Topic: Top Obama Ally Justifies Fort Hood Terrorist Attack | |
Following on the heels of their macabre Afghan war protest at a White House Halloween party that targeted children of military families for psychological abuse, leftist Obama ally Code Pink issued a statement justifying the terrorist attack at Fort Hood as opposition to the war from officers and put out a Veterans Day appeal seeking to raise money off the Fort Hood terrorist attack.
Signed by top Obama funder Jodie Evans, the appeal was published at Code Pink’s website on Veterans Day and sent out the same day to the group’s e-mail list. The terrorist attack at Fort Hood is cited three times in the fundraising letter. As appalling as cashing in on the mass murder of 14 innocents is, Code Pink tops that by invoking sympathy for the alleged terrorist as a reason to give money to Code Pink–even putting his act of terrorism on the same moral plane as the recent protest resignation of a former officer who left his diplomatic post in Afghanistan over Obama’s war policy: “This Veteran’s Day, you can support Under the Hood and the soldiers who walk through their doors with a cash or in-kind donation… “Click here to see how else you can support Under the Hood (in-kind donations accepted too). “Our soldiers clearly need more care; the last thing they need is to be put into more harm’s way. Even US military officers think so–Matthew Hoh resigned from the Foreign Service in protest of the lack of clear mission and achievable results in Afghanistan, and of course the Ft. Hood shooter was a Major who did not wish to be deployed to Afghanistan.” Think about that. Code Pink says a mass murder terrorist act against unarmed soldiers is the moral equivalance of a protest resignation. Code Pink is even more direct in their justification for the terrorist attack allegedly by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan in a statement posted to their website that they encourage opponents of America in Afghanistan to send to President Obama: The recent shootings at Ft. Hood and the resignation of top Foreign Service officer Matthew Hoh demonstrate how even our military officers are opposed to US strategy in Afghanistan. Code Pink claims the money will be used to fund a campaign operated out of a coffee shop near Fort Hood called Under the Hood that preys on soldiers and their families. However, the donation link goes to Code Pink’s fundraising page ( and not to Under the Hood’s website ( Note, fundraising links in this story are deliberately not active. Under the Hood was opened earlier this year in Killeen, about a mile from Fort Hood, as a joint effort of the terrorist support groups Code Pink and Iraq Veterans Against the War (both groups participated in the World Tribunal on Iraq which openly supported the terrorists in Iraq.) The cafe is run by the wife and step-mother of servicemen, Cynthia Thomas, whom Code Pink took under their wings. The cafe is a reprise of pro-communist efforts during the Vietnam War to undermine morale on the homefront by exploiting the vulnerabilities of soldiers and their families with subversive cafes opened near military bases across the country. Reportedly Fort Lewis and Fort Drum have also been targeted with subversive cafes in recent years. The name of the coffee shop, Under the Hood, is a wordplay on the subversive nature of the effort in Killeen. In the fundraising letter, Code Pink uses the words of Cynthis Thomas to describe the true aim of Under the Hood–to get soldiers to quit fighting for America: “For the soldiers who visit regularly, Under the Hood has become a home and we have become family. They tell us about their hardships, they ask for help, they seek information about their rights, and sometimes they find the strength to say NO to war” (empahsis added.) Under the Hood’s home page includes a testimonial from Spc. Victor Agosto, “Afghanistan War Resister“:“The support I have received from my family at Under the Hood has helped me take the liberating leap from obedient soldier to war resister. Code Pink opens the fundraising appeal with a cynical tug at the heart strings: “This Veterans Day, our hearts ache for the soldiers and their families affected by the recent shootings at Ft. Hood. Our hearts also ache for the soldiers and their families who continue to be affected by war in Iraq and Afghanistan on a daily basis.” Over the course of its seven year existence, Code Pink has caused enormous anguish to our soldiers and their families by calling our troops murderers, assassains, baby killers, terrorists and more in protests at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the White House Halloween party and the Berkeley Marine Corps officer recruiting centers as well as in numerous public statements. Code Pink has a documented history of working with state sponsors of terrorism who wage war on our troops and of supporting terrorist groups that target our troops and our Middle East allies. When the U.S. liberated Iraq in 2003, Code Pink opened Occupation Watch, an office in Baghdad similar in purpose to Under the Hood in its goal to subvert the war effort by trying to get soldiers to quit fighting for America. Code Pink’s history of working with America’s terrorist enemies has not prevented President Obama from allying himself with Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans. She was tapped by the nascent Obama presidential campaign to co-host its breakthrough Hollywood fundraiser in February 2007. She was subsequently appointed a bundler for the campaign. Jodie Evans appeared with Obama at several high dollar events throughout the campaign. She personally donated tens of thousands of dollars to Obama’s presidential campaign and affiliated Democratic party campaign vehicles. Last month, Obama allowed himself to be filmed and photographed with Jodie Evans at a $30,400 per couple fundraiser in San Francisco as she handed him a propaganda packet about Afghanistan. Evans was wearing Code Pink propaganda attire when she met Obama, a coup that she will surely share with her allies including Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez to demonstrate her influence at the highest levels of the United States government. Blue Star mother Becky Davis, who has three sons in the military–all of whom have seen service in Iraq and Afghanistan–was outraged when she read the appeal from Code Pink seeking to raise funds from the Fort Hood massacre. Davis founded a group called Military Families Voice of Victory with her husband several years ago. She keeps tabs on subversive groups like Code Pink as part of her efforts. Davis told Big Government: “I am appalled and outraged that Code Pink gets a pass from the mainstream media over the damage it does when they fund subversives and actively work to undermine the mission and morale of our troops, which can be deadly to our troops and our fellow Americans. “Code Pink’s fundraising letter is morally bankrupt and tantamount to grave robbing. “Code Pink’s justification for the terrorist attack at Fort Hood as opposition to the war in Afghanistan by officers is seditious. “I hope the government thoroughly investigates Hasan’s connections to domestic groups, regardless of where that might lead. “As the mother of three servicemen, I wonder why President Obama works with Code Pink, when they so openly work with our nation’s enemies.” Code Pink has been widely reported as softening their stance on Afghanistan after a recent trip there. Jodie Evans denied that in an interview with Donald Douglas of American Power: I asked her about Wednesday’s report in the Christian Science Monitor, ” ‘Code Pink’ Rethinks Its Call for Afghanistan Pullout.” Ms. Evans emphatically rejected the thesis of the article. Medea Benjamin was “misquoted,” she told me. Code Pink wants to bring the troops home, now! — there’s been no “rethinking” of the group’s demand for withdrawal of U.S. forces…She said she’d “been on the phone all day” clarifying Code Pink’s position on the war. A troop withdrawal remains the objective, but the U.S. should stay to focus on improving quality of life. Surprise, surprise. Not really. |
How much access can a possible agent of influence for state sponsors of terrorism buy from President Barack Obama? For Jodie Evans, a progressive Hollywood activist, the going rate appears to be $30,400 for dinner and a conversation.
Last week in San Francisco, Obama headlined a three million dollar fundraiser at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. The San Francisco Chronicle reports about 160 people paid $30,400 or more per couple for a private dinner with Obama followed by a reception costing $500 to $1000 that drew over 900 attendees. Among those at the dinner was the leftist, so-called antiwar group Code Pink co-founder, Jodie Evans. The Chronicle reports Jodie Evans had a several minutes long conversation with Obama at the fundraiser. Why does Jodie Evans merit such face time with the president even though she acts as an agent of influence for the anti-American governments of Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, as well as Middle Eastern terrorists? Jodie Evans helped rally the Los Angeles progressive community to Obama’s side by co-hosting the first Hollywood fundraiser for Obama in February 2007 along with her partner (and ex-husband) Max Palevsky and the Dreamworks trio of Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen. Jodie Evans went on to be appointed a fund raiser for Obama. Over the life of the campaign, Jodie Evans became one of Obama’s top donors, giving the maximum $2300 to his respective primary and general election funds and tens of thousands of dollars more to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint Obama-Democratic National Committee fund. Jodie Evans issued several public endorsements of Obama during the campaign targeting the progressive community. Jodie Evans and Code Pink hosted a get out the vote training effort for Obama in October 2008. That Jodie Evans is a respected power-player in the Democratic party is no surprise. She worked for Gov. Jerry Brown and managed his 1992 presidential campaign. However, the mainstream media continually gives Jodie Evans a pass, as was noted in this LA Weekly article from 2003 that chastised the Los Angeles Times for ignoring Jodie Evans’ role as a state Democratic party operative in an article on efforts to stave off the recall of her longtime colleague, Gov. Gray Davis. What is surprising, or should be, is how upfront she is about her pro-terrorist politics and how accepting Obama and her fellow Democrats are of her. That someone with Jodie Evans’ background operates at the presidential level in American politics is extremely disturbing. Last year, right before Jodie Evans attended another high dollar event for Obama, she gave a radio interview in which she sympathized with Osama bin Laden about his reasons for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that murdered nearly 3000 Americans and foreign nationals. Jodie Evans:…”We were attacked because we were in Saudi Arabia, that was the message of Osama, was that because we had our bases in the Middle East, he attacked the United States.” Paul A. Ibbetson: “Do you think that’s a valid argument?” Jodie Evans: “Sure. Why do we have bases in the Middle East? We totally violated the rights of that country. Why do we get to have bases in the Middle East?” Also in the interview, Jodie Evans admitted to trying to “undermine the war effort” of the United States in the war on terror. Jodie Evans has been espousing her support for terrorists for years. In February 2003, Jodie Evans and Code Pink traveled to Baghdad as a guest of Saddam Hussein’s government where they lobbied the world to keep the state sponsor of terrorism in power. After the liberation, in the summer of 2003, Jodie Evans returned to Iraq where she set up Occupation Watch, an effort to smear the U.S. with ginned up charges of atrocities and to get troops in Iraq to quit the war. Jodie Evans relayed terrorist propaganda to a communist newspaper that American soldiers were wantonly slaughtering Iraqi women and children. Jodie Evans and Code Pink delivered over $600,000 in cash and humanitarian aid to what Code Pink called “the other side” in Fallujah as the U.S. was waging a hard fought battle to clear the terrorist safe haven of al Qaeda in Iraq and other Sunni terrorists. The delivery of the aid to the terrorists was faciliated by Sen. Barbara Boxer and Reps. Henry Waxman, Dennis Kucinich and Raul Grijalva. Six months later, Jodie Evans wrote of her support for the armed resistance in Iraq while attending the World Tribunal on Iraq. ”We must begin by really standing with the Iraqi people and defending their right to resist. I can remain myself against all forms of violence, and yet I cannot judge what someone has to do when pushed to the wall to protect all they love. The Iraqi people are fighting for their country, to protect their families and to preserve all they love. They are fighting for their lives, and we are fighting for lies.” (AlterNet, June 26, 2005) Code Pink endorsed the declaration by the tribunal that unconditionally supported the terrorists in Iraq. “There is widespread opposition to the occupation. Political, social, and civil resistance through peaceful means is subjected to repression by the occupying forces. It is the occupation and its brutality that has provoked a strong armed resistance and certain acts of desperation. By the principles embodied in the UN Charter and in international law, the popular national resistance to the occupation is legitimate and justified. It deserves the support of people everywhere who care for justice and freedom.” A year later, Jodie Evans and Code Pink met with pro-terrorist Iraqi parliamentarians in Jordan who urged them to seek recognition for the so-called Iraqi resistance. Jodie Evans and Code Pink also made a mysterious stop in Damascus, Syria on that trip. Members of Code Pink, sans Jodie Evans, went from Syria to Lebanon to give propaganda support to Hezbollah in its war with Israel that summer. Code Pink has also organized propaganda visits to Gaza. This June, the group hand-carried a letter out of Gaza written to Obama from Hamas leaders that equated Israel’s defensive actions to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Jodie Evans and Code Pink are also allied with the anti-American governments of Venezuela and Cuba. She met with Venezuelan tyrant Hugo Chavez in 2006 and has declared him a “sweetheart.” Jodie Evans traveled to Cuba in 2007 and worked with the Castro government to propagandize against the U.S. In September 2008, just a couple of weeks after meeting Obama at a big money Hollywood fundraiser at the historic Greystone mansion in Beverly Hills, Jodie Evans met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City. Afterward, Jodie Evans proclaimed him to be “really about peace and human rights and respecting justice.” In November, weeks after Obama won the presidential election, Jodie Evans and Code Pink traveled to Iran at the personal invitation of Ahmadinejad. Jodie Evans had previously visited Iran in 2005. Several questions are raised by Jodie Evans’ ties to Obama. Given her documented alliances with terrorists and state sponsors of terrorism, why is Jodie Evans repeatedly granted face time with Obama? Obama surely knows of her ties, as do her allies overseas like Ahmadinejad and Chavez. Is Jodie Evans acting as a go-between for Obama to our nation’s enemies? And if so, to whose benefit? Jodie Evans told the Chronicle she delivered a petition to Obama last night from Afghan women urging him to not send more troops to Afghanistan to give women a place at the table for the reconciliation process. Jodie Evans didn’t say that the petition was actually Code Pink’s idea, and not the Afghan women’s initiative. The article doesn’t mention if they talked about anything else for the several minutes they spoke, but perhaps they spoke about Van Jones, with whom Jodie Evans served on the board of the leftist Rainforest Action Network in 2005. KTVU has video of Jodie Evans and Obama together at the fundraiser. Jodie Evans and Code Pink were in Kabul a few weeks ago where they met with government ministers, warlords, tribal chieftains and women activists. Code Pink has gotten flak for a reported change of heart on the war, which Jodie Evans vehemently denies. What is undeniable is Jodie Evans’ support for terrorists–and her support for President Obama. |
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Sun 09/26/10 08:42 PM
![]() No, domestic terror orginization. |