Community > Posts By > BYondLife

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:58 PM
::He leans into her touch as his hand raises to hold hers to his face. Eyes drift closed.::

"..ok, I'm sorry.."

::His eyes open again slowly.::

"..I didn't want to intrude, is all. You left me downstairs in such a rush..I didn't think you wanted me along. Besides, I honestly don't think he should have been out of bed so quickly.. I took a look at his wounds while you were out.."

::He bites his bottom lip.::

"..I've seen worse, but never the less.. He's not in the best of shape yet. I would love to meet him.. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine..but I don't want to force myself on them.. It's not my style."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:43 PM
"I, uh.."

::He paused for a moment, not knowing what to say really. He sighed softly, then smiled.::

"..I was just going to let you be with your friend.."

::His head tilted slightly.::

"..I was contemplating trackin' down some more of those thieves.."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:36 PM
::He slips back a bit from the window as he shakes his head slightly.::

"..he wouldn't have had you not invited me along.."

::He sighs softly.::

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:28 PM
"..come up.."

::His head droops, as he shakes his head as he looks to the horse.::

"..she'll be the end of me, ya know.."

::The horse whinnied, almost like laughed at him, as he turned and moved back into the inn, up the infernal stairs and over to the window, he peeks his head out.::

"..Since there isn't many places to go out there, I'm assuming your coming in?"

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:22 PM
::He looks around for a moment as he hears Tiage yell out, he steps back and peers upward.::

"Huh? ..go with you where?"

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:10 PM
::Kashell not wishing to disturb Tiage, gathered his things and stared up the steps for a moment. Yes, for the first time in what seemed like centuries.. he hesitated. He finished his drink and then tossed his sash over his shoulder as he moved towards the door. He stepped outside asthose bright blues gazed up towards the bright moon. He sighed deeply for a moment.::

::He then moved around the corner to the stables and swiped a piece of bread from his bag before tossing it over his horses' shoulder. he broke the bread into little pieces and held it out for his steed to munch upon as his hand ran up and down the horses' neck.::

" well, we've got a long night ahead of us."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:49 PM
::Again that speedy little redheaded vixen was gone before he could get a word out edge wise and just shook his head and moved back to the bar.:

"Another round and I need four more loaves of your finest bread."

::Apparently he was readying himself for yet another excursion. His fingers tapped on the bar as he sighed to himself. After a few moments the bread was retrieved and set before him. He grabbed his mug and began to drink it faster than normal.::

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:40 PM
"Oh.. well, not much to tell really.."

::He looked down for a moment.::

"I visited my old friend, who is the best tracker I've ever met. That silver wolf, remember? I brought him back to town, and we tracked the thieves scent.."

::He took another drink before setting down his now empty mug.::

"..we tracked them back to a small cave overlooking the canyon. He distracted them while I snuck inside..Once I found a small stash of the goods they stole. I ambushed a few of them and started screaming in different tones, that way they thought there was an army of us, instead of just me. Most just fled. I made sure to catch one of them alive..maybe get something out of him."

::He looked down for a moment.::

"..I was ambushed by three of them as I was leaving with my prisoner.."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:31 PM
::He shakes his head as he looks up suddenly.::

"I'm sorry.. tell you about what?"

::His mind seemed to be distant for the moment; as numerous things swirled through it.::

"..your friend? ..or the thieves?"

::Perplexed, he decided to make sure.::

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:27 PM

(( nice!!!)))

((He's trying to make it personal, and I think it's funny. Nothing more, nothing less.))
you read something that wasnt there..and started pickin..i responded..grow up

((*eye roll* If you say so..))

"..I know. I just thought you should know. That's all."

::He smiles softly, then looks down in thought for a moment.::

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:22 PM
"This I do not know. I went to check on him earlier, and he was gone and his window was open.. Perhaps the roof?"

::He shrugged slightly, not truly knowing the man.::

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:20 PM

(( nice!!!)))

((He's trying to make it personal, and I think it's funny. Nothing more, nothing less.))

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:19 PM
::He shook his head as he looked down.::

"I captured one; slew a few others but it appears they are a bigger group than had anticipated. I'm waiting to hear from the Marshall.. I might join them to catch the rest when the time comes."

::He reaches forward as he takes her hand in his::

"I have some good news to tell you, though.. You're friend.. he awoke earlier this evening, while you were out collecting herbs."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:17 PM

that would be.... "the axe is luthians" not bedlums

((Only if I was in character; otherwise it doesn't really matter much does it? Or do you perhaps have a multi-personality complex? =) ))

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:16 PM
"I told you earlier.."

::He says simply as he watches her eyes wander from him briefly but doesn't follow them.::

"..I was after the thieves who are infecting this city I've grown to care for. Afterall, it is where I met you.."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:07 PM

*she smiles as he comes over to her...she smile fades as she sees the blood on his axe an himself.*

Oh my gosh...what happen??? Are you ok? does anything hurt?

*she asks, looking him over more*

((Well, I'm confused. K's coming towards you, but the Axe is Bedlums. They are both covered in blood but for different reasons. Clarify, plz. =] ))

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:01 PM

::He said softly, he knew her scent all too well. He didn't even need to turn and face her to know it was her, but he did anyway.::

"..I was about to start out looking for you.."

::He nodded to the other man at the bar as he rose and moved over to join her.::

"I see you had much success.. and I have some good news for you as well."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 07:52 PM

::Kashell sighs softly as he keeps looking over his shoulder; it was getting later and later and still no sign of Tiage.. he looked up to the keep who spoke to him.::

"I can't speak on his behalf.. but aye, it has definitely been one of those nights.. I'm trying to assist the locals who've been robbed from within the town.. It took me nearly the entire day to track them down.."

::he takes the mug and downs half of it within a few seconds; yeah, he needed it, question was, could he handle it so fast?::

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 07:52 PM
::Kashell sighs softly as he keeps looking over his shoulder; it was getting later and later and still no sign of Tiage.. he looked up to the keep who spoke to him.::

"I can't speak on his behalf.. but aye, it has definitely been one of those nights.. I'm trying to assist the locals who've been stealing from the town.. It took me nearly the entire day to track them down.."

::he takes the mug and downs half of it within a few seconds; yeah, he needed it, question was, could he handle it so fast?::

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 07:16 PM

Take it slow. Alot of women want to see what they can get from u and exploit it. Dont be a sucker. Good luck she may be a catch. dont tell her to much about yourself.

Thanks for that advice..
But we've already talked alot about ourselves..
hehe not much left to say really..
I mean she doesn't know everything..
But might as well. >.<