Why are we helping Israel?
if you don't know about the Jewish nation then I recommend you read this: and the Bible... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Israel" is among the earliest archaeologically documented countries going back at least 3000 years.... from the above citation: "The first independent confirmation of the biblical record is the Mesha Stele which dates back to the early 9th century BCE with the rise of Omri, King of Israel. All earlier dates are extrapolations and conjecture. In November 2008, however, archaeologists from Hebrew University discovered a 3000-year-old ostracon with five lines of Hebrew text written in Proto-Canaanite script at the Elah Fortress at Khirbet Qeiyafa. Carbon-14 dating puts this ostracon at the time of King David and the United Kingdom, and the location is in the area where, according to the Bible, David slew Goliath.[5][6]; although the ostracon itself doesn't actually mention these events." ![]() ![]() Wickypedia is for chit, research The Oregon of Bulshivik Russian Jew and their history, or you can also find it by Henery Markow on Jeff Rense, but if and when you do find it... You will see that the palestinians are the only true jews in all of Israel, and the Europeans have been killing them for over 60 years now... ![]() |
Did Jesus Oppose Capitalism?
Edited by
Sat 01/09/10 03:46 PM
Would Jesus Christ - the founder of the largest religion in the world, unequivocally recognized as a messenger of peace and love - support capitalism? Michael Moore, director of Capitalism: A Love Story, says you can’t be a religious Christian and a capitalist. (Chris Pizzello / AP)ndreIt's one of the questions filmmaker Michael Moore, the well-known creator of documentaries such as Bowling for Columbine and Sicko, asks in his latest film, Capitalism: A Love Story. In Capitalism, the filmmaker wonders whether Christ would support a system that, as the filmmaker stated, "has allowed the richest one per cent to have more financial wealth than the 95 per cent under them combined." Moore, a Roman Catholic, argues that Jesus' commandments to care for others and feed the poor and hungry go against the love of money and greed that make up capitalism. He argues that one cannot be a religious Christian and a capitalist. Clement Mehlman, a Lutheran chaplain at Dalhousie University, agrees. "Jesus was a Jewish peasant, coming from an underprivileged tradition Himself, so He would have been what we would call a communist or a socialist," he says. "And there are elements of communism in descriptions of early Christian communities. They pooled their resources. There was not independent wealth, there was communal wealth." The idea that Christ preached a socialist message would probably scare some conservative believers, but Mehlman has no problem with that. "Jesus says to follow Him, you have to give everything you own to the poor," he says with a wry smile. "How many Christians do you see doing that? It's a text that should be thrown at the wealthy fat cats." While Mehlman does not see capitalism as being compatible with the Christian faith, Rev. Gary Thorne, an Anglican minister and chaplain with Dalhousie and the Canadian Forces Reserves, thinks Christians should take a second look at the system. "There's nothing wrong with the free market system in itself," he says. "It's how it's used. I don't think there's anything inherently evil in the free market system, in supply and demand and the exchanging of goods." He argues that the problem is not capitalism, but what people bring to it - in particular, greed and desire for wealth. The intent of the heart is crucial in any system, Thorne says. For him, Jesus' message is not about the market system, but about the people who make up the market. "If the poor are those who are opposed, marginalized, persecuted and forgotten, then clearly Jesus would have us look at these people, really look them in the eye, and be with them, not just write them a cheque." He also draws upon church history, and the beliefs of the church's most important figures, in making his argument. "Martin Luther, John Calvin, they were really clear. They were entirely in favour of a free market system." He says leaders like Luther viewed it as motivation to work hard, both to earn an income and to please God. But the most important part about acquiring wealth is the willingness to share it, Thorne says. And part of that sharing comes through paying taxes. "Any Christian who says that we pay too much in taxes is just bonkers," he says. "They should want to give more of their money to taxes, so the government can use the money to take care of the poor." Thorne believes the core of capitalism is working hard to acquire wealth, but that one should be willing to use the wealth to help others. "If you acquire a great deal of wealth, you should be happy to be taxed at 75 per cent because you can live comfortably with the 25 per cent you keep." While Mehlman thinks Jesus would question capitalism, and believes that the government cannot do the work of the church, Thorne sees no problem with a free market, but is in favour of the government raising taxes to fulfill the command to feed the poor. Is there middle ground between the two? Russell Daye, a minister at St. Andrew's United Church in Halifax, thinks so. "I don't think Jesus was flat out opposed to capitalism," he says. "He lived in what can best be described as a free market, and He contributed to it. Economies back then worked with small pools of capital, which is literally what capitalism is. But what capitalism has become now is a system filled with greed that has proven it can't maintain itself." Daye says that capitalism fails when greed takes precedence over compassion. "Look at globalization. What we've seen with rampant, unchecked globalization is First World countries hurting the Second and Third Worlds, through child labour, destroying the environment and taking away land." Daye says Jesus would never approve of that. Then how should Christians respond to a system that is rampant with greed and lust for money? Rev. Brad Close, a Christian Reformed minister, says they should try to avoid supporting it as much as possible. "If someone wants to follow Christ, they have to realize where the money they spend is going," he says. He encourages Christians to boycott large corporations that exploit workers or the environment, and suggests buying fairly traded products instead. Those who claim to want to follow the teachings of Christ, but wilfully profit from an unjust system, need to realize the harm they are causing to community, he says. "You need to come to a point where you realize what you're doing is wrong. In that case, change it from the inside, or get out. Those are the only two choices." Ultimately, despite some disagreement among theologians, Moore's argument that Jesus opposed capitalism - at least, the money worshipping form of capitalism that has grown in his country - has found much support within the Christian community. Even Pope Benedict XVI, in his most recent encyclical, condemned the greed-driven, free market systems that helped to cause the economic collapse. He also said people's attitudes towards money must change. It appears that the ultra-progressive Moore may have finally found an opinion with which Christians agree. © 2010 The Halifax Herald Limited First of all HIS NAME WAS NOT Jesus, His Name was Jahusha, and he was GOD incarnent... He is like no other, and yes, it is OK to make an Honest Profit... But it is NOT OK to conduct Buisness in The House of GOD, and it is not OK to charge intrest of a loan... Jahusha was never poor, because HE has always been The GOD That Created ALL, both The heavens and The Earth... There was a time when he was playing in the mud along a stream as a boy and he had made a little dam and was making little clay birds, and along came a bully and destroyed The little dam, but before the bully could destroy the clay birds, Jahusha, passed his hand over them and they all flew away... Jah, has never been poor... He has a Great Conpassion on us all... |
Why are we helping Israel?
Umm. Define "Palestinian Land". In my opinion no such well defined thing actually exists. That is one goal of the peace process - to define how the land will be partitioned and governed. Right now there are just lands which both Israel and others claim to be rightfully "theirs". From my point of view the Israelis have never launched an offensive war and if the Palestinians would simply lay down their arms and live peacefully the conflict would be over tomorrow. Israel wound up with the West Bank and Gaza and other lands after the defensive 1967 war. It is not reasonable to expect Israel to give up completely any security buffer or key military geography. On the other hand, they offered Arafat something like 95% of the West Bank and Gaza which was refused. In my opinion such an offer was refused because it did not serve the political motives of Arafat and Fatah. They did not have the best interests of the Palestinians in mind. When Israel did voluntarily withdraw from Gaza it only resulted in more attacks from the newly formed Hamastan - another disaster for the Palestinians. If this area had remained peaceful there would be no war there and gradually trade would resume. So...hmmm. Settlement building? Israel is not doing any large scale settlement building or colonization and hasn't for a very long time. Sure there are a few scattered outposts and apartment building in and around Jerusalem but I don't see that as widespread colonization. They want to have Jerusalem which is their age old capital to remain their capital with full access to historic sites. Israel currently allows full access to these sites which was not the case previously under Jordanian rule before the 1967 war. So I think that settlement building claims are just another lame bargaining pretext. My attitude is shut up and put down your missiles already and live your lives. ![]() YOU HAD BEST ANSWER THAT FIRST !!! It has allot to do with Their Claim to Israel TODAY... Before you can understand the future, you must first understand The Past, by exposing the Big Lie... Ever Wonder what ever happend to The Hoards of Gangus Kahnn, after he died ??? They did not just GO HOME, they were a waring mass that had ransacked entire countries, so they were a compalation of Many diverse people and they settled in Extream eastern Europe, between China and Russia... These were sead to be The Best Fighting Forces that the ancien world had ever seen, and they liked to Party and get drunk and kill each other... So their Cheitons set about to find a way to preserve their people by uniting them all through one doctrin of faith, so as the tale has been told that were looking at Christanity,Jewish, or Muslem Religions, so they spun the bottle and it landed on Jewish... So The FACT IS THAT, THESE PEOPLE NEVER EVER HAD ANY CLAIN TO ISRAEL, because they are all Born Again Jewish People, who converted from a Mongol Tribsmen, to The jewish Faith... --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW These are The Finest Fighting Force that The World has ever known, panted to look like the persecuted Jewish people, well educated in all parts of international Law, waging a Global WAR , to establish The NEW WORLD ORDER... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() ![]() |
Weather you choose to accept this FACT or not is entierly up to you, BUT if you will take notice of the Flicker that your TV gives off when it is on,as aposed to the clear NON-Flicker Clow of your Computer Screen you may detect a small difference... TV is produced via Video Tape,NOT Motion Picture Film,thus there should be NO FLICKER... So exactly what is The Flicker and what is it's fuction??? The Flicker is a Special signal that all TV is broadcast with,This signal is The Product of TRANCE Corparation and what it dose is it places YOU INTO A ALFA HYPNOTIC TRANCE... So you can be programed,This is why The Masses of you still think Oh Someones been fooling you,knocked down the World Trade Center and Flew a Jet into the Pentegon... You also have a BLIND FAITH IN THE SAME GOVERNMENT THAT IS DOING EVERYTHING IT CAN TO KILL YOU!!! I stopped watching TV in October of 2001 and I have never missed it,largly do to the fact that there has been NOTHING BUT PROPAGANDA ON THE BOOB TUBE SINCE 911... I use to pay $500.00 a year to Dish Net for Satilite TV, But now I pay $300.00 per year for an ISP on TV I had 500 Stations and there was Nothing On... On the internet there are over Ten Million Web-Sites and there is always somethig on... Since The Internet is interactive your brain is always working so your mind is not is a vegitative state... But don't believe me, just Check out Trance Corparation,Mass Mind Controle,MK-ULTRA,Montuak ect... I use my old 42" TV as a Computer Screen and at 17' from my Lazy Boy he internet images are still plenty big... But Chester ain't No Robot so I don't need No Programing, DO YOU??? ![]() You know, some say that The Digital Signal is even worse than the Analog Signal ever was, and BLUE-RAY is even worse than that... ![]() |
![]() I like the way my Goats respond to Dog's, The BUTT Them with their Horns, you will never see a Dog move out so fast again in your entire life... ![]() |
OK, so how new does one have to be to maintain said "freshness"? ![]() ![]() |
Why are we helping Israel?
Edited by
Sat 01/09/10 02:41 PM
Umm. Define "Palestinian Land". In my opinion no such well defined thing actually exists. That is one goal of the peace process - to define how the land will be partitioned and governed. Right now there are just lands which both Israel and others claim to be rightfully "theirs". From my point of view the Israelis have never launched an offensive war and if the Palestinians would simply lay down their arms and live peacefully the conflict would be over tomorrow. Israel wound up with the West Bank and Gaza and other lands after the defensive 1967 war. It is not reasonable to expect Israel to give up completely any security buffer or key military geography. On the other hand, they offered Arafat something like 95% of the West Bank and Gaza which was refused. In my opinion such an offer was refused because it did not serve the political motives of Arafat and Fatah. They did not have the best interests of the Palestinians in mind. When Israel did voluntarily withdraw from Gaza it only resulted in more attacks from the newly formed Hamastan - another disaster for the Palestinians. If this area had remained peaceful there would be no war there and gradually trade would resume. So...hmmm. Settlement building? Israel is not doing any large scale settlement building or colonization and hasn't for a very long time. Sure there are a few scattered outposts and apartment building in and around Jerusalem but I don't see that as widespread colonization. They want to have Jerusalem which is their age old capital to remain their capital with full access to historic sites. Israel currently allows full access to these sites which was not the case previously under Jordanian rule before the 1967 war. So I think that settlement building claims are just another lame bargaining pretext. My attitude is shut up and put down your missiles already and live your lives. ![]() YOU HAD BEST ANSWER THAT FIRST !!! It has allot to do with Their Claim to Israel TODAY... Before you can understand the future, you must first understand The Past, by exposing the Big Lie... Ever Wonder what ever happend to The Hoards of Gangus Kahnn, after he died ??? They did not just GO HOME, they were a waring mass that had ransacked entire countries, so they were a compalation of Many diverse people and they settled in Extream eastern Europe, between China and Russia... These were sead to be The Best Fighting Forces that the ancien world had ever seen, and they liked to Party and get drunk and kill each other... So their Cheitons set about to find a way to preserve their people by uniting them all through one doctrin of faith, so as the tale has been told that were looking at Christanity,Jewish, or Muslem Religions, so they spun the bottle and it landed on Jewish... So The FACT IS THAT, THESE PEOPLE NEVER EVER HAD ANY CLAIN TO ISRAEL, because they are all Born Again Jewish People, who converted from a Mongol Tribsmen, to The jewish Faith... --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW These are The Finest Fighting Force that The World has ever known, panted to look like the persecuted Jewish people, well educated in all parts of international Law, waging a Global WAR , to establish The NEW WORLD ORDER... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() There are still some Ladies and Men, who think they are getting something Fresh and NEW, but in reality they are just NEW or Returning Members that have been here for a very long time... ![]() ![]() |
I Just Shot Out 32 Emails
To every male 35 years and up within 50 miles of me... Think I'll get a date? Desperate times call for desperate measures?... I want to meet people..all are so far away. I didn't just come on here to BS with all of you all day long... Darling I am NEVER desperate!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() And here I thought you can't BS a BSer... Desperate and picky are 2 very different things my friend... |
I Just Shot Out 32 Emails
To every male 35 years and up within 50 miles of me... Think I'll get a date? ![]() ![]() |
Where is Gypsy anyhow? I miss her. ![]() She is up to 100% of her old antics, and owning up to none of it as usual, Just like The Gypsy that we have known all these years... ![]() |
red head's have a fire about them ! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Why are we helping Israel?
No. Most of history the loans were just guaranteed. No conditions. ![]() ![]() Israel is infact and in truth, NO FRIEND to The USA or any other nation on this entire PLANET... Israel is The New World Order, in the final process of Breaking The USA and starting World WAR THREE, and American TAX PAYERS Will have Funded 100% of it with Their Income TAX MONEY... ![]() |
redheads have piss and vinegar running through their veins..... ![]() ![]() |
It has been suggested that Helen of TROY, had RED HAIR... This was said to be The Queen of Beauty... They have other striking traits as well... I thought Cleopatra was supposed to be the most beautiful? I don't believe she was redhead. Besides beauty is subjective. Yes, Beauty is subjective... ![]() I find most women very attractive when they are walking away from me... ![]() |
Info on pets - dog
I am looking to get a pet finally, want a dog. Don't want a pocketbook dog, don't want a huge one either. Prefer dog to be mild mannered and social. Any suggestions? Am looking into an American bulldog/boxer mix - any advice? Want something Impressive, yet cheap, that will bond to you and most folks will just shy away from??? LOOK DEEP into the eyes of a GOAT... Goats eat weeds, Grass Hay, if you leave The Horns on, they will be very impressive... If the Lady Next Door is always callig the cop on you, just walk your Goat over there and let it eat her Rose Bush all the way down to the Ground... Go a head let The Cops prove that case... Goats do everything that a dog will do, but in most cases, the Goat will end up costing you about 1 tenth of what a dog will cost you and you can fire Paco The Gardener... |
Say someone is legally divorced but they are still living with their ex-wife/husband would you still date them? In the event of SEX on the First Date, would I be required to share The Bed with Her and her ex-Hubby/Boyfriend ??? It's just a Question... |
(Before you jump on me for generalizing let me just say yes, I am. For the sake of discussion I'd like to talk about the two groups collectively rather than individually. I am fully aware that there are exceptions to this notion) Do you ever notice that when you look at popular youtubers the guys are almost always funnier than the girls, and that girls generally depend on showing boobs and being beautiful for hits? Do you ever notice that it's easier for beautiful women to be "famous for nothing" while men, even attractive men, almost always have to be skilled in some area such as acting, music, wit etc in order to earn fame? Do you think Sarah Palin would be considered as qualified to be John McCain's running mate if she were a man? I guess what I'm getting at is, as a society, do people expect less from women? If so, isn't this to the detriment of the female sex? Are women in the media generally stupider and less talented than the men? Jasmine, don't get your panties all in a Bunch... I just thought your Thread needed Bumping... |
It has been suggested that Helen of TROY, had RED HAIR... This was said to be The Queen of Beauty... They have other striking traits as well... Yes they do have other striking traits. Such as freckles and sunburn, and getting beat up a lot. Well there is that too, But I was attempting to Focas on the Their Good Points... Just for The record, I have always been allergic to RED HEADS, and as such, I always bring out the Worst in them... New 2 Posting threads ??? Not Me... I have been posting threads since 1996, on POF, JustSayHi,Date Hookup, Connecting Singles, just to name a few... So I am not New to this sort of thing, and always just sort of wander around... |
this is random. So true, but I am a very old poster, and I have to start somewhere... |