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If both parties are single, it's been my experience that opposite gender friends brings about complications. Having friends of the opposite sex brings about complications? How come? Longings? What could be? What might have been? Or maybe just mutual attraction or pheromones? |
7 months now.
Basically Erica and I have been together for 7 months now, or close enough to 7 months. I love her to death, but like any relationship there are the pitfalls and the pendulums. It's how we rebound from the pitfalls that is so very very hard. I love her very very much, but I keep feeling that I'm somehow not adequate emotionally for her. I always do the best I can for her, but in the back of my mind, somehow I know it's never enough. Oh well, I just want her to know that I love her dearly, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I love you, Erica!
The Big Blow Out!
you cant win these things with women, all we can do is agree! lol ![]() ![]() That works only to a point, and then you find yourself in the same situation again. |
I have been a 20 year fan of the Denver Broncos. I am so happy to say that I am a Bronco fan no longer since moving to Utah. They really suck, again. My new team now since moving to Utah since UT has no NFL team is the Arizona Cardinals. Go Cards!
The Big Blow Out!
For the men, how do you recover from an argument that you had with your significant other that you had the night before, and you were for the most part on the recieving end? Do you let it go and she sleeps it off and it's forgotten, or do you bring it up the next day? How do you prevent it from happening again and again and again without provoking her?
If both parties are single, it's been my experience that opposite gender friends brings about complications.
Happy Birthday, Cats!! ♥
Thank you for your birthday wishes, my friends. It feels strange to say, that I'm actually happy to be 41. My 40th B-day was a disaster, especially after the train-wreck of a relationship I had with my last girlfriend. Erica and I had a beautiful and romantic sunset dinner at the "million-dollar-view" at the Sunset Grill in Moab, Utah. 220 feet above the city. Erica is very special to me, and like it or not, she is my savior and rescued me from the jaws of Hell. I love her so very much and I hope I can spend the rest of my life with her. She is the most beautiful woman inside and out that I've ever known, and may God shine His blessings upon her always.
what is
Having me falsely arrested and incarcerated, people that do that need to die.
men are simple
Shallow, so shallow. All men want is affection, no nagging, some bootie 3 or 4 times a week, some respect, and for women to make us laugh. We're really not that hard to figure out.
How you doing amigo. If you love the job that much keep it then lose the girl. But remember also its justed a job. a job that can be replaced like the girl. Don't work to hard. Not that simple, my brother. I moved all my stuff from Denver to Moab, and made a gi-normous committment to be with her. Denver is burned to dust and ashes as far as I'm concerned. Too much heartache left behind, I can't go back, even if I wanted to. I'm here to stay in Moab, and the greater issue is how do I deal with the "3 faces of Eve" and get her to see the light and stop having these emotional outbursts? If it was me, I'd propbably be locked up, but since it's her, she can sleep soundly in her bed knowing that she just got out of control. She really needs help and I love her, but apparently I'm not trained enough in therapy to know how to deal with these emotional issues she keeps having, real or fabricated. I love her very much, but more and more I find myself withdrawing and keeping my distance, in order to keep either one of us from being hurt. Things have gotta change. |
Who want's to get Leid here?
No thanks, I'll take a free trip to Japan instead. They give happy endings there, I'm told.
Is it my appearence or my profile?? I'm so confused because I don't want a relationship with an older man. I find it kind of they think I look their age?? Perhaps they just hope to get lucky. Actually I find that women over 30 seem to think sex is a weapon... And now you understand, grasshoppa! This is very true, and the older women wonder why the OG's flirt with the 20 somethings all the time. Cougars think that us men haven't figured out their game, but truth is, we have. |
What did you do...
Had a romantic sunset dinner for two at the Sunset Grill in Moab. Seems like such a distant memory now, after the way Erica has been acting tonight. I guess the beer really didn't help with her emotional issues. Never go to bed angry? Ha! What a cliche. Try following your own advice, girlfriend!
How NOT to be an a**hole
I've learned the hard way that people that are ruled by their feelings, like a Kleenex in a tornado, I have no patience nor understanding for. They really need to shut up and listen. And really listen, not hear blah blah blah, and not talk over me. When these chosen few can do this, maybe we can accomplish something.
define love
Not treating your man like a dog on a leash.
I never really asked for it, other than the job; I have to stay employed and earn income. But it comes with a price. I work at a hotel, and part of the time it's 3-11 PM for 3 days, and the other two days are 11PM to 7 AM. My girlfriend who I live with, does not work. She is very hostile over my hours which I have no "real" control over, and I sleep at different times of the day depending on whether I am working, swing or night. I really don't understand how she can be so inconsiderate of me by calling me names and threatening when all I'm doing is trying to make an honest living. She actually expected me to go to bed tonight after only being awake for 8 1/2 hours. Really? That's like telling somebody after waking at 6 AM to go to bed at 2:30 PM. Ridiculous! It's unfortunate that I don't have a 9-5 MF job, but NOT everybody does. It is what it is. I really wish God or someone would talk to her and get some sense into her. She is becoming very irrational almost regularly. Yes, it was good for us for a few months, but it would seem my "erratic" hours are getting to her somehow. By the way, I cannot change my hours. It's either the schedule I have, or no job.
Work, drink, take up poker, get a hobby, and go out often.
What do men love in a woman?
Not Bi***ing, that's what's men love about women!!!!!
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love at first site
S*I*G*H*T. Women love men that know how to spell.
Was wondering what everyone's thoughts and memories were on this show, if you watched it, watch it now, re-discovered it in syndication, however you like Smallville, the story of Superman and Lex Luthor. Smallville's first year was 2001 and now it has reached it's end and a fairly successful run of 10 seasons, ending in May of 2011. My girlfriend and I have common ground in that we both love this brilliant show. Was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this.