Community > Posts By > BYondLife

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 12:13 AM
Oh.. ok.
I gotcha.
My bad hotness.

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 12:04 AM
Noone's reading what I wrote. >.<

Its an active con on all these sites..

They TRY to get you to sign up that way..
I trick them instead; they show me..
Then I send 'em away cryin n mad..

sad2 Ugh..
I give up...

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:57 PM

i'm a sucker for seeing boobies?frown

If you put ur credit card info of a supposed 'secure site'..

If not..

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:55 PM
That's what I didn't--

Oh blah!

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:51 PM

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:49 PM

Who ever smelt it dealt it. Sucker.

I've got no clue what that means..?

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:49 PM
No caffiene!!

Ur killing me here..

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:47 PM

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:46 PM
Words to live by I've heard.

So, get this..
You don't have to like me, but I can be a very charming and convincing guy...

Now with that fact let us tack on:

I HATE cam girls who go to sites like this, Tagged, and whatever else.. That are usually really hot, they hit you up, get your yahoo, then try to sucker you into their little game of submitting your CC and getting you to watch there cam.

I know the tricks of the trade...

Some will be the sap, who either out of hormones or curiousity will do it. You'll get that free access, and wa'lah. You're connected. Then it's time to cue in the Con.

The minute any feminine part is about to show: Poof, the screen will go black. You have to sign up to see more! Bam, and you are now the sucker...

So, back to our starting phrase:

Never Con a Con-Man.

These girls try it to me all the time. I laugh inside but act like the perverted, raging hormonal college kid. However, before these ladies realize it, they just sent me nude pics in order to get me to sign up.. and then... I don't. Awww, so sad.



If you are facing this dilemma constantly by being suckered in by these chicks; don't be discouraged! You can see the puppies for free!! Act shy yet cautious. Sweet talk and try not to be to demanding for them.. and before you know it. You'll have her..

Then load your shotgun and unload the insults so they knock it off..

Here's some aftermath results that still have me roflmao.


That's just two of them..

And warning fellas:

They are now here on Mingle as well..
Maybe they just have a thing for me??


Just a heads up, s'all..

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:02 PM
"..the moon.."

::he said softly though he did not turn to face them.::

" to is lonely.. ever searching the empty skies for his lover.. never being able to find him.. yet each night.. it rises.. and it sets.."

::His hand returned to his side.::

"..tragically beautiful.."

::Said softly as his gaze lowered for a moment. His hand disappearing back beneath his cloak. Still he kept to himself for the most part, not turning to face them. Those blues slowly closed to the melody of her humming. It reminded him of something.. or maybe someone.::

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 10:54 PM
We do know what...

"Please do not post in that room yet"

..means right?

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 10:51 PM
::He grinded his teeth as they spoke of him as if his hearing was bad. He exhaled and he saw the pool of light colored smoke whisper out in front of him. He closed his eyes, trying to hold back his thoughts.. thoughts of a darker time. Open up one day? No, he doubted that, he already made that mistake in this town.::

::He raised his hand as one long nail traced along the glass, he outlined the moon; there was just something about it that soothed his soul.::

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 10:31 PM
::He glanced over his shoulder; those deep blues peering at him. The way this society had treated him so far, it seemed only for his own sake, he should remain just a part of the shadows.::

::One had turned her back on him, one tried to kill him, one held nothing but malice and evil intentions within his heart towards him: why now would he be so niave and open?::


::That was all he would say as those eyes moved to peer back out the window.::

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 10:24 PM
::He had returned some time ago as he just sat there silently in the dim lighting of the window sill. His blue eyes peering outward as that cloak and hood kept him concealed. He didn't feel like drinking tonight with so much coarsing through his mind. He just remained quiet and disconnected from everyone else.::

::Even now he started to wonder where that horse had run off to. Hoping maybe he had finally found his peace as well.::

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:54 PM

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:53 PM


BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:50 PM

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:49 PM

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:48 PM

BYondLife's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:29 PM
So, since this one is fudged now..
Feel free to do whatever, lol.

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