Community > Posts By > mrheartfelt
they only suggestion I have is to remove your restrictions for who can contact will meet great people here of all ages, genders, etc that will likely want to become friends! I agree. Take off the restrictions and you will meet more people and go from there. You will have fun if you do that!!!! |
One thing I know about educated women is that they don't have to put up with controlling men and game players. Those type of men are intimidated by and educated woman. To me, it does not matter. I t is not the education that matter, but rather matters are matters of the heart. I think a lot of time, men need to listen to what women have to say, educated or not. I am cool with an educated woman. |
Why are you still Single?
I always say that if someone is there, they will find me. I am just single because I guess I am resigned to it. I am happy to be here, but maybe one day my luck will change. Until then, I am cool with it. |
I used to be a tournament bowler in Cali. It was a good place tro meet women, but some guys like to show off and it turned off a lot of women I knew. I retired because it just became too expensive tro keep up. I used to practice between 120- 150 games a week. Now, it is all just fun like Grandma used to have........ |
I love being outside....... and I don't mean going to the store and getting batteries either. I just love traveling which is my main reason for being outside. I did a lot of "camping" in the military thank you. Lying in the rain, etc..... I also think some men use this to make women think that they are of the "caveman and macho" types. Scary!!!!!!! |
Whats on your bucket list?
A few things I could think of. 1. Visit historic sights in Luxumborg, Belguim(places where battles were fought in WW2). 2.Visit the Phillipines again and stay for a month(love that country). 3. Visit people and places I have never been to before. 4. Living life to its fullest and enjoying each day as it comes. 5.Always being passionate about what I believe in and stick to my beliefs no matter what the cost. I could think of more, but these are some that jump out at me right now. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
New from Atlanta, GA
Welcome to Mingle and join the croed in the Forums. Usually good for a few laughs(seriously, there are some good people here. Just act you own the place because you do.). Just put forth the effort to get what you want. Best of luck in your search. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I just take it out on my Wii Game(golf or Bowling) or just take it all in stride. Life is a treasure and you only live once. |
Rise and Shine - part 9
Good Morning Mr. Jeff and everyone on Mingle!!! Happy Friday to all!!! Just waiting to go and typing my last sentence on Mingle before I head out. Peace and Harmony to all and enjoy life!!! It is the only one we have.!!!!! |
Nothing yet. Will eat something on the way to Vegas. We always stop halfway there(Barstow). |
Thinking and preparing for Las Vegas, Anahiem, Fresno, Oakland and all of the fun work and things I get to experience as a part of life and of travel. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My passions would be Photography, Life , health, strength, waking up every morning and giving thanks, my family, my friends everywhere(even those here on Mingle), and the sheer joy of living life and having a good existance and legacy. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
it's my day!!!
Congrats to you!!! Good for you!! I am the freakin new guy just trying to make my mark. I hope to have an anniversary like that. Just don't know though. Keepin a positive outlook and doing what I love is what is keeping me here and enabling these good people to put up with me(giggle). Have a great one!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Got A New Job!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to you!!! Having a job is nice and a blessing!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Las Vegas,Las Vegas Las Vegas |
Romantic songs...
Just the way you are- Barry White |
How do u break up?
Humm pretty simple actually I just tell them it is not working out for what I'm looking for is just not there......At my age there is no sense in staying with someone that does not make you totally happy nor you them...... ![]() ![]() I don't believe in dating just to be dating either it is there with them or it is not...... If not then do both parties a favor and end it....Honesty is still and will always be the best policy... ![]() I too, believe that honesty is the best policy. You just know that in your heart that it is not going to work, just say so. I know it sounds simple, but in today's society this is how it should be done. No need in wasting your time or theirs. They may hate you now, but you have your self respect has to come first. It is not good practice leading someone on when you don't have to. JMO |
lets just talk
Hi people. How's things OK -I'm tired I had a yoga class and a martial arts class back to back with no rest break I'm tired and hungry & wish I had a sweet man to bring me tea and draw my bath Things are ok-Preparing for a long trip beginning tommorrow to Vegas. Sweet men are always nice for those messages and things such as that. Finding one for a woman seems to be that challenge right now. |
Billy Stewart |
Those who dare to achieve against insurmountable odds and fail but keep trying none the less! Good One!!! I agree here!! Those who inspire others also!!! |