Community > Posts By > mrheartfelt
I believe there is a show called "How Its Made" I believe it is on the Science Channnel and it is out of Canada. They may show how Cheese Puffs are made. I am not a fan of them myself. |
Yankees Rule!!!
I remember the Giants winning the World Series last year and the Rangers beating the Yankees. Which tells me that there are two better teams than the Yankees right now. And of course, the Boston people have a thing or two to say about the Yankees too. |
Rate my latest poem & CHAT!
you left me, I was sad, but I'm moving on, I am glad, you broke my heart, but now it's repairing, but I still need someone, to complete the mending. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ? :-) As one who writes, you are expressing yourself, which is very good and I am sure humbling. Good luck and put youself first before anyone. The piece is very pretty though. |
mingle meet
Boy would I ever love to go if you do. Viv made me an honorary Texan , so we can pretend that I am ![]() You realize, of course, that there will be an "initiation". ![]() Shshshs Joe ya know ya not suppose to tell them that ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If there is an "initiation" I am out!! I am a whimp who can't stand pain!! I think it would be cool to go though. Just to see some of these faces, even though I am not from Texas!! |
Thinking of all the different threads and ideas spawned on Mingle. There is enough talent here to start a society of Mingles, Inc. I would love to join that. |
Why is it that some people ONLY seek GOD or PRAY when they are in SERIOUS trouble, and not any other time? ![]() Someone I know does this.....and then becomes "FAITHLESS" when their prayers are not answered immediately! ![]() Because people try to use God only when they are in need. A selfish way of dealing with God. They put God in their closet hiding him away living how they wish to live, then when that crumbles they try to bring him out and fix what they messed up. My thoughts exactly! The person I speak of is my sister...I tried to explain to her that God doesn't work that way! I wonder if men use this when they pray for the "right woman" ? Is a try and throw away type situation in the dating arena also? have heard of that going on. (He He He) God only hears what's in your "heart" and not just the words spoken! |
I went to a church when I was overseas and the Bishop mentioned about people placing God in a closet until "they" need Him. If one prays in earnest, their prayers will be answered. But, I have also heard it said that one has to actually start doing what they pray and God will "assist" in these prayers. God does not hide anything from anyone whatsoever. HE will always be there!!! |
How do you feel right now?
A new day, a few more dollars in the pocket. Where are mine at? |
Rise and Shine - part 9
In answer to Carol's question: I went to Las Vegas, Anahiem Ca, Fresno, Ca and Oakland Ca. for 8 days and nights. A woman's softball team was who I was taking. They were playing games. |
I tend to stay away from "categorizing". Causes too much trouble and things and their meanings get misconstrued and misplaced. I either like something or I don't. Pretty simple for me. I will leave that to everyone else. |
Rise and Shine - part 9
Good Morning Mr Jeff and Ms Carole!! Trip is over and it was a long one!! Glad to be sleepin in my own bed instead of those hotel ones!! Nice and warm here, I hear forcasts in the 70's. Sun is out, which makes for a grand day. I posted a poem earlier on. I hope all Minglers have a wonderful day!!!! |
My work
Be gentle with me. This is my own creation. This is a hobby of mine. I don't publish anything because I just love to write. It is called "Inspiration" Many times, we are weary and tired of it all, And some of us still want to stand tall. We fall down because people tell us ugly things, And they don't care what their hurt brings. We fight to be happy in a world in which we live, And we forget to practice the word "give". Crying is not OK according to some, Who knows where they are coming from? It is said that trust is golden and breeds many things, While the truth sets people free, like golden wings. What would inspire one to do as he does? Perhaps it is being a part of life's truthful floods. This thing inspiration takes many forms, As the beauty of the sun that warms. And then there is the music that others create, And the message is never, ever late. Some stay up late and let their minds wander, About the earth,sun, and what is way over yonder. The lights come on inside of one's mind, A relief fom life's daily grind. Leave a story behind of what inspires you, With the truth that sticks like glue. Take this early morning walk with me, And life shall bring you so much glee!!! |
Bus Crash In the NYC
I am sure that most of you have read about the bus crash in NYC. That crash was horrific!!! So much needless loss of life!! It is said that the Bus Driver was speeding before the crash. It now comes out that his license was suspended and that he was a convicted felon!!! No matter what, the transporting of passengers is a serious responsibility. I am a member of this occupation and I take my passengers very seriously. I don't drive when I am tired, I don't put people at risk and most of all, needless tragedy can be avoided!!! I first saw that in my hotel room in Fresno. How could someone be so irresponsible? Any comments? |
mingle meet
I think one would be cool on the West Coast Too. I have a hard time getting to the East Coast,mostly because of my work. |
I know I changed my mind a lot. I bounced around a bit before I could get going. The military had a hand in my decision making process. I used to be ashamed to admit it, but now I find it is ok. I just sort of settled into the career I have now. I combines all of the things that I love to do: drive, travel, meet new people and work hard. Of course, honesty and integrity go a long way. Good Luck!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rate me and my profile
I would spice up my profile a bit. Place your interests first. Be positive and patient. Cute smiles always win though. Pic is very pretty. I think you would be just fine. I would give you a 9 because you need to beef up your profile. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
mingle meet
I do envy you guys!! The pics were great. Maybe one day I will get off my butt and be a mingletard too!!! Seems there are some real cool mingletards in the universe of life!! I am glad you guys had fun> |
Good Friends, seing new places, meeting new people, yep happiness abounds. Life is way tooo short to be any other way. |
love is black true or false Love does not have a color. Love is true in any language or setting in the world. Welcome to Mingle and good luck in your search for love. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Not all "old folks" are in bed. Some are still up traveling around and being single(yuck yuck)!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |