Community > Posts By > Lpdon

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/08/18 07:38 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Mon 10/08/18 07:39 PM

when he was criticizing democrats like Hilary, but Im guessing that time is about to pass, criticizing the country savior, #45.

“My favorite three words in our Constitution are the first three words: ‘We the People,’” Powell said on Fareed Zakaria’s “GPS” on Sunday. “But recently, it’s become ‘Me the President’ as opposed to ‘We the People.’ And you see things that should not be happening.”

Powell criticized Trump for “insulting everybody,” from world leaders to blacks to immigrants to women, and for calling the media the “enemy of the people.”

“How can a president of the United States get up and say that the media is the enemy of Americans? Hasn’t he read the First Amendment? You’re not supposed to like everything the press says or what anyone says in the First Amendment, that’s why we have a First Amendment, to protect that kind of speech,” Powell said.

He was never a poster boy. He was also too dumb to realize he was being played by the Bush Administration!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/08/18 07:35 PM
It is finally here after two years of waiting! It's the best season yet. The added the awesome William Forsyth as J. Edgar Hoover (who is a senior Nazi official in charge of the SD) and Dr. Mengele the infamous Nazi doctor...…

If you haven't checked it out it's worth watching. It's free on Amazon Prime and it's the highest rated Streaming show ever produced.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/08/18 07:31 PM

Big Bang Theory Last Season starting September 24 Monday !

Love that Comedy show ! Must be getting too Old to be Nerds ! laugh

Do nerds have an age limit anyway?

No, the guy who plays Sheldon didn't renew his contract and without him they said they wouldn't continue the show. He's a moron, hes one of the highest paid TV actors behind Mark Harmon.....

They are also ending other great shows this season too :( Criminal Minds, Gotham and Homeland so far :(

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/08/18 05:53 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Mon 10/08/18 05:53 AM

Democrats have turned into an angry left wing mob. Trump words responding to the protester after kavanaugh was confirmed. Several protesters were arrested for being disorderly. They were screaming and banging on doors. CNN is showing protesters punching people. I think a lot are listening to Maxine waters and becoming violent. Basically becoming a mob and trying to bully republicans. This is damaging to our country.

What makes matters worse is that she still hasn't been charged with inciting a riot, violence or even conspiracy.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/08/18 05:47 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Mon 10/08/18 05:48 AM

This past week, opinions have been stated about perceived deception or lies of either Ford or Kavanaugh and what that lie or deception means.

This brought up for me a question about what I think is the myth of lying(or running from authorities), due to guilt. I think it is a false conclusion that lying (or running from authorities) is necessarily an indication of guilt.

Let me give a for instance.

If you had a crazy spouse who tended to believe you were cheating on them and you had a friend of the opposite sex that you met for lunch, you may be tempted to lie about that friend, even though you are not guilty of cheating, because you know that your innocence will not be believed, EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE INNOCENT.

The same is true of running from police. I liken it to an innocent person and a lynch mob who BELIEVES they are guilty. It is sometimes not enough to know of your OWN INNOCENCE, many times people react based on what they know of how OTHERS view their innocence and what the consequence of THEIR belief might be.

Of course, the liar is ALWAYS guilty of the charge of deception, but the motive for that deception is definitely not always a reflection of their guilt with anything else.

I wonder how many here have always believed a lie is evidence of guilt?

So your example, if the wife just happens by the restaurant and sees the husband in there having innocent lunch one of two things will happen. He will run and look guilty or he will stay there and introduce his friend to his wife. Which one of those do you think would work better? Not running.

Also a lie isn't an indication of guilt, but it's a reason to dig deeper.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/08/18 04:59 AM
The Man in the High Castle season three. After two years it's finally released! drinks

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 11:06 PM

Democrats aren't held to the same standards as republicans. We need to keep Republicans in the majority to lessen some of the Democratic b.s.

Maybe because they have long represented themselves as the "Christian" party...and tout "Family Values"...

And are therefore claiming to hold themselves to a "Higher" standard.

As an example...If you publically *tell* people you don't drink/ fornicate/ gamble/ etc..and then someone finds out you actually DO anything those, quite often, then yes...they are going to call you out/ point out the hypocrisy.

Drinking, gambling (at least where I come from) and fornication is legal and Republicans are the ones who own the Casinos and Brothels. So you'll have to use the family values argument somewhere else. Most Republicans have abandoned that platform and I never took it. My party is the party of National Security, the party that supports our military, law enforcement Officer and First Responders, we pledge allegiance, show respect to the flag that our fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters have fought and died for.

That is what the Republican party is the party of. The party that protects our country, keeps it safe and respects our deep history.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 10:59 PM

Sen. Joe Manchin is doing it right. He's looking at Kavanaugh's career, not this he said-she said junk.

So, you want Kavanaugh to go away. I'd like to know what your opinion is about joe nobody. The one that did a dumb thing and got sent to jail. He's out now, and wants to go to work. He knows he screwed up. Are you going to continue blaming him for something he did long ago? Sounds like you will.

Kavanaugh got dragged into a mess just because your party doesn't like him. He got accused of doing dastardly things. What is he most hated for? He was chosen by conservatives, because he'll want to uphold the constitution, and make dems live by the rules. He flared up, because Dems blamed him for things THEY did when they were teens. Not everyone lives that way. We believed our parents when they said don't do certain things.

Just because they did it, it doesn't mean everybody did it also.

He is all but confirmed. 51 votes for yes including a Democrat. Murkowski just ended her career. The blood in in the water and the sharks are coming out. Palin has announced she will run against Murkowski. Palin maybe a joke to most but she is extremely popular in Alaska and beat Murkowski's father for Governor!

Remember what happened to Murkowski. She lost in the primaries and had to run independent!

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 10:57 PM

Sen. Joe Manchin is doing it right. He's looking at Kavanaugh's career, not this he said-she said junk.

So, you want Kavanaugh to go away. I'd like to know what your opinion is about joe nobody. The one that did a dumb thing and got sent to jail. He's out now, and wants to go to work. He knows he screwed up. Are you going to continue blaming him for something he did long ago? Sounds like you will.

Kavanaugh got dragged into a mess just because your party doesn't like him. He got accused of doing dastardly things. What is he most hated for? He was chosen by conservatives, because he'll want to uphold the constitution, and make dems live by the rules. He flared up, because Dems blamed him for things THEY did when they were teens. Not everyone lives that way. We believed our parents when they said don't do certain things.

Just because they did it, it doesn't mean everybody did it also.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 10:56 PM
Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh! :thumbsup:

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 12:35 AM

Even if kavanaugh is confirmed, he reputation is ruined forever.

Yup. Clinton accused of sexual misconduct that was proven and he gets six figure speaking engagements.....

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 12:32 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Fri 10/05/18 12:32 AM

So there is no lie, just unreleased documents. :sweat_smile: Democrats are Desparate. :expressionless:

You know, they can find an alleged rape victim from 36 years ago but they cant find missing emails? Ironic isn't it?

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 12:30 AM

Don't Confirm Brett Kavanaugh, Says Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

"Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said Thursday that he does not support the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh “had the qualifications” to be a Supreme Court justice but his behavior at a hearing last week ― where he defended himself against allegations of sexual assault by blaming Democrats seeking “revenge on behalf of the Clintons” ― was inappropriate and disqualifying, Stevens said. "

Kind of like when Ginsberg went on the attack against Trump? She could have been removed from the bench for that but you didn't see Republicans go ape $hit and make up fake accusations.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/05/18 12:27 AM

Cosby admitting is is evidence.

Then you throw that big word “IF” in there.

Like IF Kavanaugh were a Democrat no accusations would have come out against him.

You mean a Democrat like...say...Al Franken?

Or Cory Booker.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 10/04/18 07:13 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Thu 10/04/18 07:13 PM

Of course it does. Since the FBI has said nothing new was found, McConnell has just filed for closure. Now it goes to the floor, and voting could happen Friday or Saturday.

The dems have shown their true colors on this, and they came out stinking like what they shovel.

The judges behavior didnt leave him smelling like a rose either. But that blind party loyalty will explain it away or overlook it.

Its funny. and I dont have a crystal ball. But I cant imagine the scrutiny a female nominee would have received about her temperament and demeanor had she carried on the same.

crazy world.

If I were called a rapist in front of the world and my wife and daughters I would fight like hell also. The man was not fighting to be on the Supreme Court at that point, he was fighting to clear his good name that he fought like hell to keep clean for years! I would lose my cool too but you know what? He manned up and apologized.

I didn't see you calling Ginsberg out when she came out unethically and unprofessionally bashing Trump during the campaign. Oh, that's right shes a Democrat so she gets a pass. Talk about blind party loyalty.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 10/04/18 07:09 PM

Of course it does. Since the FBI has said nothing new was found, McConnell has just filed for closure. Now it goes to the floor, and voting could happen Friday or Saturday.

The dems have shown their true colors on this, and they came out stinking like what they shovel.

They said the vote would happen tomorrow at noon once every Senator need a chance to see the FBI report and because of all the Democrats bull$hit only one copy is available and you have to go into a SKIF in the Capitol building and it is read to them in groups.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 10/04/18 07:07 PM

It’s one thing to demonstrate civility while working as a judge and he has proven that over and over again while being a judge. I’d be willing to bet no one on this site knew of him before his nomination to the SCOTUS. Don’t you think if he was not a model judge that would have come out during his nomination hearings and in this hearing on sexual misconduct accusations?
I think civility can go out the window when when your name, reputation, and family are being drug through the mud because of accusations that can’t be proven true.

Actually, I knew who he was when he was Counsel to President Bush and thought he was a fine attorney at the time. He was very professional.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 10/04/18 07:04 PM

Christine Blasey Ford at age 15, was in a house without any parents present, drinking beers with boys and getting drunk

Which almost anyone that age does.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 10/04/18 07:03 PM

This is more proof of the vindictive acts of Leftist to interrupt plans of Trump.

I think it will backfire in November.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 10/04/18 06:55 PM

“Just capable of sexual assault.”

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I think some people should go get psychiatric evaluations.

That statement is partly true. Assault and rape being very intimate crimes are very often ONLY he said she said with no tangible 'evidence' left behind to present.

The Cosby accusers, for instance, had no EVIDENCE, except that Cosby admitted that he purchased drugs to have sex with women. That means that it is POSSIBLE any or all of the accusers may have been such a woman.

if K had ever been the kind of drunk that could forget what he had done, it would also be possible that he could have done as described and not remember it.

not that I agree w anything you say about this case. But look at the word that comes up most in your posts. " IF" . Yet every one of your posts you are convicting him or at least leaning toward guilt, while ignoring the fact every one of her statements has been refuted by the people she said knew of the alledged assault.

refute: prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.

Nothing Ford said was 'refiuted', actually.

and yes, judging on how defensive he was about his drinking, the BS explanations he gave about his drinking memory, and boofing, and throwing up, and how detailed she was about the room and the allusion to the event in therapy years before, with clear willingness to be investigated and take lie detector test that she passed,

I do believe her over him. She had much more 'evidence' than any of the Cosby accusers who were just believed on her word and his statement. K made no statement that alluded to a possibility he could get drunk and not remember what he did,. Had he done so it would open the possibility that he could have done it and forgot.

You do know evidence means something that corroborates the accusations. Name one source of evidence of assault You can't do it.

evidence:the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Direct evidence usually is that which speaks for itself: eyewitness accounts, a confession, or a weapon.

Circumstantial evidence usually is that which suggests a fact by implication or inference: the appearance of the scene of a crime, testimony that suggests a connection or link with a crime, physical evidence that suggests criminal activity.

CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE may be therapists notes describing the incident and a passed lie detector test. just a logical person.

The FBI has cleared this man 7 times now 7 TIMES! Jesus Christ, he has had every Federal Law Enforcement Agency and intelligence agency up his a$$ now and they couldn't find anything, ANYTHING!

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