I vote my conscience.
I haven't voted in years. I won't. I cannot justify one as a lesser evil over the other. Until a candidate comes up that is principled and sways enough people from a grassroots local start and moves forward to the national conversation with clarity and honesty, I cannot allow myself to be complicit with my tacit approval. I become the one that I vote for, and wear that person's responsibility and accountability. I won't compromise my own integrity for some emotional appeal that stirs some form of digression in counter intuitive rage taking the form of tearing down someone distasteful by advancing someone's agenda that is less distasteful. My ego is not big enough for that. ![]() But I will irritate and instigate and annoy the very tactically pragmatic tendencies expressed by distraught emotions to bring thwem to the surface for all to see. It's only fair that WE QUESTION OUR MOTIVES AS VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS AND CITIZENS. I know the mantra decrying my position as disengenuous. To not vote means one has no right to critcze the voters and the representatives sent to government. But who decreed that as conventional wisdom? That is not wisdom, but another excuse to perpetuate distraught emotions unchecked. For decades, we have known that there exists a "silent majority" in this nation and that this "silent majority" does not have a voice in the national conversation. Neo Cons have tried to call us their own. Evangelicals would like us to curr to their agenda and be complicitous with their own schemes. NOT!!!!!!!!! Democrats are afraid of us mobilizing in a coherent fashion. Republicans only give us lip service because we are adamantly opposed to issues, doctrines and philosophies espoused by the left. Even the libertarians want our support and call us half hearted and uncommitted to any constitutional cause. anyway, we are not fooled by anything and are very aware of what is going on. Temerity has its perfect place, but patience is a virtue. I am learning how to wear my patience. And temerity only breeds trouble for me. LOL JMHO. straight talk this time. peace, out. ![]() |
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Mon 10/06/08 08:24 PM
8. "That's exactly what we're going to do in a Palin and McCain administration." --Sarah Palin, elevating herself to the top of the ticket, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sept. 18, 2008 (Watch video clip)
This is my favorite. ![]() I bet that just chapped McCain's a$$ ![]() ![]() As for the rest of it and the others she giddily proffers, I think it's mostly her folksy colloquial expressionism that is making her remarks so incredibly unintelligible. But then, you'd have to know the language of white America and it's inland empire. call it.....blanconics. ![]() I have a friend that loves racing. He makes T shirts and is a successful merchant in Santa Cruz, Ca. He has his own line, like ecko and TAPOUT. ![]() He sponsored our race car last year. He bought bodies . We tear them up real bad. LOL Well, he also sponsored another friend, Todd Souza and his NASCAR team last year. My partner crews for Souza on the West Coast. His co. name is blanco basura. That is Spanish for white trash. LOL Nascar finally caught on and banned Blanco Basura's sponsorship on the Souza Team's car even though Todd was driving it and had been the previous year with this sponsor on the car. LOL It didn't fit the "image" that NASCAR wanted projected. LOL Some people have no sense of humor. That's all there is to it. ![]() |
Who has controlled Congress for most of the past 7 1/2 years? Answer: Republicans They are primarily responsible for the economic mess this country is in now. where have you been? in the south pacific getting a tan for most of your adult life? Everyone knows that legisation passed is always started and triggered , for the most part, after a Presidenrt is out of the Oval Office. Things move slowly in government and the new laws and policy directives take time to implememt. The infrastructure to manage has to be built in forst. Same thing right now with the bailout. It won't reach full steam for years. It is an incremental bailout. Every mess of the last 8 years is due very heavily to Clintonomic mach9inations and legislation done in a frenzy near the end of his second term. He knew full well what it would mean for the next President to deal with. They all do it. It is the way things work. always has been. That is why FDR was the impetus for term limits. He was making too many problems for future generations and he had to be stopped. History is not a liberal longsuit. Libs prefer being empty suits. have some more KOOL AID> ![]() |
Hipocracy from the right
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Mon 10/06/08 07:55 PM
As for the Contras, they were fighting xommunists and it is THEIR financing that was in part from drug lords, not akin to the communists either.
But that was not the role of the US, only the source of some funds that the rebels had for making the two pronged arms deal work. The mess was an black op to circumvent a lack of direct funding to help Israel deal with Khomeini and to help the Nicaraguan rebels ddefeat the communists. here... The affair The affair is composed of two matters: arms sales to Iran, and funding of Contra militants in Nicaragua. Direct funding of the Nicaraguan rebels had been made illegal through the Boland Amendment.[5] The affair emerged when a Lebanese newspaper reported that the U.S. sold arms to Iran through Israel in exchange for the release of hostages by Hezbollah.[11] Letters sent by Oliver North to John Poindexter support this.[12] The Israeli ambassador to the U.S. says that the reason weapons were eventually sold directly to Iran was to establish links with elements of the military in the country. The Contras did not receive all of their finances from arms sales, but also through drug trafficking.[13] Ollie was in there as evidence of the trail of command, not as an architect of the scheme. It is important to remember that israel conned the US in this fiasco. Let's not forget that. This is completely different than Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground, huh? or have we forgotten what this thread is about? where were you when this all unfolded that you cannot remember it and require my civics lesson of doing your research for you, just to prove that I am not misrepresenting my take on the comparison? hhhmmmmmm?????????? Here's some KOOL AID for you while you think about that. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hipocracy from the right
Sarah Palin charges that Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country." How come Bill Ayers is considered a terrorist for his actions to protest the Vietnam war, but G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North are considered "heroes" by the right? Palin also says, "We see an America of exceptionalism." How's that different than "elite?" because ollie took it on the chin for Iran Contra and wore the spanking. Ayers tried to bomb the capital building and had his heart set on bombing the Pentagon, and is unrepentent for that act of terrorism. He has said within the last decade that he wished he'd done more. That is screwy. Ollie was a man under authority to his superiors and loves this country and was willing to put himself in great jeopardy due his potriotic fervor. Ayers is still trying to destroy this country and recreate it in his own socialist image. But for a man that whines about juveniles getting their troubled little hands on guns, more so than slapping them and seeing to it that these little south side murderers are tried like adults, as tough love setting an example for peers to rethink their youthful violent streak in Chicago, he would rather coddle them and prop up his lack of legitimacy with a Harvard law professor that taught only one class a year and call it community organization. I fail to see any moral equivalence in the comparison. But then, I am jaded and cynical and suspicious of enablers. my bad. ![]() Ollie North sold arms to the Iranians, thus strengthening them. How is that 'patriotic'? Arming our enemies? He got these arms from the Nicaraguan Contras. This scandal also involved bank fraud and cocaine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbt9PsaSUiI&feature=related He wasn't a hero, he was a disgrace. The Iran-Contra affair was a political scandal which was revealed in November 1986 as a result of earlier events during the Reagan administration. It began as an operation to increase U.S.-Iranian relations, wherein Israel would ship weapons to a moderate, politically influential group of Iranians opposed to the Ayatollah Khomeini; the U.S. would reimburse Israel for those weapons and receive payment from Israel. The moderate Iranians agreed to do everything in their power to achieve the release of six U.S. hostages, who were being held by Hezbollah. The plan eventually deteriorated into an arms-for-hostages scheme, in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages, without the direct authorization of President Ronald Reagan.[1][2] In the end, fourteen administration officials were charged with crimes, and eleven convicted, including then-Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.[9] They were all pardoned in the final days of the George H. W. Bush presidency, who had been vice-president at the time.[10] who, I am quick to point out was also the cief at the CIA years before. yup. scary sh!t. But Ollie was not the one doing the bidding, he was just the patsy; a man under authority, like I said. Hope that clears up that little disturbing bit of innuendo and misinformation. I don't condone the rupublican led mess, and neither did Reagan. He appointed the 3 man Tower Commission to get to the bottom of the mess that it had become. |
Hipocracy from the right
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Mon 10/06/08 06:55 PM
Sarah Palin charges that Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country." How come Bill Ayers is considered a terrorist for his actions to protest the Vietnam war, but G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North are considered "heroes" by the right? Palin also says, "We see an America of exceptionalism." How's that different than "elite?" because ollie took it on the chin for Iran Contra and wore the spanking. Ayers tried to bomb the capital building and had his heart set on bombing the Pentagon, and is unrepentent for that act of terrorism. He has said within the last decade that he wished he'd done more. That is screwy. Ollie was a man under authority to his superiors and loves this country and was willing to put himself in great jeopardy due his potriotic fervor. Ayers is still trying to destroy this country and recreate it in his own socialist image. But for a man that whines about juveniles getting their troubled little hands on guns, more so than slapping them and seeing to it that these little south side murderers are tried like adults, as tough love setting an example for peers to rethink their youthful violent streak in Chicago, he would rather coddle them and prop up his lack of legitimacy with a Harvard law professor that taught only one class a year and call it community organization. I fail to see any moral equivalence in the comparison. But then, I am jaded and cynical and suspicious of enablers. my bad. ![]() |
Hipocracy from the right
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Mon 10/06/08 06:44 PM
Sarah Palin charges that Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country." How come Bill Ayers is considered a terrorist for his actions to protest the Vietnam war, but G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North are considered "heroes" by the right? Palin also says, "We see an America of exceptionalism." How's that different than "elite?" it is an answer to aliberal hack that got a lot of traction out of spewing that the republicans act like they are better than socialists and that America prides itself on being a better people. The answer to that came as "exceptionalism" from the right as a counter-intuitive rebuttal. The libs let go of their new and improved tag for the republican agenda, which was meant to transference elitism through projection onto the right and disguise the true tag given the left. It seems that dysfunctional moral equivalence doesn't bait the right very well. But there is more spin to come, no doubt. This is better than General Hospital and Family Guy, for sure. ![]() |
this ought to irritate, infuriate and alienate quite nicely.LOL
Democrats caused downward spiral to economy to undermine a republican President and the upcoming election. Checkmate: http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2008/09/27/youtube-video-causes-stir-by-showing-how-democrats-caused-crisis http://federalism.typepad.com/crime_federalism/democrats_caused_market_meltdown/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-n5nkRKsWk http://www.comcast.net/data/fan/html/popup.html?v=877970171&pl=878950496.xml&plc=878950496&launchpoint=Cover&cid=fancover&attr=default_headline&config=/config/common/fan/default.xml |
sounds like mcCain is already in the know and in the loop, huh?
so much for barack being anointed by the powers that be. oh well.... |
bash the opposing candidate!
nobama 20ever
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It's a right!
"Cat fight" why that's nearly as offensive as the poster who accused women of not liking Palin because she is beautiful. Wouldee why are you so angry? Who pissed in your cheerios? You opened the door with your post so I hope the mods let this post stand in answer to yours. You do know how to attack. Attacks seem to be one thing you do well. Sorry Wouldee but it's not all about attacking you as you said in your last post. Doubting Palin, pointing out her inability to intelligently address issues or answer questions, posting her contradictory statements and questionable positions is not cat fighting. There are people on this board who post to shed light on her politics and positions. Some of us are women. When women disagree it isn't a cat fight. (I am going to leave the whole cat fight fantasy out of this) no anger here, lynann. ![]() One oif the ladies said I am insulting you ladies by pointing out what palin means, not what you meant her to mean, and I don't see the insult. I do see a backlash, and the topic verring off into something else, though. ![]() ![]() I don't know how the mods get involved either. LOL I have been suspended twice now. I am probab;ly heading for a ban, who knows? LOL Dissent and debate, huh? sure it's a personal attack on me by the one i was answering. I don't care, I laughed it off. My point was not to cry foul, but to point out that palin's comments are mischaracterized and evasiveness accompanies the ranyts against Palin's sarcasm and wit. Totally harmless and completely true, too. ![]() ![]() as far as shedding light, i did that quite nicely when I explained what she meant. You all are too close to the trees to see the forest. That's fine. I helped ya, yabetcha! ![]() The cat fight stands, but Palin is not in it.LOL You ladies take issue with her comments as mischaracterized, and don't want to hear anything but rants against her. I find that hillaryus. It amazes me h9ow women see other women as enemies when this happens, even though it is poiltical convictions being bandied about as a cover. If the political convictions were not so baseless, then there wouldn't be the humor that exists in the display. Women are smarter than being coy in convenient ways. It's cute though. as long as it's at arm's length away from me. LOL keep up the fun. ![]() It's not a woman against woman issue. We would do it it a male candidate was saying stupid things too. But...for some reason you can't see this. you missed her wit altogether. she doesn't dispute that freedom of speech is a right. Palin is making a crack that getting airtime on the predominantly liberal media is a privilege. Conservatives not welcome. LOL or maybe that prtivilege means that only elitists are allowed equalk time in liberal media outlets.LOL and the fair and balanced crack is a pun aimed at Fox. You liberals have no sense of humor and cannot see humor for your ready angst to cry foul. It clouds your judgement. That's the point. Avoid acknowledging it altogether. It changes nothing, but it is rather disengenuous to mischaracterize my input and insight as baiting anyone. LOL I can see through it very clearly. It is funny though. ![]() |
![]() cool. making progress. ![]() |
It's a right!
"Cat fight" why that's nearly as offensive as the poster who accused women of not liking Palin because she is beautiful. Wouldee why are you so angry? Who pissed in your cheerios? You opened the door with your post so I hope the mods let this post stand in answer to yours. You do know how to attack. Attacks seem to be one thing you do well. Sorry Wouldee but it's not all about attacking you as you said in your last post. Doubting Palin, pointing out her inability to intelligently address issues or answer questions, posting her contradictory statements and questionable positions is not cat fighting. There are people on this board who post to shed light on her politics and positions. Some of us are women. When women disagree it isn't a cat fight. (I am going to leave the whole cat fight fantasy out of this) no anger here, lynann. ![]() One oif the ladies said I am insulting you ladies by pointing out what palin means, not what you meant her to mean, and I don't see the insult. I do see a backlash, and the topic verring off into something else, though. ![]() ![]() I don't know how the mods get involved either. LOL I have been suspended twice now. I am probab;ly heading for a ban, who knows? LOL Dissent and debate, huh? sure it's a personal attack on me by the one i was answering. I don't care, I laughed it off. My point was not to cry foul, but to point out that palin's comments are mischaracterized and evasiveness accompanies the ranyts against Palin's sarcasm and wit. Totally harmless and completely true, too. ![]() ![]() as far as shedding light, i did that quite nicely when I explained what she meant. You all are too close to the trees to see the forest. That's fine. I helped ya, yabetcha! ![]() The cat fight stands, but Palin is not in it.LOL You ladies take issue with her comments as mischaracterized, and don't want to hear anything but rants against her. I find that hillaryus. It amazes me h9ow women see other women as enemies when this happens, even though it is poiltical convictions being bandied about as a cover. If the political convictions were not so baseless, then there wouldn't be the humor that exists in the display. Women are smarter than being coy in convenient ways. It's cute though. as long as it's at arm's length away from me. LOL keep up the fun. ![]() |
It's a right!
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Mon 10/06/08 10:19 AM
self loathing is all I hear in response, not anything credible about palin's comments.
You are taking it upon yourselves to be offended, ladies. It is not required of you. Just admit you hate palin for your own reasons and move on with you lives. The cat fight you are having among yourselves with palin is ludicrous. She doesn't even know you are hating on her. She knows better than to bother with it. She has a thick skin or she wouldn't be in politics, huh? I care about you. Your blindness concerns me. I point out needed perspective to give texture to Palin's remarks and the light goes on. Now it is about attackin' ol' wouldee. That's funny, ladies. have a nice day, ladies. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Place in Hell
how's that again? you get the facts and see that Palin didn't instigate this crap and all the nonsense surrounding this character assasination and spin it that CNN and the MSM are my labels? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() msm = Main Stream Media keep drinking that KOOL AID, hater. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Kipling & Palin
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
Kipling is a hater. this is a reference to the God depicted in the Holy Bible. nice spin. ![]() ![]() |
It's a right!
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Mon 10/06/08 10:02 AM
wear it if it fits you.
i don't mind. nothing personal, ladies. I am explaining what is missing about the OP ; the facetious comments, the sarcasm, the criticism of the media, and the pun intended about Fox News as "fair and balanced". Why do you all make it something else than what it is? never mind, you will only spin that too. have some KOOL AID. ![]() |
It's a right!
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Mon 10/06/08 09:38 AM
Okay, aside from sounding like a FOX news commercial at the end which is sad, what really offends me is Sarah saying that freedom of the press is a privilege. It is not a privilege it is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Her quote, "As we send our young men and women overseas in a war zone to fight for democracy and freedoms, including freedom of the press, we've really got to have a mutually beneficial relationship here with those fighting the freedom of the press, and then the press, though not taking advantage and exploiting a situation, perhaps they would want to capture and abuse the privilege. We just want truth, we want fairness, we want balance." I'd really like to hear more about how she sees the press "abuse the privilege" Would that be stating facts that contradict her version of reality? Would that be criticizing the administration? Would that be fact checking? She is either an idiot who is talking to fill up space or she really believes this crap. Remember folks, we've already had almost eight years of idiot babble (he knows exactly what he is doing) do we need another four? it is a privilege. the privilege comes from the liberal MSM to whoever they choose, or allow to grace their venue. That's what she meant. She is being facetious. And you all say you are so bright and articulate and that she is a dimwit. I pity the looney left. I really do. sheep bleating out how lost you really are. You cannot think for yourselves anymore. You get slapped in the face and don't even know it. lay off the KOOL AID, will ya? I won't mind at all. yabetcha. ![]() |
well, war, I thought I did that with my highlights.
![]() ![]() I would add that democrats are salivating over the ramifications of getting into the White House with all these new toys to play with. Who do you think the democrats would love to oppress and marginalize with all that power in their socialist claws? Where do you think this will lead if democrats control employment by amassing an army of government workers voting left of center for self preservation and security and tenure to entitlements? No need for martial law in that case. the warnings against fascism are barking up the wrong tree, unless the tree itself is a graft on a different stump. There are those who still think they are holding the pass against a revolution that may be coming up the road. But they are gazing in the wrong direction. The revolution is behind them. ~ Garet Garrett, The Revolution Was (1938) |
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Mon 10/06/08 09:19 AM
Oh, BOO! Ron Paul got play on Al Jazeera too, are you gonna call him a Islamic Sympathizer? Nevermind that freedom to live belongs to all people, given by the creator. When you look at the worst offenders of the rights of people over there, the worst murders in power, its all folks we propped up into power. She doesn't see Christianity as an evil, she sees the NeoCons/ Extremist Evangelical use of religion as evil and it is. I don't get with Programming. sure you do, war. you have no clear concept of God. Therefore, your concept of political intrigues and constitutional analysis is entirely secular. you gotta know how to bend with the wind so you don't break. When the time comes to separate the men from the boys then and only then will we see the ones that are getting with the program. But much evil has to happen before such drastic measures can unfold into an all out civil war. Ron Paul and his crowd will ether be in Austria by then or in jail singing. ![]() ![]() First of all, no man can tell me what my walk with the Creator is. Any man who thinks he can judge my walk, is violating one of the lessons that Jesus himself taught. In case you haven't noticed, our Constitution makes it clear that our Government is to be secular in nature, thats part of what the first amendment is all about. You can't have freedom of religion, when you have a religious central government. Papal Rome? Ron Paul might end up in a jail, but he's not going to Austria, he's doing what he can with the time he has left on this planet to educate. 1.) You are obliged to speak freely, it is your duty. 2.) You rebel continually against injustice and oppression. 3.) Ordinary citizens are supposed to run things not professional politicians. 4.) American’s cherish the rule of law. 5.) American has no established God. Religious freedom requires there be no state religion. 6.) Deliberate with our neighbors not the false left/right paradigm whipped up by demagogues. 7.) We cannot maintain an oppressive empire and still be American. Liberty is a universal human right. It appears you must pass the "Evangelical" test in the USA now or you are not as American as your brother. Wrapped up in all this religious scapegoating and justification for acting out in the name of God, and not in ones own name is proof enough that God is not involved in the mess, but being blamed by the inarticulate for having acted out as if led by a higher power with a higher purpose. The Internationalists and Globalists and NWO hacks play into this ever so nicely. But that is not the inspiration for the silent majority in America. Nor is it in the consciousness of this silent majority to embrace theocracy or to legslate morality or make this nation a "christian" nation. Quite the opposite is true of the silent majority which also includes christians that cannot vote in good conscience for the lesser of evils among men in justifying a system of government that has become a profession and a career for so many as though delusions of grandeur and self importance and self determination and freedom and liberty are wrapped in personal ambition and patriotism first based on spurious notions of the terms and conditions of leadership, citizenship and civic duties and responsibilities incumbent upon self governance. The USA is a headless beast. It requires a head. Always had, and always will. When the majority of citizens adhere to the same concept of God, the headless beast has a head, democratically conferred upon an ensign of that concept of God and the republic follows a unified sense of purpose and direction without becoming a theocracy. That is how it was. In a diverse and pluralistic society where no one concept of God and conscience is prevalent, consensus becomes a motivation for which alterior influences which can never be said to be moral or ethical and intangibly inherent in the consensus of the democratically conferred upon ensigns and agents of representative governance. The problem with that is, that religous congruity cannot appear to be favoring one group over another and the only possible avenue left to pursue for consensus building becomes the secular mantra of divisiveness and diversity, which actually is a breeding ground for prejudices and religious persecution based on an innocuous assumption of inclusiveness through the absence of spiritual inspiration of any one persuasion. That is how it is. What is alarming to me is that Americans always vote for supposed christian leaders and partisan squabbling always comes down to dividing this nation incessantly widening the gap of consensus between christians and non christians and blaming christians and christianity and by inference, God, for the mess we are in. LOL Every single President has professed to be a christian. hhhmmmmm........ Every single President has been given the Oval Office by all voters. All includes christians but is not exclusively so. And yet, it is the fault of the religious christian community that the ills of our society are due to christian influence. The tail is wagging the dog on that one. Yeah, right. keep drinking that KOOL AID and never mind making any sense. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |