UFO Hati Video....OMG!!!
it's a couple jet fighters with a CGI make over...
with all these gamer making programs any little techno wizard could do it.. it was probably done by a 12 year old. |
A Little Chunky
I love that term "a little chunky"
that term is just a little too loose for my liking... ...any where from 15 to 35 ponds.."A little chunky... |
Ary gurl...
both you and I have been around the block once to many times to know that being "NICE"...just does not get the job done sweetheart.... sometimes accepting the fact that being a pryck or a bytch is a part of life the sooner people realize that the better. I'll be the first one to admit it...I can be a real pryck sometimes does that doesn't mean I'm not a good person either.... just like i'm sure you have your bytchy days.... |
good laugh obviously his true colors came to surface exposing him as the manipulative control freak.
count your lucky stars it was a close call of certain dating doom you avoided.... some one was watching over you... divine intervention perhaps???? |
Dale money does not define you and anyone that says so is trying to sell you something.
look at it this way dale....the next few dates your on....and the night is closing in????
if "She says good night....."I'll call you"... It's game over may as well start looking for the next date... It's called "the Pat of death" for a reason. |
dale women are not looking for nice guys....
nice guys get the pat on the back at the end of the date . that says.."Your a good guy but you just can't close the deal" that's usually what the nice guys get.... do not! label yourself with the nice Guy tab.... and if any woman wants to come in here and debate about how's she's "LOOKING" for a nice Guy......I'll show her how wrong She really is..... |
How did your ex's....
"wanna fool around".... wow strong romantic type...
My last girl friend was a nymphomaniac it droves me nuts...pardon the pun but sex was some thing I never had to initiate. careful what you ask for you just might get it. |
newbie here!!!
can some one please tell me what a newbie is please????
It's You I Like
oh let's all bond with our inner children.
It's You I Like
32 years old and your still watching Mr.Rogers??????
good healthy gums...and a strong back....good for throwing me some cubs...
if she was at all interested in you She would have let you know by now don't waste any more of your time.
Women's pics
ok well if thas the case let the verbal beating resume...
Women's pics
if this thread becomes a race issue...I'll turn it into a ****ING parking lot...
homey don't play that game...if we are going to debate and argue with the man let's have class regardless of race. yes he's an annoying pryck but i don't kick people when they are down when i'm arguing with them. |
Women's pics
lakeman that was pretty dam rude just because I'm debating and arguing with the man doesn't mean I'm gonna lower myself and start hurling race tactics...
Women's pics
Greiving it's becoming adamantly clear that your suffering from a massive inferiority complex and enjoy taking it out on Women.
Women's pics
Greiving as much as you would like to believe it Women are not a commodity that can be bought and sold when they don't fit our purposes any more I see Guys like You everyday single and bitter carrying a chip on their shoulder because some Woman did them wrong do Me yourself and the woman on this site a favour and grow the fuyck up.
ummm uhh?? ya like yesterday?
WOW 8 years off and on with an unavailable Man...what does it take for you to see the writing on the wall??????
not only does this relationship sound toxic it appears you have some self esteem complexes also. while he's not losing any sleep at night being himself ask yourself if ya wanna wait around for the next 8 years of your life for him to be a Man...? your kicking a dead's time to move on.... |