Best Horror Movie Ever?
Evil Dead 2 (dead by dawn) Ir probably isn't the scariest movie out there but you will lauf all the way though it!
Actually we have lost some rights. When ABC news brought in some depleted urainium about a year ago(think it was a year ago) they were raided by homelands security and everything they did was legal. They just wanted to find out how security had improved.
Now as far as other subject secret torture or near torture prison camps in other countries. Something i never thought i would see this country do as a child. They are a reality now. Its not that I think these terror suspect actualy deserve any mercy, they don't! But we need to be better then what we are fighting against otherwise what exactly are we fighting for?? its amazing with one attack they did an incredible amount of damage. But whats really both truly sad an amazing is the amount of damagew we have done to ourselfs in the name of freedom wich is slowly being striped away, not by a foreign power; terorist; or other agents but the freedom we have given up to make us "safe" |
no my point was this admistration runs on fear. the fear they can generate within the country and worldwide. And some people seem to be buying into to it. Who can forget the "mission accomplished" banner when the mission was far far far from over!
Edited by
Thu 01/03/08 04:49 PM
I still retain that its time to exit yes the "surge" has brought a tempoary stability to Iraq but as we all know it can not be maintained for much longer and thier goverment has not done much to bring about political stability and without that troop presence is only a temporary fix. And yes we still have freedom, but the patriot act has curtailed much of it. Also lets not forget the trade towers were attacked twice and even without the patriot act it took them many years to hit them again. The presenet admistration would have us think that they work much like the show "24". Reality just doesn't work that way, besides Jack Bauwer is in jail right now!
The war in Iraq right or wrong the cost has just been to high. Right or wrong it wasn't worth the cost in lives. It's just an attempt by our govt to spread it's ideology. The "War on Terror" seems to work as well as "the War on Drugs". Yes, there are terrosists out there who want to do harm in the U.S.A. But dropping bombs just doesn't seem to be the answer and Iraq was never part of the plot of 9/11. Its time to pull combat troops out and just leave force protection and training troops there
ROFL....too true