Topic: The Example we're setting. | |
Independent U.S. presidential candidate banned from debates
Russia Today Saturday, Sept 27, 2008 While millions of people around the world watched Barack Obama and fellow U.S. presidential candidate John McCain debate each other, another man running for the high office was ignored. Independent Ralph Nader is not allowed to debate McCain and Obama because officials say he doesn’t qualify. However, Nader’s influence on the tight election may be greater than he’s being given credit for. Ralph Nader is on the ballot in 45 states. In his fifth run for office Nader is polling roughly five percent nationwide. His move to cement a third party system can very well swing the election - each voter Nader gains is a vote McCain or Obama loose. In 2000 Nader received nearly three million votes. Some argue it cost Al Gore from beating George W. Bush. The memory is causing some supporters to abandon him on the election day. “I’m voting for Obama only because I just don’t feel Nader can win. Although I like Nader, it’s just more, I’d rather not McCain win,” a voter says. Most opinion polls list him as the third most popular in the race. But you would not think so watching the mainstream U.S. news channels. As Americans are inundated daily with wall to wall coverage of the two major party candidates one may find Ralph Nader giving a press conference inside a university classroom with two television cameras and around ten reporters in attendance. Slashing the military budget, clipping power of big corporations, and renewable energy – these are views that won’t be heard during the televised presidential debates. Nader is excluded from taking part. The majority of voters attending Nader’s rally are under 21 years old. Their ten dollar contributions do not put a crack in the McCain or Obama piggy bank. The donations do, however, show - even young voters are disenchanted by the status quo. Nader’s campaign is more than just about the US presidency. He and his supporters say it’s about opening up a system dominated by two parties that they say have failed the country for decades. |
This article didn't even mention the stifling of the voices that belong to the Libertarian,Constitution and Green parties...
Slashing the military budget, clipping power of big corporations, and renewable energy – these are views that won’t be heard during the televised presidential debates.
^ ^ ^ Oh, these points were discussed/mentioned in last nights fact, they were repeated several times by Mr. Obama... |
that was the first thing i thaught while reading this post.obama thinks he can talk the haters of america and isreal into loving us and stop hating.therefore we will have no need of a military.he also thinks if he tears down and taxes big companies thay will bring jobs back to america along with thier money.but i think naders ignorance should be heard along with the other two candidates
Well, you can't have it both ways, on one hand they want to talk about how anyone can come up and potentially be president, but on the other hand they want to block and stifle the voices of those that aren't paid for by special interests.
you are right we have this discusion every 4 years.whats the answer?there will never be another viablbe party unless obama wins.if thats the case which looks like it will happen it will be the end to the democratic party as we know it.
The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.
Karl Marx ...I know I quote this alot, but it seems so fitting under the circumstances.... |
The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them. Karl Marx ...I know I quote this alot, but it seems so fitting under the circumstances.... Well we do know that the Chicago Dems and the NeoCons that came from them all learned these principles, not to mention Trotsky and Wilsonianism. Excellent quote, it's perfect. |