Community > Posts By > lizardking19

lizardking19's photo
Thu 12/27/07 07:54 AM
levayan satanism im ok with but i dont like luciferian satanism because it has christian roots
I like this quote from tom waits "there aint no devil its just god when hes drunk"

lizardking19's photo
Thu 12/27/07 07:50 AM
those r the rules the way a woman percieves them she'll never find out the real ones

there is no cabal

lizardking19's photo
Wed 12/26/07 07:50 PM
i mean nicholson has this very distinctive way of talking, and his performance as joker was masterful, it seemed as if ledger was trying to copy that, and yes he is very different than the comic version, but still very good. like danny devitos performance as the penguin differs greatly from the comics version but is possibly more well known than the less sinister comic counterpart

I think the best joker on a screen was mark hamill on batman the animated series he was NASTY couldnt they try to get him to play joker?

And yes batman may very well be the sanest crazy person in a sea of lunatics

lizardking19's photo
Wed 12/26/07 05:46 PM
I like arrested development better than either family guy or the simpsons

lizardking19's photo
Wed 12/26/07 02:12 PM

i don't see any good old action.
where are my good brothers abracadabra and spider?

Though im usually just a secondary player in the philosophical arguments on the forums,
Ive been 2 busy writing 2 argue, granted my poetry is an extension of my philosophy and if i piss people off with it then its working

I agree spider, people smart enough to argue philosophy/theology are also too proud to change their opinions due to what someone else says

now for some shameless self-promotion
Hey has anybody seen my doctrine of hedonism?

lizardking19's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:53 AM
Im gonna say, being around the same age as me and being willing to talk to me
i got low standards :tongue:

lizardking19's photo
Mon 12/24/07 06:19 AM
yeah isnt bullseye in a coma right now because of some obscure native american superhero punching him at the same time as him being electrocuted
but batman is FAR more rational than bullseye, who is absolutley insane bullseye has no discipline
Batman has taken out deathstroke, one of the most ferocious mortals in the dcu. deathstroke has kod all of batmans team when bats wasnt there. thats nightwing, robin, catwoman, huntress and batgirl (cassandra night,zatana and azrael
but when batman faced him one on one he tore deathstroke up
thats why i think he could take daredevil, cause he took deathstroke

lizardking19's photo
Sun 12/23/07 02:18 PM
Then this my friend is where we disagree i think batman could take out frank, hes a much more disciplined fighter more powerful more dangerous fighter, hes taken out foes much worse than frank castle: like deathstroke, jason todd and hush, and bane being the most prominent (their first encounter DOES NOT COUNT hes taken bane out multiple times since then) batman wouldnt finish punisher off, hed put away with a severe sense of humiliation
also i saw a preview for the dark night movie with heath ledger as joker, is it just me or does it look like hes trying hard to copy jack nicholsons' acting style?

lizardking19's photo
Sat 12/22/07 08:19 AM

batman would wail on punisher, hes the best kung fu fighter in the dcu, hes beaten lady shiva, batman eats punks like frank castle for breakfast, not that punisher isnt tough but hes no batman
now batman versus ironman! that would be a fight!
though again i think tony relies too much on his machinery and batman would win
I really odnt think there r 2 many (reasonable) fights that batman couldnt win

Oh ho
I know who would school Batman.
The Man Without Fear.
That's right.
This guy has schooled Wolverine, The Punisher, Kingpin, Spiderman, and yes he's even schooled the Green Goliath The Hulk

I think the dark night would school DD as well, once he figures out hes blind hed just crank up the noise and ko him

My Favorite DC comic Is John Constantine, Hellblazer is AWESOME

lizardking19's photo
Fri 12/21/07 06:19 PM
batman would wail on punisher, hes the best kung fu fighter in the dcu, hes beaten lady shiva, batman eats punks like frank castle for breakfast, not that punisher isnt tough but hes no batman
now batman versus ironman! that would be a fight!
though again i think tony relies too much on his machinery and batman would win
I really odnt think there r 2 many (reasonable) fights that batman couldnt win

lizardking19's photo
Fri 12/21/07 04:39 PM
the saving grace of the dcu is batman: baddest dude in comics EVER
I love the dark knight returns by frank miller especially cause of the smackdown batman hands 2 superman

lizardking19's photo
Fri 12/21/07 04:37 PM
Yeah i like that doctrine of ignorance
I think if enough people ignore/dropout of the rat race then it will be forced 2 change, one of the things about capitalism is u have 2 participate in it to keep it alive
I think our society has done many good things but i believe that we have created a common cycle where people waste their lives and dont even realize it because theyre r 2 busy using tools/ideals which LEAD 2 the good parts of capitalism but never enjoying the fruits of their rewards

Timothy leary put it best "tune in,turn on,drop out"

lizardking19's photo
Fri 12/21/07 07:17 AM
at midnight i crank up my stereo as loud as possible 2 piss off the neighboorsbigsmile news years is just an excuse

lizardking19's photo
Fri 12/21/07 07:12 AM
Ah soemone finally mentioned bendis! I feel ashamed i didnt say it till now but ultimate spiderman is one of the best comics out there right now, better by far than the 616 spiderman

lizardking19's photo
Fri 12/21/07 07:09 AM
The farming life is just one thing that someone might find fulfilling, i dont have anything against trade but i think the idea of economy is a myth, Once people realize that the stock market and money and accounting mean nothing, they r free 2 do what they want

lizardking19's photo
Thu 12/20/07 02:25 PM
call me naive but isnt caulk the white goo used 2 seel tiles into the floor?

lizardking19's photo
Thu 12/20/07 02:21 PM
i have never played a bad blizzard game, warcrafts 1 n 2 r primitive but fun same with the diablo 1, even their snes superman beatemup was cool

lizardking19's photo
Thu 12/20/07 06:18 AM
I'm aware of the greek philospophies, but theyre in the public domain since theyre over a hundred years old
I dont have any bishops anyway
theres no hierarchy
youll notice i mixed in anarchy into it
And my plan (and my pursuit of happiness) is the destruction of facist capitalist life wasting thru use of my poetry in an odd little catch 22 without that i would be more miserable because i wouldnt have anyone to rant against!!!

I think christian hedonism is full of crap, how can praying 2 god and being pious make one happy? If it actually does then by all means im not telling anybody to stop, but religion much like materielism is something people r told will make them happy when all too often it doesnt really

hey but to quote a tenet of chaos magick "everyones a pope"
So heres some song lyrics by the bloodhound gang
I didnt write this, a fellow named jimmy pop did

"Hell Yeah"

Alright now boys and girls we've got another story for you now!
We want to introduce to you another friend of the Bible!

Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah

If I were God there would be no explicit sex on T.V.
Like little Opie eating pie when he made it with Aunt Bea

If I were God thou shall not worship false Billy Idols
And thou shall add the Book Of Flavor Flav to the Bible
Thou shall make fun of Hindus thou shall not make a "Speed 2"
If I were God that's what I'd do Heavens no

Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah

If I were God I'd get a bunch of slaves to do everything
Norwegian lesbians that feed me grapes and know how to sing

If I were God thou shall not wear tube socks with Flip-Flops
Thou shall sit and thou shall spin thou shall even wife swap
Thou shall resist the Olsen Twins, thou shall not cut "Footloose"
If I were God that's what I'd do, Heavens no

Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah

And when they nail my pimpled ass to the cross
I'll tell them I found Jesus that should throw them off
He goes by the name Jesus (heyseuss) and steals hubcaps from cars
Oh Jesus can I borrow your crowbar?
To pry these God damn nails out they're beginning to hurt
Crucified and all I got was this lousy T-shirt
"I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" I'll sing as I'm flogged
Yeah that's what I would do if I were God
So vote for me for Savior and you'll go to Heaven
Your lame duck Lord is like Kevin Spacey in "Seven"
With creepy threats of H-E-Double-Hockey-Stick
You just can't teach an old God new tricks
But would I be a good Messiah with my low self-esteem?
If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?
Just sport some crummy "holier than thou" facade
Yeah that's what I would do if I were God

lizardking19's photo
Wed 12/19/07 02:05 PM
i cant stand that 90s spiderman toon! he couldnt hit people because of censorshiop and the police couldnt use real guns!

but perhaps in spiderman 4 it could be explained how miles warren iniatially discovered the symbiote years before and shot it into space trying to get rid of it while he worked on his clones and it came back years later i dunno they could come up with something

lizardking19's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:51 PM
well thats why i said they could stretch it out over another trilogy the way the goblin and his legacy was stretched over 1 2 n 3