Community > Posts By > Smartazzjohn
This also means that if I'm a black cop, I'm more likely to shoot if the citizen is black which brings up the question, what is the percentage of black cops. 12% only! should be at the minimum 35% Maybe Maxine's protest is in the wrong direction. Should percentages be used or should qualifications be used for police? There is EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for black people to become cops yet many QUALIFIED black people DON'T apply to become cops. From a Chicago Reporter article on February 2, 2018 "In 2017, the police department hired whites and Latinos at rates more than double that of African-Americans, who made up just 17 percent of the total 1,126 new hires. Of more than 8,000 black applicants, nearly 30 percent didn’t show up for the written entrance exam, the first step in the recruitment process, while 17 percent failed the test, according to data analyzed by the Reporter. Many applicants who passed the test later dropped out of the process, which includes an extensive background check and physical, psychological and drug tests." Should Chicago lower the standard to become a cop so they have more black cops or should qualifications continue being used so the best people are protecting the residents???? From a August 6, 2020 "nbc10 investigators" article "According to Philadelphia police statistics, nearly 70% of applicants who show up to orientation to take the reading and agility tests are Black, Hispanic, Asian or other. And 31% of applicants are white. Yet, in the last year, 71% of recruits who make it into the police academy are white. Only 29% were people of color. January’s recruit class had no Black recruits" Should Philadelphia lower the standard to become a cop so they have more non-white cops or should qualifications continue being used so the best people are protecting the residents???? Then there is Detroit's police department which is a majority Black organization at 54 percent African American officers. Among black male and female officers, 62 percent of them live outside the city. Most black police officers DON'T live in Detroit that has 79% black population. Why is that the case? Once can only speculate but how unsafe cops know the city is need to considered. |
Maxine Waters should be held responsible for her words the SAME way as ANY white Republican.
I listened to her words, and tone; 'confrontation' - meaning face up to bullying. She didn't say 'riot', 'storm', 'burn' Of course when 100 unarmed men face two armed policemen this kind of word play is meaningless. Some people may die. She probably meant that's the price. I could be wrong - she's a politician ...; but her tone left this impression and so this thread. So you know that when Waters told people to be confrontational she meant "face up to bullying"????? This is the SAME woman who told people to get in the faces of Trump supporters at a gas station. She has been a supporter of bullying conservatives. She has justified the burning of businesses by supposed "peaceful protesters". She is nothing more than a rude loud mouth provocateur. She has been a supporter of defunding police. There is the hypocritical irony that Water requested a police escort/protection to the rally that where she was condemning police and calling for confrontation if the verdict she wants isn't achieved. |
1)The MAJORITY, 52%, of deaths by lethal force by police are WHITE. The Black population in US is 18% So you want to look at percentages? OK lets look at percentages. The black population in the US was 14.6% in 2019 55.9% of known murder offenders in 2019 were black There were 7,484 black murder victims compared to 5,787 white murder victims in 2019 Total murders in 2019 was 13,927 Over half the murder victims were black 93% of black murder victims were killed by black perpetrators Who should black people be MORE fearful of being killed by? A cop? A white racist? Or another black person??? |
1)The MAJORITY, 52%, of deaths by lethal force by police are WHITE.
2)The MSM DOESN'T report nationally on ANY white person killed by police....probably because it DEBUNK their narrative that police are racist and ONLY target black people. 3)The VAST MAJORITY, HIGH 90 percentile, of interactions people have with police are PEACEFUL REGARDLESS of race. 4)Maxine Waters should be held responsible for her words the SAME way as ANY white Republican. 5)The MSM, the left, many Democrats and now social media use different standards for people based on skin color (which is racist), political affiliation, gender etc. while openly calling for equality. There are calls for unity by people who's words and action seek to divide people. There was a media personality who PRETENDS to be a "news anchors" that said Trump voters "need to be re-educated. China uses "reeducation camps" because they want unity......FORCED UNITY. That is the direction the left, the MSM and Democrats seem to be trying to take the United States. |
Women can do everything a man can. The Draft should include all sexes regardless what or how or who they identify as. Male-Only Draft is sexual discrimination towards women and the LGBTQ community and shouldn't exist in 2021. SOME women can do what men do physically but most can't. If ANY standard is LOWERED in the physicality of ANY military DUTY required to carry out ANY mission to make it MORE likely a woman can be included in a mission then peoples lives can be put in danger. It's not discriminatory to have the SAME standard for EVERYONE. Tell a person, man or woman, who is wounded that it's discriminatory if a 6'3" male doesn't step aside so a 5'4" woman can carry them to safety. It WOULD be discriminatory towards men to draft women and reserve non-combat duties for women or less physical duties for women. I have no problem with "equality" but I do have a problem with preferential treatment for any sex, or race, to achieve "equity" especially when it means lowering standards that puts people lives at risk. I've seen those women Marines. I, for one, would not want to F with any one of them. Also, using the military in an Equality argument is disengenuous. There are PLENTY of men who couldn't cut it in the military. A woman can do whatever a man can in a normal life setting. The military isn't a normal environment, war isn't regular day-to-day stuff. Not everyone can be an astronaut yet some men and women are astronauts. And frankly, nowadays, women have beat men in a lot of areas if not most. Caitlin Jenner was right to become a woman. I just may follow in her footsteps. You finally said something that makes sense..."The military isn't a normal environment, war isn't regular day-to-day stuff". Just WHY are there drafts????? Drafts are conducted during wars. And it's true the military isn't a normal's an environment where people NEED to be ready to go to war whether they are in the military though enlistment or a draft. Thank you for making my original point valid. I stand behind what I said...."SOME women can do what men do physically but most can't." The operative word is SOME, and women WHO physically CAN do the same job as man, in the military or private sector, they should be given EQUAL consideration. I also stand by saying "It WOULD be discriminatory towards men to draft women and reserve non-combat duties for women or less physical duties for women." Ya see I believe in ACTUAL equality unlike people who CLAIM to believe in equality really promote preferential for what they call a "protected class" of people. |
Women can do everything a man can. The Draft should include all sexes regardless what or how or who they identify as. Male-Only Draft is sexual discrimination towards women and the LGBTQ community and shouldn't exist in 2021. SOME women can do what men do physically but most can't. If ANY standard is LOWERED in the physicality of ANY military DUTY required to carry out ANY mission to make it MORE likely a woman can be included in a mission then peoples lives can be put in danger. It's not discriminatory to have the SAME standard for EVERYONE. Tell a person, man or woman, who is wounded that it's discriminatory if a 6'3" male doesn't step aside so a 5'4" woman can carry them to safety. It WOULD be discriminatory towards men to draft women and reserve non-combat duties for women or less physical duties for women. I have no problem with "equality" but I do have a problem with preferential treatment for any sex, or race, to achieve "equity" especially when it means lowering standards that puts people lives at risk. |
Coronavirus - part 2
I didn't say anything about Jansen/AstraZeneca covid vaccines. I mentioned the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. They paused if because of 6 cases out of 6.8 million doses which is a VERY low percentage of adverse reaction. I know the J&J vaccine is called the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. You seemed to be conflating the AstraZeneca vaccine with the J&J vaccine. While they are both viral vector vaccines it doesn't make them the same vaccines and it's why they are looked at separately by the CDC and the FDA. Moderna and Pfizer are both mRNA COVID-19 vaccines but they are differnt too. Like I said in my first post I do my own research....and I stand by saying that 6 adverse cases out of 6.8 million is a very low percentage to call for a pause. If the same standard was used for every vaccine or drug a lot would never have been approved or would be taken off the market. |
Coronavirus - part 2
Edited by
Sat 04/17/21 12:50 PM
I didn't say anything about Jansen/AstraZeneca covid vaccines.
I mentioned the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. They paused if because of 6 cases out of 6.8 million doses which is a VERY low percentage of adverse reaction. |
Coronavirus - part 2
I have received the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine.
I'm scheduled to get the 2nd dose on the 4/27. I did my own research b4 deciding to get vaccinated. My research included talking to people who had already received the vaccine. I still have questions that remain UNANSWERED by "healthcare professions" who dance around questions like a politician. Unanswered questions include: 1) Why do people who ALREADY had the Covid-19 virus need to be vaccinated when this hasn't been the protocol for other viruses? 2) At what point can we get back to pre-pandemic normality like NOT having to wear a mask and having unrestricted travel and gatherings? 3) Why has the J&J vaccine been paused after 6 cases of blood clotting were detected in more than 6.8 million doses of the vaccine while for every 10,000 women taking birth control pill between 3 and 9 will develop a blood clot in a given year? 4) Why is the Pfizer CEO now saying third dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine will “likely” be needed within six to 12 months after a person is fully vaccinated? Why wasn't this INFORMATION given before millions of people given the vaccine????? 5) What is the point of getting the vaccine if you STILL have to wear a mask and socially distance? Why are the "goal post" constantly being move to justify restricting FREEDOMS????? It's been my CHOICE to be very cautious because of my OWN risk factors due to underlying conditions. But I don't think ANYONE else should be FORCED to do what I have done. |
Law Enforcement maybe...
Police have been acting more like an occupying army than a police force, especially in minority communities, for decades. It's the gangs in minority communities that have acting like occupying armies at war with each other for decades. People don't put bars on their doors and windows because of cops. Cops aren't who are killing innocent people caught in the cross fire between the occupying armies of gangs. Cops aren't driving down streets and shooting into houses or groups of people at a gathering. That is what is actually going on in minority communities, minority cities that have been controlled by Democrats for decades. Why have the mayors in cities like Chicago and Baltimore allowed criminal gangs to continue killing people for DECADES???? Detroit's police chief James Craig, a BLACK man, basically told Detroit residents to arm themselves because the police can't protect them from the criminals in the city. In the vast majority of occurrences instances cops arrive on the scene AFTER a crime has been committed. |
Law Enforcement maybe...
Should body cams be worn by cops? Sure.
Should show like Live PD that ACTUALLY showed what cops face on a YEARLY, WEEKLY, DAILY and HOURLY basis be removed from TV??? NO!!!!! But it was removed because it showed the narrative LIE that cops are ALWAYS WRONG that leftists, radical Democrats and the MSM wants people to believe!!! |
could be wrong. media has most of the influance. not small guys The media has a lot of influence but major corporations are gaining more and more influence on politics. IMO the reason that corporations are becoming more political is because they afraid to remain neutral and get attacked by the MSM with negative publicity if they don't at least pretend to support the leftist agenda. Corporations, including professional sports, IMO are going down a slippery slop because they are basically ignoring the values of half, or more, of their consumer base. It was never more evident than their opposition to the Georgia voter ID requirement to vote. They seem to be ignoring the fact that according to an AP poll between March 26 and 29, found that 91 percent of republicans, 72 percent of independents and even a majority of democrats – 56 percent – support requiring a valid ID to vote. Polling also shows that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws......which according to Biden is like Jim Crow 2.0. |
I predict that either the Democrat or Republican party won't be happy after every future election.
My prediction is based on past elections. |
What I really see as "the problem" is that Texas legislators spend their time banning things like vaccine passports, when the states power grid failures killed people. In fact the Texas legislators HAVE addressed the power grid failures. Mar 29, 2021 article "The Texas Senate on Monday unanimously approved a sweeping proposal to overhaul regulation of the Texas energy industry in the wake of last month’s deadly winter storms and power outages that left more than 4 million people without electricity." What you really see is a Republican controlled state and a problem they had, a problem NEVER seen before, while ignoring EVERY problem I mentioned that continue to occur and continue to go unaddressed by Democrat controlled states. The wildfires in California that occur EVERY year are being started by downed power lines and fuel by material like dead fallen trees. |
Yay Texas! Maybe next week they'll figure out how to get their electric power grid to work during minor storms. What's a minor snow fall in Michigan, Wisconsin, New York etc is a major snow fall in Texas. If they get an inch of snow in Atlanta the city comes to a halt while here in Michigan we see an inch of snow as little more than a dusting. It wasn't just a "minor" snow was the EXTREME low temperature that RARELY occur that caused the power outages. Boston has a MAJOR problem with power outages during snow storm that has been going on for decades....maybe the Democrats who control that city will get their act together? California has wild fires every year....why haven't they figured out how to stop them? But Texas is a Republican controlled state......and that's the problem you really see isn't it? |
I offer no sympathy. They knew the law in the host country, or should have. Will the photographer be facing any charges? Exactly.....don't go anywhere unless you plan on complying with THEIR laws. |
Kamala Harris & Biden ...
Edited by
Thu 04/08/21 10:59 AM
Democrats have been saying how inhumane unaccompanied children were treat at the border by Trump and how they are now being treated humanely.
It seems that Biden and Harris would be in a hurry to get to the border for a photo-op to show the difference in the way children are being treated. But instead of going to take pictures the Biden administration is telling Republicans NOT to take pictures and videos. I guess the Biden administration DOESN'T want us see pictures and videos because they are afraid we are going to believe out lying eyes. The Dems accused the Trump administration of tearing children from their mothers arms with NO pictures or videos of it EVER happening. It was just a rhetorical talking point and lie the MSM was more than happy to spread. Liberal law professor and life long Democrat Alan Dershowitz wrote a book called "Guilt by Accusation: The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #MeToo" which outlines the lefts playbook. He used to be a CNN contributor as a "legal expert" but when he DIDN'T agree with CNN's UNFOUNDED allegation as facts, when he sited laws that debunked CNN'S accusations of crimes committed by Trump and other conservatives CNN quit using him. |
The most destructive things about the Covid-19 virus are the jobs that were killed, the businesses that were killed, the freedoms that are GUARANTEED by the constitution that were killed by politicians who took an OATH at the federal, state and local levels to DEFEND the constitution.
Biden’s accomplishments
It so easy to criticize , but harder to contribute. what does anyone on this thread actually contribute to society? List your accomplishments... So this person wants to know what I contribute to society? I help finance food stamps, I help finance subsidized housing, I help finance healthcare for lower income people, I help finance schools even though I have no kids in school. I help society by NOT being a parasite. Yup I pay taxes which means I'm FORCED to finance things don't like helping foreign nationals entering the country illegally which is a like a slap in the face to families like mine who immigrated LEGALLY. |
Personally I won't EVER be watching any baseball again.
They gave NO specific reason for moving the game, probably because there is NOTHING in the bill that supports the lies being told by Biden and the left. MLB KNOWS that New York has STRICTER voting laws. Delaware, where Biden was elected many times. has even STRICTER voting laws including NO EARLY voting. But hey why would Biden and the Democrats complain about the voting laws in state they win consistently???? MLB KNOWS they are hurting the minority residents and small minority own businesses in's racist to hurt any minority in any way according to Democrats and leftist. But Democrats and leftist don't seem to care if MLB is doing something racist according to their own rhetoric as long as they doing something that could hurt Republicans. It seems it's always party and power before people with them. I quit watching pro football, pro basketball and ESPN which I don't miss. I quit going to Dick's Sporting Goods. I couldn't care less how the players or the people who head these enterprises vote or who they donate money to.....but I won't tolerate them trying to influence how I or anyone else votes. |