Community > Posts By > Smartazzjohn
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Tue 08/24/21 03:43 PM
Have I mentioned anywhere, that Biden is an idiot? Even Obama's top ethics advisor thinks so. Mr. Zuckerberg is founder, chairman and CEO of Facebook, which he founded in 2004. He is a Trillionaire His wife Chan Zuckerberg is leveraging technology to help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges – from eradicating disease, to improving education, to reforming the criminal justice system. Mark Zuckerberg is also media strategist. Last time he terminated a president on popular demand. Biden is not the idiot. The suckers who watched silently as the Zuckerbergers hacked away, are. Biden is not the idiot, he's just an old man. As Amery had said to Chamberlain 'You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go!' Old men can be idiots. Old men can be stubborn idiots. What's happening in Afghanistan and on the southern border has shown Biden's decision are both stubborn and idiotic. Perhaps some of the idiotic decisions are due to him being easily manipulated. Deciding to cancel policies that were working on the southern border was idiotic because Biden was too stubborn to leave Trump's policies in place. Deciding to not be flexible on the withdrawal date from Afghanistan is being stubborn and allowing the Taliban to threaten the United States with "consequences" if they aren't gone by a certain date is idiotic. Allowing ANY country, military group or terrorist organization to threaten United States with consequences shows weakness and embolden enemies. You're right that Zuckerberg is strategist. As with most strategist he, along with other strategists in other media platforms and supposed "news" outlets, know that a powerful idiot is easily manipulated. The same strategist also know if the repeat the same thing often enough many people can be manipulated into believing something is the truth even if it isn't......and people can also be manipulated by those strategists hiding the truth. |
The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal.
From a 2016 Climate Depot article: The Lancet examined temperature-related mortality around the globe. The researchers looked at data on more than 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 areas: cold countries like Canada and Sweden, temperate nations like Spain, South Korea and Australia, and subtropical and tropical ones like Brazil and Thailand. The Lancet researchers found that about 0.5%—half a percent—of all deaths are associated with heat, not only from acute problems like heat stroke, but also increased mortality from cardiac events and dehydration. But more than 7% of deaths are related to cold—counting hypothermia, as well as increased blood pressure and risk of heart attack that results when the body restricts blood flow in response to frigid temperatures. In the U.S. about 9,000 people die from heat each year but 144,000 die from cold. --------------- Climate change alarmists won't tell you it's colder temperatures, not warmer temperatures, that are the BIGGER threat to humans. |
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Mon 08/23/21 02:44 PM
A Taliban spokesman told Sky News that August 31 is "a red line." "If the U.S. or U.K. were to seek additional time to continue evacuations, the answer is no...If they are intent on continuing the occupation it will provoke a reaction."
On Monday, press reports quoted a Taliban spokesman as saying there will be "consequences" if Americans stay in Afghanistan after August 31. Today Biden should have said during a press conference that if the Taliban does ANYTHING to stop the evacuation regardless of the date the Taliban or ANY terrorist organization will be facing consequences they have NEVER seen before. There is nothing wrong with having a TARGET date but conditions should be what DETERMINES the ACTUAL COMPLETION date of any military action. |
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Mon 08/23/21 09:35 AM
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a report warning that over the 15 years from 1990-2005 had taken place at a rate of 0.2C per decade, and it predicted this would continue for the following 20 years, on the basis of forecasts made by computer climate models.
A later report by the IPCC based on the OBSERVED WARMING over the more recent 15 years to 2012 was just 0.05C per decade - below almost all computer prediction. 36 of 38 computer generate models used were WRONG. The IPCC also admitted large parts of the world were as warm as they are now for decades at a time between 950 and 1250 AD – centuries before the Industrial Revolution, and when the population and CO2 levels were both much lower. In the 1970's the climate change alarmist were predicting that we were heading for an ice age. They were ALL WRONG. There were climate change alarmists who said that by now there would be droughts resulting in the rationing of food and water worldwide. They were ALL WRONG. |
Climate change alarmists like John Kerry fly around the world on private jets that ARE among the most carbon emitting forms of travel to lecture OTHERS about reducing their carbon footprint.
But he isn't alone, in fact he is joined by other climate change alarmists travel the same way to airports in cities, getting in MANY limos to attend "climate change conferences". I guess these climate change alarmists haven't learned they can use the internet to have a "climate change conference" virtually to REDUCE their OWN carbon footprints. |
From the
"Biden's claim that al Qaeda is "gone" from Afghanistan is false -- as his own administration acknowledged soon afterward. Following Biden's remarks, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told reporters, "We know that al Qaeda is a presence, as well as ISIS, in Afghanistan, and we've talked about that for quite some time." ------------- Maybe when Kirby and the Biden administration officials were talking about al Queda's and the ISIS presence "for quite some time" Biden was on vacation and/or taking naps. When CNN who acts more like an extension of the DNC won't ignore Biden's false statements something is being planned IMO. Perhaps this fiasco is being seen as an opportunity. |
Hi John, Why list troops in NATO nations when costs / expenses are shared? Lets look at some numbers with regard to NATO member nations. There are 30 members of NATO. Member nations AGREED to pay a percentage of their countries GDP, 2 percent, to NATO. Most didn't even come close to their financial OBLIGATION. Of the 30 member nation 10 met the 2% GDP threshold. The United States paid 3.52% of GDP which resulted in 22% of NATO funding. Shared cost? Sure the costs are shared, but are they shared equitably/fairly???? That is a rhetorical question, the answer is obvious. |
Current US military deployments over 3000
Japan 53,938 South Korea 26,326 Germany 35,486 Italy 12,535 United Kingdom 9,515 Guam 6,161 Bahrain 4,008 Spain 3,256 I'm not a military expert. I'm not a foreign policy expert. I'm not opposed the withdrawing of troops from Afghanistan or anywhere else. What I don't understand is justifying over 35,000 military personnel in Germany, over 12,000 in Italy, over 9,000 in the United Kingdom and over 3,000 in Spain but can't justify less than 3,000 in Afghanistan. Is Spain under a greater threat from bad actors/terrorists than Afghanistan? What I do know is that when Obama announced a "date certain" for the draw down of troops from Iraq ISIS made their move to take over parts of the country. What I do know is that Biden announced a "date certain" for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan resulting in the Taliban is taking over the country. In the case of Iraq troops were sent back into the country. Is that going to happen in Afghanistan too? Biden has sent 7,000 military personnel to secure the airport in Kabul so Americans can leave the country. History is repeating itself. Making the withdrawal of troops based on a calendar rather than conditions has proven to have disastrous results. I don't hang a sign on my door saying when I'm not going to be home.....I know that thieves will wait until I'm gone before they break in. |
From an interview with Robert Gates, who served as defense secretary for the Obama administration.
-------- MARGARET BRENNAN: I was rereading your memoir before we sat down to talk and you said in your memoir, Joe Biden is impossible not to like. Quote: "He's a man of integrity, incapable of hiding what he really thinks, and one of those rare people you know you could turn to for help in a personal crisis. Still, I think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." Would he be an effective commander-in-chief? ROBERT GATES: I-- I don't know. I don't know. I-- I think I stand by that statement. He and I agreed on some key issues in the Obama administration. We disagreed significantly on Afghanistan and some other issues. I think that the vice president had some issues with the military. So how he would get along with the senior military, and what that relationship would be, I just-- I think, it-- it would depend on the personalities at the time. MARGARET BRENNAN: He's a peer of yours. Does that mean you're older? ROBERT GATES: Yes. MARGARET BRENNAN: You think he's right for this moment? ROBERT GATES: I think I'm pretty busy and pretty active but I think-- I think having a President who is somebody our age or older, in the case of Senator Sanders, is- I think it's problematic. I think that you don't have the kind of energy that I think is required to be President. I think-- I'm not sure you have the intellectual acuity that you might have had in your sixties. So, I mean it's just a personal view. For me, the thought of taking on those responsibilities at this point in my life would be pretty daunting |
"Afghanistan to fall to Taliban come September"
Didn't take that long. "Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani has reportedly fled the country for neighboring Tajikistan after Taliban militants entered the nation's capital Kabul, on Sunday." Maybe Afghanistan will be renamed Talibanistan |
Trump or Biden ?
lets compare.
Trump clear the way for the completion of an American pipeline being built by union pipe fitters. Biden stopped the completion of an American pipeline killing high paying American union jobs and removed sanctions so Russia could finish a pipeline. ------------- Trump allowed drilling to make the United States not only energy independent but a net exporter of energy which creating good paying jobs for Americans. This cause gasoline prices to deflate which was anti inflationary. Biden is encouraging OPEC countries to pump more oil and is investigating oil companies to make sure they aren't charging more than they should for gas. Biden stopped drilling making the United States dependent on OPEC causing gasoline prices to increase more than 40 percent. Inflation has the same effect as raising taxes. ------------- Trump tried to secure the southern border including working with Mexico to implement the "Stay in Mexico" policy. ILLEGAL migration slowed to a very low level. Biden removed the "Stay in Mexico" causing RECORD number of ILLEGAL migrant who KNOW they will be allowed to enter the country instead of being stopped. ------------ If you believe the job of the president is do what is best for Americans an to protect citizens the answer to who is a better president it is obvious. If you believe the job of the president is to put the citizens and governments of other countries ahead of American citizens the answer to who is a better president is obvious. |
Business as Usual in US
I am glad to see that families are a priority -but leaving single people with essentially a "get a job" is not the best option. Direct stimulus was a great idea, but it really should not have been stimulus at all -rather, relief. That puts the focus on people -who need it -which would also better help the economy. They gave it to people who did not need it -and not enough to people who do -and still do. Then they wondered why people were saving it. Poor people spend money real quick -like to eat and stuff -have places to stay, etc. I got all the stimulus money and I thought it was STUPID because NOTHING changed in regards to my income. That money could have been used for people who ACTUALLY NEED help, people who ACTUALLY are NOT ABLE work and help themselves. If ANYONE is ABLE to help themselves, ABLE to work but REFUSE to work they DON'T NEED help. Getting a job is ALWAYS the BEST option for EVERYONE, not just singles. No one achieves upward mobility in ANY society without a job. It used to be that there was shame in being on "welfare" and not working. Today many people take pride in "gaming" the system so they DON'T have to work which was going on before the pandemic. I don't blame people for not going back to work because of the extra federal unemployment benefits giving them more money than working. I blame the federal government for competing with employers by making it more advantageous for people not applying for JOBS. July job reports were many of the jobs were created by states the didn't extend the federal supplemental unemployment payments???? It was just reported that there are more than 10 million jobs openings...if someone WANTS a job they can get one. No matter how "poor" you are you can get a job. Too many people have escaped poverty by doing two things, going to school and getting a job. Many actual immigrants (not foreign nationals in the country illegally) have come to this country with next to nothing have prospered. And it's NOT just white immigrants, most Nigerian who immigrate do very well in school and go on to get degrees at a higher percentage rate than both white and black people born in this country. There is a difference in the family values, priorities and basic culture of Nigerian immigrants that has led to there advancements. |
israel-a terrorist state
From an article on the "Arab American" web site from September 2020
"Palestinians have reacted with outrage and deep disappointment to the Arab League’s refusal to condemn the normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates." "The refusal of the Arab League foreign ministers to endorse a Palestinian draft resolution against the Israel-UAE agreement will pave the way for other Arab states to establish relations with Israel, Palestinian officials cautioned." "During a video conference meeting on Wednesday, the Arab foreign ministers “affirmed their adherence to peace as a strategic option and solving the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of international law, the resolutions of international legitimacy and the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative.” The Palestinians are outraged that "normalized relations", which is a euphemism for PEACEFUL relations, between ANY Arab country and Israel. For Hamas who controls the Palestinian government there is ONLY one solution, the destruction of Israel. From " THE COVENANT OF THE HAMAS" AKA "Islamic Resistance Movement" [Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13) It's OBVIOUS who DOESN'T want peace, it's OBVIOUS who is DEFENDING themselves against aggressors, it's obvious except to those who CHOOSE support those who wants to destroy a Democratic country in the area. |
Business as Usual in US
So here it is 18 days later and not a single person who says that rich people don't "pay their fair share" or that a minimum wage earner "pays a higher tax rate" has responded to my FACT based post.
Why not? Could it possibly be that emotional statements presented as facts can't be defended by ACTUAL facts? My suggestion to everyone is when you hear or read what ANYONE in the media, ANY politician, ANYONE claiming to be an "expert" and especially ANY person from academia gives you what is presented as "news" and/or "facts" do your OWN research to find the TRUTH. The truth is out there and it's not that hard to find with a little work. But if you're happy being a zealot who regurgitates what you've been fed I would suggest NOT seeking the truth because it might make you unhappy. |
Made a good point
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Wed 08/04/21 10:51 AM
So I read online where someone said to the fact that billionaires or rich people in general don’t need to be going into space since it won’t help humanity in the long run. If they really wanted to make a difference they should be spending their money to help solve the worlds problems or at least pay their fair share of taxes.when it comes to taxes it seems they’re in bed with the politicians who are against doing so. I agree. What do you think? Awww the ole rich people don't "pay their fair share of taxes" BS again by someone who obviously has NO CLUE about who actually pays what "share" of taxes. I posted this in another thread. From 2018 stats for taxes paid: Data shows that the top 1 percent of earners (with incomes over $540,009) paid over 40 percent of all income taxes. The top 10 percent of earners bore responsibility for over 71 percent of all income taxes paid and the top 25 percent paid 87 percent of all income taxes. Both of those figures represent an increased tax share compared to 2017. On the other side of the income spectrum, the bottom 50 percent’s income tax burden has been significantly reduced over the past forty years. In 1980, it stood at 7 percent. That dropped to a low of 2.4 percent in 2010 during the recession. As the economy gradually improved after the recession, the tax share of this income group gradually increased to 3.1 percent in 2017. Although the economy remained strong in 2018, this group's tax share fell from the previous year from 3.1 percent to 2.94 percent. A person making $7.25/hour who worked 40 hours a week for 52 weeks would have an income of $15080. The standard deduction in 2020 for a single person under 65 was $12400. That $7.25/hour person would have an AGI $2680 which puts them in a 10% tax bracket.........10% of $2680 ($268) NOT $15080. If that $7.25/hour person has a child they get a tax credit that results in getting MORE money in the form of a tax return than they owed. ----------------- Yeah those pesky facts destroy the TALKING point about rich people about rich people not "paying their fair share" and that poor people pay a higher percentage of income tax......but if it makes you feel better regurgitate talking points instead of doing your OWN research you should keep doing so. SMH Instead of people being critical of what rich people do with their OWN money maybe they should learn what rich people do to become WEALTHY and make the SACRIFICES and put the EFFORT in that is required to become rich. But that is a foreign concept to the people who see themselves as ENTITLED to wealth SOMEONE ELSE EARNED!!!!!!!! |
OT & O Titie Why are some missing the dangerous parallels between this and the state of the Trump cultists now? We have a large brainwashed part of our population now with incredibly ignorant beliefs following a would be fascist dictator! Remember what has happened and don't let it happen again.......... Here is the issue that many fail to see or understand and therefore become brainwashed in themselves without understanding the bigger picture. There is Trump the person and there is Trump the brand. Trump the person has a few hundred thousand people that follow him like a god, on the other hand millions of true Americans support the Trump brand. If you own a Tesla it doesn't mean idolize Elon, if you buy from Amazon it doesn't mean you think Jeff is a god, if you use Microsoft it doesn't mean you respect Bill, if you only buy Apple it doesn't mean you worship Steve. The Trump brand of make America great again (spin off Reagan) is about the American dream, good jobs, being able to pay your own way, patriotism, rights, and freedom. We have become too dependent on China and others, the majority of jobs in the US are now service based. The Trump brand wants to level the playing field so it makes sense to keep companies in America instead of forcing them to do business elsewhere. The Trump brand is more flexible as far as beliefs in being conservative, or religious, or confirming strictly to far right agenda's. It's kinda like the Tea party movement. On the other hand the Biden and Democrats because for the most part Biden is just a puppet anyway, they are far more into pushing the propaganda for progressing their socialistic agenda in an effort to control the people. The Robin Hood approach to take from the rich and give to the poor knowing there are far more poor people then rich in order to grow their base and spread their agenda. Trump the person has register as an Democrat, Independent, and Republican, to say he is for just one side or the other contradicts the things he has done. The Democrats have continued to make allegations from election tampering, money laundering, ethics concerns, and so on from the time he was nominated as the Republican candidate in 2016. They spent so much time in doing so they accomplished nothing else, to many an allegation is as serious as a conviction, just another brainwashing tactic. The Democrats thought nothing about bring up allegations of election fraud, but as soon as Trump did so it was take him down anyway we can. Trump did not have to leave the White house when he did, Covid laws were still in effect to block people from being evicted. Now politicians are trying to take away freedom of speech by censoring the internet, once again to spread only their propaganda and blocking the views they oppose. You can even be charged with hate crimes for words you say, the lefties are going to continue to play every card in the deck in order to control the people, and so many of the sheep and puppets out there are going to play right into their trap. Very well said. There are two things I'd like to add. 1) Brainwashed people for the most part DON'T know they've been brainwashed. 2) Those who accuse others are often guilty of their own accusations. |
Coronavirus - part 2
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Sun 07/25/21 01:30 PM
Hello There The stats here are says that the gen-shots are not doing anything good... To sum up the article, most spread in the most "vaccinated" countrys... It needs to be known that vaccination isn't the on;y way to achieve herd immunity. People who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 have immunity without receiving one of the vaccines. From a John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health article: If SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is like other coronaviruses that currently infect humans, we can expect that people who get infected will be immune for months to years. For example, population-based studies in places like Denmark have shown that an initial infection by SARS-CoV-2 is protective against repeat infection for more than six months. As with any other infection, there are two ways to achieve herd immunity: A large proportion of the population either gets infected or gets a protective vaccine. ____ I've been vaccinated so I'm far from being someone who is anti science/vaccination. Before getting the vaccine I did my OWN research by reading and listening to information (or in some cases what was presented as information) from various sources......including people who had been vaccinated. It's the reason I decided to receive the Pfizer vaccine rather than the Moderna (knew people who had bad side effects from the Moderna vaccine) or the J and J vaccine. People need to make inform decisions to make the correct choices for themselves. That means NOT doing what "experts" from the CDC, FDA or the WHO without question, and especially not bloviating media personalities or politicians who ACT like they know better than you what is best for your situation. Many of these experts declared unequivocally there was NO WAY that the COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Lab when the pandemic started.....who are now saying it seems to be the most likely source. Be an informed consumer of products including medicines......and the garbage some of the media and politicians try to feed you . If you consider a flu virus can have the flu and will have some immunity against that strain only .. covid is likely to behave in a similar manner . ( seasonal vaccines or additional boosters may well be necessary ) . Time will tell . Immunity against a natural viral infection in many cases is limited and certainly not lifelong . Some viruses have the ability to lay dormant in the body for long periods and reappear when immunity is lowered or resistance is weakened ) . Insufficient time Has passed yet to determine if covid has that potential . Some of the systemic damage covid causes can certainly result in long term complications . Those who have had a natural covid infection are still encouraged to be vaccinated as this will give them a higher level of immune protection . They are still learning about the efficacy of natural immunity vs vaccines. While it's being recommended by many healthcare professionals that people who have recovered from Covid-19 still get vaccinated it's really not known if it gives a "higher level of immune protection". From the "At The Forefront U Chicago Medicine: "With some viruses, such as chicken pox, being infected with the virus itself grants stronger immune protection than the chicken pox vaccine; however, in those cases, you then have to deal with all the complications of having the virus. When it comes to COVID-19, it’s really hard to know whether being exposed to the virus is more protective of future infection than the vaccine, simply because we don’t know the SARS-CoV-2 virus well enough yet." They recommend getting the vaccine after being infected they ALSO admit it's UNKNOWN if "being exposed to the virus is more protective of future infection than the vaccine". Fortunately I never got Covid-19 but if I had I might have chosen to get my antibodies levels checked before getting vaccinated. Luckily I didn't have to make that decision and I decided to get vaccinated based on my OWN research. |
Coronavirus - part 2
My friend died from covid in the early days of the pandemic. I had my shot and I feel healthier then before. I can't wait to get my second shot. If it makes me feel as good as the first time, I want it regularly. But all can still deny it. It leaves more for me and save the government more money. It may not be 100% effective but I rather take my chances with the vaccine. They are going to beg for the vaccine if they are dying. Then it would be too late. From a team led by UC Irvine (UCI) faculty Phil Felgner, Ph.D., professor of Physiology and Biophysics at UCI’s School of Medicine and director of UCI’s Vaccine Research and Development Center. “The antibody responses induced by these vaccines can shoot up within days after administration suggesting that the vaccine may be useful as a treatment in people who are beginning to experience [COVID-like] symptoms.” To say once infected "it would be too late" for a vaccine seems to be a non scientific based statement. SMH |
Look at it this way, would you like to hangout with someone that beat you up and took your money? Because that's what all of those things do to you, they all damage you mouth, throat and lungs. amen...... a person who has healthy self esteem does not need anything to turn down or off the noises in there head....... I don't have "noises in my head.........", and I don't have self esteem issues. It's pure enjoyment for me. I almost never drink (maybe once a year) I know that weed is much better for me than alcohol. Personally I think weed should be legalized nationally. I know and hang out with people who who grow it and who smoke even though I don't indulge in it. You say "It's pure enjoyment for me." I have no problem with that, in fact I appreciate the honesty of people who admit they smoke for enjoyment. I have a problem with people who call weed their "medicine" when the REAL reason is to get high because it's enjoyable. I understand there are some condition for which weed is medically beneficial including helping people who suffer from seizures .....but many people who got "medical" cards got them for anxiety. If a person has anxiety because they can't get high then weed is as much a problem for them as alcohol is for an alcoholic or any other addictive drug. |
Coronavirus - part 2
Hello There The stats here are says that the gen-shots are not doing anything good... To sum up the article, most spread in the most "vaccinated" countrys... It needs to be known that vaccination isn't the on;y way to achieve herd immunity. People who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 have immunity without receiving one of the vaccines. From a John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health article: If SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is like other coronaviruses that currently infect humans, we can expect that people who get infected will be immune for months to years. For example, population-based studies in places like Denmark have shown that an initial infection by SARS-CoV-2 is protective against repeat infection for more than six months. As with any other infection, there are two ways to achieve herd immunity: A large proportion of the population either gets infected or gets a protective vaccine. ____ I've been vaccinated so I'm far from being someone who is anti science/vaccination. Before getting the vaccine I did my OWN research by reading and listening to information (or in some cases what was presented as information) from various sources......including people who had been vaccinated. It's the reason I decided to receive the Pfizer vaccine rather than the Moderna (knew people who had bad side effects from the Moderna vaccine) or the J and J vaccine. People need to make inform decisions to make the correct choices for themselves. That means NOT doing what "experts" from the CDC, FDA or the WHO without question, and especially not bloviating media personalities or politicians who ACT like they know better than you what is best for your situation. Many of these experts declared unequivocally there was NO WAY that the COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Lab when the pandemic started.....who are now saying it seems to be the most likely source. Be an informed consumer of products including medicines......and the garbage some of the media and politicians try to feed you . |