Opened up a can of worms this topic. I’m still not sure of the general consensus. For that I blame the suffragettes. the consensus is , it depends on the woman and man. some women prefers a man to pay for date some women prefers to pay for themselves some women wants to break your balls for suggesting you should treat them and some women don't care. and we have to figure out which category they fall under. |
“A flirtationship is that fun and flirty in-between place of being just friends and without claiming that you’re in a relationship,” I just came across this word today and wanted to share it here in the forums. I am amused that there is such a word and figured this one should b e in the choices of what people here are looking for. I have been here for almost two years and experienced that a lot of people are just bored or trying to pass time. This word would save a lot of serious people from disappointments and heartbreaks. JMO ![]() thing I can do in America and I cannot do in Europe or China or japan. Here If Im talking to a woman in New York, I look in her eyes, but in China and Japan, looking in the eyes of a woman for long period of time is considered rude. If youre going to live in America someday you might as well get used to it here. |
Social media plays a big part for youngsters imo, They can feel very ostracised, plus hate amongst them travels in minutes. ,not sure why they take revenge to such an extreme though. bingo ,and every disturbed kid sees all the attention these losers killers get and wants to do the same. they should make an example of these killer kids in private, but in public never mention their names. Just say loser kid shot up school, loser kid caught and will get his azz beaten and that is the end of it, no social media, no msm, nothing. |
What is most disturbing to me is how commonplace this now is. Like "Oh, Texas got it today".. you now expect it on the news. You may be shocked by the actual damage the amount killed and wounded but not the act itself as it has happened way too often to shock anyone I don't know what the defense is, I don't know how you stop someone from stealing his fathers ( or anyone's) guns, like it appear this nut did. and doing something horrific as this. Why schools?.. what is it to the psychopaths .. the sick... that make schools the choice for this carnage. The defenselessness of the students?.. And the defense to that is.. what?.. armed guards in every single school?.. every day.. and at every single after school function where kids are present? then what, Armed guards at every little league baseball game, every soccer game, every Pop Warner kids football league games, ect, ect... really? What a friggin sick world we live in. You cant ban guns because criminals and the mentally unstable dont care, you cant put armed guards at all schools , playgrounds , Pop warner football games I mean what is next, armed guards at Wiggles concerts? |
what kills me is they think that banning guns is the solution.
when will they wake up to the fact that criminals and the mentally unstable dont care about laws. Why dont leftist care about our kids in school, dont their lives matter? |
Early reports suggest his facebook pages had nazi,fascist, communist symbols
Im sure all the anti gun folks will be out in full force now. and lets see if this punk also has mental issues. |
Edited by
Fri 05/18/18 11:28 AM
and that is why I mentioned the square peg in a round hole, m not going force a woman to adopt my thinking on a date, and I would hope she wouldn't force me to adopt her thinking if we are on a date. but that wont happen because it will never get to a date. In a dating situation I would that I could be more clear on my stance and the why than to leave him to believe it is a leftist feminist thinking. you have to thank your left leaning radical feminists sisters for that one Fervid. |
I dont speak for Crystal, Im assuming you mean Crystal Fairy?
I see where she is coming from as Ive experienced in the past women who were extremely hurt from previous relationship has a major wall up and a lot of them when you dig deep down don't really love themselves. Now that doesnt mean all women in that position and I think Crystal Ferry needs to understand that. Some women who do love themselves but have been indoctrinated by whoever to believe that YOU(the woman) MUST PAY YOUR OWN WAY, this isn't the leave it to beaver trip back to the 50's, because women are on equal footing as a man. and that is why I mentioned the square peg in a round hole, m not going force a woman to adopt my thinking on a date, and I would hope she wouldn't force me to adopt her thinking if we are on a date. but that wont happen because it will never get to a date. |
the only wrong answer is abusive jagoff men. you want to avoid those and most self proclaimed nice guys |
what exactly is a man looking for? Independent woman or woman who depends on him? Some statements make some examples less clear. There is always a sentence like its okay and if she wants to. And this makes a difference of perception then. lula, it depends on the man some men prefers confident independent women that enjoys being a lady and wants her man to be a man some men prefers women who depend on them for everything. some men are abusers no explanation needed there. some men are wimps and whine like little boys or spoiled Kardashian children, because they've been poisoned by third wave feminists. some men dont know their azz from their elbows and then there are those self proclaimed nice guys and you should avoid them all costs Lula |
dear soulmate : a missive
Grumpy ole lover It's so those who call me ugly racist names don't see it those that call you ugly racists names are stupid people, and you've noticed most of them act like their ignorance is a virtue. |
Edited by
Fri 05/18/18 10:07 AM
If a man feels like less of a man by allowing his date to feel comfortable, then I do not believe it is the woman's fault. It is all a matter of perspective. 1) my worth is not determined by the amount of money a man is allowed to spend on me 2) my feelings on things should not emasculate him. He should be just as considerate of my emotions and what led me to them as I would try to be of his 3) I do not love myself any less or think myself unworthy because of my desire to pay my own way in the beginning. Buying a man a meal or even a drink is a small token, in my opinion, of appreciation. It isn't like I am buying him a ring and proposing. As I said, looking back I can see the impression some men get ... but at the time my baggage clouded my judgement. Even now it does, but I am working on it to improve myself. I think you're missing the point, nobody said it was the woman's fault, there is no blame to go around . My point is compatibility, if a woman wants to go dutch, or pay for the guy and the guy is okay with that, then they are compatible , if the guys says I'm sorry I prefer to pay because I like to treat a lady vs being a friend and the woman refuses , its nobody fault, its just they are not compatible. nothing more nothing less. Dating and relationship are two different things, the point of dating is to see if we are compatible and progress from there into a relationship . what you are describing is putting a square peg in a round hole, its nobody's fault that they are different its just the way its made. I prefer to meet a woman who will allow me to exercise my choice on being a man there is nothing wrong with that nor is it anyone's fault . Some guys prefer to meet a woman that wants to go dutch that is his and her right , its doesnt make him wrong, but that is his and her choice, just because its not right for me doesnt mean its wrong. |
not really, Although I cant speak for most Americans, I certainly dont care.
I suppose If I was living in the UK it would be a big deal, I guess its kind of like someone from the Kennedy's getting married, Democrats would go gaga over it. |
you can be happy at any age, so it depends on what makes you happy.
My folks are happy people, they live comfortably, they have healthy and happy children and grandchildren. Im at a point in life where im very comfortable , no financial stress and that makes me very happy. so my point, happiness is a personal thing |
It's quite logical: they make an effort to be with you, to see you, because they feel you are worth it. Men want a confident woman, a high-value woman, one who a) feels herself she is worth it and B) is able to appreciate their effort for them because that shows she is worthy. Again it is able to receive that and to be proud and feel worthy of who you are. If you then offer to pay because he's made that effort it's a direct message of "I feel guilty you did that for me" by which you A)ruin his good feeling about doing this for a woman who is really worthy and b) you tell him you do NOT feel worthy. So he then made all that effort for a woman who isn't worthy and/or doesn't appreciate his effort for a woman of High Value, which up to that point he thought you was. It IS emasculating to a man, unless you have a wuss. A real man will feel emasculated and disappointed. Men want to win. They want the woman they're after to be a prize, worthy and making him feel he's won the jackpot! You take that away from him the minute you want to pay for the date. excellent and well said, she gets it. ![]() |
I as a woman?? ![]() How much do I spend for dating then? No idea, I just ask him to get married, if he's ready. Dont be too sinful before marriage. Like making sweet coffee but you are diabetic??. There is no hope then Over here we dont do arranged marriages, we like to know our partners first and means dating. Here is something you dont understand about men and especially men in your culture, as they are off marrying the pretty young woman, the moment she has kids, he out getting his weasel greased. As the wife is staying home with the kids, looking after the house etc, he is out doing his thing. |
Blondey, its not that simple, because some women dont want a man to buy them a coffee, they insist on buying it themselves.
Fervid.... that guy answered the question, some of us are brought up that a man when dating goes out of his way to treat the lady like a lady, not a friend, or a buddy, of a friends with benefit. Im Italian, and I see it within my family, my parents and grandparents told me their stories about the dating process. A man feels like a man around his lady, a man feels like stunad around a woman who pays for things for him on a date or go dutch, I go dutch with my sisters, friends, relatives etc. Think about this Fervid, Its like me saying to you "fervid ( I dont know your real name obviously) I want to take you out tonight, but please dont wear any make up, put your hair in a ponytail, wear frumpy clothing, granny panties, flats,no perfume , all natural.. we are going to a party afterward... how would that make you feel? would you feel like a woman ? Men just like being a man not a boy. |
Singles Meetups
This is going to sound bad Karen, but it depends on how you dressed up
it could be that you looked too nice dressed up and it spells high maintenance. Or you dont look as good dressed up as you think? I will give you an example, friend of mine works at the Bank of America, she dresses in her business attire, she looks amazing, but in jeans she looks awful. My cousin is a jeans girl look sharp, but when she dresses up , nope. Casual maybe your thing, or at least at this singles meet up thing. Go to another singles meet up , one in casual and one dressed up and see what happens, if its the same thing then you know. |
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its a matter of compatibility Fervid
if a woman Im getting to know says to me hey the reason why I insist on paying my own way/dutch is because Im independent, I have my own money , I dont want to feel obligated. Right there tells me we are not compatible ,plus this is a conversation I usually have before we meet or when we meet and I insist on treating her because I want to see how she reacts. Some women do make a big deal out of going dutch, and that is fine and that is the last time we ever see each too. |