Community > Posts By > intelligenceissexy
The Love Of Ignorance
Does that mean I am supposed to help the helper or help the helpless? Lately I have been feeling like a hopeless slave to the helpless. This pot hole is irritating to me. If you have a choice - if you can walk away any time you like - then you are not a slave. |
Actually there is a god, and I can prove it. Try psilocybin mushrooms, and you will KNOW there is a God. You will turn from an atheist to a believe in minutes... LOL Why am I not surprised that it takes one hallucinogenic delusion to know one? |
A new dark ages?
You people aren't thinking this through at all.
I'd be willing to bet that most of you couldn't even make a spoon from scratch. Think about it. |
I'm not a fan of Obama
I'm not sure why anyone would think attacking the Democratic Party is a valid defense of the Republican Party. I don't like the Democratic Party either, as I mentioned in my first post. Attacking them does nothing at all to my arguments, or my post. Sorry wasn't attacking them just don't have time to do the research at this time to prove both sides push the middle of a major move in between states at this time.....may revisit later Cool. I didn't actually do this research, someone else did. But I checked it (as should all of you - don't take my word for it!) and it's good. I would be very surprised if you could put together anything with even a tenth of the sources. I would be happen to be proven wrong - by anyone! |
I believe your analogy to be incorrect. I've heard many people express the thought that while they don't believe in God, they also don't NOT believe in God. Seems pretty on the fence to me. That's not on the fence - that's ridiculous. You either believe in god or you don't. If you're not sure, or you're thinking about it, then you don't believe in god. These language games only seem to make sense because they're about god. When you make them about something else (a television, for instance), the illogicality is immediately uncovered. |
Your favourite movie quotes
"You mean... all this time... we could have been friends?"
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? |
Diablo 2
I have no solution. I just want to e-high five someone who still plays Diablo II. That game rocks.
![]() That is all. |
A new dark ages?
People who actually do proper jobs like farmers, carpenters, etc. will be top of the heap again. Which is nice, in a way.
The good news is that anyone who has ever predicted the downfall of human civilization has been wrong. It's hard to argue with a hit rate of 0%. |
I'm not a fan of Obama
I'm not sure why anyone would think attacking the Democratic Party is a valid defense of the Republican Party.
I don't like the Democratic Party either, as I mentioned in my first post. Attacking them does nothing at all to my arguments, or my post. |
Oh...I dunno. I don't think it's particularly cowardly to use the term agnostic. Some people are genuinely on the fence, as it were. If they're on the fence, then they don't believe in god. If they haven't come to a final decision about believing in god, then they don't believe in god. Or, to put it another way, if I haven't come to a final decision about buying a television, then I haven't bought a television. No matter how on the fence I sincerely am, there is still no new television in my house. And I'm pretty sure there are people who are, in fact, attracted to both sexes. From my experience, it's pretty common among women. Agreed. I would say that the majority of women are bi. Not in a college-girl-drunk type way, but in the way that they actually find other women sexually attractive. Either that or I just got really lucky with my girlfriends. |
Justin Bieber
Can you get the clap in your anus??? Well now that takes me right back to my elementary school days! I thought we were done with using homosexuality as an insult. Hm. |
No one ever uses the term anti-theism. Well, you just did there... When they mean anti-theism they simply used the term atheism. I don't think you get to decide what people "mean" when they say things. To say "anti-theist" implies that you're against a god. I can't be against something that I don't think exists. So, I'm an atheist. You can pretend that I actually mean something else, if you like, or you can redefine the word to mean something other than what it means. But I don't see why anyone else should have to go along with that. Also, I never said anything about "anti-theism" one way or the other. Where did this come from? You're making it a lot more complicated than it has to be. If you don't believe in a god, you're an atheist. The end. It seems to me that the term "agnostic" is used in the same cowardly way as the term "bisexual." It shows a lack of commitment to the truth. I personally am brave enough to say that there is no god, and that I am homosexual. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You don't think you can be sexually attracted to men and women at the same time? Nice first post, by the way. Straight in there. You don't **** around, do you? |
Justin Bieber
ahahaha. i just found someone on youtube whose username is; LetsRapeJustinBieber. Maybe it's a typo, and they want to rate Justin Bieber? Or rave about him? |
I'm not a fan of Obama
With the exception of adding and overhauling socialistic programs you could write the same things almost to the liberals.......Of course I am not a proponent of either party or their extremist ideas. Because every race has prejudiceness within it.......its up to the individual to not keep prejudices going in their long as their are people their will be prejudice against something if they propel it..... Well that implies that liberals are capable of the same vicious lies and propaganda. Which I don't think is true. Although if you can link to as many as I have linked to in that piece, I will gladly admit that you are correct. It starts out with "you have lost me and most of America." And you didn't read much further did you? I must respectfully ask you to read the entire piece before developing an opinion on it. Thank you. |
I'd go the other way - I'd say that all agnostics are atheists. An atheist is just someone who doesn't believe in a god. So, if you can't say "I believe in a god," which I gather agnostics can't say, then you're an atheist.
Well done. There are refreshments for everyone, and the restrooms are just out that door and first on the left. |
How about we actually require evolution to be taught properly, rather then playing to the idiocracy and ignorance of the Christians and other religionists? I'm tired of everything being rewritten to satisfy their whiny needs. I have no problem understanding "theory" and what it means, but we continue to allow their willing ignorances to make the decisions. Well that would be ideal, but sadly it clashes with their religion, which apparently is government-appointed as bulletproof. The theory has changed dramatically since Darwin but the basics are still intact. And how great is that? This is why science is wonderful -as new information becomes available, it changes too! |
I'm not a fan of Obama
Quite assumptive. and generalized. Yes, yes it was. I was trying to get a debate going, so don't take it as an insult. However, did you read through that list? |
Perhaps one can measure 'evolution' as a species moves from 'here'(1 bc) to 'here' (2010 AD) but that does not explane the decided lack of evolution in the attitudes of humans we still throw rocks at each other (and those 'rocks' have evolved to the point where death comes to millions at the toss of one). Sadly, the principle that organisms might fight over limited resources is not only easily explained by evolution, but sometimes drives it. |
Justin Bieber
Miley Cyrus, Ke$ha, Katy Perry (by the way, wtf Snoop Dog??), Jonas Brothers...actually most kids that Disney have whored out are particularly bad, and to me, Lady Gaga. When I heard that Katy Perry single, I noticed things, and was forced to write this: I dont...hate him exactly...Im just Prez of the "kill Justin Bieber now!!" club for fun Well, I guess if it's just for fun. I don't know though. I love Daft Punk (something my dad calls "repetitive gibberish") and Nine Inch Nails (of which, when I said the CD was skipping, he asked "How can you tell?"), so what the hell do I know? |
I'm not a fan of Obama
We suffer from a media that thrives on Controversy, contrived or factual! It's a shame that reason and correct information tends to be controversy-proof. Maybe more people would notice. In all the time they have been trashing Obama I haven't heard much that was accurate. The people attacking him don't seem to be interested in accuracy. From what I can see, they regard intelligence as a liability. They will accept the worst behaviour imaginable from someone who shares their values, but allow not even the slightest imperfections in those who do not share their values. This political wilful ignorance, then, is not about the massive gap in understanding or factual accuracy, but about the gap in values. But just what are these values, exactly? I am reminded of an entertaining Daily Show piece (which presumably was cut to hell to produce a comic effect) where delegates at a Republican convention were quizzed as to what these "values" were, exactly. The only thing they ALL had in common was homophobia. However, the fact that they are not interested in facts should not dissuade the rest of us from presenting them with these facts at every opportunity. Don't be fooled, however, that this is serving anyone or anything apart from our need to sleep at night. |