Community > Posts By > ronny4dating
She's just too precious...
yeah a little too serious! you have no idea of her skeletons in her closet either???? If she likes you and you dont want to hurt her dont hurt her. your past cant hurt her unless you bring into the present. Just relax and if you really like her just become a better man and make it work????
Does love come twice in life? I mean does anyone else feel like once you have loved and lost you become incapable of love again? Even if you find that special someone it just kinda is never the same again? Is it me or does a long term relatioship that doesn't work out leave you not willing to take any crap anymore? I have met wonderful people and I have no explanation why i can not commit to them????? I say I want commitment, I think I want commitment until it's time to commit then I find resons to run for the hills????? Does anyone else have this fear of the routine bullcrap life to nowhere????? Do you get bored with someone quickly????
Edited by
Wed 12/02/09 09:25 PM
what is so funny about this letter is it's so ignorant! I mean did any informed person actually beleive he would really pull out of Iraq or Afganistan? Such a huge problem in this world no realist's! Don't listen to what politicians say look at what they do and what they have power to do! The reality is evil exsists and it is easy to say we should not go to war but when your actually faced with the facts and real world alternatives it's a different matter! Wake up America isolationism died after WW1!
I think men who hit women are cowards! Plain and simple punk *** ***** cowards and they disgust me! I have two daughters and if a man ever puts a hand on them i will break a bone in their body! In today's society you see too many men get away with this and it's complete bull crap! If a man ever hit a woman in front of me i would beat them down like the ***** that they are!
Often people want to have there cake and eat it too! People who trully understand that a loving long lasting relationship comes with commitment are keepers. The people who only see a relationship as a one way venture are the ones that are poison. The problem is i think half the population is in one category and the other half in the other. You have to just be strong and wait wait for that one!
My kids made me a christmas card the first christmas after my divorce. It was very special to me!
initernet dating and replies
Why is it that when you write a lady a message with honest intention she does not even respond?? From eveything I can see on my end it appears that they read the message and then decide to do nothing. Is it that they want you to persue them?? Or is it that they are so scared cause they are not sure who is on the other end?? And of course yes there are some that are nice enough to answer back...but very few...I am interested to hear other guys experiences with this site and others and well as a womens point of view...Have fun with this one all... ![]() I was waiting all day long for this. I have the perfect answer for you, young man. I have found the holy grail of getting replies from women on sites. Insult them. Not badly -- don't be rude, don't use swearwords, don't berate them. Just insult them gently. Find 1 misspelled word in their copy and tell them about it. This always gets a reply. Or you try to help them by telling them to drink less. Or to ease up on the donut situation. These ALWAYS, 100% of the time, get a reply. Not your cup of tea? No problem, there is more in the bag. Write them extremely nice, sucky, grovelling letters how beautiful, gracious and etherially dreamy they are. Or their eyes, or their demeanour. Try to use some French-original words. Don't go into nasty details. You cannot wonder to other body parts away from the eyes, the youth, the spriteness, the whatever. Don't say "hey, you've a beautiful face." A face is not something you mention. Stay away from naming the breasts, but if you have to, call it some dignified name like bosom. Legs, no, butt, no, belly-button, only in a cute joke, hands, yes, upper arms, no, because it makes you sound like a perv psycho. (I am an upper-arm man, and I carry and harbour this terrible secret penned up all inside). Anyway. You can come up with the most blatant lies, but as long as you make it into a semi-believable romantic compliment, they will write back to you, send you a rose, thank you kindly and happily. Women have some code of grace; a compliment is a compliment is a complimen. A complimented woman knows and that it's not her role to be a judge to say whether it's true or not. Some see through them, some don't, some believe what you say, some don't, but they will all accept. In other words, a rose is a rose is a rose. Even going overboard or over the top is allowed, but only to a certain degree. You must not write afterwards again. In both instances. If you write again to a lady who just sent you a reply to your insult, she'll get you banned from the site; if you write to a reply by a lady whom you had just complimented, you're ruining the whole effect. All of a sudden you'll feel like a wanton, dirty man who only put her on a pedestal so you could drag her off and into the mud. You won't actually feel that, she'll think you ought to feel like that. I think if you write anything in between: a kind letter, a good letter, an insightful letter or a witty letter, you only chances of getting a reply is presenting your very good looks. If you ain't dashing, then stick with the insulting and with the wildly complimentary letters. So this is it. If you want a reply, and you can be happy in and by itself with that, you've got the recipe above. Thats atually good advice and they say we are shallow! |
initernet dating and replies
The best responses that I've gotten are from nudges, no really. If I get a nudge back then I'll start up a conversation. If somebody gets offended by something as simple as a nudge and does'nt reply then they have saved me the wasted effort in writing them. Very rarely will I send an actual first email instead. so if i nudged you would that change your opinion.... ![]() |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 15
![]() Single and lovin it!!! ![]() ![]() |
Your butt is Big
Well i don't know i love to say how big a but is when i am behind it! Big buts drive me wild!
Your experience ?.
Edited by
Tue 12/01/09 10:32 PM
Well lets think about this, it's just advertisement really! The internet just provides exsposure, so really it is much easier to meet a larger audience! If your seacrching for that special someone it's tiring and the internet kinda makes it much easier in my opinion. although asking someone for a date in person has a much higher success rate. so if anything I think the internet provides a lot of dates, just a lot of of bad dates to boot!
initernet dating and replies
dude its just a huge waste of time! Who wants to spend there free time answering emails to be polite? I don't know I think it's more expedient to just ignore! I guess for some pen pals are cool, but for me it is just boring unless i am interested in her! So don't take it personal if they write back they are interested and if they don't they are not. Pretty simple really!
Obama's Bow Enrages Critics
Whatever happend to beleiving in equality? How do you bow to another man based on his status? Absolute disgrace! Not even!!! There is nothing wrong with an equal world leader showing another equal world leader the customary respect they are due in their country. since when does a man have to subit to another man's culture? Especially when it goes against your own culture of "for the people by the people"! Respect for what? Have respect for your self and say i'm not bowing to no man under no circumstances! It doesn't go against our culture to respect other cultures ![]() Respect is shown in order to be received, something we Americans have forgotten for some reason. Look our history of being controled by a monarchy is part of why we are a free nation today! We should not recognize such customs of bowing to another man! It has been an unwritten rule since President Adams that not all but most have followed! When we where a colony of england they would make our statesman bow three times while entering the room of the king. It was the custom of England and when Adams made president he vowed Americans would never do it again. Adams as a diplomat did bow three times to the king and felt humiliated and vowed Americans should no longer do so. So it is our culture against tyranny! Just the facts babe! |
Obama's Bow Enrages Critics
Edited by
Mon 11/16/09 06:36 PM
Whatever happend to beleiving in equality? How do you bow to another man based on his status? Absolute disgrace! Not even!!! There is nothing wrong with an equal world leader showing another equal world leader the customary respect they are due in their country. since when does a man have to subit to another man's culture? Especially when it goes against your own culture of "for the people by the people"! Respect for what? Have respect for your self and say i'm not bowing to no man under no circumstances! Customary respect? Bunch of bull he's a statesman not a damn tourist! |
I really don't see the point in lying? Younger people will still date you so why lie? I guess maybe some won't but who cares there is plenty of fish in the sea! Besides i dated a woman that was 47 and she looked better that the 35 year old i dated before that. I don't mean looks either just took better care of herself!
Obama's Bow Enrages Critics
Whatever happend to beleiving in equality? How do you bow to another man based on his status? Absolute disgrace!
Obama's Bow Enrages Critics
He absolutely punked out like a little biatch on the school yard! I never liked the damn kissing of the pope's ring either, absolutely enraged me! John Adams had once bowed to the king as a diplomat and it was supposed to stop! It is shameful and I wouldn't bow to that man or any other man so i don't expect my president to do it! It makes me feel shame for his weakness! Stop kissing the ring of the pope too, thats shameful as well! Damn that pisses me off!
Dating older women
I dated a 40 year old woman at 19. She taught me so much! Since then i have but has not been the same and really have a preference for the oppisite now. But i'm not against it!
It's obvious....
They know!
Insight and advice?
Honestly even though you asked I couldn't bring myself to read the rest of the profile. It just seems boring.. but i am wild so go figure? The pictures really don't show anything about ur personality either.....