Community > Posts By > SopAlto

SopAlto's photo
Tue 04/29/08 05:34 PM
any luck finding cute girls other then me?

tee hee

SopAlto's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:18 PM
You are asking for a lot... cute AND single? Just kidding. Hope you've had some luck. I'm single... but you'd have to judge if I'm cute. tee hee

SopAlto's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:16 PM
There are some women who are just looking for sex (I'm not one of them), just like there are some men who are just looking for sex... and there are some women and men who are looking for just friends... and there are some women and men who are looking for a relationship!

Oh my... maybe men and women aren't as different as we all thought. ;)

SopAlto's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:11 PM
That's pretty funny!

I did wake up from the earthquake... very groggy and I thought... "earthquake? can't be..."

Then I could hear the dumpters moving outside my bedroom window (I was staying in a basement floor condo... house-sitting for a friend in the city)... so I assumed it must be a garbage truck... but it was really early for that and the wrong day... and I fell back asleep...

at work everyone was talking about the earthquake... I was right all along!

SopAlto's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:58 AM
Hey everyone! I am 25 and ready to get my first tattoo! I've wanted one for 10 years and I think it's time to take the plunge and get one. I live in the Carol Stream/Hanover Park/Bartlett area. Anyone have any reccommendations on where to go and/or tips on how to prepare. I'm going with a friend of mine but she doesn't have a tattoo either! Thanks!

SopAlto's photo
Tue 03/25/08 04:16 PM
I'm going to a Cubs game in April. I'm excited... and I'm tempted to make my T-Shirt that I wanted to make last year. It was going to read: I [HEART] Pie

cause it looks like pie (the food) but I really meant Pie the player... haha... okay... lame , I know.

SopAlto's photo
Tue 01/15/08 10:59 AM
chicago burbs girl here... how is everyone doing today?

SopAlto's photo
Wed 01/09/08 04:17 PM
OOOOH! Pick me! Pick me! I ove music and dancing.

And I love trying to be funny.


SopAlto's photo
Tue 01/08/08 02:34 PM
I can understand what you are saying Lex, but I have, at most, 1-2 drinks a week. I don't like to be around people who abuse substances either... I guess it just depends on who you are and what you've been through.


SopAlto's photo
Tue 01/08/08 08:37 AM
Non-drinkers aren't boring. I know that I drink on occassion (I don't go out and get wasted), and I have some friends who never drink. They won't even have a sip of champange on New Years. I don't mind that they don't drink, but they always talk about drinking... even just having one when you are out with your friends at a bar for Karaoke... they talk about drinking like it's the worst possible thing you could do.

Why must we be so judgemental?

SopAlto's photo
Tue 01/08/08 08:33 AM
I love when people make blanket statements such as "there are no interesting women on this site.

dude, if you were trying to get some women interested in you, telling them all that they aren't interesting is not the way to go.

But then again, you probably don't want to listen to me anyway... I'm not too interesting.

SopAlto's photo
Thu 01/03/08 02:21 PM
What's Up Suburbia!?!

I'm out in the West/Northwest burbs. And I am tired of this crazy cold weather... but I heard it's supposed to be in the 50s sometime this weekend.

SopAlto's photo
Thu 01/03/08 02:08 PM
Hey Everyone:

I started this topic a while ago. I think people get too hung up on age. I truly feel that the maturity level of two people as well as personalies are the two most important things when figuring if they are compatible.

I have a lot of friends who are older than I am. I'm 25 and my friends are anywhere from 21 - 44 years old. And, I feel that I get along best with my friends who are older. I've never really acted like most women my age. I enjoy going to a bar once in a while, but only if it's for a cast party or to hear a band or sing karaoke. I don't go just to drink... and I think that's why I get along so well with men ages 35-40.

Anyway, I'm glad to see people are still writing about this.

SopAlto's photo
Sat 10/20/07 02:57 PM
As I've said before... age doesn't matter.

Oh, and I've been fine. Since my surgey I've been feeling much better and getting back to my normal schedule.

SopAlto's photo
Thu 10/18/07 12:47 PM
Hello everyone... I hope things are going well here in the Chicago forum. For those of you who might remember me from a couple months ago, I'm sorry I disappeared... for the rest of you, hello.

SopAlto's photo
Thu 10/18/07 12:45 PM
Okay... So, I know I kind of dissappeared off the face of the planet for a while, but I had very good reason. I had my gallbladder taken out and then I had a show open 4 weeks later. Needless to say i was busy.

Anyway, I started this thread and I'm glad that it's still going. I was interested in dating a 42 year old and all my friends said he was too old for me and my parents thought it was cool. How's that for strange?

SopAlto's photo
Mon 07/09/07 05:51 AM
Yeah for Monday! Oh Wait, I hate mondays. It means I have to go back to work. grumble

Well everyone, my fake date was really nice... but really it was just like hanging out with my friend. He's a blast!

So, do any of you ever attend the singles events they have? There's one in Batavia on the 28th or something... I just wondered if anyone has been in the past and can fill me in on what they are like. Thanks everyone.

Oh, and Good Morning.

SopAlto's photo
Sun 07/08/07 06:01 AM
I have never been out of the states either. I really want to go to Canada. Not to live, just to visit. And, if we all take the bus, I won't drive, but I'll plan fun time killing activities and bring snacks. I'm such a mom, even though I don't have kids.

Oh, and is anyone doing something fun this weekend. So far I've done a lot of sitting on my butt!

SopAlto's photo
Sun 07/08/07 05:57 AM
What's up guys! 6 pages? What the...

I'm sorry, did hell freeze over? Was that a pig I just saw fly past me window!?

Alright guys, I've missed you. I'm house sitting for a friend and just don't have as much access to the internet. It's making me crazy.

Tonight i have a fake date with a friend of mine because I can't seem to get a real one, even with being on three dating sites. What does that say about me. sad

SopAlto's photo
Thu 07/05/07 03:45 PM
Hello Singer! I post on occasion. Well, I try to at least.

Again, Lex and Mike, I hope you didn't think I deserted you. embarassed

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