Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Wed 05/16/18 06:18 PM

Do you like arcades?
yes I do

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Wed 05/16/18 04:13 PM
Im from the school of any woman that suggest a first time meet is a date over dinner or lunch tells me she is superficial.

A date is something fun while you're getting to know each other, doing things of mutual interests .

On dates Ive taken my date horse riding, did touristy things in the city, zip lining you name it.

sometimes we end up going out for a bite never at a dive or fast food but somewhere decent and usually at a place we or my date likes maybe her favorite type of food and believe when you're having dinner youre talking about the day how it went and the conversation just flows.

Maybe Im different, I like to do things and be active, once you're in a relationship then dining out is part of it and even then I rather be exploring new restaurants funky or chic and anniversaries you hit the expensive places because anniversaries are important and special.

anyways that my two cents.

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Wed 05/16/18 01:43 PM
I would never meet a woman for the first time on a date

The first time meeting a woman is a meet and greet, whether its a cold or hot beverage indoors/patio depending on weather or a walk and talk with a beverage to see if there is enough chemistry for a date.

Once we are on the date that is different, I plan things around our mutual interests.

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Wed 05/16/18 12:15 PM
patience young jedi.

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Wed 05/16/18 11:02 AM

The Gestapo should be arriving shortly...
laugh laugh

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Wed 05/16/18 09:55 AM

Not true. I've listened to guys talk at work. Everything at home was fine and they had no problems with their wives, they were just cheaters. I've listen to them talk about their wife finding out and the struggle to keep from getting put out. It's a game to them. Reason guys are looking to cheat but don't want to leave their wives. Most divorces are filed by women.
infidelity is a complex subject , no two people have the same reasons why they cheat.

The men you speak of are obviously are not in love with their wives, because a man in love whether its his wife, girlfriend, mistress all have one thing in common, they will do anything or next to anything to be with them.

Find a man who is truly in love with his partner and watch him around attractive women, he will not make a play or even signal that he might be willing to even entertain fooling around, a man truly in love is satisfied physically, emotionally and even spiritually, there is a special bond.

You are partially right to some its a game, but the bottom line is they are not in love with their wife for whatever reason.

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Wed 05/16/18 08:20 AM

there are tones of news broacasting every day.......and you can't say which one is truth.....and which one is lying.......hail to the trump......and call him trumpet next time.....drinker

Trump has openly and often proudly announced that he lies, and lies often.

He has said that he thinks it is part of his brilliant strategy to get what he wants.

This includes his lies about the "media," and his false claims that when true stories are told, that they are "fake news."

Anyone who buys into siding with only ONE person or "side" in what is or isn't really going on, is following in the mental footsteps of every group who ever refused to think and investigate reality themselves, and chose instead to worship a person.

Yes, the world overall, is a messy place, and reality rarely matches up with the romanticized and orderly ideas that many people want it to. Bad guys are rarely all bad, good guys are rarely all good. Enemies are rarely all wrong in why they are enemies, and friends are rarely all right in how they treat with us.

That does NOT mean that you should solve this complexity by simple-mindedness, as you propose that we all do.
deny all you want but there is so many instances in which the left leaning looney tune media twisted and took out of context so many comments that trump made . I'm not going to repeat each and everyone cause I have better things to do than go over the same lies for the umpteenth time. Come November the voters in this country will spell it out for all democrats by kicking them out of the congress. The only blue wave coming is the tears coming from the sniveling sno-flakes when they see their progressive liberal plan defeated.

councilor will charge....but trump still with the iron Arm......where's the way that the policy you finally stable one day? that's another rediculars request of the principle of social it self. like those old churchies said "god wills it."......drinker
???... What!
you can see English isn't his mother tongue, Im thinking you have to read between the lines.

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Wed 05/16/18 08:15 AM

the Jews claim Yeshua means HELL, as in fire and brimstone and damnation!!

Again, the biblical authors didn't use the Norse word Hell because the word wasn't in their vocabulary.

Why all of the fuss about a Norse word used in some English versions of the Bible?

After all, English isn't the original language of any book of the Bible.
amen, pardon the pun.

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Tue 05/15/18 09:58 PM
or maybe you should try and make some sense? no.

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Tue 05/15/18 09:29 PM
I don't know what else to say to you dude.

Perhaps you should not be online trying to date, maybe you should work on your life and getting it in order.

and you can do a lot of things, why not take night courses, why not work on your physical condition, walk 30 minutes a day if you cant afford the gym.

there are so many things one can do

You are feeling sorry for yourself and its not helping your cause

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Tue 05/15/18 08:50 PM
no offense Talgam, but maybe they smell the desperation

confident women or most women in general can smell desperation.

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Tue 05/15/18 07:27 PM
I swim very well, I also scuba dive too

you do know we have an olympic swim team right?

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Tue 05/15/18 07:25 PM

Ice cream isn't "in" the bible, but yet it exist.
ha, neither are airplanes , jet fighters, armored tank divisions, television and a million other things.

Im guessing they don't exist either.

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Tue 05/15/18 04:46 PM
good attitude and enjoy yourself here.

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Tue 05/15/18 12:20 PM
dude, its a free site, you have to take the good with the bad.

On a free site you will get all kinds.

just enjoy the forum, meet some new people and who knows maybe someone will know someone in your town or close to it and set you up?

I have to tell you a story, an associate of mine was on site that had forums, made friends with a few and one of the guys has a cousin in our city and they were introduced, and to this day its still going and that was 3 years ago.

you just never know, keep a positive attitude and your head up.

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Tue 05/15/18 11:22 AM
not for me, I dont like to share

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Tue 05/15/18 11:19 AM

how many peope had gone by natual disaster per years? I mean.....USA or Canada whatever......believing or not there still bunch of muhalin do blame the bin laden's death.....hell......even his son already anounce that his dad is not his focus and not like the person whom he realy needing before......I've been wondering about what if our dad were another bin laden then what will gona happen in this world.....hes the only dude whom had using the shogun's lore to causing such world wide chaos back to those years............damn.....if only if those japanese can keep quiet before.....drinker

I honestly have no idea what your point is.

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Tue 05/15/18 11:15 AM

Very difficult to be honest about what you want when most people don't know what they want. By the time they figure out what they really want, the opportunity has come and gone.
I was thinking about that Oldkid and there is some truth to that.
but its also a luck of the draw too.

Some people will appreciate the honesty and some people dont, so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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Tue 05/15/18 08:52 AM

It seems trying on a dating site is a waste of time and energy. We can have just as meaningful of a conversation with the bots and scammers.
depends on where one lives and the age.

I have a buddy on here and he isnt having much luck at 39 but his cousin who is 25 is having amazing luck .

I know a poster on DH who was in his 50's in L.A and he was having amazing luck but another person who is 50 from Minnesota is having terrible luck.

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Tue 05/15/18 08:17 AM
Assuming this letter is real, its perfectly clear what she wants

and by the way ,it would have killed you to use paragraphs Robert?

I find that you are what is the word?
anyways you find muslim women hot, yet youre on a dating site.

Somethings are not adding up Robert, and this woman who is Syrian in a refugee camp how is it that you met her if youre living in Romania?

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