Community > Posts By > paul1217

paul1217's photo
Mon 11/21/11 01:14 PM
Looking for any advice or input. About ready to give up, pack it in and join the priesthood. LOL

paul1217's photo
Sun 11/20/11 05:31 PM
Falling in Love with your Best Friend!

paul1217's photo
Fri 11/18/11 04:39 PM
Thinking I'm really tired of sitting here alone every Friday night. Oh well there is always my good Bud....weiser to keep me company. drinker

paul1217's photo
Fri 11/18/11 12:45 PM
Probably fall down!laugh

paul1217's photo
Wed 11/16/11 06:13 PM

Hey, I need a new court jester at the Biotch Kingdom,

im the queen there.

I beheaded my last one,

he wasnt very funny!

I might be interested in the position but I have to ask, which head was removed?oops
Hard to tell, they were both equally small!

Since I have absolutely no fear of loosing my head, I might just have to stop by and entertain you, my queen.
That would be biotchy wonderful!

And maybe you could even become Paulbasnastard!!

Most of the people I work with already call me that, or worse. Fortunately, I really don't care what most people think.

paul1217's photo
Wed 11/16/11 06:07 PM

Hey, I need a new court jester at the Biotch Kingdom,

im the queen there.

I beheaded my last one,

he wasnt very funny!

I might be interested in the position but I have to ask, which head was removed?oops
Hard to tell, they were both equally small!

Since I have absolutely no fear of loosing my head, I might just have to stop by and entertain you, my queen.

paul1217's photo
Wed 11/16/11 05:03 PM
My house is not dirty. My house is just proof of the Universe's natural tendencies to seek out the lowest level of energy and the highest level of enthalpy (disorder for the non scientists).laugh laugh That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

paul1217's photo
Wed 11/16/11 04:47 PM

Hey, I need a new court jester at the Biotch Kingdom,

im the queen there.

I beheaded my last one,

he wasnt very funny!

I might be interested in the position but I have to ask, which head was removed?oops

paul1217's photo
Wed 11/16/11 04:39 PM
The girl that can eat the last donut.oops flowers

paul1217's photo
Wed 11/16/11 04:37 PM
That would be the guy that can carry two cups of coffee and a dozen donuts. laugh The most popular girl?

paul1217's photo
Wed 11/16/11 04:34 PM
Who is the most popular guy at the nudist resort?

paul1217's photo
Tue 11/15/11 04:41 PM
Not today. :cry:

paul1217's photo
Tue 11/15/11 12:15 PM
Of all the things in life I've ever lost, I think I miss my mind the most!what

paul1217's photo
Tue 11/15/11 12:04 PM
Clapton and Windwood at the Garden. First show they did together since Blind Faith. Awesome show!

paul1217's photo
Sun 11/13/11 05:07 PM
My Best Friend did. Put a big smile on my face. And Stefy, Luv ya, feel better now!flowers

paul1217's photo
Sun 11/13/11 05:02 PM

That is how I feel too. You have said exactly what I was thinking. Unfortunately, she called it "stalking" and had a restraining order issued!oops frustrated

That was only 'after' I caught you peepin' in my window laugh

You left the blinds drool flowers

paul1217's photo
Sun 11/13/11 05:01 PM

True love is : “Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”

Where do I find one of those? :tongue:

You have to head north quite a ways. laugh flowers

paul1217's photo
Sun 11/13/11 03:47 PM

is there a man out there who doesn't watch football? or at least is not totally obsessed by it? who could - miss a game (yes I uttered those words)??? to spend time with a woman?

just curious

Honestly couldn't name 3 players in the entire sport. Never really enjoyed watching other people play games, I'd rather go out and do something myself. Don't see the attraction at all. So Yes there is and you found him. laugh

paul1217's photo
Sun 11/13/11 03:16 PM
Seriously, I believe that True Love has to grow out of Friendship. If you go out in search of "True Love" you may never find it. You have to let true love find you. I have always believed that Happiness is falling in love with your best friend. If you can find a person that you can be yourself around, talk to about anything, can't wait to spend time with, and would do anything to put a smile on there face, can you really do anything except fall in love with them.

Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, but I will continue to search for my true Best Friend, she is out there somewhere.

paul1217's photo
Sat 11/12/11 08:44 PM

thinking i miss my old life.... when things were happy and simple... why did that have to change??...

Unfortunately change is inevitable. Remember the good times from your old life with a smile. Embrace your new life as a challenge, that will make you a better person. Always remember, it is never too late to have a happy childhood!

Good luck and keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to!

laugh flowers

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