Community > Posts By > static28

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 11:19 PM
the nice way to disagree
another good one

using quotes of famous people does not make you right. and although in my head the idea of a god, as depicted in religious texts, makes absolutely zero sense to me, im not going to act the way you have and pull up random quotes to prove you wrong, and then act like a 4th grader and brag about it. you're in an atheist forum, people are not going to agree with you. some people may change their minds, and some religious people will change their minds. learn to disagree, i think most people here are willing to sit here and have a decent debate, buy you are turning it into more of a circus. these videos are things that depict the way i feel about religion and religious people in general. i will not say you are 100% wrong and im 100% right, we will both find out the day we die. and if there is a god, and they do not want me around because i didn't believe in what some old books told me, then i will be happy to burn in hell. settle down, be happy believing you're going to go to heaven. atheists have to accept that this life is all we have, and have to make the best of the time we have, we know that when we die, thats it.

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 10:18 PM
anybody watching the new conan? im liking it so far. glad hes back on the air

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:50 PM
im sure someone knows whats going on. they just dont want to talk about it. if it was a terrible screw up, or a terrible threat, there would be a chance they'd rather leave it for speculation than let people know

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:45 PM

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:29 PM
the cool thing about not being able to vote (i'm canadian, not a felon), is that you really don't have to worry about voting and politics and such, you just go with the flow.

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:21 PM
furries crack me up. what do you think about yourself when you realize that you are into dressing up like an animal to have sex? lol to each his own.

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:10 PM
ice is nice, but clean water is definately most important

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:06 PM

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:05 PM
so whats everyones preferred method of smoking? ive always preferred glass. pipe, bong, steamroller, whatever. as long as its glass and made well. never been a fan of joints really. not that i complain when one gets passed to me

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 07:49 PM
im a good cook and a good dad

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 04:55 PM
In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away

static28's photo
Tue 11/09/10 10:29 AM
shot of tequila, sip from beer, cigarette

static28's photo
Mon 11/08/10 09:50 PM
id be pretty happy with any of them. although telepathy would be pretty cool

static28's photo
Mon 11/08/10 09:25 PM
my cousin grew up in south africa, and just wasn't quite good enough for the national team. however, a few years ago his mom and him moved to the US and he beat the holly hell out people in the Atlanta area. i love rugby, but its not the easiest thing to watch in the US. so yeah, fan of the sport, just not in the right country to really follow it.

static28's photo
Sun 11/07/10 10:27 PM
when i did mushrooms all i saw was crazyness growing out of my hands and a distorted view of reality. did i not take good enough mushrooms? cause i dont think i could handle anything stronger. lol. I don't believe in god, and the thought of jesus scares me, because that means zombies are real. and i dont own a shotgun.

static28's photo
Sun 11/07/10 09:12 PM

hi guise!! just chillin off a raven's win...woot!! smokin

and gratz on the browns win jw!! :wink:

At first, I read this as, "Hi goosey, just chewin on a raven's wing...woot. and gots the browns" time for me to sober up

static28's photo
Sun 11/07/10 09:04 PM
so i'm starting a diet tomorrow. going to be really strict for a month or so, very little to eat, and then once i can get a boost of confidence by losing some weight, stick to a normal, reasonable, healthy diet. ive been trying to lose weight forever. i miss being skinny and in shape. i think my biggest problem is when i screw up once i give up on the whole diet. this is just kind of a general question, but anyone have any dieting tips? words of encouragement? ways to stay on track?

static28's photo
Sun 11/07/10 08:53 PM
my weekend was good. went to san antonio, went to morton's steak house. delicious. walked down the riverwalk and went to random bars in the area with my sister who leaves for the navy tuesday. sad that it was our last time to hang out for a while, but i think it'll be a good thing for her. and my daughter comes back home next weekend. yay.

static28's photo
Sun 11/07/10 08:50 PM
Tech N9ne - this ring

static28's photo
Fri 11/05/10 01:39 PM
so I'm big into grilling. charcoal. some of my favorites:

Jalepeno's stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon
Green beans, onions, bacon, and garlic in foil
Burgers stuffed with cream cheese and jalapeno or bacon
bacon wrapped sirloins
Tequila lime homemade jerky
smoked roast with garlic
blackened catfish and shrimp

i suppose those are my favorites, anyone else have anything they like on the grill? Im always looking for new ideas. I still havent perfected ribs, which is driving me crazy. Ill get there one day though