Community > Posts By > t22learner
obama money trail
The Republicans have usually enjoyed a money advantage in presidential elections. It's amusing to observe their whining this time when they don't.
I'm not a fan of her politics, but apparently she's "stupid" enough to be elected to the governorship of one of our 50 states. And she had the courage to pursue it, so it looks like she has bigger balls than you.
Who are the rich?
I think one of the more unbiased sources is from Lou Dobbs on CNN. His opinions on the excesses of capitalism are on the money. |
Civil Unrest?
win or lose...McCain supporters are not the ones who will be looting...cross my heart... No, they already looted $700B out of us taxpayers. They're set for awhile. Im pretty sure Obama both voted for this bill both times, as well as praised it to his followers.... I was commenting on the moronic, borderline racist comment that Obama supporters will be looting if Obama loses. |
Dumbing Down Of America
McCain has been set up from the beginning to lose this election. The perfect fall guy. That's just silly. I know it sounds that way. But explain the censorship that Ron Paul encountered... If the "republican party" actually cared who won, they would have given Dr. Paul as much exposure as possible. He would have won the election hands down... It's funny, but in a primary season poll I took, Paul and Kucinich were the candidates from each side most closely aligned with my beliefs. They were marginalized by their respective parties for their "extreme" views (principles) and unwillingness to compromise them. The party establishments, and the lobbyists who support them live in between. It's in that political pig-pen that "compromises" are reached and it's why in order to get any legislation of value passed, it must be adorned with the lipstick of 535 make-up artists in Congress. |
Who are the rich?
BTW..fOX has been polled as the MOST fair & balanced of ALL the news media. Have you ever watched Sean Hannity? Oh, what am I thinking? Of course you have. Do you consider Mr. Hannity "fair" and "balanced" when it comes to his reporting on Barack Obama? |
Supposedly was a successful effort to kill Al Qaeda operative "Abu Ghadiyah." According to Syria's US Ambassador, we killed a bunch of civilians and no Al Qaeda members. He also alleges the raid was to provoke Syrian retaliation... for US domestic political purposes. |
Dumbing Down Of America
A little something on Obama's Chicago politics experience from Frank Rich in this morning's New York Times:
"But certainly the single most revelatory moment of the campaign — about the political establishment, not Obama — arrived in June when he reversed his position on taking public financing. This was a huge flip-flop (if no bigger than McCain’s on the Bush tax cuts). But the reaction was priceless. Suddenly the political world discovered that far from being some exotic hothouse flower, Obama was a pol from Chicago. Up until then it rarely occurred to anyone that he had to be a ruthless competitor, not merely a sweet-talking orator, to reach the top of a political machine even rougher than the Clinton machine he had brought down." |
President George W. Bush
I have to agree with t22learner here... Something must be wrong... Maybe it was me... |
I doubt they'll boycott the Montreal Radio station, like Joe Biden and the Obama Campaign would have done. Palin specifically asked them for the call letters. I doubt it was so she could send them a Christmas card. |
I feel bad for Sarah Palin. She's not the issue. John McCain's judgment in selecting her is.
Um, all of them.
Dumbing Down Of America
Let's do the Twist! Is that what you do after going the bathroom? No, that's the shimmy shake... |
President George W. Bush
One boy had mostly good things. The teacher corrected him. Btw, these are elementary school kids in a Christian school. The poor kids opinion was "corrected?" That's not good. |
Joe the Plumber
One of the most powerful people in America that can influence people to vote for a particular candidate doesn't belong to an Oprah, Sean Hannity, Collin Powell, Matt Damon, Hillary Clinton, and so on, it probably belongs to Joe the Plumber right about now. I think very few people are being influenced by "Joe the Plumber." The guy is being used by the Republicans. If McCain loses, I don't expect he and Cindy or Sarah Palin to be spending much time hanging with "Joe." Your still talking about him, must of had some effect. Which part "very few people" did you not understand? See, your still talking about him. |
Joe the Plumber
One of the most powerful people in America that can influence people to vote for a particular candidate doesn't belong to an Oprah, Sean Hannity, Collin Powell, Matt Damon, Hillary Clinton, and so on, it probably belongs to Joe the Plumber right about now. I think very few people are being influenced by "Joe the Plumber." The guy is being used by the Republicans. If McCain loses, I don't expect he and Cindy or Sarah Palin to be spending much time hanging with "Joe." Your still talking about him, must of had some effect. Which part "very few people" did you not understand? |
It's looking like that scenario is unlikely, but either guy will have to "reach across the aisle" to get us out of the gigantic hole we're in.
Joe the Plumber
One of the most powerful people in America that can influence people to vote for a particular candidate doesn't belong to an Oprah, Sean Hannity, Collin Powell, Matt Damon, Hillary Clinton, and so on, it probably belongs to Joe the Plumber right about now. I think very few people are being influenced by "Joe the Plumber." The guy is being used by the Republicans. If McCain loses, I don't expect he and Cindy or Sarah Palin to be spending much time hanging with "Joe." |
...except for Jeb who seems to be cut from a different cloth. Like McCain, Jeb was screwed by Dubya and probably will never be president as a result. Jeb probably would be a good one. |
President George W. Bush
I'm just curious how he ruined all these people's lives that hate him so much on here. He's presided over bringing our country to the brink of ruin. |