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Topic: OBAMA, the EMPTY SUIT Candidate
Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:25 AM
As I said...OBAMA is nothing more than an empty suit full of lies & deceit.

Let's see... they don't like to be asked tough questions as per Biden's interview on a Fla. station...

they are using the govt. to investigate Joe the Plumber...

They just kicked off the Washington Times, the NY Post & another newspaper off their plane for endoring McCain.

So much for reaching across the isle or being held accountable... & he's only running.

Yep! Welcome to the United Banana Republic of America if DEMS take control.

No one can say there's no difference...there are BIG differences between the two partys. BIG! HUGE!

captainkirk56's photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:50 AM
and his aunt is in public housing...and is an illegal immigrant??????

being deported????

after nov...4...she can live in the white house...!!!!

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:55 AM
Buh bye America, Home of the brave & Land of the free~~~~

t22learner's photo
Sat 11/01/08 04:08 AM
Nothing but hate out of you.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 04:10 AM
The only "HATE" there is are those who want to ignore the facts.

That's self serving & selfish too! OBAMA would know more about that I suppose...

t22learner's photo
Sat 11/01/08 04:12 AM
"Facts" as perceived through your "FauxNews" and Drudge prism of hate.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 04:35 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 11/01/08 04:39 AM
OBAMA's own words & actions condemn him. FOX reports THAT! I hear it from his own two lips.

Trying to move the mark again? Try sticking this under your bonnet...FOX has been reported as the ONLY source of fair & balanced reporting of alL the media.

For the record...I really do try to give DEMS the benefit of the doubt but when these sort of things come out they ALWAYS prove me otherwise. What part of that don't you understand?

t22learner's photo
Sat 11/01/08 04:51 AM

For the record...I really do try to give DEMS the benefit of the doubt...

There's no evidence of that on this board.

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 09:04 AM

Try sticking this under your bonnet...FOX has been reported as the ONLY source of fair & balanced reporting of alL the media.

ummm the only one "reporting" that is Faux....whoa

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 09:06 AM
why do we need a hundred threads all saying the same thing?

can't we have just one "propaganda" thread and put em all in there?

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:07 AM
T22 is right.

There is no evidence on these boards of an open mind in regards to some posters. Hate and condescension I see plenty of from some posters here.

When anyone calls those same posters on it apparently they report the post to the mods. Maybe because those same posters like dishing out vileness and disrespect but cannot take fair criticism.

t22learner's photo
Sat 11/01/08 11:38 AM

why do we need a hundred threads all saying the same thing?

can't we have just one "propaganda" thread and put em all in there?

I humor myself responding to the righties here.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:19 PM

why do we need a hundred threads all saying the same thing?

can't we have just one "propaganda" thread and put em all in there?

Well since there are so few conservatives posting I guess you are tired of all the lib lies being posted here?

That's cause they are now talking to THEMSELVES. All others who post any facts to the contrary are slandered. Nothing new here.

Since they like to throw out the lies ad nausium I guess someone has to challenge their lies. I'm glad to take a poke. Facts are just too much for libs who would rather believe liars than the truth.

BTW...all the polls show that most people KNOW that FOX news is more fair & balanced than any other media source...THAT'S A FACT! Saying otherwise is as much of a joke as Pelosi saying that with a DEM prez & a DEM super majority we can now have bi partisanship.

...and do I have a bridge to sell anyone who believes her. laugh laugh laugh

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:22 PM
Polls are not a scientific measurement of fact.

Polls are a measurement of opinion.

See Sarah about that bridge to no where. She and the state of Alaska took that money. They just spent it elsewhere.

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:24 PM

why do we need a hundred threads all saying the same thing?

can't we have just one "propaganda" thread and put em all in there?

Well since there are so few conservatives posting I guess you are tired of all the lib lies being posted here?

That's cause they are now talking to THEMSELVES. All others who post any facts to the contrary are slandered. Nothing new here.

Since they like to throw out the lies ad nausium I guess someone has to challenge their lies. I'm glad to take a poke. Facts are just too much for libs who would rather believe liars than the truth.

BTW...all the polls show that most people KNOW that FOX news is more fair & balanced than any other media source...THAT'S A FACT! Saying otherwise is as much of a joke as Pelosi saying that with a DEM prez & a DEM super majority we can now have bi partisanship.

...and do I have a bridge to sell anyone who believes her. laugh laugh laugh
The bridge to nowhere? Its already been bought and never built..Now we have noway to get nowhere...Oh yes we do vote in another republicon..

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:33 PM

why do we need a hundred threads all saying the same thing?

can't we have just one "propaganda" thread and put em all in there?

Well since there are so few conservatives posting I guess you are tired of all the lib lies being posted here?

That's cause they are now talking to THEMSELVES. All others who post any facts to the contrary are slandered. Nothing new here.

Since they like to throw out the lies ad nausium I guess someone has to challenge their lies. I'm glad to take a poke. Facts are just too much for libs who would rather believe liars than the truth.

BTW...all the polls show that most people KNOW that FOX news is more fair & balanced than any other media source...THAT'S A FACT! Saying otherwise is as much of a joke as Pelosi saying that with a DEM prez & a DEM super majority we can now have bi partisanship.

...and do I have a bridge to sell anyone who believes her. laugh laugh laugh
The bridge to nowhere? Its already been bought and never built..Now we have noway to get nowhere...Oh yes we do vote in another republicon..

Yes & that bridge to nowhere is where we will be going if OBAMA gets elected & that's the only place people will be going...nowhere.

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:44 PM

Nothing but hate out of you.

I saw no hatred, just opinion. Apparently nothing but labels come out of YOU!

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:51 PM

Nothing but hate out of you.

I saw no hatred, just opinion. Apparently nothing but labels come out of YOU!
Oh please!!! Where is the BIG LAWSUIT over Obamas birth cerificate gone??NOWHERE Wheres the BIG TAPE of M Obama from the API??NOWHERE Where has all the crap she has slung over the months gone???NOWHERE If you start a every post with hate, people just dont care to respond except with hate..Where have you been..Do you not read or are you just blinded by your love of the right..People go out of there way to try to have a civil debate with her and it gets them nowhere..Like THAT DAM BRIDGE!!!

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:59 PM
Lets put this into scientific FACT.

John McCain is 72 years old, in all scientific probability he wont survive his 1st term IF ELECTED (average life span for a male in the US is 74) and then (theorheticly) it would be President Palin for atleast 2 years hahahahahah

That sounds like a bad Disney movie, Miss Congeniality hockey mom as president. Do u really think that folksy BS can work with Hugo Chavez? Vladmir Putin? She needs to go back to Juneo and take care of her 100,000 people because us with any common sense can see right through her

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:59 PM

Nothing but hate out of you.

I saw no hatred, just opinion. Apparently nothing but labels come out of YOU!
Oh please!!! Where is the BIG LAWSUIT over Obamas birth cerificate gone??NOWHERE Wheres the BIG TAPE of M Obama from the API??NOWHERE Where has all the crap she has slung over the months gone???NOWHERE If you start a every post with hate, people just dont care to respond except with hate..Where have you been..Do you not read or are you just blinded by your love of the right..People go out of there way to try to have a civil debate with her and it gets them nowhere..Like THAT DAM BRIDGE!!!

You're assuming waaaaaaaaay too much here. First of all I have no love for the Republican Party and it's bungling idiocy. John McCain is my next to last choice for a nominee, somewhere right in front B. Hussein Obama.

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