Community > Posts By > t22learner
Dumbing Down Of America
McCain has been set up from the beginning to lose this election. The perfect fall guy. That's just silly. |
This Should Help McCain...
Cheney Endorses McCain! |
President George W. Bush
Imo, he's the worst president in the history of our republic. Worse than Hoover? or Grant? or Carter? Yes. The damage to our economy, civil liberties and international standing greatly exceeds all of the above. I know Carter is a favorite of the right as "worst," but he inherited the inflation caused by fighting the wars in Vietnam and on poverty in the 60's and early 70's, plus the "Arab Oil Embargo." Just think where we'd be today if we listened to his requests that we actually conserve and use less oil. For that he was ridiculed by the right and here we are. |
President George W. Bush
Imo, he's the worst president in the history of our republic.
What is it
We have spent ourselves into a $10.5 TRILLION DOLLAR National Debt, and before our current financial crisis is over, that number will be much higher. Are we going to continue to delude ourselves that this can continue? Are we... this generation of adults, prepared to simply pass this problem to our children and their children? Non-productive spending needs to be cut and yes, taxes need to go up to balance our current budgets before we can even begin to tackle reduction of the cumulative debt.
In my opinion, that is the reality either candidate faces. |
New voting records...
What has brought the people out in droves? A once in a generation candidate: Barack Obama. |
Dumbing Down Of America
What the guy behind the drum kit alleges is true. The Obama campaign back then challenged nominating petition signatures on technicalities. It was cutthroat Chicago politics, and it was legal.
Yeah, but isn't he a Muslim?
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why do we need a hundred threads all saying the same thing? can't we have just one "propaganda" thread and put em all in there? I humor myself responding to the righties here. |
the last one at least is absolutely true. Yes, I did edit my post at 7:49 AM... |
Civil Unrest?
win or lose...McCain supporters are not the ones who will be looting...cross my heart... No, they already looted $700B out of us taxpayers. They're set for awhile. |
Edited by
Sat 11/01/08 07:49 AM
...and I've read so many of them here...
TOP OBAMA E-MAIL RUMORS DEBUNKED ON SNOPES.COM Illinois senator Barack Obama is a "radical Muslim" who "will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance." Barack Obama was sworn into office on the Quran. Barack Obama has been endorsed for President of the U.S. by the Ku Klux Klan. Barack Obama's presidential campaign is being funded by Hugo Chávez. Barack Obama urged his supporters to join him in changing "the greatest nation in the history of the world." Access to Michelle Obama's senior thesis has been restricted until after the 2008 presidential election. Photograph shows Barack Obama holding a telephone upside down. E-mail reproduces Barack Obama's statement about the U.S. national anthem. E-mail from missionary describes Barack Obama's connection to political events in Kenya. The Book of Revelation describes the anti-Christ as someone with characteristics matching those of Barack Obama. Barack Obama does not qualify as a natural-born citizen of the U.S. because his mother was too young. During a campaign stop, Barack Obama said that he had visited "fifty-seven states." Barack Obama announces every time he claps a child in America dies from gun violence; kid in classroom tells him to stop doing that.* The bulk of donations to the Obama campaign come from a handful of wealthy foreign financiers. E-mail compares proposed changes in taxes after the 2008 presidential election. A Certification of Live Birth document provided by the Obama campaign is a forgery. Barack Obama "blew off" U.S. soldiers during a July 2008 trip to Afghanistan. During an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Barack Obama said, "a strong government hand is needed to assure that wealth is distributed more equitably." Hundreds of people with physical ailments have reported being healed by a touch from Barack Obama. Native Americans dubbed Barack Obama "Walking Eagle." Joe Biden is planning to step down from the vice-presidential slot on the Democratic ticket in favor of Hillary Clinton. Three former Fannie Mae executives are linked to the Obama campaign as chief economic advisors. Barack Obama's education and house were paid for with money obtained from questionable sources. Barack Obama filed a lawsuit to require banks to "make loans to poor people." The editor of the National Review has endorsed Barack Obama for president. Barack Obama never mentioned Israel by name in either of the first two 2008 presidential debates. Michelle Obama gorged herself on an expensive room service dinner while her husband was attending a meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Barack Obama admitted to being a Muslim during an ABC News interview. Barack Obama would not qualify for a security clearance due to his relationship with Bill Ayers. |
Does this disqualify Barack Obama to be President, or is it just another smear of his character? Are you responsible for the actions of all your acquaintances, friends and relatives? When you're running for the highest office of the land? Uh Yeah! So then John McCain and Sarah Palin are responsible for: - Keating 5 scandal? - Khalidi group funding? - G. Gordon Liddy's terrorism? - Drug addicted wife? - Secessionist husband? - Witch Doctor exorcising pastor? Or is only Barack Obama responsible for his associations? Back Your Statements up! Where did You Find this Fountain of Information? I Want to see it for myself to see What Liberal Rag this Came From! Oh, you don't hear those on Faux? |
The self-righteousness and intolerance of religious zealots is a major cause of pain and suffering in this world. Can you tolerate intolerance? ![]() ![]() It's true. I don't have much tolerance for tolerating intolerance. |
Does this disqualify Barack Obama to be President, or is it just another smear of his character? Are you responsible for the actions of all your acquaintances, friends and relatives? When you're running for the highest office of the land? Uh Yeah! So then John McCain and Sarah Palin are responsible for: - Keating 5 scandal? - Khalidi group funding? - G. Gordon Liddy's terrorism? - Drug addicted wife? - Secessionist husband? - Witch Doctor exorcising pastor? Or is only Barack Obama responsible for his associations? |
For the record...I really do try to give DEMS the benefit of the doubt... There's no evidence of that on this board. |
Dumbing Down Of America
Maybe because they sold their souls like the dems did. Yeah, that must be it. |
Chinese news
If stating the facts makes me a hater... then I think it's YOU who needs a dictionary. ![]() Your opinion and anything based in fact are mutually exclusive. |
Who are the rich?
Any thoughts from you anti-tax geniuses how we're going to pay our $10.5T debt, or should we just continue Dubya's "No tax and spend anyway?" yes...keep selling your birthright... it's the banana republic way... This "banana republic' theme emanates from Faux and is the early effort to pin the financial crisis of George W. Bush on the next president, who many on the right seem to be conceding is Barack Obama. They are already working to undermine a presidency that has not yet been determined. |
The self-righteousness and intolerance of religious zealots is a major cause of pain and suffering in this world.