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Your sister or brother...
Your sister or brother is in a bad relationship, you love them very much, what would you do to help them, or save them? it might be over, or maybe there is some hope of saving their relationship, how do you comfort your sibling?
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4 days~~~ ♥
Wishing you both.............. ![]() We feel it, we are just tired of waiting. I wanna thank everyone for their sincere blessings. We need the power and the prayers. Keep it strong! And God bless you all til' eternity to those that wish us well. You will not be forgotten. I love you guys! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My mother was the most incredible person I've ever met. I often wonder what she might have become had she been in a healthy, loving relationship. She was strong. How she managed to raise 2 little girls into loving women in such an abusive, negative environment is a testament to her strength, focus and loving heart. Smart. Although she never finished high school, she was a genius with math and very well read. Instilled her love of poetry and Shakespeare's works in me. Funny. She was great at making ordinary situations fun...found humor in everything - even my father! She laughed at herself easily. Loving. Not just toward my sister and I. She loved people, often in spite of themselves. A person had to work really hard to make it impossible for her to find something lovable about 'em. Generous. She never had much...not money or material things, but she did what she could for everyone she knew. Helped the neighbor raise his kids and run his house after his wife abandoned him and 3 kids. She took care of our house, his house, my sister and I, plus his 3 kids for 5 years, until he died. She took care of her mother and her best friend through their illnesses. She cared for each of them for years until their deaths. She taught me that 'you take care of your own'. She worked so hard. Cleaned house for people to make the money that kept us fed and clothed...and kept her own spotless, too. She knew just about everything about gardening and native plants, and she could tell the best ghost stories of anyone I know! She used to scare the 'willies' out of us when we'd 'camp out' in the backyard with her ![]() She was my best friend, my moral compass, my confidante, my favorite companion, and I don't think I will ever 'get over' losing her. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My mother is amazing, loving, funny, aggrevating, infuriating, nurturing, controlling, helpful, critical and truth is I couldn't live without her. She is my biggest supporter and my worst enemy. I couldn't have gotten through this last year and a half without her but if she thinks you've been down too long, she'll kick ya in the teeth just to get you to stand up. As I've grown, I've learned to take the good with the bad. I now understand the love a parent has for their child and at times you have to do what's hard to do what's right. I also have my own house so I can run away and not answer the phone. ![]() Chrissy, I totally understand, and as I guy, I'm not ashamed about how I've cried so many times about the kind of relationship I've had with my mother. It's a constant battle about what I wished it could have been vs. what it actually is. Many relationships have been in jeopardy with me, because of the relationship I have had with my mother. I am no Norman Bates, let me make that perfectly clear, but you CANNOT change anyone that will not be receptive to change. It only took me 40 years for me to figure that out. |
When you are at your highest happiness, is when you are at the highest risk of thieves. Be always on guard.
My mom passed away in 1997, and I miss her every day. She was the strongest person (emotionally) I've ever known -- she would have to be, to have put up with the way my father treated her for so many years -- she was smart and funny and dedicated to her work. She never should have had kids, though, as she had absolutely no aptitude for it. Lexy, so it sounds like you absolutely were very close to your mother. It's neither good nor bad. But what about her do you owe her tribute for? In your life or your personality, or even your DNA? You seemed to turn out okay, why do you say your mother didn't have an aptitude for child-rearing? Not everyone has a PhD in child-care, we do the best we can, some better than others. What was your praise or your beef? She worked hard to ensure that we had a nice place to live, food on the table, clothing, etc. -- she was good at what she did, rose through the ranks, and became one of the best-paid women in the company. I think this was actually a bone of contention for my father, the fact that she (deservedly) made so much more money than he did. She just wasn't particularly interested in being a parent -- she did it (and admitted as much) more out of expectation and social inertia than out of any real desire to be a parent. It was just 'something people do." I basically raised myself (with the help of 2 grandmothers and an amazingly devoted housekeeper, who became my 3rd grandmother in every way but biological) and it was not always an easy process. My only beef with her, in any event, is that I wish she would have thought it all out before deciding to follow the "norm" and become a parent. Other than that, I can have no real issues with anything else she did -- for many, many reasons, I wish she was still here today. I think I would be much more able to express my love and appreciation to her now, than I ever did when she was alive. Lex, I understand that it's hard. I know. At 40, I'm seeing people dying all around me. The price we pay for getting old, and maybe sometimes we wish we could have our innocent childhood back, I know I do. Maybe that's why I act so immature sometimes. I remember what it was like to be innocent, and I know what I would have wanted to feel a mother's love, perfectly. You got that from your mom, I did not. My mom did the best she could, and I love her, but honestly, I do hold her accountable for the life she lived, and her relationship with me. |
i have a great mother i also have a great father they've always been wonderful parents, wonderful people and great spouses for each other. they have never let me down, never broken a promise, and have always been there whenever i needed them. they have little quirks that drive me crazy (as i suppose i do for them as well) but they are truly my best friends and i'm so lucky to have been born to them and not someone else. See, you have the parents I wish I had, you can't choose your parents, but God bless the ones that have those that understand and love, unconditionally. I envy you. But I accept the life I've chosen, and I make the best of it. ![]() |
My girlfriend Erica, doesn't want to post now because she's cryin', but she loved her mother very much. They were friends and confidants together, Erica lost her in 2004. But Erica will always remember the love her mother had for her.
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I hated my mother. She's since passed on. I don't miss her. Can't get any more honest than that. Tess, you're not alone, it would seem that I have to go through the motions every Mother's Day, just to be nice, and to be the Good Son, but in the end, it all gets forgotten about and taken for granted, after it's over. I wish I could help her or save her, or get her to really listen to me and respect me, and truly love me, but in the end, only she can help herself, and that's what makes me so frustrated and sad. ![]() |
before she remarried (when I was 17) it was always her, my sister and me. We are still somewhat close and always will be, but the situation keeps her at a distance. I don't need the toxin in my life and I would gladly go to the movies or diner or something with her, but not with her husband. She is a great mom, but in her older years, she is scared of being alone and so she puts up with her husband. I don't put up with him though. It's more that she is older and scared and insecure. Kim, I gotta be honest with you, I've heard a similar story with Erica. You and your mom are close, but she is in a relationship you probably don't approve of. I know, believe me I know. But specifically between you and your mom, how has it been all these years? How is it today? |
My mom passed away in 1997, and I miss her every day. She was the strongest person (emotionally) I've ever known -- she would have to be, to have put up with the way my father treated her for so many years -- she was smart and funny and dedicated to her work. She never should have had kids, though, as she had absolutely no aptitude for it. Lexy, so it sounds like you absolutely were very close to your mother. It's neither good nor bad. But what about her do you owe her tribute for? In your life or your personality, or even your DNA? You seemed to turn out okay, why do you say your mother didn't have an aptitude for child-rearing? Not everyone has a PhD in child-care, we do the best we can, some better than others. What was your praise or your beef? |
Honestly...I don't speak to my mom very much any more. She doesn't stand up to her husband and all of the things he does. She basically just doesn't want to be alone and will let him do things to her kids and grandkids that aren't right. Ok, but what were things like between YOU and your mom? Without sugar-coating it. Sometimes mothers have shortfalls, it happens, I know. My mom has some MAJOR short-falls. It's all in how much effort she puts or put into her relationship with you, not what she intends. All I'm saying is that it will do far more good for people if they put a little honesty in their response instead of telling people what they think they want to hear. All mother-daughter-son relationships are not always perfect. Just be honest, if you can, everyone. ![]() ![]() |
4 days~~~ ♥
Ha ha ha ha! To answer everyone's questions, yes, we will have "fun" and lots of it. And we will still keep staying in touch with all of our friends and aquaintances here. I will, probably more, since I seem to be the talkative one between us. I can't wait to get the hell out of here. Colorado is beautiful and everything, don't get me wrong, but this current situation I'm in with my family is most certainly not beautiful, nor peaceful, nor helpful, I need to leave, and soon, and my honey is waiting for me, arms wide open, for me to fly to her. Sox is my peace, my strength, my desire, my dreams, my soul, my salvation. I love her so much, sometimes it makes me cry, sometimes it makes me smiile. She is such an amazing woman. Angels should try to be more like her. She is truly blessed in spirit and in love. She is a miracle to me.
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This topic is for those who would like to respond about their relationship with their mother. Not if you are a mother, but what is it like between you and your mother? And if she's gone now, what was it like? Mother's Day is coming up, and of course we're all going to lay it on a little thick with Mom because it's Mother's Day, but honestly, really truly, don't hold back, what is your relationship or history with your mom, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Lets hear it.
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Inappropriate Jokes
I just speak my mind. Whether I'm offended, angry or just talking to hear myself talk....I speak my mind. Most people don't have to wonder about me in real life. If I am will know it. If I'm will know it. I'm pretty much an open book. Not much I won't talk about, debate, speak my mind, whatever. It's who I am and I'm not changing for anyone. If someone doesn't like it, then that is their right. If I speak my mind when i should probably bite my tongue, then I can accept the reactions to it. Kim, I'm sorry if I made this too personal, but I was just asking about what your own boundaries were in what was good taste, or at least what is funny to you in a joke, and what was not? If you don't want to answer that's okay too. ![]() ![]() What is in good taste can depend on the situation, the joke subject and how well I know someone. Example: a date. The way I was brought up is that you don't tell controversial jokes until you know the person and whether or not they are ok with it. To me that is respect. I know not everyone is raised that way. As I said...I can't stop someone from telling stories or jokes that I don't like unless they are in my house. It is their right to do so, just as my actions are my right and I can accept the reactions by them. If they are offended if I tell them I don't like it, not laugh or walk away...that is their right and we probably wouldn't make a good match any way. This thread is about how each individual handles these situations. Some have said they aren't offended and laugh only if they think it's funny. That is how they handle it. Some say they voice their opinion or walk away. Therein, this should be a good thread, what is humor or inappropriate, or in good/bad taste on a personal level? People always say they like someone with a good sense of humor or are funny, how far does that go for the person answering this topic? |
I'm gonna have to go with Bachelorette #2, the one in the middle, Jim! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes they do, based on nothing more than my own personal experience. To hell with what society or the mainstream says! ![]() |
Has anyone ever stolen back something that was stolen from them? Or have you ever stolen something of equivalent value from someone that stole from you? Of course you can say you can never justify stealing for stealing, but have you ever done it? A fair question?
Inappropriate Jokes
I just speak my mind. Whether I'm offended, angry or just talking to hear myself talk....I speak my mind. Most people don't have to wonder about me in real life. If I am will know it. If I'm will know it. I'm pretty much an open book. Not much I won't talk about, debate, speak my mind, whatever. It's who I am and I'm not changing for anyone. If someone doesn't like it, then that is their right. If I speak my mind when i should probably bite my tongue, then I can accept the reactions to it. Kim, I'm sorry if I made this too personal, but I was just asking about what your own boundaries were in what was good taste, or at least what is funny to you in a joke, and what was not? If you don't want to answer that's okay too. ![]() |