Topic: Conyers Toes Party Line: No Impeachment
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Fri 11/10/06 02:57 PM

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Conyers Toes Party Line: No Impeachment
Something Is Extremely 'Rotten In The State Of Denmark'

Steve Watson
Friday, November 10, 2006

The latest Democrat "saviour" to flip flop 180 degrees in light of their
victory is Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. Presumed to become chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee in January, Conyers today said that
impeachment of President Bush "is off the table."

"In this campaign, there was an orchestrated right-wing effort to
distort my position on impeachment," Conyers said in a statement
released by his Judiciary Committee spokesman. "The incoming speaker
(Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.) has said that impeachment is off the
table. I am in total agreement with her on this issue: Impeachment is
off the table."

Conyers seems to have forgotten that last December he laid out the
grounds for impeachment in a 350 page long report called "The
Constitution in Crisis: The Downing Street Minutes and Deception,
Manipulation, Torture, Retribution and Cover-ups in the Iraq War" and
later updated to add "illegal domestic surveillance."

For a while Conyers was the darling of left leaning bloggers and readers

At this site, we are especially proud of the new Conyers Report, "The
Constitution in Crisis." By purchasing this book, you have the
opportunity to own a part of history and help the Congressman hold the
Bush Administration accountable. Your assistance in helping Congressman
Conyers become the next Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will
bring us one step closer to getting the American people the answers from
this Administration that they deserve.

Conyers is so admirable. One of the very few in Congress who still has
integrity and principles. It is too bad that he does not get more MSM
coverage but why would they do that? He might upset the Republican and
Corporate plans for total control and could expose their nefarious
He is risking much by not following the official DNC program too, in
addition to challenging the Bushies.
- Huffington Post

In december 2005, upon release of the report, Conyers stated:

The Report concludes that a number of these actions amount to prima
facie evidence (evidence sufficiently strong to presume the allegations
are true) that federal criminal laws have been violated. Legal
violations span from false statements to Congress to whistleblower
laws... The Report also concludes that these charges clearly rise to the
level of impeachable conduct... In response to the Report, I have
already taken a number of actions. First, I have introduced a resolution
(H. Res. 635) creating a Select Committee with subpoena authority to
investigate the misconduct of the Bush Administration with regard to the
Iraq war and report on possible impeachable offenses.

So Conyers was already underway with setting up investigations into
impeachable offences, but now he says that impeachment is off the table?
Clearly he has been given orders to toe the party line or face the

Despite the fact that 86% want to see the President impeached, leading
Democrats have already ruled this out. The same leading Democrats that
voted for the war in Afghanistan, for the Patriot Act, for Homeland
Security and against a bill that simply condemned torture of prisoners
in Iraq.


After Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, Conyers is the latest Democrat to
show us their true colours once in power.

Conyers and the other Democrats highlight precisely why we need to
regroup, consolidate and redouble our efforts in light of the theatrical
shift of power in Washington to the left. Because as soon as this
happened, overnight, the truth movement lost a great deal of support
from those that believe the job is now done.

Taking note of many reader comments over the past few days I have
noticed a startling uprise in the amount of negative and dismissive
feedback from some readers. Evidently those who expected us to be out
dancing in the streets at the news of a Democrat landslide in Washington
have been bitterly disappointed.

We have never once suggested that the solution to a corrupt and fascist
Neocon leadership is a passive and capitulating Democrat sideshow
leadership, so why is it any surprise that we are continuing on the same
course as before?

Comments such as the following emphasize my point:

"You can only have it one way. What the hell is up with you people. The
whole time the Bush regime was in power you begged for change. Now you
have it, but your still complaining."

Yes we are seeking change, but not a simple change of personnel as we
have witnessed this week. As we reported yesterday "There's no doubt
about it, to see frothing Neo-Cons who have been strutting around like
John Wayne for the past five years finally eat humble pie is a breath of
fresh air, but let's not be so deluded as to think that the Neo-Con
agenda, which took decades to craft, was simply brushed aside by the
victory of a party that has supported Bush every step of the way on
major issues."

Seeing Bush on TV admitting he'd took a hell of a beating was great, for
about five minutes, then he started laughing and joking about it and
talking about pushing forward to work closely with a new crowd.


Is rolling over and going back to sleep going to get Bush impeached?
Should we shut down the websites now and go save the whales or something
else we'd all love to be doing if we didn't have to relentlessly keep
fighting to stop our leaders killing our freedoms?

Within hours the Democratic elite have shown us that they don't give a
damn about holding the Bush administration up to scrutiny. With no
effective opposition in the form of a political party it is up to the
people to continue to demand justice and to continue to attempt to reign
in those who have heinously abused their power.

Thomas Jefferson described Congress as "a body to which the people send
one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything
and yield nothing."

In light of this how can any representative say something like
impeachment is 'off the table?