Community > Posts By > ReadyF0rM0re
1. Microsoft was originally a Unix based OS company, who developed windows and took queues from the then popular IBM compatible machines, that were developed Jointly by Xerox and ATT... (Look up Xenix - here - 2. Linux, is a great OS for the IT community, and makes a bullet proof server, there are viruses for Linux, Mac, and others, but they require you to run them in terminal to infect you, except for apple, they just require you to download an infected M4A and run it (ITunes) The issue with Liinux is it's not a good OS for the typical End User.. 3. Microsoft also developed the TCP/IP you are using to connect to the internet, so no Microsoft no forum, no internet as we know it.. if not we would still be using Token ring, and Apple Talk.. That sounds fun.. MCSE |
Good Jokes?
Ok here's one.. Hopefully i dont get kicked for this.. LOL..
Ok so Cinderella was home sitting around and upset about not being able to go to the ball. So the fairy godmother apears, and says cinderella why are you so blue.. So cinderella says, well i wanted to go the players ball but i dont have anything to wear... Well the fairy godmother says Ok well i will give you anything you want, but you need to be home by midnight or your Diaphragm will turn into a pumpkin... well after some thought Cinderella agreed to the terms and was off to the ball.. Midnight came and went, and at about 4am Cinderella walked into the door in a drunken daze... The fairy godmother sat back and said "where have you been?" Cinderella in a drunken state said she was partying and met a great guy who took her back to his place, his name was peter peter... something or other... |
couldn't do it with either one... Agree! |
Good Jokes?
Two cannibals are eating a clown when one asks the other, does this taste funny to you LOL |
Good Jokes?
Nacho cheese HAHAHHAA |
Good Jokes?
hmm....what do you call cheese thats not yours? What? soooo, as you're new, i'd like to point you to the jokes forum about half way down the forum list. that's where this thread's going to end up being moved to anyway... Thank you... |
Good Jokes?
Hummm funny I have not seen any poor me topics in the general area OK, Recent Posts... Disturbing, but something we should all know - yeah that doesn't sound like a bummer... Films You Hate - why not films you like? Did someone tell you they love you today? - part 6 - and if they didn't does that mean you suck at life? FDA Approves Spraying Meat With Viruses - yet another positive one.. I can keep going, but i think i proved my point.. |
Good Jokes?
hmm....what do you call cheese thats not yours? What? |
Good Jokes?
Anyone got any good jokes? Funny Dating stories? Or anything else Just randomly Hysterical? I am tired on all the "Poor me" topics in here...
Anyone want to help me Lighten things up??? |
Would you rather have someone who is funny but kinda dumb or really smart but not funny? Id stay single... |
Ok, First what is the format?
Are they from Itunes? If they are, then you will need to convert them from M4A to MP3 first, then they will only play if your player supports Mp3 format. If not, get a trial of Nero, or Easy-CD-creator and try that.. You may need to purchase some software... |
Seriously? the word T!ts is edited out? when did THAT become a swear word? LMFAO |
NOT EVERY BODY IS WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE.... My issue is i meet women who don't know what they hell they want... Which is in itself so annoying... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WOMEN WANT!?!?!?!?!?! Honestly? We want men to figure out what THEY want. We can't be curvy and natural and look like the girls in Playboy. We can't be successful bread winners and stay at home and raise your children while making you dinner and fluffing your slippers. We can't be innocent school girls and strippers...wait...yes we can. HAHAHAHAH Regardless...we know what we want...we want you to be mindreaders. Duh. Hell, Its more sexy anyway to find a woman with a brain then a D sized bust, but that mindreader thing totally F*cks up my head lol... |
Were the Pilots Sleeping???
I'm sure somehow it was all George Bush'a fault NOW THAT I CAN SEE! |
Total Turnoff!!!
What are some headlines that would make you NOT want to email someone? Especially if it's a woman's profile? Not so much what they say, But i really wouldn't email a girl if her profile screen-name was like "sexywhore" or something to that effect.. To me that's just dirty... Also if she has pictures of her kissing dudes, or wearing next to nothing... Gross.. LOL.. |
NOT EVERY BODY IS WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE.... My issue is i meet women who don't know what they hell they want... Which is in itself so annoying... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WOMEN WANT!?!?!?!?!?! |
MOM/DAD I want my IEP....
You want a what? Seems like kids need a lot. What is reality is some kids need a little extra help in learning. Basiclly that is what and Indivicual Eduction Plan is. Guranteed by a law #94-124 it means that if your child needs help to get and "Equal, most approriate, and least restrictive" education from the public school system. The school has to provide it free to the child and their family once a child is identified as not making appropriate progress and assessed, at the school districts expense, in an agreed upon plan between educators, parents, and significant others. Those others can be Grand-parents, step-parents, lawyers, pediatricians, mentors, clergy, child care providers, transportation agents, state child services personael, adults with similiar disabilities, and your child where appropriate. I strongly suggest getting a trained advocate to help you through the process. Then the baloney and "I Can'ts" tend to be avoided. Parents have to request it in writing and agree to testing and evaluations but the clock starts on the day the rquest is submitted and has to be acted on in 45 days. Parents have many rights. Like what, why, and how their child will be tested. They can be present, should be given written results, and the results can be challenged. Generally you have to pay for that but there are state funded specialists to advocate for your child and help you fully understand the process and the results. I recommend includeing such advocates early on in the process. A great deal of information is provided at government expense to you as a parent. Custodial and non-custodial parents have a right to be fully vested in this process. Much of the free information is well written, illustrated, and similiar infor mation is made at age approriate level for your child. If English is not your first language all information includeing forms must be translated so you are making informed consent. If reading is not your thing more and more of this information is available on tape or DVD. There are also great Parent/professional training conferences you can attend and learn from peer parents and consumers who have been useing this law for 30+ years. Usually evaluations will be a combination of written, verbal, and observatons. Kids rarely mind some even find them fun. The important thing is EVERYONE keep in mind it is not PASS or FAIL but assessing how you child learns and if they are age appropriate and help them get there. If not doing as much as is possible to help them. Again this is the schools responsibility and there are federal funds to cover the costs so don't let them tell you they don't have the money. The kinds of helps a child may get are extra supervision, tutors, adapted materials, counseling, and even adapted learning environments, rest breaks,or special diets. While the school will not provide medication they can be required to administer it in the most appropriate time or way. This help applies to all learning environments from the classroom, to the playground, to the school lunchroom, or any school sponsored activitiy. One of the biggest tasks of and IEP is to assure your child is not being discriminated against and is mainstreamed rather than segregated to get this help. Each time a special needs child enters school, even preschool, or a new school this IEP can be developed and implimented especially if there is any diagnosis or reasonable knowledge that the child will need such individual care. Any questions feel free to ask for a local referral. All school districts in the USA have resources. It is true they will sometimes stonewall parents so if you need independent assistance ask. Good luck. Hope this is helpful. It really is easier than it sounds. Once written these plans can be updated and adapted as needed. If you feel the plan is not working you are entitled to appeal the process. I had one of these done, it singled me out as the stupid kid in the class and made my life a living hell until i graduated high school. Who ever invented these should be shot... I am now a very successful, smart, happy Microsoft Administrator, for Banks and Insurance companies, I keep your money and Identity safe. Thank GOD these tests did not follow me to my career, or i would be flipping burgers for 5 bucks an hour.. |
Were the Pilots Sleeping???
It turns out they weren't asleep, and were using their personal laptops in the cockpit when they overshot the airport. Morons. This happened out here in NY not to long ago with a train, the engineer was texting, and missed a track signal and caused a crash.. I hope they fire these idiots... |
Task Manager diabled?????
Administrative tools -> Services, check what is disabled, what isn't, also check for extra services running that aren't supposed to be or supposed to exist at all. Your better off typing in services.msc chances are administrative tools is turned off by default... If you want to turn it on, Right click on the start button, Choose properties Choose customize under the start menu tab you will see a check box located in the lower section you will need to check to get this to display. |
Gmail is free and works with outlook and thunderbird.