Community > Posts By > 9erguy

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:33 PM

I didn't read any of that, way too long whoa
you took the words right out of my mouth laugh

This is the kind of selfishness that has run rampant in this country. you want your thoughts known without acknowledging the thoughts of others. there are about 7 billion people out there that did not read this, yet you guys are the only ones who decided to take the time to comment about not reading it, as if I care.

There's a time and place for sharing such personal information... It shows lack of respect for yourself that you just blurt it out like that to a bunch of strangers.

I am being honest about who I am, Why does being honest mean a lack of self respect. Are you saying I don't respect myself to lie to strangers? I honestly don't care about what people think of me, i am looking for one person to understnad and care for me, not a bunch of internet buddies.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:31 PM

Sounds to me like you need to get up off your azz. Welcome.........smokin

And do what exactly. i look for work every goddam day, other than that I have nothing else to do. I could walk around walmart, that would be productive I'm sure.

Try and get a job at Walmart........smokin

I already did, they rejected me. I go in there every tuesday at 1 to talk to the personnel manager and beg for a job. It is our of her hands.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:30 PM

Alright, I broke down and read your post.

People who blame everything on bad luck are just incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions/ choices. Time to put on your big boy pants! YOU CAUSED your drivers license issues not "bad luck".

You should not be looking for ANYONE right now. There is so much work to be done on yourself theres no point. Sadly I dated a guy in almost the exact same situation/ mindframe as you so I speak from experience. He also blamed everything on bad luck and it prevented him from moving forward in his life.

Put down the bong and go do something productive.

So you don't believe in bad luck. The timeframe of the things that happened to me was simply as bad as it could have been, and the circumstances surrounding me i had no control over. I have made some bad choices and corrected them. I was pulled over 12 times in a year and a half within two blocks of my house. I actually caught an off duty police officer breaking one of my tail lights. I never recieved a speeding ticket or any other moving violation, when I turned in the signed fix it tickets, they were lost and sent to collections. Call it whatever the hell you want, I call it bad luck.

I am fine the way I am, just because you don't like it doesn't mean I have to go through life alone. If I didn't date women that had problems I would never date. Everybody has problems.

I am a very proactive person, and I do everything I can to work out of it, but it is very frustrating, especially going at it alone. Just a little help and support would do wonders for me. I am not talking a lot of help either, just a woman to look in the eyes and talk, somebody that is willing to spend time with me.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:20 PM

I forgot to mention I was looking for a woman with an attention span. Once that can read whole books sometimes!

I can read very long books that are interesting. Not so interested in the sob stories.

If you did not read it then what puts you in a position to call it a sob story.

Are you aware your profile doesn't have a single one of your own words on it?

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:16 PM

Sounds to me like you need to get up off your azz. Welcome.........smokin

And do what exactly. i look for work every goddam day, other than that I have nothing else to do. I could walk around walmart, that would be productive I'm sure.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:14 PM
Edited by 9erguy on Thu 08/26/10 12:18 PM

I didn't read any of that, way too long whoa
you took the words right out of my mouth laugh

This is the kind of selfishness that has run rampant in this country. you want your thoughts known without acknowledging the thoughts of others. there are about 7 billion people out there that did not read this, yet you guys are the only ones who decided to take the time to comment about not reading it, as if I care.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 11:53 AM
So the happy bee writes a poem about hate (which wasn't bad by the way), and the demonic clown posts a happy heart right afterward. Rather strange.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 11:10 AM
age is just a number, as long as the number is equal or greater than 18.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 10:59 AM

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 10:42 AM
Edited by 9erguy on Thu 08/26/10 10:47 AM

one of the interesting things about reading books is that it helps improve your spelling. i r inteligrent two.:wink: welcome to mingledrinker

I miss having an edit button, I am a terrible speller because I simply don't try to spell the word properly most of the time. It takes away from the flow of what I am trying to say. A lot of my spelling errors are just typo's also. Spelling and intellegence are unrelated. If spelling words right was a paid job I would be a much better speller.

true enough. not to mention the sense of accomplishment at finshishing something other than your beer would probably help get you out of your funk and it would make interesting bar conversation to some lady or another. plus it seems as if you have more than enough time on your hands to do it. the world is in a sad rut as far as inspiring writers go, and having a voice is important.

I am not a sence of acomplishment kind of guy. I am more results oriented. Having a stack of papers with ideas I already had in my head written on them doesn't really accomplish anything. I am less about a sence of acomplishment and more about actual accomplishment.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 10:33 AM

Okay, so i just read your profile, it seems to have a lot of info in it. Maybe it's been beefed up since you first posted I don't know. It says you are a writer, so am I? what do you write?

I work on a novel sometimes. I am really not very good at it though. I have something to say, I just simply don't have the talent to say it. I have written some poetry in the past, when i would get really depressed I would start to think in cryptic rhymes. Once day I wrote them down, they were not nearly as good as they sounded in my head.

How about yourself, what are you working on?

And yes, I added a description last night, but I added it before the two comments about no information were written, which kind of threw me for a loop.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 10:12 AM

Dude there has to be more, in that one from to welcome you there's like 2 hrs of reading. I can tell your smart, us it..but be real about who you are.
I'm sure there has to be an awesome person in there. And the women thing are you sure that you want anyone.. some girls are 400bls and are ghetto as you could ever imagine looking like chicken heads with reused sour wive sure you want that because that's kinda what you said. Not trying to be a meanie or rube just being real.

You rock dude let it show!!:smile:

More what? I wrote a profile description. It shows up when i click on my profile.

See, this site is me being myself. I am not sugar coating stuff. I am telling it like it is.

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 10:08 AM
I forgot to mention I was looking for a woman with an attention span. Once that can read whole books sometimes!

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:28 AM

Match the sofa

McDonald's or Burger King?

WHich ever is closer, but quality I would have to give a slight edge to burgerking!

beer or marijuana?

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:16 AM
I live in the inland Empire in southern california, and yourself?

9erguy's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:01 AM

just be you and dont worry so much about it.

yeeeaaaah that kinda is me.

9erguy's photo
Wed 08/25/10 11:54 PM

no need, you're right!

Yeah, I don't like to put any thought into a description before I find out what the site is all about, I should update it. I was thinking the "this profile sucks" was just a catchy headder. I'll work on it for a minute.

9erguy's photo
Wed 08/25/10 11:47 PM

9erguy's photo
Wed 08/25/10 11:20 PM
You don't have to lie to not be honest. I am sure that I'm not the only cat that tries to list all the postive things I have going for me, and hide the negatives. It is something you have to do to make internet dating work. Let's test that.

I am an unemployed medical marijuana smoker without a car, and I moved back in with my mom a long two years ago. I don't smoke every day, i am so damned poor right now I only smoke two days a week, and smoking weed is my favorite hobby.

I have not had sex with anybody else in about a year, I have been two dates, each their own train wreck, made out with a random chick at a bar on St. Patty's day, and exchanged naked pics and phone sex with a girl that never showed up. I have had a bad run of women.

I have been unemployed for over a year, I am in debt up to my ****in ears and owe my drivers license over 5000 dollars before I can think about buying another car. The worst part is I never even got a DUI. Piddley *** traffic tickets that added up and turned into a driving without a license. Then when I got a car to go to work i got a second driving without a license. I might actually have an arrest warrent out for me, I'll have to call the government and find out one of these days.

I used to sell furniture, and make good(not great) money. Now I am desperate to find a min wage job that will give me 20 hours per week just to be able to buy somebody dinner, or sit at a bar and talk to random women, or buy enough weed for seven days out of the week.

I have a few hobbies, but none of them are what women would like to see listed. I don't ride any jet ski's or four wheelers and I absolutely hate to ski. **** those expensive death traps anyway. I like to smoke weed, cook food, eat, work out, sit by the pool, watch and talk about football, drink with women, and have sex. The rest of the **** is just filler. I am working on a book that has a snowballs chance in hell of being finished, and an even smaller chance of being published. I don't work on it very often, mainly because I am not a very good writer.

I am looking for a woman that is willing to spend time with me without spending any money. After a year of no sex looks and age don't matter to me much. Seriously, I dated a girl that weighed more than twice as much as me simply because she was cool to hang out with. Sex was like climbing a mountain. I like women of all races and colors. I have a type, but it is hard to define. Eyes are my favorite quality on a woman, and she has to have another good quality. Basically if you have if you have two eyes and are willing to hang out with me your in!

I am an intellegent person with hideously bad luck. If I catch a break I run like hell with it, there are just not many breaks for me to catch in the luck pond. I can be a very determined person, but I also try to let go of things. I have been bitten by following something with too much determination, as well as most of the other ways a person can be metaphorically bitten (by trying too hard, not trying hard enough, being too outgoing, being too smart, being too qualified) you name a positive quality and it has likely worked against me. Hopefully not to the point I am just another jaded person living inside my little comfort box. I stay true to who I am reguardless of the **** storm I have to deal with.

So in summation, I only date women with two eyes, but if you have a cool patch over one like uma thurman on kill bill i would consider you. I am a loser right now, and maybe for the rest of my life, I don't know the future. You can't keep a good man down, but you can knock him down. If you read all of that and are still interested feel free to message me!

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