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Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 10/15/21 09:14 AM

@SparklingCrystal: You have made two very important observations - that the media should question the people in power & investigative journalism.

Responsible journalism is that which doesn't shy away from questioning the policies and decisions of the government, vis-s-vis the ground realities of the state. This is becoming a thing of the past! In the past, media has been muffled on such occasions, but it couldn't be made to toe the line of the government. Now they shamelessly toe the line of the Pied Piper!
Investigative journalism is also a thing of the past, here! Of the few who dare, are booked for sedition, or are murdered! And investigative journalism is also a costly affair, otherwise!

Yep, and I think the masses aren't even aware of this.

But we now do have the option to do the questioning & investigating ourselves by using the internet, by talking to people in other countries, by doing our own li'l research outside of what government allows media to spoon-feed us.
So we no longer are dependent on the media and news, although many still take it in without giving it any thought.

Maybe we have more power now? They maybe could shut up journalists in the past, but they cannot shut up an immensely large group of people. Certainly not when this group also contains scientists, doctors etc.

If you use Google for "questioning & investigating" to research what the MSM is "reporting" it could be a futile exercise.

It's been shown that Google buries some information many pages down and has algorithms that prevents some information entirely. Since Google saves search requests the US government is asking them to report searches of certain "words" and "phrases". The government is asking the most widely used internet search engine to spy on it's citizens. This is why there are only a few things for which I use Google.

But it's not surprising the current US administration is doing this since they want banks and credit unions to report to the IRS ALL bank activity of accounts that have a through flow or balance of %600/year. The same government that CAN'T legally impose a vaccine mandate on individual is using an "executive order" to REQUIRE employers to mandate employees get vaccinated. The current administrations "justice department" has weaponized the FBI to see if parents complaining at school board meeting are "domestic terrorists".

It should be concerning to Americans who believe in democracy when the government is turning private industries into spy's and enforcement agents and when an administration is investigating and labeling people with different ideological views as "domestic terrorists.

What's next? Re-education camps?

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 10/12/21 09:59 PM
A lot of lottery winners end up broke and/or filing for bankruptcy.

Most people who are bad at managing small amounts of money are even worse at managing large amounts of money.

It's kind of like a person who is dangerous driving a car at 30 mph and gets in fender benders will be more dangerous driving a car at a 100 mph and is going to have worse accidents.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 10/12/21 10:17 AM
A new Gallup poll has revealed that Americans have a consistent lack of trust in media, with only 16% Of American’s trusting "mainstream media's TV "news".

Only 21% of respondents said they had “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers.

The US Congress even fared worse, garnering just 12% confidence/trust.

IMO this is evidence that most ORDINARY, independent thinking, citizens aren't as gullible as the ELITISTS in the media and the government believe. When people hear politicians and media personalities, who pretend to be disseminating facts rather than opinions, use the EXACT same key words, phrases and terminology it becomes obvious they are parroting from the same play book.

I used to believe that everyone in the "news" media should be required to declare if they are registered as a "Democrat" or "Republican" voter at the end of their reporting. Now it's so obvious which political party they align with it's no longer needed for anyone with more deductive reasoning than a doorknob to know what party they align with.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 10/08/21 08:16 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Fri 10/08/21 08:46 AM

it’s very noble of you to be so fair and balanced about this topic, but I think your missing the “ big picture”. and that would be the far left attitude that if you don’t agree with their side then you don’t have the right to disagree. Your are either call a racist or your shut out and silenced. There has always been biased news reports and reporters but that’s a far cry from what we have now. And it’s trickling up to the highest positions in the liberal party. I.e.Biden saying anti vaxers are a pandemic and killing others. Or kamala saying the “ cowboys on horseback whipping black people. What a shameful ignorant individual she is. You say both sides… I agree to a point but the far left democrats have made it the disgusting entity it is now.

To be fair, the video of those Border agents charging Haitian immigrants was bizarre and upsetting. Dude just walking and nearly getting trampled.

Do you also think the images of thousands of ILLEGAL foreign nationals, they AREN'T immigrants, under a bridge were just camping??? Do you think members of a Mexican cartel standing along the river looking at border agents with AK47 were just hunting????

As an ACTUAL immigrant who's family FOLLOWED US laws to LEGALLY move to the country I'm offended when people DEFEND people who DON'T respect immigration laws. For many ACTUAL immigrants like myself if feels like people defending ILLEGALS are telling us we were fools for waiting in line and following laws. It's like a slap in the face for ACTUAL immigrants who respected US laws.

it’s never foolish to do the right thing, that’s how you get through life proudly holding your head high… with the Biden administrations ridiculous asinine decision to undo the Trump policies, it’s hard to blame people from wanting to come to the land of freebies. I’m wondering if the people that come in legally and go through the waiting period, if they receive all the benefits that the ones that come in illegally receive? Free college, free housing, free health care…If you open your door and invite people in don’t be surprised when you are overrun with visitors. I’m not defending their actions but I understand why they are coming.

1)I DIDN'T say it was foolish to do the right thing....I said it "feels like people defending ILLEGALS are telling us we were fools for waiting in line and following laws".

2)I'm not "blaming" people for wanting to come to the US. I DO blame people who break laws, not just immigration laws, for their actions and LACK of RESPECT of any laws. I WON'T make excuses for, or condone, people entering the country illegally anymore than I'll make excuses for, or condone, shoplifting. Doing something YOU know is wrong ISN'T excusable.

3)I DO believe it is freebies is a large part of what attracts people to enter the country illegally. When my family LEGALLY immigrated to the US we WERE NOT eligible for ANY government assistance. My father needed to have a TRADE that in short supply and he had to find an EMPLOYER who guarantied he would have a job for a determined length of time. We also had to file an "alien registration form" every year, and within 10 days of moving, so the INS (immigration and naturalization services) at the time......and NOT do so could result in being deported. My family gladly registered yearly because we RESPECTED the law and APPRECIATED the PRIVILEGE of being ALLOWED to live in the country.

Once again, I don't think we were fools for immigrating legally even though it feels like people who DEFEND the ILLEGALS are telling us we were fools.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 10/07/21 10:11 AM

it’s very noble of you to be so fair and balanced about this topic, but I think your missing the “ big picture”. and that would be the far left attitude that if you don’t agree with their side then you don’t have the right to disagree. Your are either call a racist or your shut out and silenced. There has always been biased news reports and reporters but that’s a far cry from what we have now. And it’s trickling up to the highest positions in the liberal party. I.e.Biden saying anti vaxers are a pandemic and killing others. Or kamala saying the “ cowboys on horseback whipping black people. What a shameful ignorant individual she is. You say both sides… I agree to a point but the far left democrats have made it the disgusting entity it is now.

To be fair, the video of those Border agents charging Haitian immigrants was bizarre and upsetting. Dude just walking and nearly getting trampled.

Do you also think the images of thousands of ILLEGAL foreign nationals, they AREN'T immigrants, under a bridge were just camping??? Do you think members of a Mexican cartel standing along the river looking at border agents with AK47 were just hunting????

As an ACTUAL immigrant who's family FOLLOWED US laws to LEGALLY move to the country I'm offended when people DEFEND people who DON'T respect immigration laws. For many ACTUAL immigrants like myself if feels like people defending ILLEGALS are telling us we were fools for waiting in line and following laws. It's like a slap in the face for ACTUAL immigrants who respected US laws.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 10/06/21 01:27 PM
I have no problem with vaccines and I've been vaccinated.

There is a study out of Israel showing people who have recovered from Covid have "stronger and longer immunity" than those who have been vaccinated. The study also covered ‘breakthrough infections and "researchers found the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to suffer a symptomatic case of the virus in comparison to the risk previously infected people had of having symptomatic reinfection case".

The study showed that "individuals who were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant". I know someone who was infected and recovered before being vaccinated, got two Pfizer shots and still got Covid a 2nd time.

This is why I DO have a problem with the one size fits all mandates for employees in the private or public sectors. We are all individuals, there are NO guaranties regardless of what you choose to do but the choice should be yours, not the choice of some bureaucrat or politician.

I haven't decided if I'm going to get the "booster" shot yet.....but it'll be a choice I CAN and WILL make for myself.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 10/06/21 10:37 AM
There is a difference between ACTUAL liberals and radical leftists who align with Marxist/communist/totalitarian doctrines. The Democrat Party has welcomed Marxists and communists, who call themselves "democratic socialists", that believe a totalitarian government which controls ALL aspects of peoples lives is preferable to a democratic republic.

These radicals in the Democrat Party, wrongly referred to as the "DEMOCRATIC" Party, do NOT believe in democracy. These radicals have been allowed to hijacked the liberal moniker by the media and ACTUAL liberals in the Democrat Party.

The root word of liberal is the Latin word "liber" meaning free. I'm a 1970's liberal, back when it meant you wanted INDIVIDUAL freedom and LESS government interference in your life. Today the same values that made me a liberal in the 1970's makes me a conservative today in the eyes of radical leftists.

Liberalism in Europe is NOW a political movement that supports a broad tradition of individual liberties and constitutionally-limited and democratically accountable government. The European derivatives of classical liberalism are found in centrist movements and parties as well as some parties on the center-right and the center-left. European liberals favor limited government, free trade and adhere to economic liberalism system which is closer to a capitalist system rather than a socialist system. Liberalism in Europe has a different meaning (the real meaning) than what is promoted by the media, the Democrat Party and indoctrinators posing as "educators" in the US.

For 4 years most of the media was outraged and called Trump (who's personality I don't like) a dictator. Where is the outrage from the media now that Biden is calling for mandates which is how ACTUAL dictators control people????

Many eastern Europeans who LEGALLY immigrated to the US are concerned that they are seeing what happen with the governments of their countries of origin is happening in in US now.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 09/29/21 07:43 AM
Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, and Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, each acknowledged during public congressional testimony that they agreed with the recommendation of Army Gen. Austin Miller that 2,500 troops be left in the Afghanistan.

During an ABC interview Stephanopoulos asked Biden:

“Your military advisers did not tell you, ‘No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that’?”

Bidens reply:

“No one said that to me that I can recall,”

Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller has been jailed for speaking out publicly about the botched Afghanistan exit. Scheller knew his conduct could land him in trouble with the Marine Corps. He said he spoke out because he believes the corruption inside our military is so grave, that our general officers are failing to do their duty, uphold their Oaths of Office, and be accountable to the very people they are sworn to protect.

But the generals are following the lead of Biden, their commander and chief liar..............there is no room for military "leaders" to do anything but defend Biden with lies if necessary instead of defending Americans.

If Trump was still president he would be getting impeached and/or facing removal from offices for saying he "can't recall" the advice military advisors testified they gave him while they were under oath.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 09/27/21 09:28 AM

Just found out yesterday that my sister in law contracted Covid for the 2nd time.

Even though she had recovered from Covid the 1st time she did get two vaccine shots.

Her PERSONAL doctor put he on monoclonal antibodies to fight the virus and she has recovered for the 2nd time.

Her case is why I DON'T agree with the "one size fits all" mandates. Everyone's immune system provides different degrees of protection which is why people should seek PERSONALIZED guidance from a medical physician.

Early on during outbreak of Covid I wondered if the overuse/over prescribing of antibiotics by doctors could be a contributing factor to the spread. I asked my sister, a registered nurse, if she agreed that antibiotic overuse could be factor and she believes it could be so I did some research. It turns out there have been studies regarding the overuse of antibiotics. I know antibiotics are use to help the immune system fight bacterial infection but the immune system doesn't just fight bacterial infection, it also fights viral infection.

August 17, 2017
University of Virginia Health System
Adding another reason for doctors to avoid the overuse of antibiotics, new research shows that a reduction in the variety of microbes in the gut interferes with the immune system's ability to fight off disease.

I would never suggest the anyone NOT use antibiotics but I do suggest doing is your own research for information on any drug.

My doctor had changed my cholesterol prescription to Lipitor and within days I ended up with cystitis. I immediately started looking for interaction between my prescription and ALL side effects of each prescription. It turned that a rare side effect of Lipitor is cystitis. Neither my cardiologist, who prescribed Lipitor, or my urologist knew of that of that rare side effect. I'm not blaming getting cystitis on the doctors or the drug company, I'm just pointing out that as individuals we need to be proactive in our own healthcare.

Pleased to hear your sister-in-law has recovered (twice) waving

“Everyone should seek personalised medical advice” .,,the problem with that John is that there are barriers and inequalities to people seeking medical advice , not everyone can afford to , or has the same access . Public health services play a vital role in protecting everyone .

Can you post a link to the full article you are referring to about overprescribing/ antibiotics so I can understand the full context of what was being discussed .

Without a doubt unnecessary and inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics has contributed to the multi resistant super bugs we are dealing with today . ( something health professionals are well aware of ). Conversely , there is no evidence that antibiotic misuse/overprescribing has contributed to the Covid19 outbreak or transmission .

There is strong longstanding evidence that antibiotics can cause an imbalance of gut microbiotica . However , also important to note that covid Itself results in not only gut dysbiosis but systemic microbe imbalance of other organs too . (Every surface of the body has its own micro biome including the lungs and respiratory tract ) .
It is believed (but not proven ) that dysbiosis may predispose to secondary bacterial infections , may be linked to severity/progression of covid and play a role in long covid syndrome in those who recover .

Antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections . However during a severe covid infection often secondary bacterial infections are present which may require antibiotic therapy .

Monoclonal antibody therapy is not an antibiotic .

offtopic Very surprised that a “cardiologist “ would not know the side effects of a statin (including rare side effects) ... they are commonly prescribed . It is in everyone’s best interest to know and understand any medications they are taking .

I don't know what it's like where you live but in the United States there are many avenues to get "personalized medical advise" despite the propaganda that our healthcare system is terrible. In lower income areas there are free clinics, there is medicaid for low income people, there is medicare for people over 65 and through the ACA there are Federal subsidies that dramatically reduce the cost of medical insurance. Before I qualified for medicare I was on a "fixed income" I CHOSE to pay for health insurance rather than having a newer car, going out to eat multiple times a month, gamble etc. because it was something I prioritized. I'm so tired of people saying they "can't afford" something as important as healthcare/health insurance but CAN afford to buy and do things the DON'T need. I'm all about people having the freedom to chose what they do or don't do.............but I'm not about making excuses for people making bad choices either.

If you do a web search using DuckDuckGo there are several articles regarding the over prescription of antibiotics including the source I used.

As far as my Doctors not knowing the RARE side effect Lipitor, every statin or every drug they prescribe I don't find it surprising. I don't thing every medical professional or doctor reads and memorizes every side effect of every drug they prescribe or use, especially the rare side effects. The should know the COMMON side effects but I don't think its possible to memorize the multitude of rare side effects of drugs.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 09/25/21 08:01 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Sat 09/25/21 08:05 AM

A friend told me some guy came into her restaurant and was able to have a refrigerator magnet stick to his arm where he got his vaccine. Anybody else heard of anything like that. She might just be messing w/ me .

One of two types of people say that kind of thing, stupid people and people trying to be funny.

I told people my arm vibrated when I got a text after getting the vaccine, I said that in jest because of all the other absurd misinformation being spread.

"Absurd misinformation" like if you are vaccinated you can not get or spread covid? Or if everyone was vaccinated covid would not exist? Or we won't need vaccine passports?🤣 I think there is BS thrown out by both sides. There is no way to track all the people who have gotten covid, or will get covid, and where they contracted it at. The only "hard facts" are the number of people who die and have an autopsy done, and even that if there is a trace of covid in their system it is listed as the cause, but no doubt the amount of deaths are way higher then in the past. It was said early on it doesn't matter what you do people will second guess it, and there is no way to know how things would turn out on one path once another path has been taken. And shouldn't we be more concerned about Murder Hornets than covid? After all when all the bee's disappear we won't have anything to eat!

Awwww but I wasn't talking about bureaucratic "medical experts" and politicians who will say anything to get everyone vaccinated. Biden said if you get vaccinated you won't get covid, who said in the next breath that unvaccinated people are a threat to vaccinated people and in the next breath say you need a booster shot to be protected...........are those misinformation, lies or just a way to justify a power grab??? Fauci said masks wouldn't work in preventing the spead of covid when the pandemic was in it's infancy, then he eventually contradicted himself and said wearing A (single) mask helped stopped the spread of the virus to saying wearing MORE than one mask would be better than just wearing one....are those misinformation, lies or government job preservation statements?

Biden insulted millions of Americans when he said “If you’re not vaccinated, you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,”. Was he including the more than 10,000 NYC school teachers who still aren't vaccinated????

I don't trust the number of "covid" deaths because there is no distinction being made between people dying OF covid and people dying WITH covid. There is a case of a 20 something man in Macomb County, Michigan who shot himself in the head. The CAUSE of death was obvious but since someone in his family had contracted covid he was tested and since he tested positive the coroner HAD to report it as a covid death. The only reason I can think of to include such deaths in the "covid deaths" numbers is to pad the number to make restrictions and mandates more justifiable. I'm not downplaying deaths CAUSED by covid and the number is way too high, I'm just saying I want to know the real number and not a number that's been padded to achieve an agenda.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 09/24/21 07:33 AM

The problem with biased news, on either side, is there’s too many people nowadays that can’t separate fact from fiction, news vs propaganda. I don’t subscribe to either side, they’re both way out of control.

Too many people can't distinguish between ACTUAL news reporters and opinion personalities on supposed "news outlets" pretending to be "news reporters".

You say you "don't subscribe to either side" but you ONLY mention FOX as being a "biased" news outlet. Why????

Fox was mentioned so I commented on that.

Went back and checked.....I believe YOU were the first person to mention FOX.

In an earlier post you said "Oh Bart, I wish you’d find some unbiased places to get your news."

Why didn't you cite any of the "unbiased" place to get news????
Please lets us know the places we can go for "unbiased" news you speak of so we will be as enlightened as you. (should I insert a LOL the way you did when you mentioned FOX in your next post??)

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 09/23/21 01:17 PM

A friend told me some guy came into her restaurant and was able to have a refrigerator magnet stick to his arm where he got his vaccine. Anybody else heard of anything like that. She might just be messing w/ me .

One of two types of people say that kind of thing, stupid people and people trying to be funny.

I told people my arm vibrated when I got a text after getting the vaccine, I said that in jest because of all the other absurd misinformation being spread.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 09/23/21 09:30 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Thu 09/23/21 09:31 AM

The problem with biased news, on either side, is there’s too many people nowadays that can’t separate fact from fiction, news vs propaganda. I don’t subscribe to either side, they’re both way out of control.

Too many people can't distinguish between ACTUAL news reporters and opinion personalities on supposed "news outlets" pretending to be "news reporters".

You say you "don't subscribe to either side" but you ONLY mention FOX as being a "biased" news outlet. Why????

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 09/22/21 10:50 AM

lol… I did. It’s called Fox News. Maybe if you flipped the channels from msnbc or cnn you might actually see ALL the news going on in the world today. Have you seen the scenes from the southern border. That is real. Have you seen the reports or scenes of the Afghanistan withdrawal. How about the reports how Joe Biden screwed over our oldest ally. (France). Kamala did call for more activism and they did donate money to bail out the looters. Just like her saying she would not trust any vaccines from the Trump administration. These are facts. Believe it or not.

Well... Most conservatives are gainfully employed,
and might not have been able to score time off
while still in the busy season.

many of the demonstrators that participated in the Jan. 6 event are still in jail waiting for their day in court. More than 8 months later while antifa can burn and loot cities and have their charges dropped. That’s your liberal justice system though. What a shame.

Only 6% of those arrested remain in jail. I’d say out of 600+, the justice system is working.
Whatever happened to the right to a speedy trial? I know it still happens, I got notified, called in to serve on a jury inside of a week, last year.

94%... and counting. 600+ people at relatively the same time is a tall order.
Tell that to the last person in that line. Redrider is right , politics played a big part in their rights being ignored I believe the highest crime they could charge them with is trespassing or illegal entry . 8 mnts. Is a long time to spend in jail for trespassing after seeing the liberals make a mockery out of the American judicial system. Liberal members of congress collect and donate huge amounts of cash to bail out criminals that burned federal buildings and property , private property. Robbed and assaulted police, fireman, government officials and private citizens while the soon to be Vice President said she understood why they did what they did and even called for more. In the end their charges were dropped. Some folks just blow it off like it’s nothing. I wonder what their attitude will be if it ever happens to someone or something they care about.

Oh Bart, I wish you’d find some unbiased places to get your news.

Fox news.... enough said. lol

FOX is flying drones in Del Rio, Texas ACTUALLY showing what is happening, They ACTUALLY have reporters on the ground showing what is happening in Del Rio.
Is it biased to show the TRUTH????
Once again.....
There were more reporters from "news outlets" at the DC rally than LEGAL protesters.

In fact reporters outnumbered LEGAL protesters by a 2 to 1 margin.

Number of reporters at the southern border in Del Rio, Texas compared to people who ILLEGALLY entered the country is about 1 reporter to 12,000 Illegal migrants.

You can put LOL with your comments but you won't back your statement with FACTS.

Are there biased personalities on FOX? Yes there are but they DON'T pretend to be "news reporters. Some do use ACTUAL news to defend their biases though.

I don't watch Hannity for the same reason I don't watch Maddow, Cuomo or Don Lemon. All of them are so biased on;y an idiot doesn't see who and what they are. Don Lemon said during an interview with PBS' Margaret Hoover " I don’t do opinion. And I know — the difference for me is, I do point of view". Just how stupid does he think people are that they don't understand a point of view is an opinion?

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 09/21/21 08:25 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Tue 09/21/21 08:27 AM

Well... Most conservatives are gainfully employed,
and might not have been able to score time off
while still in the busy season.

many of the demonstrators that participated in the Jan. 6 event are still in jail waiting for their day in court. More than 8 months later while antifa can burn and loot cities and have their charges dropped. That’s your liberal justice system though. What a shame.

Only 6% of those arrested remain in jail. I’d say out of 600+, the justice system is working.
Whatever happened to the right to a speedy trial? I know it still happens, I got notified, called in to serve on a jury inside of a week, last year.

94%... and counting. 600+ people at relatively the same time is a tall order.
Tell that to the last person in that line. Redrider is right , politics played a big part in their rights being ignored I believe the highest crime they could charge them with is trespassing or illegal entry . 8 mnts. Is a long time to spend in jail for trespassing after seeing the liberals make a mockery out of the American judicial system. Liberal members of congress collect and donate huge amounts of cash to bail out criminals that burned federal buildings and property , private property. Robbed and assaulted police, fireman, government officials and private citizens while the soon to be Vice President said she understood why they did what they did and even called for more. In the end their charges were dropped. Some folks just blow it off like it’s nothing. I wonder what their attitude will be if it ever happens to someone or something they care about.

Oh Bart, I wish you’d find some unbiased places to get your news.

Do you mean get news from unbiased place like CNN who reported on a "mostly peaceful protest" while there were buildings engulfed in raging fires in the background set by those "mostly peaceful" protesters? Or would you suggest one of the other main street "news outlets" and publications who regurgitate the same narrative? Is it just a coincident when they ALL use the EXACT SAME word(s) and/or terminology to describe events in either a positive or negative manner???

It's not biased to say Harris contributed to the Minnesota Freedom Fund that bailed out violent rioters, it's a fact. It's not biased to say that charges against rioters arrested for violence against police,arson and looting were dropped, it's a fact. It's a fact that many rioters who were arrested were bailed out or released through "no bail" policies implemented in Democrat run cities within hours.

I'm willing to bet the private citizens who owned those buildings and businesses that were destroyed would disagree that it's "biased" to report what happened to them.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 09/20/21 11:31 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Mon 09/20/21 11:32 AM
Evidently the people wanting to get in the country both legally and illegally didn't get the message that the United States is "systemically" racist...that middle, lower middle income people are treated badly and don't get enough support from the government and are taxed unfairly. Obviously they don't watch CNN or MSNBC because they surely wouldn't want to get to such a deplorably racist and bigoted country that hates all none white people.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 09/20/21 10:36 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Mon 09/20/21 10:38 AM
There were more reporters from "news outlets" at the rally than LEGAL protesters.

In fact reporters outnumbered LEGAL protesters by a 2 to 1 margin.

Number of reporters at the southern border in Del Rio, Texas compared to people who ILLEGALLY entered the country is about 1 reporter to 12,000 Illegal migrants.

That shows what the majority of the media wants the American people to see and MORE importantly what they DON'T Americans to see and know.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 09/17/21 06:45 PM

The Biden administration doesn't want people to see what is happening at the southern border like the videos being shown on FOX of thousands of people around the international bridge in Del Rio, TX.

The FAA issued a statement on Thursday evening, "The Border Patrol requested the temporary flight restriction due to drones interfering with law enforcement flights on the border. As with any temporary flight restriction, media is able to call the FAA to make requests to operate in the area." FAA instituted the flight restriction because of a "special security reason."

Bill Melugin who serves as a national correspondent for FOX News noted "Fox News has been covering the border nonstop for almost 7 months now, we use the drone constantly, and it has never been an issue."

There must have been a lot of blow back because Friday afternoon, the FAA provided clearance to Fox News to fly in the area. "Fox News applied this morning and has received clearance to operate from now until the end of September in the restricted airspace linked below," the FAA stated. Why is the clearance ONLY until the end of September???

And why is FOX the only ones covering this? Thank God there is at least ONE news outlet that will get to the stories all others refuse to cover. Come on libs, don't you even WANT to know what's happening in the world outside your liberal bubbles? Just wish to stay ignorant forever do ya?

Liberals are a rare breed in the Democrat party or the media.........most who claim to be liberal are actually leftists and sadly they aren't ignorant, they know exactly what they are doing. As for most of the media itself they act like a division of the DNC rather than news outlets most of the time.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 09/17/21 01:16 PM
The Biden administration doesn't want people to see what is happening at the southern border like the videos being shown on FOX of thousands of people around the international bridge in Del Rio, TX.

The FAA issued a statement on Thursday evening, "The Border Patrol requested the temporary flight restriction due to drones interfering with law enforcement flights on the border. As with any temporary flight restriction, media is able to call the FAA to make requests to operate in the area." FAA instituted the flight restriction because of a "special security reason."

Bill Melugin who serves as a national correspondent for FOX News noted "Fox News has been covering the border nonstop for almost 7 months now, we use the drone constantly, and it has never been an issue."

There must have been a lot of blow back because Friday afternoon, the FAA provided clearance to Fox News to fly in the area. "Fox News applied this morning and has received clearance to operate from now until the end of September in the restricted airspace linked below," the FAA stated. Why is the clearance ONLY until the end of September???

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 09/15/21 10:12 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Wed 09/15/21 10:15 AM
Just found out yesterday that my sister in law contracted Covid for the 2nd time.

Even though she had recovered from Covid the 1st time she did get two vaccine shots.

Her PERSONAL doctor put he on monoclonal antibodies to fight the virus and she has recovered for the 2nd time.

Her case is why I DON'T agree with the "one size fits all" mandates. Everyone's immune system provides different degrees of protection which is why people should seek PERSONALIZED guidance from a medical physician.

Early on during outbreak of Covid I wondered if the overuse/over prescribing of antibiotics by doctors could be a contributing factor to the spread. I asked my sister, a registered nurse, if she agreed that antibiotic overuse could be factor and she believes it could be so I did some research. It turns out there have been studies regarding the overuse of antibiotics. I know antibiotics are use to help the immune system fight bacterial infection but the immune system doesn't just fight bacterial infection, it also fights viral infection.

August 17, 2017
University of Virginia Health System
Adding another reason for doctors to avoid the overuse of antibiotics, new research shows that a reduction in the variety of microbes in the gut interferes with the immune system's ability to fight off disease.

I would never suggest the anyone NOT use antibiotics but I do suggest doing is your own research for information on any drug.

My doctor had changed my cholesterol prescription to Lipitor and within days I ended up with cystitis. I immediately started looking for interaction between my prescription and ALL side effects of each prescription. It turned that a rare side effect of Lipitor is cystitis. Neither my cardiologist, who prescribed Lipitor, or my urologist knew of that of that rare side effect. I'm not blaming getting cystitis on the doctors or the drug company, I'm just pointing out that as individuals we need to be proactive in our own healthcare.

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