Community > Posts By > Mlookin4W

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Thu 11/02/06 02:36 AM
I've been divorce for 3 1/2 yrs now. I back to her April 05 until 1/06.
Only had sex with her 2 times, I always avoided it. Told we should wait,
I tried to do it for my boys, But that lady and I are just like gas and
water. I hate living back home but it better then putting the kids
through all is fighting. I was married for 14 yrs.

Even now that she has got a new man living in the house that bought.
I have mix feeling about it but it don't take me long to realize, the
anger to this question. I only wish we could be better friend but she
keeps me far from them now! - My visitation right. I Love the kids we
had, but really hate that _ _ _ _ _! _

P S All ways be careful for what you wish for. Cuz it can hurt real
badly! And that karma thing is nothing to f _ _ _ with, that is 4

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Sun 10/22/06 12:08 PM
Lots of funny shit to read.

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Sun 10/22/06 12:02 PM

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Thu 10/19/06 11:44 AM
It is great to see such active staff, working in our favorer, helping to
fill our lonely broken hearts. More people are what it takes, and I do
post this site at other forums and chat rooms in hopes to help myself
fine my match someday. This is my #1 so you no. But #6 when it comes to
dates obtained. Thanks for asking and improving the site each and every
day. I will be adding something to my, MY –SPACE page today about this
great site.

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:18 AM

This is one of many free sites out there today. I enjoy this site more
then the others sites. And it has not been for the dates or hooking. I
guess that I keep coming back to see what was said in each forum and
topics. There is some very good content to read a long with some within
the B-shit topic. If you add a chat room, I think, you would be come
more appealing to an even younger crowd of users. I t seams to me, that
most off these dating site chat rooms are consumed by 16 years old and
younger. There are some people that are unable to stay at there computer
screen all the time so we would not be able to in joy the site as much
if these things weren’t saved in the forums. Improvements should be made
in advertising this site more to make it a better dating site. I get
many more dates off the other site like. The Fish site.opps sorry if I
am not supposed to mention it. But I do leave post mentioning this site
there all the time. In hopes to make a better Just Say Hi web site.
You need to display more possible matches than you are presently due.
Thanks for asking.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 11:58 PM
sex pistols

no photo
Wed 09/20/06 12:08 PM
Co Hello everybody,

I feel I am Bias to the blond haired woman. I have only dated one or
two girls that were not blonds. But recently I’ve been looking at more
brown hair ladies. My Question is there any truth to the saying blonds
have more fun. What types of hair color do you purifier to date? Is
there any good reson for your decisions?

no photo
Sun 09/17/06 02:35 AM
All of your responces on page two. Are hitting the nail on the head. I
to decided two vanish. After two trips to see her,"ha ha ha, LOL" ok,The
trough to get laid. And some how make her new B.F.feel a little on the
uneasy side.But to look back at that.I was the dumist of us all.
I continued to looking for that spark!!!!!!!
Thanks lots of help.

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 11:50 PM and are two i all so use.I`m very new
at all this stuff.So just want to keep my costs down!Some friends hook
me up with these ones.I`ve gotten a few responces,exchanging kind words
with one another.I`m A ? Well lets say I would miss the boat even if I
were standing on the loading dock.Just seemed to clam up when meeting
cute girls on the streets. I fine it may be a bit easier to break the
ice on this type of setting. I still just don`t no or i am not sure
about all this kinda dateing, only time will tell.

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 03:01 AM
I injoyed all your addvice an input on my ?
Thank you all very much!

P.S. My last girl friend used this nine on me. After she had all ready
hoop into "Mr. Tatoo`s Art" bed.I`m greatful now, but was a dead man
walking for more then three months. My devorce from my x-wife of 14 yrs.
didn`t even make me feel so shitty and second gessing my self.

no photo
Fri 09/15/06 01:57 PM
I saw someone say this line today, in the form?It gose ,I still love
him Just not the way I used too. I was told this in past relaionships.
PLease In lighten me?
Thank you ,

no photo
Fri 09/15/06 01:36 AM
dam it !you fooled me.