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Russian Hacking.
msharmony ... here is a URL if you want to read one of the many historical documents quoting Little Barry Soweto saying bombing ISIS in Syria is because they raped 100 Irak Women .. and Little Barry is the great rapist killer ... so that is why our troops are dying ... not for some bushit WMDs and Mushroom clouds. So you love a good debate .. here is proof to what you find untelligable. If you can not get past the Atlantic Monthy and all the other publications that say the same thing ... this it certainly is not my problem. sumbuddie wear blind sea Obama Urges War in Iraq Despite Known Lack of WMDs The self-contradictory rhetoric of a shape-shifting president—and a case for war that lacks specificity and rigor On October 7, 2002, President George W. Bush gave a speech making the case for confronting Saddam Hussein, building toward a war that Barack Obama declared stupid. Bush premised his case on the notion that Iraq posed a unique threat. "Some ask why Iraq is different from other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons. While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq stands alone—because it gathers the most serious dangers of our age in one place," he said. "Iraq's weapons of mass destruction are controlled by a murderous tyrant who has already used chemical weapons to kill thousands of people. This same tyrant has tried to dominate the Middle East, has invaded and brutally occupied a small neighbor, has struck other nations without warning, and holds an unrelenting hostility toward the United States. By its past and present actions, by its technological capabilities, by the merciless nature of its regime, Iraq is unique." Last night, President Obama gave a speech making the case for a deeper American intervention against ISIS, a radical Sunni militia that operates in Iraq. He also premised his interventionism on the group being unique. "ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple," he said. "And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way. In a region that has known so much bloodshed, these terrorists are unique in their brutality. They execute captured prisoners. They kill children. They enslave, rape, and force women into marriage. They threatened a religious minority with genocide. And in acts of barbarism, they took the lives of two American journalists—Jim Foley and Steven Sotloff." As Obama well knows, ISIS is not, in fact, unique in its brutality. They are not the first actors in the region to execute prisoners, kill children, rape women, or threaten genocide. Saddam Hussein did all that. Bashar al-Assad turned chemical weapons on children. Is that somehow less brutal than beheading journalists? How can a man who regarded the Iraq War as stupid, despite the fact that the regime we overthrew was every bit as brutal as ISIS, now cite the supposed "unique" brutality of ISIS as a primary justification for taking America to war in Iraq? He was appealing to our fears and disgust, not our reason, much like his predecessor. Obama also believes the Iraq War was stupid because the claims about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction falsely inflated the threat he posed to Americans. Bush talked about WMDs in that 2002 speech, and went on to say this: President Obama has done what is necessary for Presidents to do the only Kool Aid is being drunk by those who spin the hard decisions to make personal attacks,,, Oh got it ... President Bush goes into a country for WMDs and Mushroom clouds that is BAD and not necessary for Presidents to do .. and when President Obama goes into a country for raping 100 Irak women and hiding in Syria that is GOOD and a necessary thing for Presidents to do. Thanks for clearing that up. Can you help me with how it is Good thing for the Virgin Mary to have baby sex with the Ghost of her God the Father in Heaven and then doing play sex with her cockold husband later in the day to pop her cherry again ... I am NOT saying it is BAD .. as that would be a religious inflamatory statement. I am saying the Virgin Mary is GOOD to do such sex games .. I am just a bit fuzzy on how it is a good thing to do ... since you clearly can understand and sort out such confusing things that on the face of it seems to be blatant two faced hypocrisy. sumbuddie wear blind sea 2. I find this paragraph unintelligible: 'and when President Obama goes into a country for raping 100 Irak women and hiding in Syria that is GOOD and a necessary thing for Presidents to do.',,,so, no response will be given |
What is cheating?
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Sun 12/18/16 09:02 AM
According to Bill Clinton ... Oral Sex is not cheating ...
as he says 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman' ... and maybe bumm sex is not cheating as that is how Ah-Nold got taco sauce on his swartznigger and made a baby by pulling it out of the arse. No condoms ... Ayatollah in the Vatican approved. Never use the front door unless you are doing it like God Almighty and want to make a baby .. otherwise it is not cheating .. according to them. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Russian Hacking.
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Sat 12/17/16 02:33 PM
President Obama has done what is necessary for Presidents to do the only Kool Aid is being drunk by those who spin the hard decisions to make personal attacks,,, Oh got it ... President Bush goes into a country for WMDs and Mushroom clouds that is BAD and not necessary for Presidents to do .. and when President Obama goes into a country for raping 100 Irak women and hiding in Syria that is GOOD and a necessary thing for Presidents to do. Thanks for clearing that up. Can you help me with how it is Good thing for the Virgin Mary to have baby sex with the Ghost of her God the Father in Heaven and then doing play sex with her cockold husband later in the day to pop her cherry again ... I am NOT saying it is BAD .. as that would be a religious inflamatory statement. I am saying the Virgin Mary is GOOD to do such sex games .. I am just a bit fuzzy on how it is a good thing to do ... since you clearly can understand and sort out such confusing things that on the face of it seems to be blatant two faced hypocrisy. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
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Sat 12/17/16 01:58 PM
And to think that Bill de Blasio was the best choice of Democrats during the last NYC mayoral election. It is bad to target Alternative Lifestyle people like Bruce Jenner cutting off his peckerwood and popping in plastic breasts ... or even saying GOOD things such as advocating a Transgender Olympics. Like they have Disabled Olympics for wheel chair people and Special Olympics for brain damaged at birth people ... Having the Bruce Jenner peckerwood people of prosthetics in the world run against other Bruce Jenner peckerwood types of prosthetics in their own Transgender prosthetic Olympics I think is a good idea and the fair thing to do. Others say .. that would be Hate Speech and targeting a subclass of citizens who did choose their prosthetics in making them differently able. Clearly then what you are doing saying Blasio is the best choice of the Democrats is also hate speech and targeting a lifestyle choice. The White Supreme Deplorable people being swayed by Russian Hackers is the problem and it screams for a solution. According to them ... and those who run the Censorship Bureau. C'est la vie ... sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Russian Hacking.
the man is still The President to be bullied or walked upon is not something we want the image of tolerating,,, ahhhh ... gentle lady .. you are AWARE that littlle Barry Soweto has bombed more countries and killed more people then ALL the Noble Peace Prize winners combined. Sweetie ... you are NOT keeping up with current events. Here drink some old time religion koolaid and you be seeing the Pearly Gates of God our Father in Heaven that has baby sex with his Daughters ... who then go have play sex with their cockold husband. no condoms .. ayatollah in the vatican approved. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Russian Hacking.
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Sat 12/17/16 09:39 AM
funny how everyone is harping on Trump.yet doesn't mention the shellacking the Democrats received all across the US in State-legislature and Governors-Races! Yup ... They are all the White Supreme Deplorable People that in what .. 4000 Counties .. that used to vote for the Libtards ... and voted for Obama last two goes .. well, they voted for Trump over the past 8 years of turning the House ... Senate ... now the Casablanca over to the GOPerps. Think Pelosi, Reed, and Obama learn up about Open Borders and illegal Saudi Arabs doing the Red Rum Alerts like they were Messicans in killing US. But Noooooooooo .. Hillary had to keep playing that game of more open border, more illegal 'M" word people and More refugee 'D' word people from the sand countries. As that will make JOBS JOBS JOBS ... besides it was HER TURN and she has a Trump Allergy of fake news. IF the Russians have NEVER hacked the DNC and showed the truth of rigging the election to kill off Bernie Sanders ... then the LIE would have taken Hillary to the White House as the Deplorable White Supreme people not have a clue. See how that works ... in their special world they live in. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Russian Hacking.
Yup ... ALL the Slam Dunk Intelligence agree ... there is Russian Hacking and the USA can NOT do anything to STOP it.
The russians are so good that they are better then ISIS .. and the US has not done anthing against ISIS over the past 18 years. RED RUM ALERT ... get a HELMET .. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. you future is DUST ... Digger in the Casablanca says so ... The Russian White Supreme Deplorable people. they rule the world and the Libtards Itches voted in by Bush the Worst ... nada ... nada ... nada ... slam dunk that intelligence. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
I posted this last year ... this time telling people now that tornado season is year round .. that snownados were coming for Christmas.
December 24 I think it was ... 9 of them roared through the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Or was it 11 tornados. Anyhow .. it was a bad day. If you have not gotten your shelter built up since last year did its butchers bill .. better get a helmet. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
there is a blood test for Genetic Psychopathy ... which affects 1 % of the population.
It is brain damage where the amygedela (an almond shaped lobe at the base of the brain) is 17 % smaller than in the rest of the population. This part of the brain is associated with Emotional Intelligence ... so like Dennis Hastert they would never cry ... rape children .. have sex with chickens dead or alive ... lick taco sauce off the swartznigger ... doesn't matter to them. For me just the thought makes me want to hurl as it is disgusting ... but for them, they can stomach it or more to the point they have no emotions so it is not a bother. I am asking all you guys to REQUIRE passing the psychopath test for government employment ... so that they do not become cops, judges, teachers, doctors, bankers ... stuff where the care and concern of other people is their responsibility. Oh sure .. they will SAY .. 'I can feel you pain' .. or 'it tears at my soul' ... even shed a tear the falls up hill against gravity as they ACT like they have emotions. Since this is what psychopaths do ... to get sex and make money .. is appear normal. However they are not ... remember ... Dennis Hastert ... not normal. Monsters do not cry. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
And to think that Bill de Blasio was the best choice of Democrats during the last NYC mayoral election. Just like Dennis Hastert was the best choice for Speaker of the House so he can bugger House Pages in his office ... no condoms. All the child rapists voted him the best child rapists in the crowd. What ... they did not KNOW he was a pederast???? right ... stick with that story. 180 degrees from sick is still sick ... they are all addicts, all of them are tucked up just like their daddy before them who tucked them in the arse as a child. the disease goes down the generations until some one wakes up and decides they don't want to rape children anymore ... or drink alcohol ... or take oxycontin .. etc. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
dateing sites
they are phishing sites ... looking for phish to hook ... the scammers who hitch on seeking you email, phone number, what ever data they can get from you. they then sell that to robot companies to call you for money pitches to take care of children or cops or veterans ... deserving single moms that need a car to drive their sick father to hospital .. etc. Once you 'buy' into the site .. and you go see the people who 'like' you ... then their profile is no longer active .. stuff like that. the bait is gone. oh gee golly gosh. Who is real here .. in most cases the people who post at the community forum like beekeeper and you and me ... Even on Twitter .. there are Twit Bots that auto post fake news or crap ... to where some people are twitting with a robot and having long conversations with no body. They are deluded people to begin with .. and the illusion before them is beyond their wit. In another country, they would be tossing virgins into the Volcano God to have baby sex with so as to save the world. Such is why you use a condom you burn in HELL !!! They look nuts or insane .. but are stuck in their toddler tantrum mentality and just children in an adult body. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
They want legal marijuana to sell more street Heroin and Meth ... now that Bush the Worst opened the door to the Golden Triangle. Heroin is the best and cheapest it has been ...
this is why Bush the Worst voted for Hillary. It is to keep the drug money coming in through the Chi-Town Mafia who is ... guess what .. Catholic. Just look at the church of all the ******** on both sides that are using no condoms to rape our children ... like Dennis Hastert. Yup .. he be Catholic. The list is long .. Ah-Nold Swartznigger he did burn about 30 people alive for his depraved neglect and it is not a crime. Deal with it Libtard Itches ... sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Oakland is pretending they did NOT know .... not a thing.
No one ever told the Fire Dept ... the Police Dept never did ... as they got the complaints. Mind you this is the same Police that has sex with minor child prostitutes for free and for pay. Of course, they will need to put the jury trial out of state as getting an uninformed jury will not come from California I am sure of it ... now that the news is out. Have a bonfire and burn people alive ... chatter is up. Oakland declares bankrupt status not to pay the claims. The rich creepy old guys with taco sauce on their swartznegger laugh all the way to the bank. Rinse, Lather, and Repeat sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Perfect Match/LOVE
Is it really possible that you can meet your perfect match or the person you've been waiting for here in a dating site? just asking :) oh you never know when lightening strikes ... as for the date site .. go spend some money and find out the people who want to meet you ... click on their picture name and find out their profile as been discontinued. surprise !!! |
if youre not the one
We are all the one for someone, but that someone is so darn hard to find yup ... it is a numbers game. meet as many people as you can then there is a contender that just might work out. you 'never' pick someone that doesn't support your disease as they are to much trouble. hopefully, you are well when this happens ... so you pick someone healthy. if you are sick .. then you will pick someone sick. three years later it crashes and burns ... as you find out why you picked them. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
You guys are aware the Libtards just look like they are nuts or insane ... but are really not.
Since the election they are insisting it is the White Supreme Guys ... apparently hate women so they voted against Clinton cause of the 'N' word who is running the Casablanca viva cinco de mayo. This is why even using the 'N' word in the educative is bad and not to be done in any circumstances .. have to get rid of Samuel Clemmens, Chris Rock, Robbin Williams and Malcolm X writings and videos apparently cause of them using the 'N' word to make money off it which is much much worse then doing it for free. So in their little special world the White Supreme Guys got Trump elected this go around and not the last two. It has nothing to do with Border Security, Muslin Terrorist attacking the USA so that it is "In Allah We Trust" is on the currency .. since God is the Great Satan from the many Gods of Abraham he was worshiping ... and getting the illegals out of the country like they are suppose to be. Including illegal Saudi Arabs apparently .. as the White Supreme Guys .. well they hate them 'D' word people. In another country, they would be tossing Virgins into the Volcano God to have sex with. So .. again they look nuts or insane .. but are really just little children in an adult body. Small minded people who have to use baby talk since Free Speech is so BAD BAD BAD to do. You guys here ... are obviously White Supreme people who hate White women in the Casablanca ... or should I refer to it as the 'C' word now. After all calling a guy a white supremists is not demeaning, slander, racists though they are of the white race ... etc etc etc. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
ahhhh .. you do know the electors are politically appointed and not really elected by the people ...
just like the politically appointed Judges who lord over you ... and paid by you ... where you give them the power over you ... are they them selves NOT ELECTED by you. deal with it Libtard Itches ... sumbuddie wear blind sea |
I'm curious how many will be open and honest about this relationship building subject? ahhh ... the sex addicts who need the taco sauce on the swartznegger .. maybe ??? |
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Tue 12/13/16 08:32 AM
Well ... I only have a Trump Allergy .. not Lung Cancer I am hiding with Pneumonia.
Since my dog ate my homework there is no way I can be prepared for a press conference. After all, it is the White Supremist that beat up a white girls over the 'N' word and the 'BS; word .. and all the other alphabet words. If there was no 'N' word in the Casablanca then Clinton would have her turn simply cause she is not the 'T' word. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
honestly now..could it really be possible for you guys to be friends only with women you are attracted to? aahhhhh ... not be a sex addict .. maybe ??? |