Community > Posts By > SWEETENSEXYB

Mon 01/28/08 05:45 AM
Good Morning everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful day. It's suppose to be 53 here today. Spring like weather. Hope the sun comes out. Last week it was so cold, so I'm glad for a break, here in INDY. flowerforyou drinker drinker

Sun 01/27/08 05:31 PM
I thank you all for your advice. Wayne, thank you for offering to come and fix it. I think I will just have to call the plumber. I do try to fix things myself. Most of the time I can, but, this one really got me. Guess I'm just not strong enough to loosen up the clog. Think we do need one of those power snakes. Oh, by the way, all other sinks, drains and toliets are all working fine. IT's just the kitchen. Again, thank you all
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Sun 01/27/08 05:26 PM
Have a safe trip, be careful.

Sun 01/27/08 05:18 PM
Edited by SWEETENSEXYB on Sun 01/27/08 05:19 PM
I took the snake and put it in the big metal pipe. I shoved it down as far as I could. Felt like it jammed a couple of times, but, broke through something. There was all kinds of ugly, black, crap on the snake. I'm telling you, I was using all the strength I have, and was sweating to death, I just gave up fooling with it. I know I shoved that snake down the pipe a good 10-15 feet. It's a 25ft one, so I think that's a good guess. Where does that big pipe go?? I know it's in the basement but, I just can't beleive something is plugged up way, down in it like that.

Sun 01/27/08 05:14 PM
Yes, I have a disposal. Double sinks too. Where is the trap??????

Sun 01/27/08 05:13 PM
I already took the elbow one and the other one off. Ok, you know where the drain is??? I took both pipes off that attach to the big metal one that goes into the basement. Can't take anything else off, need a pipe wrench and don't have one. I can do a little fixing up, but, don't have all the required tools.

Sun 01/27/08 05:11 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sun 01/27/08 05:09 PM
Ok, here it is. I need some advice. I have a clogged kitchen sink. Here's what I did so far. Used 2 bottles of xtra strenght Drano. That was the first thing. Then decided to try to plunge it. Did that for a while, no luck. Googled it, and it basicaly told me what I already knew. Then went to the hardware and bought a snake. I can't seem to get the snake all the way down the pipe. The clog is not in the elbow. It's in the big metal pipe that goes down in the basement. If anyone has any ideas to help me, I would truly appreciate it. I know if I call a plumber, they will charge me an arm and a leg. Thanks guys.

Sun 01/27/08 06:22 AM
Good Morning everyone. How's it going? I've been up for hours, drinking coffee. Making homemade lasagne today, been cooking the sauce for hours. YUM YUM
drinker drinker drinker flowerforyou flowerforyou

Sat 01/26/08 06:36 PM
Filled up my daughters Impala last night, took $50 to fill it. It was like $3.02. Today, it's down to $2.92. Some stations it's $2.99. By monday, it may be $3.25. Who knows,it goes up and down every day.

Sat 01/26/08 06:30 PM
Did you make home made sauce????????????? I have a BIG pot of sauce cooking right now. Making Lasagne tomorow. YUM YUM. All home made, nothing better. Why is there like 4 posts on this same subject?????????? I was lost for a minute. LOL. Other than cooking the sauce, I'm not doing a darn thing. Bored actually. How about every one??? What's going on with you guys????

Fri 01/25/08 07:05 PM
Many prayers for you and your family. God is watching over that little grandbaby of yours and he will heal her. Thoughts are with you and yours.flowerforyou

Fri 01/25/08 07:01 PM
Hello Teresa, Just give it time girl. This site is what you make of it. If you get involved in the forums more, your bound to meet ppl. As far as finding a date, or love of your life, or whatever it is your looking for, well, that's up to you. I love this site as far as making friends. When I'm bored, I can get on here and their is usually always a good topic to get into. I would just give it some more time. You've only been here for a few weeks. OK?? Just my opinion girl. Just have fun.flowerforyou

Fri 01/25/08 05:40 PM
Hi Suzanne and everyone else. I guess it would depend on how good a friend he is. How well you know him and so on. If you REALLY know him, then you should make him listen to you. Just flat out tell him how you feel. If he doesn't like it and accept your feelings then, oh well. He needs to know how you feel. It's sad that his life is so messed up, but, YOURS isn't. I have never had a friend be like that with me before, so I really don't know how I would handle it, except, I would definatly tell him/her how I felt. OK?? Well, this is just my 2 cents worth. LOl

Thu 01/24/08 04:55 PM
Coco, I just sent you an e-mail on here. See if you got it. OK??

Thu 01/24/08 04:52 PM
Hi Coco, How are you?? Maybe we all just write you on here instead of regular e-mail. I don't know. I luv the new pic. Looking good girl.flowerforyou

Wed 01/23/08 11:03 AM
Hi hawaii, no, I haven't read it. Is it good???????????????

Wed 01/23/08 10:00 AM
I had a homemade breakfast burrito this morning. It was delicious. One of the guys who works next door is hispanic, and he made a whole big tray of them. YUM YUM. Now I need the recipe. laugh laugh

Wed 01/23/08 05:26 AM
Thanks for the coffee Coco. It's wonderful, as usual. What's everyone doing today?????????????? I'm at work, not working hard, but, hardly working. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Wed 01/23/08 04:57 AM
Good Morning Coco, How's it going????? You got the coffee ready????? I need some. drinker drinker drinker

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