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Schools of Philosophy
I am not entirely sure that a "purist" of idealism is possible... What would a Idealistic purist look like...what would they see in this world...or what would they NOT see... If you 'see' something and you notice someone else who does not 'see' it, (or perhaps does not wish to see it) do you try to get them to see it? How successful are you in doing that? How are you improving their life by doing that? I often see pessimistic people (and I have been there too) who love to preach their pessimistic view of the world to everyone and who view an optimist as a fool. There is the extreme in either case. I have seen optimistic people who refuse to see the reality of the situation and plunge head first into disaster and wonder why. They, after all, were being positive and that alone is supposed to have saved them from their fate. ![]() other times, I do think that people will see, they will stop and listen to something other than the labels they see/hear/live by... I think of the pessimist like Eeyore...they want to be miserable I think...however, not all realists are eeyore either! I, from my own personal view, see little possibility in any type of purist of a philosophy...maybe that is because I have not seen myself as a purist... would I be able to recognize what I do not know... |
Schools of Philosophy
I am not entirely sure that a "purist" of idealism is possible... What would a Idealistic purist look like...what would they see in this world...or what would they NOT see... |
"Though an old man, I am but a young gardener. -Thomas Jefferson August 20, 1811 ![]() ![]() |
Don't ya wish everyone was Italian?? I love a good Roma!! With mozz and basil!!!! now THAT makes me hungry!! that is soooooooooo good!! and I love tomato on fresh bread with pepper!!! ![]() |
Apple, pear, peach, plum trees. Also intend to drop a row of blaCkberries, raspberries, and grapes. I'm also planning on dropping an A-frame set up for the cantaloupe and watermelons as I forgot how much room they take up! Sheesh! Will set up a second area for strawberries, too. I actually got into hoyseplants when I was living in an apartment and needed something to do. It also helped keep the ex smoking at a minimum as he got to buy a pack if I get a houseplant. Now 150 hps later... Lol. Greenhouses are awesome! I need to expand mine out another 28 ft and it might be big enough. Lol. I'd like to be able to start more things next year early on. WOW!! another 28 feet....I am hoping that by next year I can have one about 12 feet long!! A greenhouse like yours would be heaven!!! I would have to start melons and things early here...this year it was still doing some heavy frost at the beginning of JUNE!!! so we lost about 6 weeks... I would love to have some fruit trees too..I am going to have to settle for berries next year! I am hoping that I get a couple of tomatoes off my 6 lil plants I have this year...but they are just now flowering out!! I have been getting the flower gardens established and trying to learn about the dead heading and pruning... ![]() |
i love gardening i plant 75 tomatoe's every yr that the italian in me wow!! I love fresh tomatoes as well...THAT is a LOT of tomatoes!!! do you can them too? |
Schools of Philosophy
Edited by
Tue 07/21/09 07:26 AM
I can’t help thinking that idealism and realism are rather philosophies based on the mindset we are born with. For an example, I can’t see a person who is pessimistic by nature being an idealist. On the other hand, I rarely see an optimist being a realist, more likely he would be an idealistic realist or an idealist. Of course, there is no way for me to prove that it is so, and there are always exceptions. It is rather a conclusion drawn from observing people. I can agree with your observations of the idealist or realist, however, I do not agree that people are born with a mindset... I think that humans are born with three certainties for sure... ~race (or a mixture of race) ~gender (which may or may not agree with genitalia) ~economic class (which is not to say that it cannot change over time) I am not saying that the child is not born into an environment that will teach and reinforce the pessimistic or optimistic thinking...I just do not think the are born with it... |
I used to hate taking care of the plants as a kid. Now its a real pleasure. The veggie garden didn't do as well as hoped because it was ignored for about 3 wks. I'm considering tearing it up and putting a late crop down this year. My stuff tends to do better in containers and under the shady areas I toss out all of the houseplants. I've got baby spider plants up the wazoo and need to get the snake plants divided and repotted. I hope to get the fruit orchard laid out for the spring when it starts to cool down. I am not a big fan of house plants at all...just never have liked them in the house. I have not ever been good with them Mom can grow paper and have it bloom!!! I do not yet have a vegetable garden, I do have 6 tomato plants in pots...and that is it for that part. I would like to have one, but it is going to wait until next year...I will also have to put down a good rabbit fence...not sure what to do about the chippies... I would LOVE to have a green day day... how exciting to be planning an orchard!!! what type of fruit are you going to plant? the trees are so expensive.... |
Twitter on Mingle Part II
started to wash the back deck for painting today... |
I have a bunch of plants...I was lucky as I was at the greenhouse the other day when a rep was there and credited a bunch of plants back. I asked the owner if I could have the ones she was going to throw out...and she said Yes!!! most are in good enough shape that by working with them the last couple of days, they have signs of making a strong comeback!! a few others, really are great!! so now, I want to start designing a couple of garden areas... Does anyone know of any place that has some good ideas for flower garden design? That way you'll get the most pleasure from it. Thanks AB!! I have moved plants around all last weekend and still doing some planting. I got a great deal (free) on some plants (30) from the green house that I generally get my plants from. The rep was there from a company that she deals with and credited back a bunch of, she asked me if I wanted them!! I am finding this is really a lesson in know which plants bloom when, how tall they are going to get, the colors of leaves AND the blooms...much to consider really. I do love it though...and a couple of years ago, you could not have gotten me to do this... The thing I am finding difficult is the length of the growing season where I live and the heartiness of the plants! I do agree with you is a personal enjoyment!! |
Twitter on Mingle Part II
going to bed...if I snore, just nudge me... |
Quantum particles?/waves?
(My previous post was out of sync - I'm glad you posted your question LHL) So you are asking why darkness and light are not exactly the opposite from each other? If we have 'flashlights' that project light beams, why don't we have 'flashdarks' that project dark beams? I know that sounds like it should be obvious...yet, there is something about the light/dark that I just cannot wrap my brain around. It seems like darkness would put out light, just as light puts out darkness... unless darkness is nothing or does not really exist... then I wonder why there are animals that have special adaptations for the dark...and even humans have those adaptations... so, if light is energy and darkness is the opposite, then is darkness the absence of energy? that is clear huh? ![]() |
Quantum particles?/waves?
Edited by
Mon 07/20/09 08:51 PM
LightHouseLover, I think its okay to got slightly off topic under these circumstances - we're still talking about physics, discussion of the main topic has slowed down, and there are at least three people here interested in talking about it. if anyone feels differently i hope they speak up, i have no desire to disrespect other peoples use of this topic Thank you. I am not educated in the area of quantum physics at all, (I know, I bet you are all shocked!! LOL!)so my questions are probably pretty elementary, and may not add much to the conversation. and yes, I do apologize for getting off topic. I also go by LHL or Deb in the forums... ![]() |
Quantum particles?/waves?
ok, I am going to attempt to pose the question/my thought... when you have a light, no matter how dark it gets around it, the light is still present... yet, when you have darkness and you add a light to goes away. If light is "activity" and darkness is "no activity", they would be opposite of each other...yet, they are not. when I type this out, it sounds so simple, yet in my mind, I have this idea that I am not finding words for... sorry.. |
I don't know hagatha...never met him/her... I did not even meet Mongo.... poor poor me.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quantum particles?/waves?
yet, I still wonder about the light and dark idea. this is most likely way over my head really, I just find it interesting that a light source continues to be light. I don't understand. To our sense, darkness and light may seemed like two different phenomena, due, possibly, to similar (but opposite) underlying causes. But according to the beliefs of physicists, darkness is the absence of light - light has 'reality' in the sense of a process occurring. Darkness is just how we experience the absence of that process. There is no 'darkness process', no 'darkness photon'. Darkness - as in: Something is blocking visible light?. or Darkness - as in: No energy is being transfered along the entire EM Spectrum in this area... (Which would immediately cause me to ask - WHY). never mind...I am not sure how to explain the question...and it probably does not belong in this thread anyway... and it was darkness as in no energy being transferred... |
Twitter on Mingle Part II
just shut the outside water off.... |
Well, I know that I for one am sick and tired of hearing from the Liberally conservative atheist christian type... and I am only here for friends anyway!! I am just so glad that it is a most EXCELLENT DAY!!! |
This is a most EXCELLENT day!!! |
Twitter on Mingle Part II
moved the sprinkler again.. |