Community > Posts By > mark5222

mark5222's photo
Mon 10/13/08 03:37 PM
oh but there you want to go on sending money to our enemy untill we find an alternative?that was the same thing said years ago and now we need it.if we were cut off from oil right now it would be disasterous.we have to start drilling our oil.why is that hard to understand?and why not.every other country does and they collect our money and hold it over our heads.we are one major disaster from going under.everyone we buy oil from hate us.its a matter of national securety.

mark5222's photo
Mon 10/13/08 03:28 PM
big government got us into this to begin loans to people who couldnt pay using descrimination as reason for the away will never work.i say we fire all of them in nov.

mark5222's photo
Mon 10/13/08 03:23 PM
it didnt help.what got us out out of the depression was war sadly to say.government is not the answer to all the will tank if the businesses are taxed any higher.and if obama gives away all he promisses and doesnt drill off shore to bridge the gap untill a better energy source is found.

mark5222's photo
Mon 10/13/08 03:17 PM
actually that was tried

mark5222's photo
Mon 10/13/08 03:14 PM
like what with what and where where

mark5222's photo
Sat 09/27/08 09:13 PM
yes i didnt get it enough.i dont think i would want it legal tody. i think people are different.i dont trust people anymore.not just teachers.its a different world.i dont think kids get disipline at home as much as they did back then and it shows.dont get me wrong i know alot of outstanding kids.what used to be unthinkable when i was growing up is common behavior today.

mark5222's photo
Sat 09/27/08 11:16 AM
starements like that just make me want to vote for mccain.and it shows the lack of knowledge on the issues that obama and his disciples have

mark5222's photo
Sat 09/27/08 11:11 AM
you are right we have this discusion every 4 years.whats the answer?there will never be another viablbe party unless obama wins.if thats the case which looks like it will happen it will be the end to the democratic party as we know it.

mark5222's photo
Sat 09/27/08 11:02 AM
you have given barak deer in the headlights obama to much credit.he floped alot of his stances if he ever had any besides studdering and abortion has changed.i cant vote for anyone else but mccain in fear of obamas socialist anti military positions.its the democrats socialist beliefs that the government owes everyone everything is why the markets is in the crices.mcain is not much better but on his worst day is a whole lot les scarrier than obama.

mark5222's photo
Sat 09/27/08 10:49 AM
that was the first thing i thaught while reading this post.obama thinks he can talk the haters of america and isreal into loving us and stop hating.therefore we will have no need of a military.he also thinks if he tears down and taxes big companies thay will bring jobs back to america along with thier money.but i think naders ignorance should be heard along with the other two candidates

mark5222's photo
Sat 09/27/08 10:39 AM
thats a very good no theologen.gos i cant even spell half the time but niether could st.peter but i know a phd in theology.its not that he knows all the right answers but i will get in take on the subject.

mark5222's photo
Fri 09/26/08 09:44 PM

mark5222's photo
Thu 09/25/08 08:04 AM
absolutly thats all obama had done in over two years is ran for president.or vote present a few times. and takes credit for bill he didnt have anything to do with.low and behold he now takes credit that this was his original idea.its time he stop thinking of himself and go to work for a change.if he can fix all the the countrys problem then a good start is for him to go to work and do it.but why would he do that all he has to do is say he not or never will get on the chosen ones band wagon.i dont trust him his friends are thugs and he doesnt show for work.and when he does its only about abortion.

mark5222's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:39 PM
dont you know its those evil rich minority tree hating republicans just trying to get richer.i dont care what its called if its not done and done right you can kiss america as we know it goodby.but then for those who dont like america they will think back to when it was great to be american.but theres hope. the great obam, is going to washington in the morning.with the all his wisdumb and devine magic he will solve this problem just by saying he can.i just hope some day he can touch me and all my problems will be solved.

mark5222's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:20 PM
you can read anything about anyone at any time.of course the chosen one thaught of it can we believe any different.hes always right knows all and can talk iran into loving america and stop hating jews.he can bring world peace with just his being here.he can solve the economy by steeling from the rich and giving to the poor.shure i believe it

mark5222's photo
Fri 09/19/08 10:36 PM
that statement made libs eveywhere look bad.the libs didnt corner the market on change.

mark5222's photo
Fri 09/19/08 10:32 PM
most of the libersl females in office are scared of her because first she is more qualified than they are who cant see that. she is living what she believes.shes tough and well, better looking than they are .you brought it up!

mark5222's photo
Fri 09/19/08 10:27 PM
true,im not taking a chance on obama getting in.theres nothing to be gained with voting for paul. a lot to lose by not voting for mccain.sadly

mark5222's photo
Fri 09/19/08 10:21 PM
they dont punish pedifiles in vemont.and he wants to make bush look like the bad guy???thats what wrong with would have been different if bush had done nothing and they had nukes now and used them.which could have verry well have happend the way he was getting help from russia and the whole world.i rather be sorry for something ive done than something i didnt i suppose if convicted they will rehabilitate bush????

mark5222's photo
Fri 09/19/08 10:14 PM
msnbc??????????????why hasnt this been all over the the liberal press??this is the only place ive heard of this. not that it might not be true?i would think obama would have already took advantage of this one.i cant support a socialist.nor can i waste a vote and take a chance on obama getting in.