Community > Posts By > NovaRoma

NovaRoma's photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:50 PM
agnostic literally means without knowledge. It is used for someone who is on the fence. They do not deny or claim in the existence of a god. They just take the stance that they do not know.

NovaRoma's photo
Thu 11/26/09 11:22 PM
Lose weight or accept the reality that your looks are not what is going to attract a women. Women are not typically attracted to nice.

NovaRoma's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:59 PM
What to you mean?

NovaRoma's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:37 PM
Delusional is a psychiatric term that has a very clear definition.

Delusional disorder, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), refers to a group of conditions in which the central feature is the presence of delusions in the absence of other symptoms.

Subtypes of Delusional Disorder

Erotomanic Delusional Disorder:
Believes that a person of usually higher status is in love with them.

Grandiose Delusional Disorder:
Has delusions of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationships.

Believes the sexual partner is unfaithful

Persecutory Delusional Disorder:
Believes they or someone they are close to is being maltreated

Somatic Delusional Disorder:
Believes they have a physical problem, defect, or illness.

Mixed type of Delusional Disorder:
More than one of the previous types is present.

Diagnostic Criteria of Delusional Disorder

Nonbizarre delusions (i.e., involving situations that occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, infected, loved at a distance, or deceived by spouse or lover, or having a disease) of at least 1 month's duration.

Criterion A for Schizophrenia has never been met. Note: Tactile and olfactory hallucinations may be present in Delusional Disorder if they are related to the delusional theme.

Criterion A of Schizophrenia requires two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated):

disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence)
grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition

Apart from the impact of the delusion(s) or its ramifications, functioning is not markedly impaired and behavior is not obviously odd or bizarre.

NovaRoma's photo
Thu 11/26/09 07:37 PM
UFO- unidentified flying object. Are there flying things in the sky that are unidentified...well sure. That is not in question. The question is are they alien in origin?

Well I believe that the evidence is to great to ignore. Both the governments of the united kingdom and france have released their UFO files and both governments confirm that there are flying craft that function and maneuver in a ways that they cannot understand. If you acknowledge the existence of craft of unknown origin and you try to conclude their origin only a small number of plausible possibilities exist.

1. The craft are produced and operated by aliens from another planet that are far superior to us technologically.

2. The craft are created by humans in secret who have far superior physics and technology than exists to the rest of the world.

3. The craft were created by humans in the future and have traveled back in time.

4. The craft are spiritual manifestations of a deity or angel, whose purpose of existence is unknown.

and that about sums it up.

Personally I believe the most logical explanation is that they are of alien origin, but I am far to skeptical to believe fully without seeing one for myself.

NovaRoma's photo
Tue 11/24/09 11:25 PM
Smurf people are fascinating group of forest dwellers. Everyone knows they hate magicians and cats. How they perpetuate their existence with only one female is a little disturbing.

NovaRoma's photo
Tue 11/24/09 10:04 PM
Couple points to add:

Just to nit pick, 12 watts equals less than 11 Calories. You say constant? But it cant be constant. Do you mean 12 watts per second? minute? hour?

Also information is stored in the brain. Look at split brain patients. Individuals who suffer from sever epilepsy sometimes undergo having their corpus callosum cut. Which is the bank of nerve axons that connect one half of your brain to the other. Normally you wont see a difference but If you blind fold the eye connected to the half of the brain that controls speech and show them an everyday object to the other eye. They cannot tell you what it is, but they do know what it is and sometimes the half of the brain that saw the object will attempt to communicate with the other half using movement (kinda like charades).

Point is half of the brain knows what the object is and the other half doesn't. If information was not stored in the brain and it was the spirit handling memory, cutting the corpus callosum would have no effect.

NovaRoma's photo
Tue 11/24/09 09:43 PM
You have to agree on a definition for the word fact first.

NovaRoma's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:20 PM
yes I agree. but it is tiresome when those opposing evolution can only attack the "Fact" that it is a theory.

NovaRoma's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:18 PM
Pretty sure that Love is undefinable. It is different for different people. It lacks a single definition.

NovaRoma's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:06 PM

again i suppose you don't mean to be taken litterally but which evolutionary biologists take evolution as fact? has it been proven to be fact? no theory can ever be proven. it's not proven if every experiment thus far shows similar predictable results because the next experiment might show an unpredictable result that disproves the theory. then the theory must be trashed or modified. bushido takes issue with me pointing out such things about theorizing but the "fact" is that you see such wording as "modern science supports this and doesn't support that" on dating sight forums but they don't appear on serious science forums. facts are not thrown around willy nilly as they are here when the debators are familiar with scientific methodology. hell, god rarely comes up in a theoretical physics discussion unless one of the god fearing faithful bash the party and begins to spew his crap. then for the most part he's simply ignored.

The problem is the lay persons understanding of a scientific theory. They think the word theory implies that it is still being challenged or lacks substantial support. But in fact all of science can only produce theories. Technically gravity is just a theory. On a serious science forum this would not be an issue, but here it is. When I use the word fact it is only to try to convey how scientists view the theory of evolution. It is so well supported that you would have to disprove millions of studies to even remotely challenge the theory. One experiment does not disprove a theory. You have to look at the body of all experiments and evaluate their support.

Some facts exist: DNA mutates (Fact), Some mutations can result in a phenotypic change (Fact).

Evolution is so well supported that its existence is equivalent to Fact.

As far as what evolutionary biologists (me).

NovaRoma's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:20 AM
kids cereal tends to be pretty healthy actually. The fancy adult cereal that looks and sounds healthy is usually worse. The difference is kids cereal will post a serving size of 1 cup and may have 17 grams of sugar. Adult cereal will have a serving size of 1/4 cup and have 9 grams of sugar (thats really 36 grams for the same quantity). If you correct for equal quantity kids cereal has way more vitamins and minerals and less sugar.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:48 PM
sucked her thumb

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:47 PM
Edited by NovaRoma on Sun 11/22/09 11:47 PM

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:46 PM

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:21 PM
broken hearted girl

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:16 PM
me to you

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:15 PM
Not yet

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:13 PM
on at eleven

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:06 PM
spooky halloween costume