Loves facial hair on a man!
I have stoped talking to a man online if there is no interest but why would I go on a second or third date if I was not interested, that is what doesnt make sense to me.
Need home remidies
I have had a damn cold for 3 days now, my throat finally doesnt burn like razors, and I have most of my voice back but one side of my nose is soooooooooooo clogged, I have taken OTC meds, vaporizing rub on my nose and chest, hot tea, hot showers, and nothing is clearing it. Any suggestions?
Yes his wife passed away, so I knew he was not ready to commit and that was okay with me as I was not either, but to just poof was wrong. Then to find out he has another date this weekend. I am not going to knock this man as he was very nice, I just think he has a lot on his plate, But again this is not the first time it has happen to me.
Thank you for being honest. Better off without them I am sure. But It is RUDE!
So are you also saying, they didnt get a piece of as$ as soon as they wanted to, so they split? I do have faith that all men are not out for a piece.
You made no sense there maxxxx.
We talked, held hands, went to dinner, went to the park, listened to music, played kissy face. Typical dates I think.
Why do you think men do this. They didnt get laid, they think we might be to good for THEM, they are cheating and got caught. I am lost on that one. If you are not interested then why ask me out again? It plays with your head and emotions and it is just wrong.
It is frustrating when you think you met a great person, you hit it off on a mental aspect as well as physical, then without any warning it stops. Now I think that is just rude! I guess I am glad I found out early into it
I am starting to take it personal lol like it is something about me!
I have ran across this situation a few times and it really sucks. I was just wanting to know if it has happen to others and if it has why do you think it does.
I will talk to someone for awile and him and I hit it off great. We meet we also hit it off, we kiss stay out until dawn, goes out again, talk, text, then poof out of no where it stops. Why do you think this happens and has it happen to you? or am I just screwed lol |
<<<<<original regular back in the jello days, If you have been around long enough you will know what I am talking about!
Feeling kinda BLAH
Hope you all feel better, It is no fun being sick!
Feeling kinda BLAH
It is all just sitting in my chest! I am pissed as I have a 3 day weekend and I am sick as sh*t.
ha ha
Likes a man with hair, my best friend likes them bald
Feeling kinda BLAH
I have a cold also. I sneezed this morning and I thought I was sneezing out razor blades my throat hurts so much.
Help- Looking for...
HUmmm anyone lol
Help- Looking for...
Hellooooooooooooooo Everyone, it has been awile, but y'all know how to get in touch with me.
S |
Help- Looking for...
I am looking for that cartoon stick picture of the guy pulling his heart out and giving it to the girl. It is black and white and the heart is read. Kind of a morbid pic lol Does anyone have it? If you do please email on here and I will send you my email address.
Thank you |