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Sun 09/09/18 08:12 AM
Don't worry. Magic doesn't exist.

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Sun 09/09/18 03:34 AM

Sorry folks.. you set out to meet up with a 13 year old girl you set yourself up for a world of hurt ..either by the law or by the parents

Nothing good was going to come out of that meeting. Nothing
Nope, so obvious the law would have been all over it.

Clearly. The law wasn't . So I ask the question

If it was your kid..what would you do?..wait for the law. Or protect your kid.

I have seen some moms protect their law needed

if i was the father that guy will be buried in my backyard ☺ and it won't be a problem for the police cause i will burn the body and erase every single clue and of course I'll get an alibi :blush: and i will save my daughter and a lot of kids from this devil

I wouldn't murder him. Just cut off his d*ck.

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Sun 09/09/18 03:02 AM
At what point does Trump cross the line in his followers' eyes? I kept asking this during the campaign. The moment he made fun of a reporter with a disability should have been where it ended for him. If not that, then the end should have come when he mocked John McCain and all POWs.

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Sun 09/09/18 02:59 AM

When That’s all a profile says, I always pass on by. I’m sure it’s great loss to anyone - just wondering if I’m the only one.

They're usually fake profiles.

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Sun 09/09/18 02:34 AM

It started when technology came into the world. Imo

It started when people came into the world.

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Sat 09/08/18 02:08 PM
The music video from Daft Punk's "Instant Crush" can make someone cry.

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Sat 09/08/18 02:06 PM
Anything by Philip K. Dick, Haruki Murakami, and Stephen King is good by me.

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Fri 09/07/18 08:35 PM

The shame is McCain's funeral was an anti-trump rally.

Anti-Trump and pro-America.

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Fri 09/07/18 07:12 PM
When you have the same problems you had as a baby: diaper, no hair, no teeth, can't walk, etc.

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Thu 09/06/18 07:38 PM
Edited by TinyBlackTerrorLove on Thu 09/06/18 07:39 PM
The governments of the world wouldn't tell anyone. It would happen unannounced because what's the point of warning people of such an event?

And that's not a bad thing.

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Thu 09/06/18 07:10 PM


Well, we all better hope so. Because if you think the world is a mess now, just take God out of peoples minds and see how fast it turns into pure carnage.

People try to stay straight because they have the thought of answering for you time on this planet to a higher power.. their God

If it was ever proven that in fact there is no GOD (S).. well then, see how fast the earth reverts back to a lawless every man for himself place

I recall the world being pretty chaotic when Holy Mother Church was calling the shots.

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Thu 09/06/18 07:07 PM

religion is sumthing which is Surpasses from our ancestors to us. hard to understand and easy to misunderstand.

Why bother trying to figure it out. Just be a good person at heart, no malice and do the best you can. That will be enough for any God.

if not, well I guess you will burn in hell. Along with the others that listened to my advice.

That's true. Any god who would send a man to hell for refusing to worship it or love it is a god worth neither.

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Thu 09/06/18 04:53 PM

Extraterrestrials in abduction accounts are humanoids. But how likely is it that humanoids evolved elsewhere in the universe? And when you consider the incredible distances of objects on the astronomical scale, it seems doubly unlikely that such beings are actually extraterrestrial.

So what does that leave us with?

Well, one thing that many abductees report is medical procedures having been performed on them. Many report reproductive cells and blood having been extracted. Others even claim to have seen extraterrestrial/human "hybrids" aboard the abductor spacecraft.

And what's most peculiar about this abduction phenomenon?

Well, these accounts are virtually non-existent prior to WW2. This is really interesting because this is around the time when nations began keeping accurate details in their census-taking.

My hypothesis is that these humanoid "extraterrestrials" are time travellers. They're us from the distant future. They must need genetic material from an earlier era of the species (our era) for whatever reason, and they must need it from specific family lines, which is why they can only go as far back as the 1940s--when surnames became a thing worldwide and when government records in much of the world became more formal and detail-oriented.

If you give it some thought, these "extraterrestrials" look pretty much like what what you'd expect humans to evolve into after a lengthy period in low-gravity, low-light habitations: thin frames, dark eyes, little or no body hair, elongated fingers for precision tasks like typing, etc.

So maybe being abducted is a a question of your family history. Maybe there's an interesting genetic or medical similarity between abductees.

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Thu 09/06/18 04:11 PM

I have no idea who Jones is but I don't like censorship. When does the book burning begin?

Twitter is a company. It has the right to censor anything it wants on its platform. Unless the American taxpayer starts footing Twitter's costs, we have no say in what they censor.

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Wed 09/05/18 09:20 PM
I think she's looking for a tall guy with a big, beautiful car.

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Wed 09/05/18 09:14 PM

If this book isn't true, It seems to me that it's a good way to be sued for defamation. And maybe a few other things.

Woodward book 'Fear' reflects chaos in the White House.

In part,

White House chief of staff John Kelly frequently lost his temper and referred to President Donald Trump as "unhinged" and an "idiot," author Bob Woodward writes in his new book "Fear: Trump in the White House."

considering how litigious trump is known to be,it seems like since he isn't ALREADY talking about suing him for defamation,and libel that it just lends more and more credibility to he thingsthat the book says is true!

wow, hadn't thought of that Dave. he hasnt said anything about lawsuits regarding this, has he?

maybe his lawyers are too busy either quitting or trying to hide stuff and prepare his defense

I haven't read the book. Just excerpts. That's why I posted this. Just from the little I've read, this guy says some pretty nasty things about Trump. So do other people in the book.

If just one accusation is false, A publisher would not publish the book. Because then the publisher would also be open to being sued. Just about everyone knows how sue crazy Trump can be. With all the bad press Trump has been getting, You can just about bet if Trump thought he could succeed in suing this guy and winning, he would do it.

For that one chance to vindicate himself. He could ride that high right through the midterms. Maybe even through 2020.

But so far he isn't. Hum?

This seems to be the best he can muster,

Trump's threats are toothless barks.

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Wed 09/05/18 09:12 PM
Edited by TinyBlackTerrorLove on Wed 09/05/18 09:12 PM

That's the great thing about Trump... He's so easy to bring down if only the American brains stand together. Because the rest of the world knows that the Americans are not that stupid.

No, President Trump is not perfect but the majority of voters felt he was a lesser or two bad choices.

The voters actually chose Hillary by about 3.5 million. And when you count third-party liberals like Jill Stein, that's a couple of million more votes against Trump and the alt-right ideology.

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Mon 09/03/18 09:40 PM
That's really nice.

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Mon 09/03/18 09:38 PM
Learning that Luke Skywalker will be in the next Star Wars movie.

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Mon 09/03/18 09:12 PM

Why chase a barracuda if you're a bull frog?

You can put black and white stripes on a donkey, but that don't make it a zebra.

What if that donkey has a Ferrari?