Some good advice that I won't repeat. Butterflies are natural...just settle down and they;ll fly in formation. Trust her. Let it happen. Besides, if she - like you - is still a member and sees this, she'll probably be smitten (like that word) by your comments if not already. Enjoy! ![]() Oh SOB! I didn't even think of that! ![]() Oh God.. Where's a hole to crawl in?! ![]() |
show her your meat and taters! Well, thanks for the list of things NOT to do. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Being myself I can do..
NO I am not a zombie. ![]() It was actually her idea to meet.. Which makes me even more nervous. >.< Cause that means she's really interested.. Ack! ![]() I will be sure to let you know. Ya know those who care.. ..and don't think I'm a zombie. ![]() Thanx for the advice. ![]() I really appreciate it. ![]() |
The Green Dragon's Inn
::He grumbled knowing the man was right. He turned and gently pushed open the door and tracked down two guards who always patrolled by the inn, the ones he noticed earlier before his departure. The men spoke in the doorway before the two guards moved in and scooped up the man and dragged him out into the night.:: "The Marshall will be in touch, sir." ::The guards said before they moved off. Kashell then entered, sheathing his sword, as he moved deeper inside and over to the bar. He had no time to help the fallen woman before she was brisked away. So, he just moved into a stool for a moment and ran a hand back through those silver locks.:: "..strongest thing ya got, please." |
Not really sure nor do I really care who gives me advice..
..but I need some outside insight because, well, quite frankly.. my own advice sucks when I try to follow it. ![]() I'll try to keep this short, tho, any who know me.. That's usually a task in itself.. Here goes: Most of you know, I joined Mingle on 10/10 of this year. Haven't been here long, but I'd like to think I've made a slim impact on some people.. Well, one of those people I made an impact on was a woman, who ironically, joined the same day as I did. Not sure exactly how we found each other, but that's irrelevant. Brief ideas about her: She's sweet, charming, makes me laugh, she's a great mother and could be as well to my own little army, she's also beautiful maybe not to everyone but definitely in my eyes.. She's everything I could have ever dreamed of.. So, with that said.. To my actual question.. We are planning to meet for the first time.. I've never met anyone from the internet in my entire life.. Aside from trying to remain myself.. How do I make a positive first impression? Is there anything extra I can do to sway her? I really like her alot.. I want things to work out.. But I'm so effing nervous cuz I've never done this before.. So please.. anything I should know tell me!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Green Dragon's Inn
::The doors suddenly swing open as a body slides across the floor before coming to a sudden stop. It remains there motionless and limp but the chests slow rise left little doubt he was still alive, but barely.::
"..get in their coward!" ::Shortly after Kashell stepped in, his sword still in hand and stained in a deep red liquid.:: "Boromir, I caught one of those pesky thieves!" ::The door closed behind him, as he sheathed his sword behind his back.:: "..I took them by surprise and I have some of the things they stole strapped to my horse.. What would you have me do with him?" |
The Green Dragon's Inn
::And before he could respond she was gone like an olmpyic athlete.. damn he didn't know she could run so fast. He snickers to himself as he, too, moves down the stairs. He steps outside into the warm air as he notices two city guards patrolling by.::
"....." ::He would say nothing to them, not without proof. He moved over to the stables and looked to his steed.:: "..wait here, I must go speak to the Dalazaine. She would know who they are.." ::As he unsheathed his vicious blade from aside the saddle, he would turn and embark out into the wild.:: |
The Green Dragon's Inn
::Two fingers raised to trace over his own lips savoring her taste, as he looked to her and smiled watching her get ready.::
"If you are not.. I will come looking for you. So you know.." ::He was serious, as he rose. He would not lose anyone he cared about so long as he had a say in it.:: "Until well.." |
The Green Dragon's Inn
::He leans forward, that hand slipping across her cheek warmly as he inches in a bit more. He places a soft kiss to her lips.::
"Do not worry about me.. I am far to use to these acts of violence." ::As he broke from the kiss, and said those words he looked into her eyes again.:: " is you, that I will ever be worried about.. Should something happen to you.. I.." ::He looked down as he had no words to descrbe what he would do.:: |
Because.. simply put..
"God does not lie.. He knows only truth." "Only man is capable of lies and falseness." The Bible was not written by God.. It was written by man. Holla! >.< |
The Green Dragon's Inn
"..It appears someone broke into that Wizardry Store in town.."
::He shakes his head, as he looks down a moment.:: "..I can sense evil brewing in this area; though.. I know not its source..I just have a really.. bad feeling lately." ::He sighs for a moment then shakes his head.:: "Now that you are awake.. I must go speak to a friend. I know he must have seen something.." |
![]() |
The Green Dragon's Inn
"Somewhat.. there was a disturbance outside.."
::He shook his head slightly. As he rose from the windowsill and moved over to sit on the edge of her bed. He brushed the hair from her face as he leaned in and softly kissed her forehead.:: "..but I swore not to leave your side.." ::He looked up and down her lucious curves for a moment, but said nothing as his eyes moved back to her intoxicating eyes. He smiled again.:: "So here I remained.." |
The Green Dragon's Inn
::Which he was; as he smiled over to her::
"Morning.. sleep well?" ::As he hadn't moved an inch really, well, that she had known of.:: |
Edited by
Thu 10/22/09 11:08 AM
Sorry wrong post >.<
Boogieman? Ack now he responded.. Grover again, lol |
I always go back to this...
LOVE ![]() |
Maybe its a porno movie...
![]() |
"There is no path to happiness... Happiness is the path." Um... what? |
I don't see it..
I see a stupid thing sayin can't be shown. :/ |
Yay! We're effed together. =]