Community > Posts By > shovelheaddave

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 09/07/18 09:15 AM

HLN-Economic signal-best jobless rate in 50 years. :thumbsup:

During my orientation, the lady asked us to please call if we decide we don't want the job. It's a great time to work and invest. I've gotten 2 letters from fidelity this week.

and,ONCE AGAIN,you have posted something TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to the subject of his thread BECAUSE YOU CANT RATIONALLY DEFEND TRUMP,and the fact that he says that the country is 'too broke' to come up with a measly 25 billion dollars to give the middle class federal employees the cost of living raise that they were SUPPOSED to get,but he is willing to give PEOPLE IN HIS TAX BRACKET TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in tax cuts!!!!

why do you feel the need to DESPERATELY try to change he subject over and over again instead of addressing it??? lol

doesn't it just TOTALLY SUCK to be slapped in the face over and over again with facts that you hate,but you cant dispute???

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

why don't you show some proof on these tax cuts you keep whining about, over and over and over again... And if remember, the topic is about the government employees not getting a raise this year, not about whatever imaginary tax cuts ...


if you don't even know about the 2 trillion dollar tax cuts trump gave to the super wealthy people in HIS tax bracket at THIS point,i think that it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not even REMOTELY qualified to take part in this conversation,doesnt it??? oops

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 09/07/18 08:03 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Fri 09/07/18 08:03 AM

HLN-Economic signal-best jobless rate in 50 years. :thumbsup:

During my orientation, the lady asked us to please call if we decide we don't want the job. It's a great time to work and invest. I've gotten 2 letters from fidelity this week.

and,ONCE AGAIN,you have posted something TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to the subject of his thread BECAUSE YOU CANT RATIONALLY DEFEND TRUMP,and the fact that he says that the country is 'too broke' to come up with a measly 25 billion dollars to give the middle class federal employees the cost of living raise that they were SUPPOSED to get,but he is willing to give PEOPLE IN HIS TAX BRACKET TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in tax cuts!!!!

why do you feel the need to DESPERATELY try to change he subject over and over again instead of addressing it??? lol

doesn't it just TOTALLY SUCK to be slapped in the face over and over again with facts that you hate,but you cant dispute???

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 09/07/18 07:45 AM

Giuliani to AP: Trump will not answer obstruction questions

"President Donald Trump will not answer federal investigators' questions, in writing or in person, about whether he tried to block the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, one of the president's attorneys told The Associated Press on Thursday."

And we are supposed to believe he has nothing to hide? What happened to transparency? By not answering, he's admitting guilt.

WHAT????? 'o'

Trump doesn't want to answer any questions under oath about him obstructing justice??? 'o'


but,since he is unwilling to answer ANY questions about him obstructing justice,TECHNICALLY,that means that he is NOT DENYING THAT HE DID IT!

glad that I could clear that little fact up for anybody that had any doubts that he did it!


shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 09/06/18 02:30 PM

Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones, Infowars citing abuse.

Twitter is permanently banning right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his "Infowars" show for abusive behavior.

To me, it's good to hear of this. This guy is the leader of the tinfoil hat brigade and one of the biggest spewers of the hate, lies, and misinformation. Next to Trump, this guy is the definition of "Fake News".


it s a step in the right direction,anyway!!!

now,if they would only shut down donald trump's account??!!??!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 09/06/18 02:28 PM
it seems to me that if there were REALLY messages on their daughters computer that showed that a 28 year old man was trying to have sex with their 13 year old daughter,then the police would have most CERTAINLY acted upon them,since they would constitute criminal intent.

the fact that they DIDNT sort of implies that those messages were not as incriminating as they are trying to claim they were,and they just decided to jump to conclusions,and take the law into their own hands,which is ALWAYS illegal!

they were lucky that they weren't also charged with 'kidnapping',too,which is what they technically did,when they tied him up,and would not let him leave.

people have watched so much of these ridiculous programs on tv,and movies that they have become disassociated with reality,and actually believe that is the 'normal' way that people do things.

hopefully,THIS will be the wake up call to them that will show them[and everybody else LIKE them!!] what 'reality' REALLY is,and stop them from going even FARTHER off of the reservation!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 09/06/18 11:28 AM

Now we know where Trump followers get some of their outlandish statements and tinfoil hat conspiracies that they can't back up. If it wasn't for Trump feeding the ignorance, this would be laughable.

Trump: I Have 100 Pics Of Robert Mueller And James Comey 'Hugging And Kissing'

President Donald Trump has complained that special counsel Robert Mueller is too close to former FBI Director James Comey to conduct a fair investigation. And now, he claims he has the pics to prove it.

″[Mueller’s] Comey’s best friend,” Trump told the Daily Caller. “And I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other.”

Vox examined wire service photos and found no such images. A non-exhaustive HuffPost survey of images from Reuters and Getty also revealed no hugging and kissing.

that I what happens when you have somebody that has deliberately separated themselves from reality!!

it would be HILARIOUS,if it wasn't so SAD,and didn't affect so many OTHER people!!!

but,since it DOES,well that just makes it TERRIFYING!!

and,his lack of communication with reality isn't just HIS affliction,either..

cuz,unfortunately,he isn't just INFECTED with his style of dumb@$$ery...


[ #typhoid trump ]

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 09/06/18 11:18 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Thu 09/06/18 11:22 AM

Wow. You really hate rich successful people. It's not about helping anybody. It's about being paid for what the job is wprth. I find most are over paid for the amount of work they do. They can always go to work somewhere else without all the benefits. All democrats think the tax cut stole their money. They don't see it as them living off others and waiting for a check.

how does this align with 'the money must come from somewhere'

so If I have a budget where 10 people are each paying 30 dollars to make it work, that means I need a budget of 300 dollars. So if 5 suddenly pay only 20 dollars, who is gonna make up for that 50 dollars no longer being divied up?

More jobs being created and more people paying into the system. Get someone off welfare and paying taxes is a win win.

not if they still dont earn above poverty income, and therefore aren't held accountable to pay tax.

Its only a win for the employer, who has another workhorse to work toward the profit that goes to their pockets.

Guess what..learn more.. earn your way up to a better life.
Not a new concept
And the profit should go in the employers pocket. It's their company

You want profit. Start your own company..lay out your own money. Take the risks..until is someone else's profit
And they have no obligation to give it to you!..none

yes,they DO have an obligation to do it!!!

it is called 'paying your FAIR share of taxes'!...

the MIDDLE CLASS sure seems to have an obligation to do it,dont they?

EVERYBODY is SUPPOSED to do it,except people who have enough money to be in Donald trump's tax bracket dont seem to be required to do it,and are leaving the middle class holding he bag to make up the difference that THEY[the super wealthy] are SUPPOSED to be paying.

so,please explain to us how come the MIDDLE CLASS have an obligation to pay THEIR fair share of taxes,but the SUPER WEALTHY DONT have the same obligation?
why don't you enlighten us on how much the "wealthy" pay or don't pay? Remember, 10% of a billion is a hundred million... So even if it's at 10%, which I know is higher, anyone who makes a billion dollars is paying way more than any person in the middle class..


now THAT sort of reasoning is nothing but a obvious cop out by someone who DESPERATELY doesn't want to face the facts!!!

the amount that rich people are supposed to pay is NOT dependent on the AMOUNT OF MONEY THEY PAY,it is dependent on the amount of MONEY THAT THEY EARN!


so,if you believe anything otherwise,all I can say is that I suggest that you let SOMEONE ELSE do your taxes for you!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 09/06/18 08:08 AM

Wow. You really hate rich successful people. It's not about helping anybody. It's about being paid for what the job is wprth. I find most are over paid for the amount of work they do. They can always go to work somewhere else without all the benefits. All democrats think the tax cut stole their money. They don't see it as them living off others and waiting for a check.

how does this align with 'the money must come from somewhere'

so If I have a budget where 10 people are each paying 30 dollars to make it work, that means I need a budget of 300 dollars. So if 5 suddenly pay only 20 dollars, who is gonna make up for that 50 dollars no longer being divied up?

More jobs being created and more people paying into the system. Get someone off welfare and paying taxes is a win win.

not if they still dont earn above poverty income, and therefore aren't held accountable to pay tax.

Its only a win for the employer, who has another workhorse to work toward the profit that goes to their pockets.

Guess what..learn more.. earn your way up to a better life.
Not a new concept
And the profit should go in the employers pocket. It's their company

You want profit. Start your own company..lay out your own money. Take the risks..until is someone else's profit
And they have no obligation to give it to you!..none

yes,they DO have an obligation to do it!!!

it is called 'paying your FAIR share of taxes'!...

the MIDDLE CLASS sure seems to have an obligation to do it,dont they?

EVERYBODY is SUPPOSED to do it,except people who have enough money to be in Donald trump's tax bracket dont seem to be required to do it,and are leaving the middle class holding he bag to make up the difference that THEY[the super wealthy] are SUPPOSED to be paying.

so,please explain to us how come the MIDDLE CLASS have an obligation to pay THEIR fair share of taxes,but the SUPER WEALTHY DONT have the same obligation?

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 09/06/18 07:55 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Thu 09/06/18 08:19 AM

Nate Boyer: I think as a service member, its more upsetting for me to come back from fighting for my country overseas to see how divided we are and how angry we are at each other.

Donald Trump: Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners say "Get that son of a ***** off the field"?

Nate Boyer: I'm more hurt by that than somebody sitting down during the anthem. At this point, I'm just like, Mr President, lets be presidential and reach across to people that you don't agree with and you think are wrong and just say, "You know what? Let me hear you out."

Yet, Dear Leader feeds on the hate, PROMOTES hate, uses hate to fight his long-held grudges (Turning this against the NFL because he was denied a franchise ownership), whips his sycophant sheep "base" into a frenzy, and of course, encourages his base to shout down contrary opinion, rather than listening with an open mind.

as a veteran who has actually fought a war,and swore an oath to protect our constitution against ALL enemies,both foreign,and DOMESTIC,and ensure that ALL american citizens have the freedoms that it promises us,i think that it is pretty insulting to have a few insecure people who have their own ulterior motives are using hatred as a tool to try to deny other citizens the right to free speech,and freedom of expression,and masquerading their ignorant hatred as 'patriotism' to do it!

if some people want to kneel during the national anthem,i fully support their right to do so,and anybody that DOESNT support their right to freedom of expression,as guaranteed to us in the first amendment,i find it VERY anti-American,and HIGHLY hypocritical,considering that THEY are using THEIR right to free speech to try to deny OTHER people THEIR right to free speech!!

those people,such as Donald trump, who oppose kneeling during the anthem are ALSO free to have their own opinion on whether kneeling during the national anthem is right,or wrong,but they DO NOT have the right to tell other people that they CANT exercise their first amendment rights,and evidentally don't have the slightest idea of what being 'patriotic' is all about!

they are perfectly free to say 'you SHOULDNT kneel during the anthem',or that 'they find kneeling during the anthem offensive',but they CANT say that 'you CANT kneel during the anthem'!

and,anybody that DOES say that does NOT understand what the constitution/the bill of rights actually means,and needs to go back to grade school to get a refresher course in American government/social studies,so they can better understand the basics of the u.s. constitution!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 09/05/18 12:13 PM

Nah. when you get paid for your so called protest you are then selling it

Cheapens the entire concept.

What this is is a marketing project. To generate sales... for Nike. that is the bottom line. Marketing. And money. No different the a athlete on a T.V commercial selling his or her name or face.

But you seem well informed on Colin so why not take us thru a week in Colin's life. Where is he protesting this week? What shows or radio is he doing to " spread the word" ? Must be busy .

Don't tell me that the guy is just sitting home waiting for more ways to sell his " cause"? Nah..he has to be doing more then that. Right?

So what is he doing this week? Or next week?..or actually..any week ?

so far,colin kaepernick has donated over A MILLION DOLLARS to charity this year,not to mention,jeopardized his career to support an idea that he believes in.

it seems to me that THAT proves that he is backing up his words with actions!!!

THAT is A LOT MORE than the other people that are OPPOSING HIM are willing to do!!!

what are YOU doing to support YOUR opinion on the subject,except TALKING about it?

Well Dave first of all I'm not botching about the current events
2ND of all. I actually have built New factories here and hired well over 150 people .ovet 100 of them newly vetted Americans
3rd I have been involved with my town on many issues to include running the 47 team little league ..and I don't get paid for that . I volunteer. Because it is good for the kids.

What about you. Other then complain. What do you do?


yes,i am SURE that someone who 'builds factories',and 'hires hundreds of people' spends ALL of his time on a FREE internet dating site forum,like you do.

and,let me guess....
you 'run' the little league translates to 'your kid plays little league'?

well,I don't just spout off 'cheap talk' to strangers on the internet...
if you want to see how I serve my community,you might want to check out some of my pictures on my profile...
I think they tell the story A LOT better than unprovable words on a free internet dating site ever could!

back OT....
colin kaepernick,with NIKE's help has now gotten ANOTHER platform to spread his message from...

it seems like the mission to spread the message is getting bigger,and bigger,and picking up even MORE steam,thanks to all of the opposition to it from SOME circles.

way to spread your message,colin! :thumbsup:

This is what happens when someone talks out of there A*s
I am semi when I want to now..if I want to.. ..45 years of straight work. Did my time..:)

My " kids" . Are men with families of their own. One just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp..the other a established electrician. Their little league days are ling over.

I run the little league because I love kids and it is good for them ..Been doing if for it seems forever

As for looking at your profile...Nah. no interest ;)

"RUN the little league""????

talk is VERY CHEAP on the internet,

[that why I showed you PICTURES to prove who I am!!!]

and,you can talk all the trash about me that you want to,but when the time comes,and you REALLY need help to save your @$$,you will call someone like me.....
[people like you ALWAYS do!!!] lol

so,keep on talking empty words while you hide behind your computer screen,and play on your phone,and people like COLIN KAEPERNICK who is doing things that actually matter will just keep on doing what he does,because when you are GENUINE,you learn that people who AREN'T don't really matter that much.

cuz,Colin Kaepernick ISNT just PLAYING like he is someone that matters on the internet...
He is someone that is ACTUALLY MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!!
[and,he is willing to make a personal sacrifice to do it!]
THAT makes HIM a GENUINE hero!! :thumbsup:

and,YOU....well,you are just ANOTHER guy that is talking trash on the internet,without anything to prove what you say is true!

[so,in other words,welcome to the internet,huh??]

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 09/05/18 05:55 AM

If this book isn't true, It seems to me that it's a good way to be sued for defamation. And maybe a few other things.

Woodward book 'Fear' reflects chaos in the White House.

In part,

White House chief of staff John Kelly frequently lost his temper and referred to President Donald Trump as "unhinged" and an "idiot," author Bob Woodward writes in his new book "Fear: Trump in the White House."

considering how litigious trump is known to be,it seems like since he isn't ALREADY talking about suing him for defamation,and libel that it just lends more and more credibility to he thingsthat the book says is true!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 09/05/18 05:49 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Wed 09/05/18 05:59 AM

Nah. when you get paid for your so called protest you are then selling it

Cheapens the entire concept.

What this is is a marketing project. To generate sales... for Nike. that is the bottom line. Marketing. And money. No different the a athlete on a T.V commercial selling his or her name or face.

But you seem well informed on Colin so why not take us thru a week in Colin's life. Where is he protesting this week? What shows or radio is he doing to " spread the word" ? Must be busy .

Don't tell me that the guy is just sitting home waiting for more ways to sell his " cause"? Nah..he has to be doing more then that. Right?

So what is he doing this week? Or next week?..or actually..any week ?

so far,colin kaepernick has donated over A MILLION DOLLARS to charity this year,not to mention,jeopardized his career to support an idea that he believes in.

it seems to me that THAT proves that he is backing up his words with actions!!!

THAT is A LOT MORE than the other people that are OPPOSING HIM are willing to do!!!

what are YOU doing to support YOUR opinion on the subject,except TALKING about it?

Well Dave first of all I'm not botching about the current events
2ND of all. I actually have built New factories here and hired well over 150 people .ovet 100 of them newly vetted Americans
3rd I have been involved with my town on many issues to include running the 47 team little league ..and I don't get paid for that . I volunteer. Because it is good for the kids.

What about you. Other then complain. What do you do?


yes,i am SURE that someone who 'builds factories',and 'hires hundreds of people' spends ALL of his time on a FREE internet dating site forum,like you do,and has to take bathroom selfies to get a photo for his profile picture.

well,I don't just spout off 'cheap talk' to strangers on the internet...
if you want to see how I serve my community,you might want to check out some of my pictures on my profile...
I think they tell the story A LOT better than unprovable words on a free internet dating site ever could!

back OT....
colin kaepernick,with NIKE's help has now gotten ANOTHER platform to spread his message from...

it seems like the mission to spread the message is getting bigger,and bigger,and picking up even MORE steam,thanks to all of the opposition to it from SOME circles.

way to spread your message,colin! :thumbsup:

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 08:28 AM
as I am sure almost everybody has noticed,there is now a great many prescription medications that are being advertised in television commercials.

most of these drugs are for maladies that most people have never heard of,and the manufacturers are just trying to drum up additional sales by telling people that they need to tell their doctor that they might need to start taking these medications for things they didn't even know they had,which is creating a generation of hypochondriacs strictly to increase a pill manufacturers profits.

I have seen pills advertised or everything from 'restless leg syndrome',to 'peyronies disease',which basically tells you that if your penis has a curve in it,you have a serious problem and you had better start taking this extremely expensive medication.

every one of these medications also potentially comes with lots of serious side effects,as I am sure that everybody knows,since they ALL have a LONG list of side effects that they have to list on the commercials.

PLUS,besides the commercials for the MEDICATIONS,there are ALSO an abundance of commercials for ATTORNEYS,trying to drum up business for themselves for these medications that,after further research,have been discovered to be very dangerous,and responsible for all sorts of terrible,and life threatening illnesses in the people who have taken them!

I think that YOUR DOCTOR should bethe only one that tells you that you have a medical problem that requires prescription medications,ESPECIALLY if it is for something that has never caused you any pain,or discomfort,and that you had no prior knowledge of it before you saw their commercial,which are designed to prey on people's ignorance,and turn them in to hypochondriacs.

MOST of these medications are things that the doctors already know about,thanks to the relentless pharmaceutical representatives,and a reputable,licensed physician has the knowledge to know WHEN/IF they should be prescribed to someone,but the pharma reps are federally prohibited from doing unethical things to make THE DOCTOR push these potentially harmful medications onto people who don't really need them,but these commercials are nothing but a way for the big pharma companies to run an end-around to bypass these rules that are in place to protect us from unknowingly potentially harming ourselves,strictly in the name of corporate profit,and unethically make people who don't have the knowledge that a licensed physician has decide that they should take these potentially dangerous prescription medications.

we are the only nation in he world who allows commercials like these to be aired on television,and in the media!
what do you think about these commercials for prescription medications?
do you think they are necessary?
and,should they be outlawed in the name of public safety,like the commercials for potentially harmful things like cigarettes were?

what do you think?

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:51 AM
I recently saw a commercial on TV advertising a new pill that was supposed to make the likelihood of contracting HIV through sex a lot less.
[it does NOT protect you from OTHER types of STDs,though,and they STILL recommended using a condom,and practicing safe sex,though,even if you use the pill!]

I think that this is probably a good thing,but it also might make people less worried about catching HIV,and keep them from practicing safe sex.

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:45 AM
a photo can be a strong influence on someone,but a photo by itself lacks context,so it is important to also have the context along with the photo to TRULY receive its full message,otherwise,it can be misrepresented to serve a false purpose.

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:40 AM

President Donald Trump's disapproval rating reached a new high in an ABC poll released Friday, and almost half of the respondents said they favored impeachment proceedings.

Sixty percent of those surveyed said they were not happy with the president's job performance, with a whopping 53 percent of them saying they strongly disapprove, a 9 percent increase since April.

His approval was at 36 percent, matching his previous low in an ABC/Washington Post poll.

The poll of a random sampling of 1,003 adults was conducted by Langer Research from Associates from Aug. 25-29 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percent.

"Trump’s average approval rating since taking office is the lowest for any president in modern polling since the 1940s," read a press release of the poll's results. "One factor: Contrary to his 'drain the swamp' rhetoric, 45 percent say corruption in Washington has increased under Trump, while just 13 percent say it’s declined."

Forty-nine percent said they were in favor of Congress beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump, while 46 percent said they were opposed. Support for impeachment among women was even higher, at 57 percent. The highest support the poll ever found for the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton was 41 percent.

The poll comes after the president's former campaign manager Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight fraud charges and his former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight felonies, including campaign finance violations he claims were done at Trump's direction.

Sixty-one percent said that if Cohen's allegations are true, Trump broke the law.

The poll found strong support for special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling. Overall, 63 percent support the investigation, with 52 percent saying they "strongly" support it, and only 29 percent oppose. Thirty-two percent of Republicans said they strongly support Mueller's work.

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll released Wednesday found trust in Mueller's investigation at 55 percent. The poll found similar, but slightly more tepid support for impeachment than the ABC poll, with 44 percent in favor and 47 percent opposed.

Trump has publicly derided Attorney General Jeff Sessions for allowing the investigation to continue, but 64 percent opposed firing Sessions and only 19 percent said they supported such a move.


and THIS is a poll from ABC NEWS,a REAL news source whose survey was BIPARTISIAN,NOT from a partisian CABLE tv propaganda "news" source like SOME people have to use to try to justify their viewpoints!!

so,it looks like dirty donny isnt really doing as well as some people who are pretending that he is would like for you to believe!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:18 AM
what can you expect out of a generation of kids who have been raised by an underfunded public school system instead of by their parents,and by the media to think 'REALITY' shows are REALLY reality?

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:15 AM

The democrat's aren't investigating Russiagate. They aren't investigating foreign interference in our elections. They are investigating every aspect of Donald Trump's life in a coordinated effort to take him down! This is a political and news media witch hunt.

Oh, A story that the media is hiding from us: President Trump, quietly, lent the McCain family one of the presidential planes to bring the casket to the funeral in Washington.

It sounds to me like he had to be shamed into it. He didn't do it just out of doing the right thing without having to be prodded into it.

In part,

The announcement comes from POTUS himself, after heavy criticism for his apparent failure to address McCain’s death publicly.

From here,

trump is so petty that he even had to be shamed into lowering the flag at the white house to half mast in honor of McCain.

but,considering we are talking about Donald trump,i guess that we should just be happy that we still HAVE an AMERICAN flag flying at the white house,and not a Russian one!

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:11 AM

Nah. when you get paid for your so called protest you are then selling it

Cheapens the entire concept.

What this is is a marketing project. To generate sales... for Nike. that is the bottom line. Marketing. And money. No different the a athlete on a T.V commercial selling his or her name or face.

But you seem well informed on Colin so why not take us thru a week in Colin's life. Where is he protesting this week? What shows or radio is he doing to " spread the word" ? Must be busy .

Don't tell me that the guy is just sitting home waiting for more ways to sell his " cause"? Nah..he has to be doing more then that. Right?

So what is he doing this week? Or next week?..or actually..any week ?

so far,colin kaepernick has donated over A MILLION DOLLARS to charity this year,not to mention,jeopardized his career to support an idea that he believes in.

it seems to me that THAT proves that he is backing up his words with actions!!!

THAT is A LOT MORE than the other people that are OPPOSING HIM are willing to do!!!

what are YOU doing to support YOUR opinion on the subject,except TALKING about it?

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:03 AM

Federal employees have good wages and benefits, I know people that were government employees. laugh

Trump is working for the whole of Economy in US.

He's Your POTUS. Just go with it! bigsmile

SUPER WEALTHY BILLIONAIRES have BETTER wages,and BETTER benefits than government employees do!!

so,if trump is working for the WHOLE of the u.s. like you claim,then why did he submit a tax plan that totally s**t on most of the country's population,but gave TRILLIONS of dollars worth of sweetheart tax cuts to super wealthy people like HIMSELF?

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