Community > Posts By > TonkaTruck3
Savage For 2012
Yep, the Muslims for sure.
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Does'nt phase me one bit.
Its sad that Mothers here have lost their AMERICAN sons, but I have no sympathy for any Mothers over there who lost their terrorist loving sons. |
There are no "innocent" civilians in those middle east countries.
The entire left associates with terrorists and their supporters.
Because Clinton was too much of a coward.
They're more American than the teachings of your beloved govt.
people who rounded up folks and killed children and women for their religion , I do not support people who follow a book with examples of both terrible and beautiful things others have done , but choose the beautifual things as their example,,,,, I do support( I am one of them) people who follow a book with examples of terrible and beautiful things and choose the terrible,, I do not support If you support Muslims in any way, shape, or form, then you support the killings of Jews and Christians. There is no other alternative, as ALL Muslims share the belief of a world without Jews and/or does'nt matter how "peaceful" they are, they ALL share that hatred against others. |
Mick Kelly has traveled tp Columbia and the middle east to get support from the terrorists.
He has been indoctrinated with the evils of Islam. Is it a coincidence that he lives in MN??.....Minnesota is being overrun with filthy middle eastern Islamic people who thrive on the support of terror activities. Dont let his American sounding name fool you.....he is a terror supporter, and he associates with Islamic terrorists. |
Savage For 2012
...only according to you.
Savage For 2012
Racism is a very much needed issue. Its the only thing the left has to stand on.
Retarded Female executed,,,
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Operation Northwoods
This is what Obama said today: "For Ahmadinejad to come to somebody else's country and then to suggest somehow that the worst tragedy that's been experienced here, an attack that killed 3,000 people, was somehow the responsibility of the government of that country, is something that defies not just common sense but basic sense — basic senses of decency that aren't unique to any particular country — they're common to the entire world,"... Here was Mahmoods reply.. "I did not pass judgment, but don't you feel that the time has come to have a fact finding committee," Now... Who does Mahmood remind you of? Thats all smoke and mirrors from Oblowme. He's trying to talk "tough"...but yet he wants to "reach out" to Ahmedinijhad and "befriend" him. He's trying to play both sides of the fence here. It dont matter what Ahmedinijhad says, its the blatant lies and BS coming from Oblowme's dirty mouth thats pizzing everybody off. |
Savage For 2012
Thats what makes it great!! The division of two sides should remain divided.
Reid is a coward. There is really no need for debate. We already know what Reids track record is, and we know it will be the same if he's re-elected.
A Waste of Paper
No, its a scam!!
In your perfect little world, you think the govt. represents you because you pay them. Welcome to reality....they are taking your money and not upholding their basic laws. |
Retarded Female executed,,,
Speaking for yourself!! I can see right through things on every forum Im on.
Savage For 2012
Why should he offer outrage over a hater??
Retarded Female executed,,,
The murderers on Death Row, who are 100% at fault, should be executed quickly.
I dont see mrsharmony "caring" for the victims or their families....only for the criminals. Thats insane, and stupid. Even that big racist in the sky says that if anyone takes a life, so shall his life be taken. An eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth. If you murder, prepare yourself for death too. |
A Waste of Paper
LOL...this is too funny, and predictable.
I like how nearly every story Dragoness posts, it always starts out with "race baiters"..."fearmongers"..."hatemongers"..."warmongers" etc, etc... Same old hype, recycled "news" story. You lefty's are grabbing for straws!!...getting thirsty and hot because the heat is being turned up on you. Your gig is up, the people have had enough of your F'd up govt. and its cabinet of crooks!! Hasta La Vista BABY!! Time for your leaders to go!! |