Community > Posts By > cougarpuppy
success ful trump
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Signs of Bias in News
I am sorry .. I have a 'Trump Allergy' .. and that is the unbiased TRUTH !!! |
Its christmas EVE,, my festive brain just thought of another analogy if 'guns dont kill people' is it possible that 'registries dont stop terrorists' ? no need to register the gun, the car, the marriage ... etc ... we must respect and honor diversity. Bi-sexuals with no age discrimination are the BEST !!! young, old, male, female, dead or alive ... no condoms Ayatollah in the Vatican approved. |
There are sonic pest repellers that you just plug into the wall socket and 24 hours a day send out an irritating high frequency sound that critters like this avoid ... the sound waves are usually only good for the size of the room as curtains block the vibrations as well. I had them climbing in the walls and put a wired outlet into the attic crawl space. Plugged it in .. and claws on wood hauling *** was the next sound I hear. So one went into the garage and back porch as concrete floors and clear walls make the sound bounce further. Not a problem with them since ... no pesticides ... no traps ... no problems ... as the cats are just avoided by them using the tunnels they dig. Costs about 12 cents a year for one of them to operate. Oh .... you can get them at the Farm Ranch Supply store easily enough. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Viva Cinco De Mayo Putah Pendajo Gringo Cavassa Deal with it Libtard Itches ... your Future is Dust ... Red Rum Alert. Drink - Party - Rape and Kill White People like they are Lara Logan or Kate Steinly. |
Long Distance Relationship.
Go date someone who is in prison .... have all that angst you want with length. long time ... long distance ... long long longing ... sumbuddie wear blind sea |
wow.. a bit of that "Hannibal Lector" thing going on in this thread... I'm out of here. yup .... creepy is too nice of a word to use here ... it is worse than that. |
Single mom of 4
Yup ... Octomom ... is not married and works as a porn star to scratch the itch while making the money honey for the house. Your problems are only half of that ... huh ... sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Hard to date as a single mom
I am a single mom of a 2yr old. It is hard to meet anyone! Anyone else feel this way? I am tired of playing games. Just want to meet a nice guy and become friends. Sadly cant seem to find yet! it is going to be hard for you to find that person who 'loves' you .. and wants to give them selves to you .... so that they bond with the child from another person that is not theirs. until you find that person ... and you have to be ready for it (right now, like Bristol 'Big Middle Finger' Palin you are chasing them away ... and I know 'IT IS HIS FAULT') it is better for you to hook up and play around. While doing this ... do NOT .... push a string of guys through your life and put that picture into your child's head. Same for Daddy ... best he doesn't pass a string of girls through his life .. so his child doesn't get that picture in their head. You have relationship issues and you are an addict on something .. just like your mom and dad before you. Until you can fix that up .. whenever you find a contender they will be an addict and have relationship issues. So .... go play around on weekends or holiday ... set up your play time away from the child(ren) .. and engage in Adult Responsible Behaviour .. not thinking that you will ever find a person who will bond and imprint on you and the child. Aim low ... it makes for less disappointment and making you insane with despair and despondency. Try to have a happy life in the mean time .. that you have taken on this 16-year commitment. If you want to go full ego and narcisstic .. then dump the kid and go find another guy to play house and have baby sex with. Bristol Palin has two children from two different guys and never married while still a teenager. Think the dumbie would learn the first time .. but .. nooooooooo. Maybe she needs a third baby ... Octomom has a house full and she not married while being a porn star .. getting her itch scratched that way while bringing in some cash for the house. These people LOOK like they are crazy or insane .. but really .. they are addicts and have relationship problems from their mom and dad .. who were (are) addicts and have relationship problems. Gets passed down the generations. Sorry for the hard news ... but it is better to know and do something to fix it. Then not know and make it worse. Try to think of it as the best Christmas present you have ever received in your life. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
The Jack Rubenstein Cops gave him the long dirt nap ... no jury trial, no evidence, no investigation. Go back to sleep sheeple ... nothing to see here. Just another Happy Gabby Giffords day on the Libtard Itches. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Edited by
Fri 12/23/16 10:37 AM
Hey OP ...
Love is a new structure in the Human Psyche ... it is only about 7000 years old. I think it is an abreaction to the industrialization of alcohol at about 9000 years ago. There is no mention of love in the history past 7000 years ago and it seems that women were property in the King Bull / Harrum dynamic of animals where there is the King breeder Monkey, Bull, Wolf .. etc .. and has sex with all the breeding females around. This what was done in China as they have the oldest literature or written record apparently. The Emperor of China owned everything in the land, water rights, bees, leaves, coal, people, animals etc ... and the Emperor gave out what he wanted to whomever. He gave out women from his Harum as a reward or payment for services as an example and gave permission for them to make babies. Had nothing to do with love. Even TODAY in the kingdom/slave states they have arraigned marriages. The woman marries for money and who the family picks ... nothing about love is involved. In the free states ... there are no arraigned marriages and we say ... go marry who you love and love who you want. About 7000 years ago ... love springs forward in the human consciousness ... and people started hooking up with the person they loved. Damm it all to the Emperor and they would run off knowing they would be hunted down and killed the next day .. just to have one day of love and being loved. Then a whole life of misery and baby making with that Emperor guy. So WHAT IS LOVE ... that is a deeper story about your mom and dad. Why the Psyche came up with love is more straightforward as it has to do with healing and making the broken heart and the broken mind and the broken families whole. That is why you love .. him ... who is a piece of **** for a human being like Dennis Hastert that rapes children, his own and the neighbors. His wife .. loves him ... cause he is exactly like her daddy. The Defense Structure is making her fall in love and hook up with a sick puppy to discover what her daddy did to kids and to her .. since she is fragmented, dysfunctional and has relationship problems. The purpose for this is so that she can die fearlessly and a fully conscious adventuresome mindset. All secrets are done out of fear and buried under the shifting sands of deception. If you understand this stuff .. then it is gonna ruin your romantic ideas of love. As all love does ... is heal. Prior to love everyone run away from pain and suppressed their emotions. Love is the first thing the human psyche has made that is an attraction, a desire, a goal to seek .. so that the love takes you through the pain into happiness and freedom. For if you hate your mom ... you are going to be an addict and will remain an addict until the love comes in and heals up the resentment and bitterness. Likewise if you hate your dad ... you are going to have divorces, affairs and dead children for a future until the love comes in and heals up the resentment and bitterness. Sorry for the hard news. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Obama said WHAT?
the other good news is that for the past 18 years doing war against the evil doers that blow up Dumpster Trash Cans in Blue States ... Heroin from Afghanistan is the BEST and the CHEAPEST it has been ... ever. Also that Oil Corporations have had the BEST 18 years in profits ever. AND ... global warming is so much Hooie .. he has done nothing what so ever just like the white digger in the Casablanca before him. Viva Cinco De Mayo Putah Pendajo Gringo Cavassa Get Drunk - Party - Rape and Kill White Libtards like they were Lara Logan. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
could you be with a person that you know isn't right for you in so many ways
Maybe. Depends on how she is right for me in other ways. haven't been with anybody in a while so you jump at the chance to have companionship. Would you deal with this or would you tell her off
That kind of relationship will run its course. It's just never in a desirable time frame. However I have to share from personal experience in having sex with women that you never know when they will explode with anger ... as they are stuck in their toddler tantrum. An example would be Bristol ' Big Middle Finger ' Palin .. she is a gernade with the pin pulled. Sure the sex is wild but after a few times with her going off .. it gets tiresome and would drive away a hardened US Marine ... I am sorry to say. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
It is just another Happy Gabby Giffords day ... where the Patsey is gunned down by some Jew (Jack Rubenstein) so as to save Jackie the pain of a jury trial for a guilty guy according to the Jew pimp bar owner Mafia muscle man. In New York 911 .. the ID cards came out of the dust in perfect condition, no blood, no tears, no burns that would melt steel supposedly into a puddle from a kerosene burner. In Boston .. yup .. ID cards left in the back pack. In San Bernardino .. yup .. ID cards left in the mass murder site. In Germany and in France .. ID card left in the trucks. THEN THE COPS PLAY DUMB AND DUMBER letting the terrorists go and sometimes even paying them money to do more killing later on ... from the Highest Office in the land comes this idea and practice. After All Ossama Ben Laudin was allowed to run off and escape as well you know because of dumb and dumber at work. I am just curious ... are you able to see a pattern here ... besides, just the Libtards getting killed off. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
question is : why would I always seek BBWs ,is there any main reason I would love to have sex with them ? All opinions welcomed ..thank you Sex is in the head ... and comes from child hood issues. If mom and dad were 'healthy' let's say ... love each other, we not addicts, he gave him self to his woman .. stuff like that. Then you would see that modeled and that would get into your Duck Disease (it is just the Human Condition we all have) ... so you would be only interested in being clean, sober, in love, healthy, do the pair bonding and harsh discipline of giving your self to your partner .. cause that is what you want to do. ...... In another case ... let's say you grew up in a family where daddy was a sex addict, lies all the time, has sex with you, the neighbors kids .. and is bi-sexual like he was Dennis Hastert as mom is 100 pounds over weight.... Then that would get into your Duck Disease (again just the Human Condition we all have) ... and you also would pick on heavy women .. who are only interested in dating bi-sexual guys that have no age discrimination. She would only be interested in you, cause her Daddy was a Dennis Hastert kind of guy. ...... So I could go on to other examples ... but they would all come out of the same dynamic and go to the same place. If Daughter was raised in a home where Daddy was doing the upstairs maid, making babies that were out of the marriage and abandoning them, while also having sex with mommy ... Then Daughter grows up to fall in love with a guy ... exactly like Daddy who lies, is a sex addict, uses no condoms or engage in Adult Responsible Behaviour ... they are all addicts, none of them cry ... and make little monsters for babies who grow up to be big monsters. And so it goes ... on and on .. until some one fixes up their Duck Disease. Every has to ... even if you come out of the so called 'Healthy family' ... Your Defense Structure wants 'you' running your life .. not the ghosts of your good mom and dad ... and also not the ghosts of your sick mom and dad doing it. If you want to know more here is a You Tube video to check out. If this posting makes no sense to you what so ever .. then FURGETTABOUT-IT !!! Duck Disease sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Check in your Christmas stocking on Christmas morning. Maybe Santa will come through for you I say there be a lump of coal in there ... if any thing at all. |
Got a question
Why do girls start looking hotter when they get a little older?? like a fine wine .. they get better with age ... |
Edited by
Wed 12/21/16 04:06 PM
oh poor BAY-beeeeeee !!!!
get the taco sauce on the swartz and people think you some kind of four letter word for poontange ... and like Dennis Hastert will do anything to any one ... no age discrimination .. no condoms. oh gee golly gosh ... Betcha the guy is LIES LIES LIES about his 'I look ugly' story ... or when he tells his wife "But Maria .. I love you and the kids' ... sure he does ... and it is the truth. That being said ... we must respect and honor diversity. So what if Ah-Nold is a lying taco sauce sex addict bi-sexual with no age discrimination ... he is still a human being. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
yep,Rachel Madcow,INFO you can trust! 180 degrees from sick is still sick ... of course Fox News never tell this truth about Exxon ... huh ??? Regardless Trump gives crooked Hillary a Presidental Pardon cause she is his 5th cousin. They all lie ... they all screw the American people. They do not care ... they kill US and laugh all the way to the Banksters. Trump is not draining the swamp either .. the Swamp Creatures are in charge. Trump is the Head Swamp Creature now ... Otherwise it would be Clinton being the Head Swamp Creature. Drill Baby Drill Rules ... not you and not me ... our votes mean nothing. Trump Says it is RIGGED and UNDEMOCRATIC .. and he is right and he do it anyway. So does Clinton ... she is a psychopath just like he is. Runs in the family ... sumbuddie wear blind sea |
Odd thing .. this guy according to the Libtard Media is saying he was suppose to be deported back to Tunsia last year ... but gee golly gosh ... have none of that for some reason.
So what does this guy do ... he does a Mass Murder .. supposedly hi-jacks a truck by killing the Polish driver on a long distance haul .. and then runs down a Christmas market he knows all about. THEN HE LEAVES HIS ID and PAPERs in the Truck ... to be found by the cops. Who then arrest and release someone else cause of no evidence so far. Just like in Paris mass murder about 2 years ago ... where the guy they let go ... jumps borders and heads to Syria supposedly. What a cluster puck of dumb and dumber at work. So ... does this look like a False Flag Operation ... a big Hell the YES to me. It is the Drill Baby Drill, Nuke, Frack and Pipe billionairs that hire their Blackwater Security .. and hire their Rogue CIA agents .. and hire their so called Terrorists to make it look like it was a Terror job ... as they hire their Judges, Cops and DAs and buy their President if they like. Or kill them off with a Happy Gabby Giffords day. So to me .. this is all Bushit .. nothing more and nothing less. Regardless these people are still dead .. and if you are a Libtard in a Blue State or a Blue country .. you gonna die die die ... your future is dust. Their is a Culture War going on .. and global warming is hooie. Obama has fought ISIS for 8 years and done nothing being Mr Change Hitting the Ground Running. After 8 years of Drill Baby Drill ... HE NOW .. signed no off shore drilling and protecting ANWAR ... not 8 years ago .. but now on his way out the door. Trump gives a Presidental Pardon to Crooked Hillary. Then Trump puts all the Swamp Creatures in his Cabinet .. and not drain the swamp. They all lie .. Drill Baby Drill rules and kills you guys off as they laugh all the way to the Banksters. sumbuddie wear blind sea |