Community > Posts By > NovaRoma

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:43 PM
well I think older people and younger people have all the same tendencies depending on the individual. I think that some older people are just more clever and subtle in their confrontations not that they do not make them. Something that comes with experience.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:39 PM
I did not label it a natural phenomenon that is just what it is. All matter is attracted to other matter.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:34 PM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sun 11/22/09 06:34 PM

I think large brains are an extremely rare event in the course of evolution, in my humble opinion the data, statistically speaking, is just not there to support the notion that evolution drives toward Sentience . . or really toward anything.

Evolution is random and it is driven. After mass extinctions there are always explosions of new species spreading out to fill the voids left. If you look at the Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) It is a large predator that looks very much like a dog. Its ancestry is that of a opossum. A hyena another dog like animal is more related to cats. Clearly this form for mammalian predators is selected in nature.

As far as sentience you must define it.

firstly, science supports nothing. evidence supports a theory but not science or scientists. science questions everything including well established and highly plausible theories such as evolution. it is a theory and as such is still being questioned and tested when new evidence arises. secondly, i see no evidence that supports evolution that likewise supports creation, intelligent design, genesis or whatever. there's the rub. after thousands of years of ranting about a god, not one shred of evidence that can withstand the scrutiny of scientific methodolgy has ever been produced.

Yes when I used the word science I did not mean it to be taken so literally. I used it to mean that all of the scientists and all of there data support the theory of evolution. Nobody is questioning or testing the theory of evolution. It is so well supported that you would not be able to get funding to add to its support. They instead take it as fact and study and experiment to understand more about it.

As for god. Science can only support what you can test. Since god is unavailable to come into a laboratory and let scientists experiment on him/her they cannot possibly support his/her existence.

How would you describe God's interaction with the physical?
As in - consistent and ongoing, simply a designer and observer, in other words to what degree is God's will (interaction)a part of the chain of evolution?

I believe that god may be able to interact with humans during prayer or meditation. I believe that the man known as Jesus may have been more then just a man. I believe that god may have created angels and may use them to interact with humans. Can I prove this absolutely not. I just am open to the possibility. I am also open to the possibility that there is no God.

Also, with regards to "the rate and way that humans are evolving..."
You have chosen an extrememly limited selection to qualify your argument. In a discussion of evolution I would expect a very broad and far reaching examination. For example - in a universe of billions of solar systems, if intelligent life was the purpose or even a goal for the design to attain, could it have fallen short? It seems that forty years of scientific exploration and discovery is a long time and includes a lot of planets in a vast array of solar systemns not to have found evidence of other intelligent life like our own.

For your statement to have any valdity then there would have to be some limitations set for the discussion of evolution. Like - are we only discussion evolution on planet Earth?

Since life outside the planet earth is unverified maybe we should only argue considering the life here on earth.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:06 PM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sun 11/22/09 06:06 PM
Gravitation: Objects with mass attract one another. It is a natural phenomenon.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 10:17 AM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sun 11/22/09 10:17 AM

In what way is love a part of evolution?

Thats just it. It is not IMO. There is altruism in nature but typically the altruistic individual is still passing on their genes by kin survivorship. Only humans are capable of giving their life for another who is not a relative (sharing genes). Their is no advantage for such a behavior that I can think of. Unless individuals with those character traits are more likely to have kids early before giving their lives.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 10:07 AM

One question, so if you think that the universe was set up for life, do you think the universe was setup for mankind?

Yes I think it is possible. If not for mankind specifically for sentient beings like us.

The rate and way that humans are evolving has changed from any other organism on the planet. Since we are now a global community, lacking any real predator, where the weak and diseased have as many offspring as the strong and healthy; are evolution is not particularly guided in any way. The only place are evolution can go is to eventually mix all the races. So essentially we are what we are going to be unless we impose some selection on ourselves.

My definition of God is a single supreme entity that is beyond our understanding. An entity that has the ability to create beyond our understanding. An entity that has attempted to connect and communicate with mankind.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 09:47 AM
The changes of pressure are a result of gravity. Air and water have substance (matter). That matter is affected by gravity just as a large rock is. When there is air or water above you it is pressing down on you creating pressure. The more air or water the greater the pressure. because water is denser than air we feel the pressure changes more as we move up and down a water column.

A sealed container is equalized to the pressure that it was sealed in. If it experiences more pressure by going under water or to a lower elevation it has a tendency to collapse inward as a result of the pressure. On the other hand if it was sealed under high pressure and moved to an area of lower pressure it has a tendency to expand or explode.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:39 PM
love it

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:16 PM
I am not doubting the existence of what you say just that you are using words in a manner inconsistent with their definitions. Since I am not familiar with the definitions you are using I merely would like them explained.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:13 PM

Well I saw the other thread for evidence for a designer and decided I would counter with this. I assume this topic has been addressed in the past and more than likely is played out, but I am new here and I always like to see peoples perspective on it.

Since science is fairly universal on the support for evolution I would like to see a more philosophical discussion.

My basic argument would be that evolution exists, god exists, so therefore evolution is a means of creation via god.
I believe that evolution is a product of creation as opposed to a means of creation. That is, evolution is the result of a design that is/was intended to produce forms capable of interacting with the environment in the way that they do.

The thing I think is basically what makes man superior to other life forms on earth is that this particular form (the human body) is better for exploring and investigating different types of environments in more detail, and thus, is more suited to gaining a wider and deeper understanding of the world and has a greater capacity for monipulating the things of the world.

Awesome. I like it.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:10 PM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sat 11/21/09 11:11 PM

Then god is just a means to adapt to ones environment.

Seems a wholly useless and benign god to me, one without perspective and without personality, not really a god, or something to be worshiped just understood, perhaps nature is a better word.

What we see in evolution isn't decisions made ahead of time, but reactions to environmental change. Its a harsh selection process coupled with a lottery of characteristics.

Your response was very interesting and something I had to think and reflect on. This is what I came up with in return.

God is not a means to adapt to ones environment just that organisms were designed with the ability to adapt.

Do you have to worship a god for one to exist?
Does god have to be worthy of worship for he/she to exist?

Your explanation of evolution is not entirely accurate.

As to the purpose of god well that is love. As to the purpose of our creation well again that is love.

Love is worthy of worship.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:58 PM

But in a deity/designer that would have the ability to design every feature of every living creature equally, I would consider it an atrocity that millions of living creatures should be given substandard (less than equal) designs. Specifically (for all creatures not just human)genetic diseases, birth defects, and that even the birthing process should present so much risk to mother and child.

Thank you for clarifying but evolution does not create substandard designs. Evolution acts on populations not individuals. Mutation acts on individuals but is only a component of evolution.

It is evolution's imperfection that makes it perfect. It allows for variation without witch organisms would experience total extinction when presented with any kind of change (weather, food, disease). By having variation some individuals are able to survive change.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:14 PM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sat 11/21/09 10:32 PM
Because I do not understand at all can you clarify some things please.

Density is a scaler (unite of measurement). Can you explain how it has levels?

How can inorganic matter communicate?

Define the language of synchronicity please.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:00 PM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sat 11/21/09 10:36 PM

I appreciate your views and opinions on the matter. Thank You. Could you clarify some things please?

I am wondering how is evolution flawed?

Can you define atrocity in a way that is not human centered? Would an all knowing being really have the same opinion of what we view as an atrocity?

I believe if God created time then he/she must exist outside of it. If this is true then yes he/she can consider all possible mutations. What we see as random in a temporal world would indeed be planned or at least known to such a being.

Also evolution is not nearly random as you suggest. Convergence in evolution repeatedly shows us that their are selective forces that shape things similarly. If it was completely random then convergent evolution would not exist.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 09:32 PM
Abra....I do not think you are a radical idiot.

Just to clarify. For something to be scientific IMO it needs to have been tested using the scientific method and must have supporting data in at least one peer reviewed journal article.

Just because a scientist supports something, or someone is paying for research does not make it science.

And I agree with you there does seem to be a pervasive opinion that you can talk about spiritual matters as fact, when there are no facts, nor support that is not anecdotal.

I am for a logical and philosophical argument in regards to spiritual matters, but to assume that they are fact because you have faith is IMO silly.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 09:15 PM
Ahh... The creator would have to have created a universe that operates under a clear set of scientific principles and if the creator is all knowing then he/she would know what those few elements will eventually become.

Cause and effect. If I line up a row of dominoes and push over the first one with the intention of eventually knocking down the last. Should I not be able to claim responsibility for the final domino falling?

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:43 PM
Please define your usage of vibration,and please explain why you believe it exists.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:36 PM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sat 11/21/09 08:37 PM
Theoretical physics are very fascinating and exciting, but are just abstract ideas with no scientific support. I have an issue calling them science until they can actually be tested using the scientific method. So please do not refer to them as science unless there is scientific support, and if there is please link it.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:17 PM
Well dispassionate, even cruel, system of competition is your opinion not a fact. Where you see cruelty I see a perfect system of adaptation that helps organisms to survive in a dynamic world.

As for God you cannot prove or disprove Gods existence so belief is merely a choice. For me the idea of an afterlife is logically better then the idea of rotting in a grave. So I believe it to be logical to believe in God.

If you choose to believe both then you must marry them in some fashion.

NovaRoma's photo
Sat 11/21/09 06:51 PM
Well I saw the other thread for evidence for a designer and decided I would counter with this. I assume this topic has been addressed in the past and more than likely is played out, but I am new here and I always like to see peoples perspective on it.

Since science is fairly universal on the support for evolution I would like to see a more philosophical discussion.

My basic argument would be that evolution exists, god exists, so therefore evolution is a means of creation via god.