredo: Bush Wants To Merge U.S. With Mexico and Canada

Think Progress
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), one of the leading voices on immigration for
the right, claims President George W. Bush is plotting to merge the U.S.
with Mexico and Canada. An excerpt from WorldNetDaily:

Tancredo lashed out at the White House’s lack of action in securing U.S.
borders, and said efforts to merge the U.S. with both Mexico and Canada
is not a fantasy.

“I know this is dramatic — or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic —
but I’m telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this
whole idea of the North American Union, it’s not something that just is
written about by right-wing fringe kooks. It is something in the head of
the president of the United States, the president of Mexico, I think the
prime minister of Canada buys into it. …

You might think the right would immediately repudiate this kind of
conspiracy theory. You’d be wrong. The National Review’s Andy McCarthy
came to Tancredo’s defense:

This is not a fringe. It’s a wave. It’s fine to disagree with Rep.
Trancredo; it’s wrong to treat him like a lunatic when he is anything

More McCarthy:

t’s not unreasonable for people to look at Bush’s immigration
policies and worry that he is insufficiently alert to the
internationalist pressures (what John Fonte calls “transnational
progressivism”) vigorously challenging the traditional understanding of
sovereignty on many fronts.

Fox’s Neil Cavuto recently said Tancredo “owns” the issue of immigration
predicted that “if he were to run for president, he just might well be

chismah's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:03 PM

Charles Rangel thinks he owns you
Congressman backs a public-service draft

Chicago Sun Times
Sunday, November 26, 2006

If Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel gets his way, everyone in
America will be the government's slave for two years. He doesn't call it
"slavery." He calls it a "draft." But if you look closely at what he's
demanding, it's not just military service. It's all-purpose involuntary

Rangel says having a draft would not necessarily mean everyone called to
duty would have to serve. Instead, "young people [would] commit
themselves to a couple of years in service to this great republic,
whether it's our seaports, our airports, in schools, in hospitals," with
a promise of educational benefits at the end of service.

So Charles Rangel's position is:

1. Everyone in America should be forced by law to work for the
government (or for someone approved by the government) for two years --
either for no pay or for minimal pay.

2. The two years of work should be demanded, not due to any national
emergency of any kind, but as a political stunt to influence national
policy. A draft, he says, would deter politicians from launching wars.

3. In service of this political stunt, people should be forced to work
at wherever the government dictates -- even for what should be private
employers like hospitals, seaports and airports.

In other words, Rangel advocates two years of involuntary servitude --
also known as slavery -- for every adult in America.

Serve two years in slavery, and then you'll be freed to do what you want
with your own life. (Maybe -- until Rangel comes up with his next
political stunt that demands that your freedom be sacrificed.)

Rangel thinks he owns you. He feels perfectly entitled to demand that
you drop whatever you are doing anywhere in America -- studying for
college, learning a trade, launching a small business, starting a family
-- so you can instead devote two full years of your life to promote his
political agenda.

Rangel doesn't care what plans anyone may have made for their own life
as an adult in the land of the free. His message is: "Welcome to
adulthood. Now do whatever the government tells you to."

Of course he's trying to make it sound positive. You'll be "serving"
this "great republic!"

Mind you, telling grown men and women what kind of work they will or
will not be permitted to do -- and for what compensation, if any -- is
not what made this republic great.

But you'll be "serving" in "hospitals!" or maybe "seaports!" or maybe

Hey, America's farmers could use a little help! We always have a
shortage of farm workers, remember? Who knows? Maybe you'll even be
allowed to "serve" in the Congress of this great republic and polish
Charlie Rangel's shoes!

See, central planners in the government know better than you do what are
good uses of your time.

It's communism lite. It's the two-years-of-your-life plan. Big Brother
will tell you what types of work are worthy and unworthy.

Want to work in a hospital for little or no pay? OK! Want to work at
your uncle's hardware store for a fair wage instead? Or at your dad's
veterinary clinic? Not OK.

Want to work at an airport doing whatever the government says? OK. Want
to get married and start your family? Nope. Want to start your career as
an auto mechanic, or hair stylist, or librarian? Not OK. What do you
think this is -- a free country? Want to help discover a cure for
cancer? What are you, a wise guy?

Want to be a teacher's aide? Big Brother says OK. Want to just stay in
college and work toward your degree? No way, Buster. Put those plans on

And if you won't cooperate with our plan for the first two years of your
adult life, we could always send you to "camp."

chismah's photo
Wed 11/22/06 10:50 PM
I can... (puts on a turkey outfit)


chismah's photo
Wed 11/22/06 05:10 PM
Well yeah, lunatic. You seem to be a good person that worked for the
government. I commend you. But there are your higher bosses at the top
of the chain over you that wish to use this technology on the free
people or populations.

There ARE good people in Government. but there is also (Criminal
Elements) within our government that have said, planned and documented
years and decades back that THIS shall be the GLOBAL PLAN that all
nations shall be implimented with Big Brother Surveillance Controlled

It CANNOT be denied anymore of how our daily lives are getting more Less
and Less and Less and Less to our own Right to Privacy.

You see what is being built is not just some Fancy cool Surveillance
society for our safety. But a TOTAL Prisonitory Control Grid going up
Everywhere to WATCH & SPY on the population.

Then they will say to you "Well... It's to fight crime... move along...
nothing to see here" but that's just it. noting for the MASSES to see
but THOSE IN CONTROL to watch and spy on you is to see YOU.

Camera's that shout at you in the U.K. if you don't "BEHAVE" correctly
in public. oh yes, those will be coming to the U.S. very soon as well.

Notice all this surveillance is almost NEVER on the wide open borders.
uh uhhhh... nope nope nope... that's part of the North American Union my
friend. All in the Documents which are public. Anybody that's here under
Bush's Total Amnesty plans for 6 months to 6 years or those outside that
can get here are INSTANTLY legalized.

In all do remember that the Road to Hell is paid with good intentions.

My friend do you even know that they have Technology with Infra-Red
scanners mounted on special deployed helicopters that can actually SEE
THREW walls of your home and watch whatever you do?? Just go to google
and type in keywords like "Helicopters to see threw walls" or
"Helicopters Big Brother Technology" etc and you will get mainstream
news reports... I mean YOU CAN'T MAKE THINGS UP LIKE THIS... It's an
actual SCI-FI Horror Movie come to life and they are just conditioning
us to accept all this...

It's CRAZY and total COO COO LAND and they say "Oh yes it's GOOOOOOOOOOD
to listen to you in your home or threw your walls of your home or watch
you" 0_o

Next they will probably say cameras in school and public bathrooms are
good to. 0_o by the way... that's mainstream news TO.. Cameras in SCHOOL

chismah's photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:32 PM
VIDEO & ARTICLE: NYPD Installs "Sky Watch" In Harlem Neighborhood -
November 22nd 2006

chismah's photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:22 PM
Happy IM'ing ^_~

chismah's photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:20 PM
It will come back to you. The thoughts you we're coming up with will
return. Just don't think about it right now. Then, when it arrives back
into your memory.

Then quickly type it down and post away ^_^

chismah's photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:15 PM

(More Images, Documentation within this live article link above)

"As Long As You're Not Doing Anything Wrong, You Have Nothing To Worry
Tired cliche to cover big brother agenda doesn't wash anymore


Steve Watson
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I am personally sick of hearing the above phrase used whenever the
latest surveillance tool is trotted out and used on the public as a
means of control. It's worn out and doesn't work anymore. People are
finally beginning to stop laughing at the madness of the big brother
society, but will it be too late when people begin to see the
seriousness of the threat?

Endlessly used as an excuse to pass into everyday use policies and
technology that are eroding our freedoms and giving our governments more
control and responsibility over our lives are phrases such as "Why worry
if you have nothing to hide?"

Since when were long established civil liberties and the citizen's right
to privacy replaced with this "new freedom", this "freedom lite" shall
we call it, this guilty until proven innocent mantra?

The problem lies with what is considered to be "something to hide". I
don't want to be filmed 24 hours a day, everywhere I go, does that mean
I've got something to hide? I don't much like the idea of being
fingerprinted if i want to go into a bar, does that mean I have got
something to hide? Yes, if I am an enemy of the gestapo in the 1930s,
but no if I am a free citizen in 21st century Britain or America.

Lets take a look at a few of the latest headlines to feature in our big
brother news section:

Fox News Trumpets Pentagon Spy Drones Listening In On Americans
"It's the first time anywhere in the United States that one of these big
things has flown on an official air combat command mission," Steve Doocy
noted. Brian Kilmeade followed up: "Well, you know what? I love it. They
gotta be listening in, listening to the right people. If they're
listening in at my house, they're gonna be bored to tears." Doocy jumped
in to say that he "wasn't sure" that the drone could listen in, but
"they can certainly see what's going on in your back yard. ... I don't
think you have anything to worry about as long as you're not doing
anything against the law."

Child database 'will ruin family privacy'
Parents will be devalued and family privacy shattered by the mass
surveillance of all 12 million children in England and Wales, says a
report today commissioned by Parliament's Information Commissioner. In
what is likely to be a major embarrassment to Tony Blair, it says
proposals for a £224 million database containing details of every child
will waste millions of pounds, undermine parental authority and actually
put children in more danger. Mr Blair defended the super nanny idea
saying it was right to give families a "helping hand". "No one's talking
about interfering with normal family life," he added.

Documents show U.S. Defense Department tracked anti-Iraq war activities

An anti-terrorist database used by the Defense Department in an effort
to prevent attacks on military installations included intelligence tips
about antiwar planning meetings held at churches, libraries, college
campuses and other locations, newly disclosed documents show. McPhearson
said he found the references to his group in the Talon database
unsurprising and he said the group continued to use public settings and
the Internet to plan its protests. "We don't have anything to hide," he
said. "We're not doing anything illegal."
So in just three examples there, you could be watched in your own home
by a military surveillance plane, all aspects of your kids' lives could
be put on a database to make sure you are an adequate parent, and if you
don't agree with a government policy you may be surveilled and placed on
an anti-terrorist database. The information gathered will not be
available to you but will be available to the government and the
government's intelligence personnel.

Is all that OK so long as you have "nothing to hide"? Are you
comfortable with that? Some may say "yeah but it probably won't happen
to me." Well, you'll never know until your actions are deemed to be
categorized by the authorities as "something wrong".


There are those who still deny that we have moved into a big brother
society and that it affects their lives at all. For those who
immediately think this applies to them, please watch this film.

These people, far from living in denial, have just not noticed all the
methods of surveillance that they are under. This is not surprising,
given that the very essance of surveillance is that it is covert. It is
not arrogant or elitist to say this, after all how many people really
know what the TALON programme is or how RFID works?

This is the most dangerous aspect of the big brother society, the fact
that it is creeping and that there is always scope for expansion. How
many times is it relevant to say "this will not erode your liberties"
about another form of surveillance? If you took every aspect of the big
brother society featured in the film linked above and suddenly
introduced it all at once into a society where it was unknown, would the
people therein consider it to be a threat to their liberties?

I think they'd consider it to be an all out war on them.

There is a government ploy of saying that if you have nothing to hide in
our modern society you should react to these measures by being bold, up
front and proud that you are a law abiding citizen, you should revel in
the big brother society and not shrink away and try to avoid it.

In this sense the new forms of technology being used for surveillance
and information gathering are pushed as progressive and a step in the
right direction when they are in fact the exact opposite. Strip away all
the technology and the myth that they keep you any safer (put everything
under surveillance and you end up missing the real threats) and you are
essentially left with a never ending multiplication of methods of
covertly gathering information on everything you do. In a dictatorship
this is progressive, in a free society it is regressive.

chismah's photo
Tue 11/21/06 09:40 PM


Related: Big Brother Archives -

chismah's photo
Tue 11/21/06 09:29 PM

Just Disgraceful of how some of our military is acting like this in our
destroyed moral...

chismah's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:00 PM

(Please go to the main source link above to visit the actual Live
Article with images, mainstream news documentation links and more
information on this subject... Thanks!)


Related: Selective Service: Ready for a draft -

Related: (Police State Archives:) The Draft -

Related: Wikipedia Documentation - (Gestapo) -


That Draft Just Won't Blow Away
Despite Democratic disinterest, plans are carefully laid for
re-introduction of conscription absent one catalyzing event

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Charles Rangel's bill to re-introduce the draft has few supporters but
his insistent efforts to keep this issue in the body politic is allied
to an underlying framework that provides for a rapid and extensive
implementation of conscription, be it on the continent or within the 4th
Reich of America in the form of Homeland Security Gestapo squads.

Though influential Democrats like Nancy Pelosi have publicly shot down
any chance of the draft returning to America, everything is in place to
activate it, absent a nuclear or biological attack on a U.S. city or
geopolitical turmoil.

"The Selective Service System, an agency independent of the Defense
Department, says it's ready to respond quickly to any crisis that would
threaten to overwhelm the current all-volunteer military," reports CNN,
noting that the agency would be able to fully implement the draft in
under a time period of seven months.

It is widely recognized that a return to the draft is wildly unpopular
amongst both young and old alike, so why do people like Rangel and
others across the political spectrum insist on its constant
re-introduction? Are they simply laying the groundwork for a cataclysmic
event that will soon arrive to justify it?

Legitimate fears that a sudden escalation of a crisis involving a North
Korean attack on South Korea would lead to a draft are given credence by
a military directive known as OPLAN 5027, under the jurisdiction of the
ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command, which mandates the dispatch of 690,000
troops to aid South Korea in the event of an attack.

Where are they going to get 690,000 troops from when there are barely
enough troops to police Iraq and many are returning on second and third
tours of duty?

While many are focused on the characteristics of any future draft
involving conscripts being sent to the Middle East or Asia to die for
the new world order, it seems eminently more likely that the vast
majority of draftees, should such an event come to pass, would be forced
to serve under domestic Homeland Security brownshirt style roles.

After 9/11, children's summer camps in Miami and other areas began to
shift into acting as recruiting and training compounds for Homeland
Security. 11th and 12th graders are now being drilled in methods of how
to track down fugitives, run tattle-tale squads and confiscate guns in


Billed as one of the nation's first "homeland security training summer
camps for teenagers," a program called Secure Corps in Bucks County is
drilling 92 young men and women in essential skills for this new,
uncertain era," reported the Miami Herald.

"And those skills include math: "If I have 40 acres of forest," runs a
typical problem, "how many search dogs will I need to find a fugitive?"

An earlier incarnation of Rangel's draft bill, the Universal National
Service Act of 2003, called for the duty of "all young persons in the
United States, including women, perform a period of military service or
a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and
homeland security, and for other purposes."

Mandatory domestic service has influential cheerleaders like Clinton's
former Secretary of Defense William Cohen. The Republican recently told
Fox News, "I think there should be a commitment to universal service. I
think that only a few people are really committed to this war against
terrorism and called. I think the American people have to be -
understand - that we're all in this together. We ought to have a real
call to national service to commit ourselves to some form of public
service," adding that it is necessary to put the country on a "war

Substantial planks of the Homeland Security domestic spying corp are
already in place. Highway Watch, which has been funded by Homeland
Security since 2002, now boasts tens of thousands of members. The
program trains truck drivers to be suspicious of everything, where all
unusual activity is potentially terrorism, including vehicles with tarps
over the rear, people with backpacks, and couples who have an argument.

Port Watch, River Watch and Transit Watch are similar programs
bankrolled by Homeland Security that train American citizens to spy on
each other in the name of the war on terror.

TIPS, the domestic spying program which was supposedly nixed by
Congress, would have recruited one in twenty-four Americans as domestic
informants, a higher percentage than was used by the Stasi in East
Germany. Government funding was temporarily cut until the heat was off
but private funding continues and the same program was introduced under
a number of sub-divisions including AmeriCorps and SecureCorps.

Whether the constant re-introduction of draft legislation is simply a
trial balloon or an organized agenda to prepare a draft in response to a
future false-flag attack, it needs to be shot down now. We refuse to be
herded like cattle into harms way to serve the empire for global
domination and we also will not co-operate if there is an attempt to
deputize U.S. citizens to police other citizens under the banner of
Homeland Security. At least 25% of refusniks will do the same and the
state will have to undertake the gargantuan task of rounding us all up
for the camps - and that's where the fun really begins.

chismah's photo
Tue 11/21/06 02:11 AM
Amazing... but what is being missed is that regardless you, I and (ALL)
Americans will be (Forced) to have these installed in (All) the new
upcoming cars, trucks, jeeps etc.

Surveillance cameras (in your car watching & listening to you)
warrantless Big Brother taxing you as you drive on the American Union
Electronic Toll Roads. EVERYTHING being tracked and traced without mine
and your permission like criminals.

... Listen ... I"M NORMAL this is total COOCOO LAND & TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT.
Maybe we should change are national theme to "Land Of The Slaves... Home
of The Cowards!" I know I"M not accepting this electronic prisonitory
control grid going up... how about you?

chismah's photo
Mon 11/20/06 01:45 PM

(Please go to main link above to see photos, images & mainstream
documented source links within live article... Thanks!)


Big Brother To Decide If You Drive
245 million Americans to be forced to undergo "guilty until proven
innocent" breathalyzer tests just to start their cars if plan proceeds

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Monday, November 20, 2006

Just when you thought the Orwellian Big Brother society couldn't
possibly accelerate further, it gets even worse. A move is afoot to
force 245 million drivers in America to have alcohol breathalyzers
fitted in their vehicles, ignition interlocks that prevent the vehicle
from being started by an inebriant.

"The threat of arrest and punishment, for decades the primary tactic
against drunken drivers, is no longer working in the struggle to reduce
the death toll, officials say, and they are proposing turning to
technology — alcohol detection devices in every vehicle — to address the
problem," reports the New York Times.

In addition, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers today began a campaign to
make all states pass legislation that mandates these devices be placed
in all cars of drunk drivers, even if they are just a first time

Mandatory breathalyzers in all vehicles is just one item in a veritable
surveillance package that all drivers will be forced to accept if they
wish to use America's roads and highways.

- GPS tracking and taxation black boxes are being pushed to coincide
with the construction of the NAFTA Superhighway, where all vehicles will
be forced to use toll roads and will have their every movement
catalogued by spy satellites in alliance with a massive centralized

- US citizens will be forced to adopt a de-facto national identification
card and have their freedom of mobility defined by behavioral fealty to
the government under proposals set to derive from NAFTA superhighway
toll road systems and the implementation of the American Union.

- Biometric eye scanners that can detect tiredness and deny mobility if
the system judges the driver to be fatigued are being proposed for
individual vehicle use after being utilized by police in Australia.

- Proposals are in play to install surveillance cameras in all cars,
especially in areas where legislation has been passed that bans the
individual from smoking in their own car if a child is also present.

- In March 2004, Toyota launched its concept car of the future - a
literal behavior modification surveillance center on wheels - festooned
with Big Brother technology - that will record every nuance and error
the driver exhibits, and will limit its performance based on those
factors, including refusing to turn itself on. Industry publications and
other motor industry giants have also touted surveillance infested
vehicles as the model for all future development.

The installation of mandatory breathalyzers in all vehicles by law is a
death knell for freedom of mobility and directly violates the 4th
amendment, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable
cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."


The following points also illustrate why the move is a dangerous and
harebrained idea.

- Though billed as a "non-profit organization," Mothers Against Drunk
Driving is a front group for the auto industry and has been caught in
the past stealing money it raises through telemarketing. The American
Institute of Philanthropy has given MADD poor grades for its high
bureaucratic and fundraising costs.

- MADD advocates warrantless random roadblocks and checkpoints to
supposedly find drunk drivers, violating the U.S. constitution and
instilling fear into people for simply having a glass of wine with their

- Apologists for the program cite seatbelts as an example of a security
measure that was beneficial, yet don't understand the slippery slide to
fascism that inevitably comes as a result of restricting mobility.

- Drunks kill around 40,000 people a year and yet prescription drugs
kill over 200,000. Medical malpractice kills over 300,000 - but the
media hasn't brainwashed Americans to be fearful or upset about the
bigger dangers and so they don't care. The hyped specter of drunk
driving deaths manipulates whining do-gooders to call for their own
enslavement, anything to save a few lives.

- In the majority of areas in the south-west, around half of DWI's
involve illegal aliens, but nobody is prepared to face up to that
problem. A study by the Highway Safety Research Center at the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found Hispanic drivers involved in
crashes were three times more likely to be drunk than white or black

As Paul McNamara of Network World points out, the potential
ramifications for fitting every car with such a device are ominous.

"There is, of course, the straightforward civil libertarian question:
Why should those who have never been convicted of drunken driving be
compelled to prove they are innocent before being allowed to operate
their own cars? This baby seems to have been tossed with the bathwater
long ago in a country where drug testing has become routine, but you can
expect the die-hards to be heard anew."

"How far down the technology slope are we sliding? Certainly, any such
standard automobile equipment could include a record-keeping component.
Will attempted drunken driving become a crime? There could be no denying
the deterrent effect of such a new law. Three rejected start attempts
and you lose your license? Five and the ignition is permanently
disabled? Certainly the advocates will make the case than an ounce of
prevention beats even one more highway fatality."

"What about networking? Will the data be wirelessly transmitted to your
local police department? Why not? It would clearly help law enforcement
target and keep tabs on the recidivists. And the cops will need to know
when to pull your license for that third strike."

chismah's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:06 PM
Edited by chismah on Thu 11/16/06 07:06 PM

(Please go to main link above to see video of the incident and another
example video and live article information... Thanks!)


Americans To Be Tortured For Refusing To Show ID?
Student shocked, tortured for defending constitutional rights

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, November 16, 2006

A horror video that wouldn't look out of place in Maoist China or Nazi
Germany shows a student being repeatedly shot with a stun gun by UCLA
police for the crime of not showing his ID. As similar cases begin to
pile up how long will it be before Americans are routinely tortured for
noncompliance and refusing to have their 4th amendment violated?

"A cell phone captured video of a 23-year-old student being administered
multiple Taser shocks by UCLA police on Tuesday. The UCLA student was
hit with the Taser shocks multiple times while he was in the Powell
Library Computer Lab. According to the paper, (Mostafa) Tabatabainejad
did not show ID to community service officers who were conducting a
random check," reports NBC.

Watch the video above and witness as the cops bark at Tabatabainejad to
get to his feet as simultaneously shock him over and over until he
begins crying and screaming for them to stop.

Police are given extensive training on the use of stun guns and in most
cases that training involves taking a taser shot and feeling the
effects. Depending on each individual's physiology, it takes at least a
minute to be able to even stand after a single Taser shot. Over a
hundred deaths have occurred in America as a result of taser shocks and
Taser's own manual discourages repeated shocks, yet the history of their
use tells us that police simply administer repeated shocks until
"compliance is gained." This is a euphemism for torture.

The video and the eyewitness reports describe multiple taser shots as
Tabatabainejad begs and pleads while at one point screaming, "Here's
your Patriot Act, here's your f---ing abuse of power."

The officers repeatedly order Tabatabainejad to stand even as they
administer further shocks - sending 50,000 volts of current that
override the nervous system and temporarily paralyze muscles shooting
through his system again and again. He can't stand and the cops know it,
they just get off on the maniacal ego power trip of torture and this is
why Tabatabainejad is hit again and again despite his screaming and the
protests of the onlookers.


Similar cases abound in the so-called land of the free, including the
video above in which a housewife, Abbey Newman, is assaulted and
arrested for simply refusing to tell the gestapo her name at an
unconstitutional checkpoint. Another case in which an Alex Jones
listener, Ferrell Montgomery, was tasered and had a dog set on him again
underscores the brutal and sadistic nature of the police. Like
Tabatabainejad, Montgomery was repeatedly told to put his hands behind
his head and stand up while he was electric shocked and a dog savaged
him for not complying.

In November 2005, Deborah Davis was reading a book on a Denver bus when
a guard of a nearby federal building got on board and demanded everyone
show their ID. Davis refused, leading the guard to "call on federal
cops, who then dragged Davis off a public bus, handcuffed her, shoved
her into the back seat of a police car and drove off to a police station
within the Federal Center."

How long before Americans are tortured with taser weapons on the streets
for refusing to show identification on a routine basis?

How long before we are forced to wear shock collars like some bizarre
science fiction movie, where our masters can discipline us on a whim for
not obeying orders?

It may be a lot sooner than we think.

Every indication suggests that there are moves afoot to implement these
measures on every major street corner and transport system. A year ago
we were told that Federal air marshals were to expand their work beyond
airplanes, launching counter-terror surveillance at train stations and
other mass transit facilities. So called "Visible Intermodal Protection
and Response" teams — or VIPER teams, may soon be permanently deployed
to check ID's under the banner of counter-terrorism.

We need to set a precedent now whereby police who use taser stun guns
and any other kind of unreasonable force as implements of torture,
simply if an individual refuses to have their 4th amendment right
illegally violated, are instantly fired, sued and can never work in any
sector of government, policing or security again.

Watch this space for further updates on the Tabatabainejad case.

ACTION: Call UCLA and demand an investigation into this incident. BE
POLITE. 310-825-4321

chismah's photo
Wed 11/15/06 03:12 PM
Greetings Deb... Have fun and Head on over to the "General Discussion
Area" and post away a new "Hell, I'm New!" Topic and new people &
friends you shall meet... ^_^

chismah's photo
Wed 11/15/06 03:09 PM
Well actually I live in Cave ^_^ with a Laptop mind you.

So yeah!! one can say no bra!! ^_~


chismah's photo
Wed 11/15/06 03:06 PM
DiD somebody say CHOCOLATE??? 0_o

Woooo PASS IT HERE ^_^

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