Community > Posts By > FeelYoung

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 08:00 PM
I have been married AND single ..... now what was the question?

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 07:56 PM
Harmony... of course I am posting the same thing in several threads. Aren't you bashing the same man in several threads? Isn't charles bashing the president in several threads? no difference.


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 07:51 PM
well he made a fool of Pelosi tonight, and then....she just ADDED TO IT.
It's so laughable. I figured Schumer would do the Dem response, but they have Stacey Abrams doing it. She just rambles on about her dad giving his coat to a homeless man and her dad fighting prostate cancer for many years. Nothing at all to do with the country. They all have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 06:49 PM
Tue 02/05/19 08:30 PM
I don't bother to read the long posts. insignificant to me. I am watching our president speak tonight. He acknowledged the Congress, Vice President Pence and the First Lady. he did NOT recognize Nancy Pelosi. Good for him. Made a fool of her in front of the entire country. You should have seen the expression on her face. She just keeps fiddling with papers as he speaks. She just continues on sucking her lips and shifting papers. I think its going to feel like a long night to Ms. Pelosi.


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 06:47 PM

I don't bother to read the long posts. insignificant to me. I am watching our president speak tonight. He acknowledged the Congress, Vice President Pence and the First Lady. he did NOT recognize Nancy Pelosi. Good for him. Made a fool of her in front of the entire country. You should have seen the expression on her face. She just keeps fiddling with papers as he speaks. She just continues on sucking her lips and shifting papers. I think its going to feel like a long night to Ms. Pelosi.


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 06:30 PM
Edited by FeelYoung on Tue 02/05/19 06:32 PM
I don't bother to read the long posts. insignificant to me. I am watching our president speak tonight. He acknowledged the Congress, Vice President Pence and the First Lady. he did NOT recognize Nancy Pelosi. Good for him. Made a fool of her in front of the entire country. You should have seen the expression on her face. She just keeps fiddling with papers as he speaks. She just continues on sucking her lips and shifting papers. I think its going to feel like a long night to Ms. Pelosi.


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 03:13 PM
Yes, the government taxes us, but what do they DO with the tax dollars they collect? They certainly do not spend it carefully or we would not be Trillions of dollars in DEBT. And possibly reference checking has changed since I worked for health & human services, but when I was there, people DID drive new cars off the lot by Leasing and still collected food stamps and ADC. that's Aid to Dependent Children. The people I was processing were financially better off than I was and I was WORKING. To lease a car, you need a "down payment" and then pay a monthly fee or they come in the dead of night and repossess the car. it is NOT an asset, so it does not count toward welfare.

All the non-facts the left hurls at us daily from fake new, paper and media is mind-boggling.


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 03:02 PM
Yes. Obama picked my pocket, so I choose Trump.


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 03:00 PM
me too....take when I need and tolerate the remainder. The catch is, since I am OFF my Norco, new doc won't give me any. Do I turn to the street? That's where this opioid crisis is leading.... ME standing on a street corner with a cardboard sign - I NEED A PAIN PILL. 30 would be one a day for a month. Come ON doctors, there is real pain out here.


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 02:30 PM
I liked the part of Obama's speech to the Joint Session of Congress when Joe Wilson yelled "YOU LIE".


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Tue 02/05/19 01:53 PM
Edited by FeelYoung on Tue 02/05/19 01:56 PM
Why as a taxpayer should I help support someone else's child?? I went to work after divorce and paid my OWN rent, food and travel when my kids were 1 and 4. AND THERE WAS NO "tedious process". Simply handled when I filed papers for a divorce, a hearing was scheduled automatically.
Judge told their father he had to pay $50 a month support and keep them on his Blue Cross til they were 18. If a woman has a bunch of children from different men or one child from one man, there is NO sense of responsibility from ME. Why in the world should I pay for someone else's situation?? oh yeah, I get it.... Socialism......


** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 10:37 PM
There's nothing to see. You really need a photo or people don't even take time to see if you listed interests. You said you are separated, which means you are married. You need to clarify a few things and put up several photos, at least one of face, and a couple of you with your car or your dog or just standing. good luck.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 10:30 PM
Alan -fill in some interests. Great photo, and you have a few details, but Will Tell You Later makes most women/girls pass you by. Let your dream girl know some of the things you like to do to pass time.

and BTW - Rosie - I LUV your new pic !!

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 04:44 PM
fur coats and scarves are out of style If you are looking for women who were furs, tough luck. That's an evil old-time style for killing animals. if ou are looking for women who like FURBABIES.... change your request to FUR BABIES and you will locate pet owners.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 10:16 AM
I think you made the right choice. You sound like a good man... and so count yourself fortunate that you have continued contact with your boys. When I got a divorce my girls were forced to visit their dad for 4 hours a week with a court-appointed supervisor going along. That was pure Hell for all of us, but it was necessary. More than once I considered packing the car and driving me and the girls to Canada. Enjoy what you have. I feel that Datwasntme is spot on.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 10:09 AM
tired, and irritated cuz car wouldn't start. AAA said its not the battery, so had to get it towed to mechanic, & cancelled doc appointment. Hopefully I can find something good in the fridge

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 10:05 AM
I was on Norco for 8 years - doc was giving me 10 a day. pain kept getting worse Morphine was like eating M&M's. tried everything. Finally a neurologist said 10 a day was deadly and I had rebound pain...cut it to 8.
big deal. Now my GP has sent me to a new pain specialist who said NO MORE narcotics, wean off of them so I can start you on LDN (look up LDN)
that made me furious, so I just stopped cold turkey. never took another Norco. had absolutely NO withdrawal symptoms, which I assume means it never helped in the first place. Went back to doc clean for 10 days and he started me on LDN. 2 months in and its not helping... in so much pain I just get through a day at a time..but due to socialists wanting drugs to pour over our borders, we have an "opioid crisis" so I can't get my Norco again. The best I can do is use ice packs and a cane.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 09:52 AM
I am against socialism... don't want to be like Venezuela and other socialist countries. People who are not TRULY disabled should get off their butts and work. I worked 47 years without complaining, because I bettered myself in each job I had. No way am I for people paying the "government" 70% in taxes across the board. Many (I am not saying ALL) -- Many of our unemployed, people getting welfare checks, food stamps, homeless, etc. are in fact LAZY. I know people who SAY they are too disabled to work, but they own Harleys and ride all over the country. People who get food stamps for the entire family and drive three cars. There are ways around the rules to get paid for doing nothing. When I worked for health & human services, there were people getting $600 in food stamps and driving new off-the-lot cars because they were not BUYING them, they were LEASING. So it could not be called an asset. I do not want thousands of people coming across our borders, putting more pressure on working people to support them. We have so many people with TRUE disabilities who wait in line and have to appeal decisions against them.... when we have socialist thinking people who want to tell us what we can do, should do, will do and what kind of job THEY think we are qualified for. I HATE SOCIALISM.

Be realistic and "BUILD THAT WALL"

** I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/04/19 07:24 AM
most of the posts on here are idle LeNGTHY prattle.
no one reads long posts. I agree with tombraider and I say

Be realistic and "BUILD THAT WALL"

I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 02/03/19 09:19 PM
kettle popcorn and a Coke (not diet --- real Coke)

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