Topic: Types of sins | |
Sins in Islam are divided into minors, and major. Minors are such as frequent quarrels, and backbiting. The major sins: polytheism, killing any one unjustly, taking usury, taking the wealth of an orphan, adultery and sodomy.
Sins in Christianity are also divided into two categories: “simple sins”, which the offender can be forgiven through the religious rituals of the church, and "Deadly Sins". They are more severe and require repentance they include vanity, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Lust includes adultery, rape, and homosexuality. God forgives sins God said in the Quran: Say: "(God gives you hope): O My servants who have been wasteful (of their God-given opportunities and faculties) against (the good of) their own souls! Do not despair of God's Mercy. Surely God forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful (the One that sends the Glorious light of Mercy)." The Bible said: "Who can forgive sins but God alone?” "The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him." Repentance from sins For the validity of repentance is required to first admit the sin, then to quit it, seek forgiveness from God, and resolve never to return to the sin. This is if the sin relates to a right of God, but if the sin relates to one of the rights of people such as theft, then repentance depends on returning the stolen item to its owner or asking for forgiveness from him. It is not enough to utter the words of repentance, but to straighten behavior after repentance. |
do you honestly believe people are here for the purpose to listen to this ????.... |
do you honestly believe people are here for the purpose to listen to this ????.... Dear friend Some people like to listen to these topics and others do not. People are free ![]() |
Can you explain what your understanding is of sin?
Can you explain what your understanding is of sin? I think he did already within the paragraphs. |
Can you explain what your understanding is of sin?
I think he did already within the paragraphs. His understandings are not biblical hence my question. I know for a fact that he is wrong, but I expect him to bring forth his strong reasons and show his resources. |
Can you explain what your understanding is of sin?
I think he did already within the paragraphs. His understandings are not biblical hence my question. I know for a fact that he is wrong, but I expect him to bring forth his strong reasons and show his resources. Please tidion explain your understanding of sins |
Edited by
Thu 09/30/21 04:05 PM
Can you explain what your understanding is of sin?
I think he did already within the paragraphs. His understandings are not biblical hence my question. I know for a fact that he is wrong, but I expect him to bring forth his strong reasons and show his resources. Please tidion explain your understanding of sins The holy bible defines sin as the transgression or breaking of the laws. (1 John 3:4). We sin when we break one of these 613 laws of God. These laws are written by Moses in the Torah and were given to the Israelites, by Moses. In order to sin one must be an Israelite, namely a descendant of Jacob. There are Penalties and Judgements for breaking the laws. You are wrong because you can't sin if you are not an Israelite, because the laws were not given to you. |
Can you explain what your understanding is of sin?
I think he did already within the paragraphs. His understandings are not biblical hence my question. I know for a fact that he is wrong, but I expect him to bring forth his strong reasons and show his resources. Please tidion explain your understanding of sins The holy bible defines sin as the transgression or breaking of the laws. (1 John 3:4). We sin when we break one of these 613 laws of God. These laws are written by Moses in the Torah and were given to the Israelites, by Moses. In order to sin one must be an Israelite, namely a descendant of Jacob. There are Penalties and Judgements for breaking the laws. You are wrong because you can't sin if you are not an Israelite, because the laws were not given to you. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24 If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. Matthew 18:15 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 |
Can you explain what your understanding is of sin?
I think he did already within the paragraphs. His understandings are not biblical hence my question. I know for a fact that he is wrong, but I expect him to bring forth his strong reasons and show his resources. Please tidion explain your understanding of sins The holy bible defines sin as the transgression or breaking of the laws. (1 John 3:4). We sin when we break one of these 613 laws of God. These laws are written by Moses in the Torah and were given to the Israelites, by Moses. In order to sin one must be an Israelite, namely a descendant of Jacob. There are Penalties and Judgements for breaking the laws. You are wrong because you can't sin if you are not an Israelite, because the laws were not given to you. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24 If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. Matthew 18:15 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Who is the "All" in the holy bible? Who received the laws? |
According to Christian belief, sin separates humans from God, bringing lasting punishment. God gave humans free will so it is up to humans to decide for themselves how to behave, ie in an evil or good way.
Christians believe that only God can rectify the problem of humans being full of sin. To do this, he offered salvation through the sacrifice of Christ. Original sin Many Christians believe all humans are descended from Adam and Eve, which means that they all have the ability to disobey God. Original sin occurred when Adam and Eve were tempted and committed the first (original) sin. Genesis 3 tells the story of how sin first entered the world when Adam and Eve were tempted by the Devil in the Garden of Eden. |
According to Christian belief, sin separates humans from God, bringing lasting punishment. God gave humans free will so it is up to humans to decide for themselves how to behave, ie in an evil or good way. Christians believe that only God can rectify the problem of humans being full of sin. To do this, he offered salvation through the sacrifice of Christ. Original sin Many Christians believe all humans are descended from Adam and Eve, which means that they all have the ability to disobey God. Original sin occurred when Adam and Eve were tempted and committed the first (original) sin. Genesis 3 tells the story of how sin first entered the world when Adam and Eve were tempted by the Devil in the Garden of Eden. You didn't answer my question. You probably don't want the truth, and only your own ideas seem to matter. This would be fine but since you are misleading your readers, it's not. |
Readers are free to read ideas. They are intelligent, so no one can mislead them. Joan Konner said; “The reason there are so many opinions is that no one knows the Truth.” |
tdion Readers are free to read ideas. They are intelligent, so no one can mislead them. Joan Konner said; “The reason there are so many opinions is that no one knows the Truth.” I suppose that those readers are searching for the truth, which does not mean that the truth is unkown. Life has no mysteries and only lies and the truth. If you were revealed a mysterie, then it because somebody expects you to pay for it. The "all" does NOT refer to the whole world but to a certain group of people. If you and I are in the same room with 20 other people, and I say that all have sinned then I am referring to the people in the room and not the whole world. The laws were given to Jacob and his decendants. No other nations received them. read Psalm [147:19-20]. So sin does not apply to you and your nation. |
tdion Readers are free to read ideas. They are intelligent, so no one can mislead them. Joan Konner said; “The reason there are so many opinions is that no one knows the Truth.” I suppose that those readers are searching for the truth, which does not mean that the truth is unkown. Life has no mysteries and only lies and the truth. If you were revealed a mysterie, then it because somebody expects you to pay for it. The "all" does NOT refer to the whole world but to a certain group of people. If you and I are in the same room with 20 other people, and I say that all have sinned then I am referring to the people in the room and not the whole world. The laws were given to Jacob and his decendants. No other nations received them. read Psalm [147:19-20]. So sin does not apply to you and your nation. You must read and place everything in the proper context. That's how you get the understanding. |
God sent every prophet, to save his people. The first of them was Adam, then Noah, Hood, Saleh and Abraham, Ishmael. Joseph, son of Jacob, to the people of Egypt. Lot, to a people lived in near the Dead Sea.
Children of Israel came from the descendants of the Prophet Isaac. God sent to the Children of Israel, Jacob, Moses, and his brother Aaron. Then, David, Solomon, Zakaria, and his son Yahya. Yahya was slaughtered by the Children of Israel. Then Jesus, was sent to the Children of Israel. The last prophet was Muhammad sent to all humanity. All prophets have the same message that is to do good deeds. God says in the Quran: "Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." Every human being, on the Day of Judgment, is dependent on his actions, good, or bad. God says in the Quran: "That day every soul comes. Everyone contends against their own soul (as they see their life film respecting to what degrees they have earned and what degrees they have lost) and every soul is paid in full for what it has done and they are not wronged (negative degrees are not written down for them unjustly)." "Surely those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers are condemned by God, the angels, and all of humanity. They will abide in it (under the curse) forever, their torment will neither be lightened nor will they be looked at." |
God sent every prophet, to save his people. The first of them was Adam, then Noah, Hood, Saleh and Abraham, Ishmael. Joseph, son of Jacob, to the people of Egypt. Lot, to a people lived in near the Dead Sea. Children of Israel came from the descendants of the Prophet Isaac. God sent to the Children of Israel, Jacob, Moses, and his brother Aaron. Then, David, Solomon, Zakaria, and his son Yahya. Yahya was slaughtered by the Children of Israel. Then Jesus, was sent to the Children of Israel. The last prophet was Muhammad sent to all humanity. All prophets have the same message that is to do good deeds. God says in the Quran: "Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." Every human being, on the Day of Judgment, is dependent on his actions, good, or bad. God says in the Quran: "That day every soul comes. Everyone contends against their own soul (as they see their life film respecting to what degrees they have earned and what degrees they have lost) and every soul is paid in full for what it has done and they are not wronged (negative degrees are not written down for them unjustly)." "Surely those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers are condemned by God, the angels, and all of humanity. They will abide in it (under the curse) forever, their torment will neither be lightened nor will they be looked at." What is the meaning of save? Saved from what or who? And are you saved? You have no understanding of the bible. |
God sent every prophet, to save his people. The first of them was Adam, then Noah, Hood, Saleh and Abraham, Ishmael. Joseph, son of Jacob, to the people of Egypt. Lot, to a people lived in near the Dead Sea. Children of Israel came from the descendants of the Prophet Isaac. God sent to the Children of Israel, Jacob, Moses, and his brother Aaron. Then, David, Solomon, Zakaria, and his son Yahya. Yahya was slaughtered by the Children of Israel. Then Jesus, was sent to the Children of Israel. The last prophet was Muhammad sent to all humanity. All prophets have the same message that is to do good deeds. God says in the Quran: "Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." Every human being, on the Day of Judgment, is dependent on his actions, good, or bad. God says in the Quran: "That day every soul comes. Everyone contends against their own soul (as they see their life film respecting to what degrees they have earned and what degrees they have lost) and every soul is paid in full for what it has done and they are not wronged (negative degrees are not written down for them unjustly)." "Surely those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers are condemned by God, the angels, and all of humanity. They will abide in it (under the curse) forever, their torment will neither be lightened nor will they be looked at." If we were "saved" then we could close the bible. Also, there would be no need to be born again. Everybody would be in his or her place! What is the meaning of save? Saved from what or who? And are you saved? What are the good deeds? Can you proof that those deeds were for the whole world? Why do you think Christ is coming back? Can you proof that Mohammed was a phrophet? You have NO understanding of the bible. Only your thoughts and opinions seems to matter. |
Saving meaning The mission of the prophets is to guide people to the right path, by conveying God’s teachings. The Prophet leads the nation, materially and spiritually. All prophets did this task. But on the other hand, there are those who obey, and there are those who go astray. Some even killed prophets. I don’t like to discus every think with you because you think you know the truth and others have to learn from you. I think only God and Prophets know the truth. For your other questions you can search the net. Thanks. |
I know that you don't like to discuss with me :). But it's not right to go on writing about lies as if they were the truth. I like to bring people like you to the front, so your readers can understand your writings, and where you come from.
I am not asking you to learm from me, because you shouldn't. But I do ask to disproof what I write and reveal your sources. My source is clearly the greatest book on earth namely the Holy Bible and not the Koran or Book of the Death and the such. If you think that the prophets of God are death and will remain so forever, then you are very wrong. You are now living out the judgment of your past live and it's of the utmost essence, to do your best. Make sure you understand life and what it has to offer, especially to you. Zacharias a just man of God knew the meaning of Salvation and when he had an encounter with the Apostle Luke, he discussed the matter with him. This is what Zacharias said: Luke[1, 68-71] Blessed be the Lord God of Israel (He is only the God of Jacob, who became Israel); for He hath visited and redeemed his people (the Israelites, when they were under Pharaoh), and hath raised up an horn of salvation (Christ) for us (the Israelites) in the house of His servant David (David was an ancestor of Christ); as he spake by the mouth of his Holy prophets, which have been since the world began; that we (the Israelites) should be saved (redeemed) from our ENEMIES, and from the hand of all that hate us (Israelites). I tried to break it down, so you know what SALVATION is and for WHO it is. Yes, God has enemies and you better be on the right side: Proverbs[8:36] But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul; all they that hate me love death. Remember, God made you, and your soul is His. He does with it, what He wants to do. It's your job to please God. |