Topic: Human Stupidity Is Endless
Datwasntme's photo
Mon 09/03/18 11:59 AM

Young People Are Killing Themselves With This New “Viral Challenge” – Human Stupidity Is Endless

Michael Clayton -
August 15, 2018

“Challenges” that young people do and often result in great bodily injury seem to be exaggerated. You remember the Tide Pod challenge thing and all those “challenges” that led to people dying? Remember when people were setting themselves on fire with fuel as “challenges?”

Sure it happens sometimes, but the prevalence in how often people would do these things has got to be exaggerated.

Now, people are supposedly pouring boiling water into their ears and doing things of that nature. Mainstream media outlets like Time are reporting the existence of some “Hot Water challenge,” adding fuel to the fire for anybody foolish enough to try such a thing.

Even worse, this “challenge” creates victims that have nothing to do with the foolishness of the person doing it. As if people didn’t know boiling water causes third degree, terrible burns, it challenges people to run up on their loved ones and people they know when they are caught off guard, and dump boiling water on them. Do they fail to understand that is a serious form of assault, something you’d do to an enemy? According to IFL Science:

“It genuinely involves sneaking up to people you know (and presumably love, but hey) while they’re dreaming about something. Armed with a bucket of just-boiled water, you then throw it on them, and film the hilarity as their skin peels off and they get hospitalized. Another variant of this challenge sees participants drinking boiling water through a straw.”

Some people instead choose to embark upon the challenge by drinking boiling water through straws, probably ingesting both plastic and seriously, painfully burning their mouths.

A teenager was severely injured after boiling water was poured on him, and there have surprisingly been a lot of incidences where teens spend weeks being treated for horrific second or third degree burns as a result of this challenge.

An 8 year old girl passed away after being convinced to drink boiling liquid.

The Tide Pod challenge was known to cause some horrific conditions including the perforation of an esophagus, foaming stomachs, and even death.

Then, there’s something they refer to as the Kiki challenge which is about jumping straight out of a moving car and dance alongside it as the car moves to the tune of a Drake song. People have become injured from this.

Articles are finally admitting however, that viral trends are really sparked not by people doing the things, but by the “viral trends” being reported on. Mainstream news articles gawking about the horrible “viral trends” perpetuate them into existence.

What happens when people pay their attention to things that are negative or meaningless? Truly, the result is that negative or meaningless things end up being more prominent in our world. Of course, people don’t have to be stringent or ridiculously disciplined in what they think about, that type of rigidity is not necessary to create a better world, but putting some thought into what we think about and pay our energy to personally is an idea nobody should be able to disagree with.

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 09/03/18 12:19 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Mon 09/03/18 12:19 PM
This is so very sad, young people need to find some positive contruction in their lives. Some are following fads , that take their life at an early age.
Some need to talk with phycologist at an early age . As soon as any adults notice some abnormalities .

Datwasntme's photo
Mon 09/03/18 12:24 PM
yeah this part is disturbing
well the whole thing is really , but this part the most

“It genuinely involves sneaking up to people you know (and presumably love, but hey) while they’re dreaming about something. Armed with a bucket of just-boiled water, you then throw it on them, and film the hilarity as their skin peels off and they get hospitalized

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 09/03/18 12:30 PM
That is disturbing! Like a psychopath! Some do start young!


Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 09/03/18 02:35 PM
All I can think is "Darwin Awards"
Too stupid to add to the gene pool.

I got a challenge for them...The "Eat Cyanide" Challenge
How much cyanide can YOU eat?

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/03/18 02:48 PM
I wonder if its poor parenting ...

or maybe immaturity and the power of suggestion

either way, it's terrible kids fall for such damaging pointless activities ..

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 09/03/18 02:59 PM
When I was a kid I was warned about going swimming and jumping off the bridge but we did it anyway but we never considered pouring boiling water in our ears!!!?? That would be dumb no matter what age I was and nobody had to TELL me not to do it...duh?

Workin4it's photo
Mon 09/03/18 05:53 PM

I wonder if its poor parenting ...

or maybe immaturity and the power of suggestion

either way, it's terrible kids fall for such damaging pointless activities ..

Could be poor parenting . Some people shouldn't have the right to have kids. Remember that stupid *itch that made her kid smoke weed. She should have been But I think it's the stupidity and wussification of our kids in the schools. All the political correctness crap has replace common sense. I think we need to set a new agenda in our schools and abandon the liberal slant that is being forced on our children.

Easttowest72's photo
Mon 09/03/18 06:00 PM
Might be side effects of drug using parents.

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 09/04/18 07:18 AM
what can you expect out of a generation of kids who have been raised by an underfunded public school system instead of by their parents,and by the media to think 'REALITY' shows are REALLY reality?

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 08:07 AM

what can you expect out of a generation of kids who have been raised by an underfunded public school system instead of by their parents,and by the media to think 'REALITY' shows are REALLY reality?

That's right!

no photo
Wed 09/05/18 05:24 PM

yeah this part is disturbing
well the whole thing is really , but this part the most

“It genuinely involves sneaking up to people you know (and presumably love, but hey) while they’re dreaming about something. Armed with a bucket of just-boiled water, you then throw it on them, and film the hilarity as their skin peels off and they get hospitalized

This happened here about a month ago . 4 girls invited another girl to a sleep over and when she was sleeping they poured boiling water on her. Burnt her very bad. To boot it appears the girl who was burnt was bullied by these others in the past and she was just trying to fit in
Very sad story.
The 4 girls were arrested as juveniles

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 08:08 AM

what can you expect out of a generation of kids who have been raised by an underfunded public school system instead of by their parents,and by the media to think 'REALITY' shows are REALLY reality?

I am not going to blame bad schools, bad parents, drugs, videogames, or even flouride in the water.

Kids do STUPID things. When I was a kid, we did stupid, dangerous things. I am guessing that kids throughout time did stupid things. I mean, who found out that if you licked the back of a certain type of frog, you started tripping? (

The kid brain is constantly developing, questioning and rationalizing. But the kid is also constantly trying to fit in, wondering where they are going, falling in love, rebelling against their parents...

The internet, with forums (similar to this one) and videos, certainly fuels the fire, because new ideas (some maybe launched as cruel jokes or offhanded comments), but it is also the medium that can be used to extinguish bad ideas quickly (Rob Gronkowski doing the PSA calling eating TidePods stupid).

The internet and the 24-hour news cycle causes us to HEAR of these things kids are doing a lot quicker. 50 years ago, we had to wait for something to hit the newspaper or Time magazine before it got around. Now, some idiot kid tries something on one coast, and we know about it immediately on the opposite coast.

What can we do? Communication with kids is big, but kids don't always listen. Teach common sense? It might help, but the power of peer pressure is huge. Ground kids/ discipline kids/ take away internet? Nope.

Try to be open and honest with kids, tell them you love them, and ask them to think before they act....

no photo
Thu 09/06/18 10:48 AM

School started here this week. The school bus stop is across the street from my house

Each day 10 JHS age kids from my neighborhood stand there and wait for the bus. I am sitting on my patio having my coffee. So far I have yet to see any of them talk to each other. Not one . And they all live right here

All 10 of them are texting

Face to face Communication.. has been replaced by a cell phone
God only know what lays 20 years done the road

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/06/18 10:59 AM

what can you expect out of a generation of kids who have been raised by an underfunded public school system instead of by their parents,and by the media to think 'REALITY' shows are REALLY reality?

I am not going to blame bad schools, bad parents, drugs, videogames, or even flouride in the water.

Kids do STUPID things. When I was a kid, we did stupid, dangerous things. I am guessing that kids throughout time did stupid things. I mean, who found out that if you licked the back of a certain type of frog, you started tripping? (

The kid brain is constantly developing, questioning and rationalizing. But the kid is also constantly trying to fit in, wondering where they are going, falling in love, rebelling against their parents...

The internet, with forums (similar to this one) and videos, certainly fuels the fire, because new ideas (some maybe launched as cruel jokes or offhanded comments), but it is also the medium that can be used to extinguish bad ideas quickly (Rob Gronkowski doing the PSA calling eating TidePods stupid).

The internet and the 24-hour news cycle causes us to HEAR of these things kids are doing a lot quicker. 50 years ago, we had to wait for something to hit the newspaper or Time magazine before it got around. Now, some idiot kid tries something on one coast, and we know about it immediately on the opposite coast.

What can we do? Communication with kids is big, but kids don't always listen. Teach common sense? It might help, but the power of peer pressure is huge. Ground kids/ discipline kids/ take away internet? Nope.

Try to be open and honest with kids, tell them you love them, and ask them to think before they act....

that is a very sensible observation, kids ARE going to do some stupid things because that IS the way a kids still developing brain manifests on times.


no photo
Thu 09/06/18 11:03 AM
My point being, since the eruption of the internet and the fact that it seems every kid is connected. Things that were not happening pre internet. Are happening now.
Kids are talking to other kids 100's or 1,000,s miles away and "fades" are spreading out of control to them. Dangerous fades.
Kids are being bullied by others kids far from them. something not possible before
Even with parent controls you never really know who they are talking to or what they are learning
Scary stuff

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 04:58 PM

My point being, since the eruption of the internet and the fact that it seems every kid is connected. Things that were not happening pre internet. Are happening now.
Kids are talking to other kids 100's or 1,000,s miles away and "fades" are spreading out of control to them. Dangerous fades.
Kids are being bullied by others kids far from them. something not possible before
Even with parent controls you never really know who they are talking to or what they are learning
Scary stuff

I agree. The internet is a powerful tool, putting the knowledge of millions of books at your fingertips, decreasing the size of the world to near nothing, allowing you to keep touch with family and friends virtually wherever they might be, and allowing us to control our world in ways that would mystify folks 100 years ago.

But there is also a trade off. We now have bad guys who can get at our kids with ease, even though we send them to the right schools, live in the right areas, and try to keep an eye on them.

The bad guys can subvert whole communities by spreading lies, and repeating it often enough that people think it "must be true"

We may not see the damage done to our society until long after it is too late.